Bring back the good o' days, Things ..........

One of the local parks still has those butt-burning metal slides, it's the only one left in town that hasn't been "upgraded" to the plastic play forts.

It's not the park we usually go to, but it's never crowded there and one day we were in the neighborhood. My youngest refused to go on it, because it was too high. My oldest climbed the ladder, and you know the rest of the story. Came down that slide about 40 mph, flew off the end several feet, and landed right on his rear.

Ah, the good old days. :lmao: Those plastic slides just don't fling you quite as well.

He thinks that is about the best slide ever.
Does anyone remember those rockets at parks? They were really big, painted red, white and blue. There were 2 slides on it...a small slide for "babies" and a taller one. You could climb up to the top of the rocket by going up these winding stairs.
Hmmm....I don't remember those jeans???:confused: But I clearly remember Jordache, Gloria Vanderbuilt, Calvin Klein and Bonjour. Nikes with the red swoosh and the girls style with the blue swoosh. Tiger tennis shoes! Having a comb in my back pocket. Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific!!

What were those shows on Sat mornings...School House Rock? "I'm just a bill..and I'm sittin' here on capital hill" LOL!!!! :rotfl: The after school specials/movies.

Oliva Newton John, The Bee Gee's, Andy Gibb, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boy's, Fantasy Island, Love Boat, Mork & Mindy, Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, 3's Company, WKRP, Fish, Hill Street Blues, The Blue Lagoon, 45's and 33's, (I still have all mine):scared1: Dukes of Hazzard, Dance Fever, Solid Gold (always wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer) :dance3: Chips, Hart to Hart (I remember their dog Freeway!!!!), Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, Land of the Lost, The Bugaloo's, HR Puffnstuff, ElectraWoman and DynaGirl, Wonderbug, The Lost Saucer......OMG! So many memories!!!

Let Carnac the Magnificent guess your age....

You have named everything I remember!

Did anyone eat a Reggie Bar?

or how about a Marathon Bar??? I loved a Marathon Bar!

The things we forget to remember!
I thought of something from my past today: cinnamon soaked toothpicks. We would buy them at the dime store by the jar.........Also, livesaver ice cream flavor lolly pops, jolly rancher strips, tart n tiny
I have domino rally they rock sooooooooooooo much witch sets did you have i Have spectacular stunt set basic set and a domino dealer it broke. in the mail i'm getting deluxe set, deluxe set with domino dealer mad lab set, galuxe expolor set glow in the dark set not ghost ride reaglur, pathmaker set and dominos in a box can't wait. Get them ON EBAY
The ones we had were slightly smaller than golf-balls I believe.

And how about lawn jarts?????? Definitely a no-go now!!!

We had the metal jarts and one of us kids would go stand at the end for the others to have something to aim at!!!:scared1:
This is sooo sad, but i had to look up the talking Sleestak (I know how to spell it now. ) was named Enik. The dinosaur pet was named Dopey.

Land of the Lost fans check out this website:
They even have a sound link and I just heard Chaka, Dopey, Will, Holly and there are more! I could stay busy all day.:lmao:

They had this too:

Marshall, Will and Holly
On a routine expedition
Met the greatest earthquake ever known
High on the rapids It struck their tiny raft (insert screams here)
And plunged them down a thousand feet below
To the Land of the Lost
To the Land of the Lost
To the Land of the Lost

I remember the show, but looking at the pictures has brought back tons of memories. I really need to clean the house instead of looking up Land of the Lost trivia, but I had to find out!:rotfl2:

I LOVED LOVED LOVED Land of the lost!!! I frequently forget the name of it and play "what was that show..................." with my friends!:rotfl2: (age)
Oh, yeah! My DD loves those songs! Unfortunately, she does know the bad version of the Miss Lucy song, too! Remember this one (for jumping rope)?

Not last night, but the night before,
twenty-four robbers came knocking at my door.
As I ran out, they ran in.
I asked them what they wanted and this is what they said,
"Icky-wacky soda cracker, Icky wacky-doo.
Icky-wacky soday cracker, out goes you!"

Did anyone every play 7-Up with a ball that you bounce on a wall in different ways without messing up? My friend and I used to play that for hours when we were kids! We did it with the one arm, eyes closed, spinning in a circle --- every variation we could think of.

OK I realize this is my 3rd post on an OOOLLLDDD thread...but 7-UP?? I LIVED for that game! I seriously could go for an hour without messing up. ALONE. BY MYSELF.:cool1:
One of the local parks still has those butt-burning metal slides, it's the only one left in town that hasn't been "upgraded" to the plastic play forts.

It's not the park we usually go to, but it's never crowded there and one day we were in the neighborhood. My youngest refused to go on it, because it was too high. My oldest climbed the ladder, and you know the rest of the story. Came down that slide about 40 mph, flew off the end several feet, and landed right on his rear.

Ah, the good old days. :lmao: Those plastic slides just don't fling you quite as well.

He thinks that is about the best slide ever.

We used to sit on the hot slides with waxed paper underneath our butts...:rolleyes1
We had the metal jarts and one of us kids would go stand at the end for the others to have something to aim at!!!:scared1:
I've never heard them called "jarts" before. But we definitely had lawn darts. We probably still have them. They came with those plastic, hula hoop type targets that we never used. Just aim for your nearest brother and throw.:lmao:

I LOVED LOVED LOVED Land of the lost!!! I frequently forget the name of it and play "what was that show..................." with my friends!:rotfl2: (age)
Then you'll be happy to know they are coming out with a movie next summer starring Will Ferrell. I hope it is good.
we grew up in the city -boston-
on hot days we would open the fire hydrant- lady on the corner had the wrench and the pipe when cars would come down the street- someone was in chargw to yell "car":goodvibes
Remember when
*You didn't have to take out a loan to get something from the Ice Cream Man? I loved Bomb Pops - both the red, white and blue ones as well as the brown (fudge), yellow (banana) and white one (pineapple? coconut? - I don't remember).

* We didn't wear helmets to ride our bike and our playgrounds were on asphalt and every summer, every kid had skinned knees, shins and elbows. I still have a visable scar on my knee from falling off my bike when I was on a gravel path and it's been over 30 years ago.

* No one worried about salmonella or food poisoning. It's a wonder we didn't die because my mom always defrosted meat on the kitchen counter all day/night.

* Playing outside - we hated to come back into the house. And I don't remember having air conditioning either (I was born in 1965).

*Looking forward to the Wizard of Oz, Ten Commandments, Wonderful World of Disney, Friday Fright Night (with our host, Seymour), Saturday morning cartoons and the Saturday morning Sci Fi movie (always some kind of Godzilla type movie).
Memories......may they always be good ones, right?

We also had ELVIS week 1-2x a year on the 4:00 p.m. week-day movie (I skipped swim practice to get home to see them).
Wow, I don't know if I should laugh for being old enough to remember all this stuff or cry that it's gone & I'm old enough to remember all this stuff! :happytv:

I'll never forget lawn darts - my neighbor's had us over for a party - lots of neighbor events back then - and my brother used their darts & accidentally threw it right into the windshield of their brand new car! Things being the way they were back then, they turned a little green upon seeing it but things stayed social, my parents paid for the glass & no one sued anyone or created a big fuss. :thumbsup2

Don't know if it's been mentioned but there was a hilarious MadTV skit about this. Adult kids watching old home movies w/their mom - showing her pg, smoking, riding on the back of a convertible, greasing up w/oil - they fussed & she kept saying - but we didn't know back then!! :rotfl:
Wow, I don't know if I should laugh for being old enough to remember all this stuff or cry that it's gone & I'm old enough to remember all this stuff! :happytv:

I'll never forget lawn darts - my neighbor's had us over for a party - lots of neighbor events back then - and my brother used their darts & accidentally threw it right into the windshield of their brand new car! Things being the way they were back then, they turned a little green upon seeing it but things stayed social, my parents paid for the glass & no one sued anyone or created a big fuss. :thumbsup2

Don't know if it's been mentioned but there was a hilarious MadTV skit about this. Adult kids watching old home movies w/their mom - showing her pg, smoking, riding on the back of a convertible, greasing up w/oil - they fussed & she kept saying - but we didn't know back then!! :rotfl:

:dance3: popcorn::
Sorry if these are repeats (I am entitled to a senior moment, as you can tell from the following):

pedal pushers
4th of July: cap guns and then using rocks to explode the un-exploded caps on the sidewalk. Also worms you lit on the sidewalk.
Tiny Tears and Betsy Wetsy dolls
bucket bag purses
wearing COATS to church--wool winter ones with velvet collars and linen ones for Easter (along with a white hat covered in lace, ribbons and flowers)
heavy lead (yes LEAD!) tinsel placed one piece at a time on the Xmas tree--and taking it off to SAVE for the following year!
doll birthday cakes--the ones where the cake was the doll's dress
Cisco Kid
Sky King decoder rings
This is a Super Great Post!

Let's see...

I had Yo Yo shoes..with the hole in the heel...

My best friend and I would lay out on silver foil solar type mats with babyoil on..and lemon juice in our hair

I loved sweet and sour favorite were the clear and the lime green

i had a doll..Chrissy ..i think.. You pulled her hair at the top and it grew...{talk about the original bad weave}

i also had a skipper doll you turned her arm in a circle and she grew chi chi's...

baby tenderlove was my favorite..

every year we would go buy Buster Brown short sets..striped tops and solid shorts for mix and match..

in junior high we would buy koolaid with sugar in it and dip our finger in to eat it...

cereal had names like Sugar Smacks..

i remember my Father driving our family to an empty lot and telling us... this is where they are going to build a Mc Donald... the first we had ever heard of..

i was in love with Donny Osmond... {Check out ...Yo Yo ...on Youtube}
and David Cassidy... then later Shaun Cassidy..

i had the same best friend from 1st grade til college..

and remember those HEAVY black phones that NEVER ever broke... the phones these days they make to break...

oooooooooooooooooOOOoohhhh and the best of all

School House Rock!!!!!!!!!
boston again- playing marbles on the sewer

banana splits show
lancelot Link- secret chimp- saturday mornings

nikes with the red swoosh
puff'n what??

Here are my childhood buddies: Witchpoo, Puff-n-Stuff, Jimmy (the boy), and Freddie (The flute in my avatar)

This woman is one of the best actresses of all time!

McDonalds was sued and settled out of court after comissioning the same artist to design Mayor McCheese as the one who did Puff-N-Stuff. The guy showed McDonalds his ideas then McDonalds said, "no" and then came out with their exact look alike copy of Mayor McCheese.

Me and DH For Halloween!

DH made the Flute himself. It is an EXACT replica and sits in my Hutch today with our fine china and other hierlooms

Poor DH, he looked like such a dork! What a sweetie for pulling that off with me!! I love that man! :love:

I'm going to go back and catch up with all this stuff on this site.. I am a nostalgia FREAK!

I keep threatening to buy the girls some chinese jacks.. remember those???
Hey-I still have my Husker-Do game.:lmao:
I love it when the back seat windows go all the way down.
We had a mattress in the back of our full size van that we slept on during family vacations. Our family vacations consisted of driving.
Before the van we had a station wagon-no seatbelts and the backwards seat.:banana: Yes-it did have panelling.
I would sneak out to the living room and watch SNL with the sound off. This was when SNL was good-but not first season. Eddie Murphy-Mr Rogers & Buckwheat, Dana Carvey-church lady, Ed Grimley, Hans and Frans, Phil Hartman, etc-those were good days.
Kick the Can and Murder in the Dark are the best games.:thumbsup2
I remember spending summer nights playing Flashlight Tag through the whole neighborhood! Anyone remember small little vinyl Joradace purses? They came in lots of different colors and had a long strap so you could wear them across your body? I thought I was so cool when I got a Sony Walkman cassette player for my birthday! :thumbsup2 I would put on the bright orange spongy earphones and sing along to "PacMan Fever"!!:rotfl: How about Swatch watches -- I always wore two, guess I really needed to know what time it was!!! Oh, and who can forget "21 Jump Street"--- that was when I first fell in love :love: with Johnny Depp - like a fine wine, some things get better with age!pirate:


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