
My kids don't know that DH and I upgraded to the Walt Suite. They think we are still in the Cat 3 we booked last year. So....if y'all see us before we board, please don't say anything as we are hoping we can make it the next couple weeks without slipping ourselves and surprise them.

I've almost slipped several times, but fortunately, they haven't caught on! YET!
I think there is one small conflict with our meet...isn't the Castaway Club party at 5 p.m. on the first sea day (Mon.)?!
We're looking forward to the CC party and saying hi to Captain Thord...the Platiunum members cannot miss it!
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at: www.castawayclub.com
okay....I'd originally suggested 4:00 for the meet, but then someone read on y'all's navigators that the castaway club reception was at 4:00, so i moved it. now, the new navigator y'all posted shows the castaway club reception at 5:15, so should we move it back to 4:00?

i'm open to thoughts.
And of course the CC party could end up being changed too!
If anybody is going to High Tea, I think that's 3:30 so they might be a bit late to a 4 p.m. meet, but I imagine more people would be going to the CC party than to the meet. If it's at 4:45, we'll probably just drop down to Promenade to say "hi" before going to the party.
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at: www.castawayclub.com
Forgive me if this has already been done, or if you think it's a bad idea, but maybe we should all list our stateroom #'s so that if there is any change in plans or if coordination needs to be communicated, then we know where everyone is to get a message?

Beth, maybe a list could be formulated on the Yahoo site?

Just a suggestion... VAL
it's there already, val....go to database and click on contact list. please add your info when you get a chance.

great minds do think alike!
barb et al....

how's this for a plan? IF the CC party is at 4:00, we'll meet at 4:45 when the CC winds down. BUT IF the CC party is at 5:15, then we'll meet at 4:00, and people can go the the party from there. deal?
I couldn't figure out how to do the database thing, but we are in 5650 (as usual!). We even had t-shirts made with the stateroom plaque for 5650 printed on the fronts, so we will be easy to find :D
The two alternates for the meet sound great. We should be there either way.
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at: www.castawayclub.com
Beth, it's your suite that you've graciously offered to let us invade :)... we will be thrilled to be there whenever you decide! A thought.. don't know if this would work or not, but when you see the navigator and choose the time that works best, could you leave the info with guest service's desk, and we could all check with them if it is questionable?
Two weeks!!!
Beth C in NH
Hi. I'm 15 and will be looking for a friend on the ship. looking for a friend.if your interested and wanting to know more about me. just reply or what you would like to do.:earsgirl: :sunny: :earsgirl:
Hi. I'm 15 and will be looking for a friend on the ship. looking for a friend.if anyone is interested and wanting to know more about me. just reply or what you would like to do.:earsgirl: :sunny: :earsgirl:
hi. how cool. will they be going to the common grounds a lot during the cruise?(like during there free time?) would you like some information on me?:cool: :earsgirl:
I think that they will be in common ground a lot. I know that the 15 year old was in common ground when we did our first cruise. This is the first Disney cruise for the 16 year old( friend of the 15 year old).
...we were visiting college campuses with our DD (17) this past weekend and at Univ. of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, there is a coffee cafe called Common Grounds! We had to laugh!
Originally posted by dizneykids
it's there already, val....go to database and click on contact list. please add your info when you get a chance.

great minds do think alike!

I got it Beth! But somehow I entered it twice and can't delete the 2nd one. Can you do that?

hi. okay neat! i think i'm going to be in there a lot. but i'm not for sure. b/c i might want to hang around in my stateroom. but if i get too bored of that then i will probably go down there. this will also be my first time going to the common grounds. but not the first time i've been on a disney cruise. the last time that we were on the ship we did the 4 day at land and 3 days at sea. and that was two years ago. ane we didn't get to go to the castway cay. b/c of the hurricane that had just happened a couple of weeks before. anyways, i think that this time we'll be able to go hopefully!:D::wave::earsgirl:

I know that my 15 year old on our first cruise spent a good bit of time at common ground because he didn't want to spend time with his younger brother and his grandmother, who also went with us that time. Hard to say for this cruise how much he'll be in common ground as he has a friend coming with us. But I think that they will go there some. We couldn't dock at Castaway Cay either our first time because it was too windy, hopefully this time. I know that I will have boys with me but if you read more of the posts for this thread I think that there will also be girls your age on this cruise.
Hi all.... I can't believe less than 2 weeks! Okay, I've been trying to find the thread on SafeSea and can't. Didn't someone here on our cruise buy some for really cheap? Looking for some and thought I'd try REI locally, but no cando.


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