Is it okay to put family first? (Response to royal family stuff)

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I agree with you. Harry has led a life of privilege as a member of the Royal family and if he wants to leave he should have had the courtesy to his grandmother to not announce it they way he did. I have always liked Harry but I think this was very rude on his part.
Perhaps he thinks his grandmother is a miserable witch and feels he owes her nothing?

Harry needs to do what is best for himself and his wife and child. Nobody else matters to him. Makes me love him.
I agree her being an American, career woman, divorced all play into people’s perception of her not being pure enough. I was answering a question about whether racism was involved and yes it is. How you took that as “every” white person is racist I’m not sure. But I do believe (and have seen) people have an easier time putting down someone if they were a minority.

Fair enough, you did not say everyone.
I agree that it is hard to know what the real story is. I doubt we will ever know it from any media source.

You’re probably right. Only time will tell how well this couple will fare over the long term. Ideally, perhaps they can find a happy balance between the personal life they seek and family obligations. I wish them all the best.
That's fine. I like a lot of what you write so I'll try and explain. It's just some of the comments toward MM are so hateful and vicious that I can't see where else it stems from. It's this weird snobbery...and what else would make some of the losers who hate MM feel so above her? Being an America divorce not from aristocracy? Maybe? But given the viciousness is coming from people who likely are quite flawed, I think it has to be that.
So people who have problems with Megan are losers, feel above her and flawed? I am none of these things and race is no where in my thinking of her. From day one I thought she was calculating and would alienate him from family\friends. I've seen two videos of he r pushing Harry out of the way to greet a dignitary first. She got him in the stomach with her elbow Ummm not how royal work but she is out for herself. M any more instances you can find online of actual footage. I don't have a problem if they want to go at it alone but if you're preaching financial independence, give up the duchy money ( yes it is Charles but it is for royal duties), pay rent on Frogmore and pay for security. THAT is financial independence.
A happy balance would be nice for anyone, including Royalty!
Harry has been indulged his whole life.. maybe to his own detriment. This perhaps contributed to the current situation. His family’s love and concern for him outweighs his for them. I won’t be surprised if they don’t give in..once again. Unfortunately Meghan appears to be more like Wallis than could’ve ever been imagined. JMO
😂 😂 😂 😂

Perhaps you need to “dig deep” and think about why you think anything said negative about a person of color is racist when it may have nothing to do with racism and everything to do with the person speaking or being spoken about.

Apparently, some people think that "black people" have only one defining quality - their blackness. And so every opinion of them can therefore ONLY be attributed to that. Right?
Well, I don't follow the Royals that closely and I am somewhat afraid to express my not all positive opinion.

I think it is very passive aggressive of Meghan to up and leave for Canada and keep the baby with her all while allowing Harry to sort things out back in England. I get it, it is his family after all. However, I can't help but think things aren't so rosy. It almost smacks of a you pick them or me and I will be here waiting when you get through it. I mean if the both decided to step back, they can both work through it.
Well, I don't follow the Royals that closely and I am somewhat afraid to express my not all positive opinion.

I think it is very passive aggressive of Meghan to up and leave for Canada and keep the baby with her all while allowing Harry to sort things out back in England. I get it, it is his family after all. However, I can't help but think things aren't so rosy. It almost smacks of a you pick them or me and I will be here waiting when you get through it. I mean if the both decided to step back, they can both work through it.
:rolleyes1In fairness though, there have been many threads here on the CB over the years about in-law problems. Very often the advice for the spouse is to handle it exactly like the Sussexes are doing now. And the CB is almost universally supportive of a spouse’s “them or me” ultimatum. We’re pretty anti-in-law here on the CB. ;)
Poor, poor Harry. Such a weak little man, letting his nasty, gold digger witch of a wife push him around and tell him how he's going to live his life from now on. It must be terrible to not have a mind of your own or any opinions about the life you've hated since you were a child. Nope, it's all the wife's fault and he's totally along for the ride.

Seriously, do you people even hear yourselves?? :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2
:rolleyes1In fairness though, there have been many threads here on the CB over the years about in-law problems. Very often the advice for the spouse is to handle it exactly like the Sussexes are doing now. And the CB is almost universally supportive of a spouse’s “them or me” ultimatum. We’re pretty anti-in-law here on the CB. ;)
True, and I would agree under "normal" circumstances. But they don't live in normal circumstances. I mean, surely Meghan had an idea of what she was in for when she was told she could only wear a certain shade of nail polish and wasn't allowed to wear wedges, right? I just feel like the Royals are a whole different ballgame.

I wonder if this was their plan from before they even got married? If so, I think that would be an easier pill for people to swallow than anyone saying Meghan got in over her head.
Harry has been indulged his whole life.. maybe to his own detriment. This perhaps contributed to the current situation. His family’s love and concern for him outweighs his for them. I won’t be surprised if they don’t give in..once again. Unfortunately Meghan appears to be more like Wallis than could’ve ever been imagined. JMO

I'm curious as you've mentioned a few times how much his family loves him. How do you know this? How do you know they aren't cold, distant, indifferent, or whatever? How do you know they don't value the "crown"/monarchy more?
Poor, poor Harry. Such a weak little man, letting his nasty, gold digger witch of a wife push him around and tell him how he's going to live his life from now on. It must be terrible to not have a mind of your own or any opinions about the life you've hated since you were a child. Nope, it's all the wife's fault and he's totally along for the ride.

Seriously, do you people even hear yourselves?? :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2

IMO this is far more Harry than Megan. I believe they have legitimate reasons to be frustrated. Whether they have reasons to be frustrated with the family, no idea. Watching clips of Harry blatantly pitching Megan to Bob Iger months ago makes me wonder if some family tension comes from possibly receiving a caution about soliciting and Harry getting a little butt hurt. It wouldn't be surprising that he's been slightly indulged in the aftermath of losing his mother, being the brother who won't become king, etc. and possibly has been given a bit of the kid glove treatment in regards to toeing the line and now is facing pushback about shouldering big boy responsibilities.

Wouldn't be surprised if there's a healthy dose of entitlement at work as well, particularly on his part. It's starting to look like he has developed some of his mother's poor choices regarding how to relate to the media, including the back and forth of, you love me, I'll talk to you; I hate you, go away. Notably his "friend" who has repeatedly gone on the record publicly making lots of "inflammatory" statements is a reporter, a reporter who both Harry and Megan have confirmed is a friend. He also doesn't come off well when he preaches how other people should behave, something that has not endeared his father to the public.

I had to go help my mother this morning and she was watching one of the morning programs. I heard a comment about their network of celebrity friends via Megan. I understand she was an actress, but I just don't think they're friends with Elton John through her "Hollywood" connections. I think quite possibly Megan has been a bit more towed around in Harry's wake than was recognized -- and yet has been the face of most of the backlash.
IMO this is far more Harry than Megan. I believe they have legitimate reasons to be frustrated. Whether they have reasons to be frustrated with the family, no idea. Watching clips of Harry blatantly pitching Megan to Bob Iger months ago makes me wonder if some family tension comes from possibly receiving a caution about soliciting and Harry getting a little butt hurt. It wouldn't be surprising that he's been slightly indulged in the aftermath of losing his mother, being the brother who won't become king, etc. and possibly has been given a bit of the kid glove treatment in regards to toeing the line and now is facing pushback about shouldering big boy responsibilities.

Wouldn't be surprised if there's a healthy dose of entitlement at work as well, particularly on his part. It's starting to look like he has developed some of his mother's poor choices regarding how to relate to the media, including the back and forth of, you love me, I'll talk to you; I hate you, go away. Notably his "friend" who has repeatedly gone on the record publicly making lots of "inflammatory" statements is a reporter, a reporter who both Harry and Megan have confirmed is a friend. He also doesn't come off well when he preaches how other people should behave, something that has not endeared his father to the public.

I had to go help my mother this morning and she was watching one of the morning programs. I heard a comment about their network of celebrity friends via Megan. I understand she was an actress, but I just don't think they're friends with Elton John through her "Hollywood" connections. I think quite possibly Megan has been a bit more towed around in Harry's wake than was recognized -- and yet has been the face of most of the backlash.
Using the denigrating phrase 'butt hurt' is beneath you.
So I think that

Megan thought she was go to get more out of it, money and fame... She knew exactly what she was getting into when she hitched her wagon to the Royals... Harry and Megan will always stand behind William and Kate,... and more than likely Harry will never be King, so she will never be Queen... I think that once the wedding and media frenzy started subsiding, she realized that she was not the bell of the ball... plus she is an actress, they live to be in the lime-light...

Make no mistake Megan is in control... so if she is all ready doing voice over for Disney... that means that this was already in her plans...

I really don't see Prince Harry looking for fame and fortune.... I think his mom would want him to be happy and stand on his own... but never would she want to see the brothers split apart...

Harry is the one who approached Disney, not Meghan.

Perhaps he thinks his grandmother is a miserable witch and feels he owes her nothing?

Harry needs to do what is best for himself and his wife and child. Nobody else matters to him. Makes me love him.

He may be unhappy with the way the Queen treated his mother. The Queen may have been an excellent queen but her mothering skills have been lacking, to say the least.

Well, I don't follow the Royals that closely and I am somewhat afraid to express my not all positive opinion.

I think it is very passive aggressive of Meghan to up and leave for Canada and keep the baby with her all while allowing Harry to sort things out back in England. I get it, it is his family after all. However, I can't help but think things aren't so rosy. It almost smacks of a you pick them or me and I will be here waiting when you get through it. I mean if the both decided to step back, they can both work through it.

They probably did that to protect her. Can you imagine the way the UK press and public would have treated her after that announcement? I wouldn't want to be near that with a 10 foot pole if I was her.
Using the denigrating phrase 'butt hurt' is beneath you.

I guess if you want to shut down any and all discussion that begins to take into consideration a 360-degree view of what's gone on, pick apart and denigrate something for no reason whatsoever to deflect any consideration of points that were raised.
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