Bibbidi-Bobbidi-DEUX our own kind of marathon ~ A Nov '14 TR ~ Updated 11/2 ~ THE END

Yeah, I'd say ya'll are VIP's walking not only to Magic Kingdom but directly INTO Magic Kingdom.

I STILL haven't met Merida. :( Seriously, I would have thought by now they'd have moved her to somewhere new (with FP) like they did with Rapunzel. I guess I just have to wait for a new princess to be introduced.

OMG the "airplane pose" kills me. And it's hard to tell from the photos, but I think that might be my "Anna Kendrick" Belle I met in World Showcase on a prior trip.
I just found our trip report and I'm loving it so far! I remember reading your first trip report a few months ago and I loved your kids clothes! You do such a great job with coordinating all their outfits to the parks/experiences. I'm kind of new to disboards (and you're trip report is the first place I've ever commented on here...I'm taking a baby step, haha!). I love reading your report to see how "larger" families can do Disney too! We have 3 kids (4, 3, 9m, and there will be a 4th eventually) and took our oldest two to Disney for the first time back in Jan '14. Now I'm kind of obsessed! We have our next trip planned for February of next year and I can't wait! Maybe I'll even attempt our own trip report!
I'm all caught up! Wow! I still can't believe all the outfit changes. That requires some real dedication and attention to detail. You must have planned out each day so thoroughly! The girls' dresses are precious and good for your hubby and son for being such great sports! Your photo pass pictures are great! I love Bronwyn's airplane arms. Super cute! Can't wait to see what happens with the DVC meeting. We're half way through the resale process ourself.
OMG BEST TRIP REPORT!! I just can't get over it. Your kids are adorable! And the outfits!! Are you kidding me!!!! I LOVE THEM ALL!! How on earth!! Did you make them??? Where did you find them!!?? You did such an amazing job organizing this magical trip for your family!! The attention to details and "theme" is OFF THE HOOK! I love it!! I swear, I am taking notes!! We are going this August, my kids are super excited. Its so nice to see families spending great time together!
I have to applaud all those dress changes for the girls, and all before lunch! lol How in the world do you not have a million suitcases to fit all those adorable outfits?!

As you know, we are HUGE fans of the pre-park opening Crystal Palace breakfasts. I'm glad your first experience with it was just as great! That Pooh's puffed French toast is just heavenly. I think it's worth the price of the breakfast alone. So delicious!! I don't think I have ever tried the breakfast lasagna. I'll have to try it in October.

Cute meet with Merida!

I love that all the girls got parts in Enchanted Tales. Paxton wouldn't do it last time, and I'm thinking he might be like Donovan and not want to do it next time either. Hopefully I will be wrong. It's such a cute show with all the kids' participation!

Bronwyn's airplane pose is just the cutest! lol That will be a funny story to tell when she is looking back on the pictures later in life and wondering why she is doing that in every photo.

Oh, yeah, your purse is ADORABLE!! I really love the Mickey head on the coinpurse too with the teapot pattern.

Well I never said there wasn't a million suitcases, haha!! I tried to think back and count and I think we had 6 carry-ons and 6 checked bags, which is quite impressive for all of the clothes that I fit into them!

I'm drooling just thinking of the Pooh's puffed french toast! SO yummy. If you like strawberry & banana, then you definitely need to try the breakfast lasagna in October.

Bronwyn is too funny with her airplane pose... she doesn't like the attention at all. hahahaha :rotfl2:

I feel so behind!! I loved your first trip report, in fact it helped solidify the fact that I needed custom outfits for my daughter for sure! We returned from 'home' in early December and are planning on returning (not soon enough) with our dance group in June 2016. Super excited to get more inspiration from your report.
Also, trying to convince my DH to look into DVC point rentals so I am glad to hear that with research, you can find great deals.

Aww, yay! I'm happy that I helped inspire some Disney customs love. :love:

Yes, you should definitely look into renting DVC points. The villas are AH-MAZ-ING!!!!

Yeah, I'd say ya'll are VIP's walking not only to Magic Kingdom but directly INTO Magic Kingdom.

I STILL haven't met Merida. :( Seriously, I would have thought by now they'd have moved her to somewhere new (with FP) like they did with Rapunzel. I guess I just have to wait for a new princess to be introduced.

OMG the "airplane pose" kills me. And it's hard to tell from the photos, but I think that might be my "Anna Kendrick" Belle I met in World Showcase on a prior trip.

VIPs, huh?!! Nah, we didn't have someone with a plaid vest leading the way! hahaha :cool2:

I couldn't believe how long we waited for Merida! Not sure if the line is always long like that or not, but if so then she definitely deserves a FP! You should definitely add her to your bucket list... she was a fun princess to meet.

Ya know, I think you might be right about our Belle being your "Anna Kendrick" Belle. :thumbsup2

I just found our trip report and I'm loving it so far! I remember reading your first trip report a few months ago and I loved your kids clothes! You do such a great job with coordinating all their outfits to the parks/experiences. I'm kind of new to disboards (and you're trip report is the first place I've ever commented on here...I'm taking a baby step, haha!). I love reading your report to see how "larger" families can do Disney too! We have 3 kids (4, 3, 9m, and there will be a 4th eventually) and took our oldest two to Disney for the first time back in Jan '14. Now I'm kind of obsessed! We have our next trip planned for February of next year and I can't wait! Maybe I'll even attempt our own trip report!

Yay for your first post!!! That is awesome! Aww I feel honored. :hug:

We are going back in February too! I'm thinking our dates will be the 17th- 26th. Do we have any overlapping days? Yes, you should definitely write a trip report! It's a fun way to relive all of those magical memories from your trip.

I'm all caught up! Wow! I still can't believe all the outfit changes. That requires some real dedication and attention to detail. You must have planned out each day so thoroughly! The girls' dresses are precious and good for your hubby and son for being such great sports! Your photo pass pictures are great! I love Bronwyn's airplane arms. Super cute! Can't wait to see what happens with the DVC meeting. We're half way through the resale process ourself.

Yes, I definitely planned out each day & outfit to a T (haha, can we say OCD?) :goodvibes

OMG BEST TRIP REPORT!! I just can't get over it. Your kids are adorable! And the outfits!! Are you kidding me!!!! I LOVE THEM ALL!! How on earth!! Did you make them??? Where did you find them!!?? You did such an amazing job organizing this magical trip for your family!! The attention to details and "theme" is OFF THE HOOK! I love it!! I swear, I am taking notes!! We are going this August, my kids are super excited. Its so nice to see families spending great time together!

BEST REPLY EVER!!! :thumbsup2

OMG, thank you thank you!!! You are just the sweetest!!!

I spend a lot of time searching (stalking, haha) Disney customs facebook groups that I'm a part of, to find the perfect outfits. And then I work with some amazing designers that help make coordinating sets for the rest of the kiddos. :smickey:
I was a bit disappointed with how rushed the meet with Elsa felt until…..

As the kids were saying their goodbyes and waking away, Elsa noticed Jorie’s cape and she called her back for another picture. She held Jorie’s hand and showed her how to walk away from the camera and then turn back toward it.

Ahh, how amazing is this?!

With my heart officially melted, we checked out some of the Frozen merchandise in the dump shop and the girls ended up choosing their trip souvenir from here… singing Anna & Elsa dolls.

We had taken so long in the gift shop that we missed grabbing a spot for the Festival of Fantasy parade. We had a FP+ for later in the trip, so I wasn’t upset with missing it but, as we were walking through Cinderella castle, we could see the parade approaching. So we stopped right at the top and actually had an okay view. It was a nice sneak peek of what we’d get to see up close later on.

After the parade we headed over to Frontierland. We stopped first for a bathroom break and a quick change into the final outfits of the day, phew! I quickly realized that Jorie’s shoes were still back in the locker. I looked down at her feet and she was wearing blue Elsa shoes. Ugh, that was SO not going to work! Now Jorie and Isla wear about the same size shoe, so Isla’s Anna boots were my only other option (besides running all the way back to the front of the park which I was not about to do) so they would have to do. I told Joe about my dilemma when we came out of the bathroom and he said “Oh Rachel, no one is even going to notice.” But I kid you not, as soon as the kids walked up to the characters, I could hear a lady in line behind us saying something about Jorie wearing Frozen boots. Ah well…. I try to not let it bother me (even though it does haha!)
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So who were we meeting?

Why, Woody & Jessie of course! (Jessie wears Cowgirl boots, so close enough to Anna’s boots, right? Hahahahaha)

It looked like they were really happy to see us! They were smiling the WHOLE meet and greet long! ;)


(Single-arm Airplane pose! lol)



You’re my favorite Deputy!


Jessie was telling the girls to spin.




After a fun M&G with the toys, we grabbed some snacks and hung around outside of the Country Bear Jamboree with hopes of catching the Frontierland Hoedown (but sadly it never happened, boo!)



So what to do instead? Well we had never been on the Walt Disney Railroad (since it was closed for refurb on our last trip) so we thought that would be fun to try.


It was a nice little relaxing tour around the park until it got stuck at the Main Street Station and our ride was cut short.

Luckily we were right by the lockers so we grabbed Jorie’s shoes. And of course, stopped for some PP pics.


It was almost 6:00 and Donovan & Joe had a FP+ good from 5:40-6:40 for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. So we made our way back to Frontierland and grabbed a rider switch pass at the FP entrance.

Now poor Donovan was having such an internal conflict with himself. Yes he was going to ride it, then no he wasn’t going to ride it. And then he was, and then he wasn’t. This went on for a good 10 minutes until he finally backed out and sent Jorie on wearing his magic band. And of course, as soon as Joe and Jorie walked through the FP+ entrance, Donovan says “Oh, I really wanted to ride it.” Mr. Indecisive, I tell ya.

When Jorie & Joe returned from the mountain... we gave Donovan a chance to ride it along with me, using the rider switch...... but....... again he chickened out.

So I rode with Jorie and Isla and we shared the last row of the train. Yay for an extra wild ride!

Oh my goodness, SO much fun. I LOVED it!!!

Then it was time for our (me, Jorie & Isla’s) 3rd FP+ of the day for Splash Mountain. Of course we got a rider switch pass so that Joe and Donovan could ride after us.

Poor Isla looks scared to death. :scared:

But she must have like it because she wanted to ride it again. And wouldn’t ya know, Donovan had cold feet about Splash Mountain too. So Joe ended up taking both Jorie and Isla on for a second ride.

Joe thought that he’d be funny with his “calm” face.
Funny photo fail. hahaha

After splashing through the Biar patch… it was around 7:30 and time to find a spot for the Main Street Electrical parade. The street was already lined with people and I was convinced that we were out of luck until I spotted an open area right in front of the Frontierland Shootin’ Arcade. I asked the people who were standing there if they were saving spots for someone and they weren’t, so we jumped right in. Whoo hoo!! As we were standing there a grumble in my tummy made me realize that we hadn’t had dinner, whoops! So, Joe ran across the street and got us each some popcorn. Don't judge. You can have popcorn for dinner in Disney, right? haha The kids sure didn’t mind. popcorn::

The kids kept themselves entertained with some lightup toys and stickers and glowsticks that I had brought from home.

Then it was time for the parade and get this, some random people stopped and made themselves comfortable right in front of us!! I even tapped the lady on her shoulder and asked her to sit down and she just acted like she couldn’t hear me. SO rude. We had been waiting there 30+ minutes and they just come up last minute and take a spot front row. Ugh, I was fuming! The sense of entitlement that some people have is unreal. I’m sure they could hear my kids saying that they couldn’t see…. do they not have a conscience, my gosh! OK, rant over.

Haha Love this!

I just love the lights and music! Baroque Hoedown is actually my ringtone!
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After the parade we made our way to Main Street…. at least that was the plan. We pretty much hit gridlock right around the Christmas shop. It was packed! Ugh, there were SO MANY PEOPLE and no one was budging. And trying to navigate two double strollers through that, yeah not happening. We ended up listening to Celebrate the Magic since we couldn’t see a thing. Boo, such a bummer. On the plus side, I did get to watch an artist painting Sketchbook Holiday ornaments which was pretty cool.

After the projection show, a CM came by and was encouraging everyone to move along since we would not be able to see the fireworks from where we were. We’ve been trying, believe me, we’ve been trying! Luckily the crowd began to move and we were able to move out a bit and we made it to the entrance of Adventureland. Not ideal but definitely better. We parked the strollers and looked down and this is what we saw.

4 for 4… asleep.

And the trouble of have the two double strollers with us all day was suddenly all worth it. The kids were asleep and we were able to still be in the park. It may be slightly selfish on my part, but I don't want to lose out on precious park time because of cranky, tired kids. So having a place for them to sleep works for everyone. :teeth:

We decided to share a Dole Whip, so Joe ran over to Aloha Isle and then we watched what little we could see of Wishes.


We walked back to BLT and when we got back to our room we heard some familiar music outside. We headed to our balcony to check it out…. and the Electrical Water Pageant was right outside our room, what a neat surprise!! We tried to wake the kids up but they weren't budging.


It was definitely a magical way to end a magical day!!

Up Next time…. To DVC, or not to DVC?... that is the question.
What a fun MK day! Again the outfits are wonderful! I laughed when you were describing your disappointment in Jorie's boots. It's funny to me because I pack each kid a pair of tennis shoes, sandals, and water shoes. I also pack 3 outfits each with a pair of pants and hoodie just in case. We do laundry each night. Yippee for two double strollers! Your view of the water pageant is incredible, too bad the kids were asleep!
Wow! What a perfect end to your day!

We're staying in a 1-Bedroom Lake View at BLT in February, as well. Do you, by chance, have any room photos with both beds made down in the living room? DS and DD are curious to see where they'll be sleeping. :)
Yay Anna & Elsa! That picture of Jorie with Elsa is so awesome!

The Toy Story outfits are adorable! Cute pics :)

Popcorn for dinner is totally acceptable at Disney ;)

Sorry to hear about the rude lady who cut in front of you during the parade!

Aww what a picture of all 4 kids sleeping! Glad you could enjoy some extra time while they were sleeping.

So cool that you could see the EWP from your room!
When I last left off, we had just finished up our lunch at Be Our Guest restaurant and had headed to the lockers to switch our outfits.

Just curious Rachel, how many lockers do you actually have?? I'm thinking a full section at minimum.

Anyway……so we scanned our Magic Bands and literally walked right into the meet & greet, whoo hoo!!!

I will say, in my experience and reading about others as well, this may be the quickest FP from scan to "attraction" there is.

(I really should have taken some trip notes, right?!)

Nah, don't be one of those people. :snooty:

We had a FP+ for later in the trip, so I wasn’t upset with missing it but, as we were walking through Cinderella castle, we could see the parade approaching. So we stopped right at the top and actually had an okay view. It was a nice sneak peek of what we’d get to see up close later on.

Oh you can never see FoF too many times.

Donovan says “Oh, I really wanted to ride it.” Mr. Indecisive, I tell ya.

Donovan is definitely growing into a man. :)

The sense of entitlement that some people have is unreal. I’m sure they could hear my kids saying that they couldn’t see…. do they not have a conscience, my gosh! OK, rant over.

I will never ever ever understand people.
What a DAY!!! I'm so impressed with how much you got done AND with all the amazing outfits! Something tells me everyone slept good that night:faint:

We experienced the same thing with people scooting in in front of us right before the parade. You really learn the art of patience and letting things go in those situations...ugh!:headache:
Joining in! Read your first trip report and loved it! This one is equally awesome! I cannot believe how much Bronwyn grew between your trips. The first couple posts I thought she was Isla! You have a beautiful family and an excellent Disney planner!
(and then I laid awake in bed too excited to sleep! Lol)
The FP+ rush!! I know exactly what you mean, and have this experience each time I sign up for FP+.

We walked back to BLT and when we got back to our room we heard some familiar music outside. We headed to our balcony to check it out…. and the Electrical Water Pageant was right outside our room, what a neat surprise!! We tried to wake the kids up but they weren't budging.
Wow! BLT is on my list of places I want to stay in the future, and your Water Pageant photo confirms it!


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