Is it okay to put family first? (Response to royal family stuff)

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The denial is strong in this one....

Anyway, people hated Camille because she was the mistress. I think you're smart enough to realize that.

Of course I know why they said things about Camille. But that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t sit there and say that everything they say about Meghan is about race whether the speaker even knows it or not but “oh! They have other reasons for saying mean things about Camille or Fergie or whoever”.

YOU are making it about race not everyone else.

As for denial, your going to have to dig deeper than that. I like Meghan and Harry. I think they are doing exactly what his mother would have loved to have done but felt too trapped to do. I think Harry knows exactly what that life could do to his wife and child and wants something different. That, IMO, makes him more of a man. Meghan is a strong independent woman just as Diana grew to be. Neither she nor Harry want her wings clipped. Good for them.
Except that you are throwing the racist allegation at people who you presume are ‘white’ (and I accept that people of any ethnicity can be racist) and who have not said a single negative word about the Duchess of Sussex. It seems that rather than put forward a rational, considered, well worded argument, you throw around racism allegations, scatter gun style and snipe at people. Allegations of racism or any form of discriminatory labels, should not be thrown around willy-nilly.
When did people lose the art of polite debate?

We were talking about the racism MM has endured through the British tabloids. You for some reason feel attacked. Protest too much?
Of course I know why they said things about Camille. But that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t sit there and say that everything they say about Meghan is about race whether the speaker even knows it or not but “oh! They have other reasons for saying mean things about Camille or Fergie or whoever”.

YOU are making it about race not everyone else.

As for denial, your going to have to dig deeper than that. I like Meghan and Harry. I think they are doing exactly what his mother would have loved to have done but felt too trapped to do. I think Harry knows exactly what that life could do to his wife and child and wants something different. That, IMO, makes him more of a man. Meghan is a strong independent woman just as Diana grew to be. Neither she nor Harry want her wings clipped. Good for them.
Been mostly ignoring this topic for a variety of reasons but have to note that many people off the DIS apparently, (LOL), are discussing the race problem within the context of these two royals' relationship. The racist (and she knew it) jewelry item one family member wore; the change in policy regarding titles implemented in time for their son's birth, the Brit tabloids' reportage, etc.
It's effect (the tabloids') has been written about in well regarded newspapers so it's kind of difficult to ignore even for those who choose not to keep up with the latest gossip.

We, as people, are frequently schmoozed into believing the public persona presented by public relation firms until proven otherwise. Billy Cosby, Weinstein, Tiger Woods, Newt Gringrich, R. Packwood all come to my mind, and the beauty is some of them have been re-invented and are once again, "loved".
Of course I know why they said things about Camille. But that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t sit there and say that everything they say about Meghan is about race whether the speaker even knows it or not but “oh! They have other reasons for saying mean things about Camille or Fergie or whoever”.

YOU are making it about race not everyone else.

As for denial, your going to have to dig deeper than that. I like Meghan and Harry. I think they are doing exactly what his mother would have loved to have done but felt too trapped to do. I think Harry knows exactly what that life could do to his wife and child and wants something different. That, IMO, makes him more of a man. Meghan is a strong independent woman just as Diana grew to be. Neither she nor Harry want her wings clipped. Good for them.

Of course I know why they said things about Camille. But that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t sit there and say that everything they say about Meghan is about race whether the speaker even knows it or not but “oh! They have other reasons for saying mean things about Camille or Fergie or whoever”.

YOU are making it about race not everyone else.

As for denial, your going to have to dig deeper than that. I like Meghan and Harry. I think they are doing exactly what his mother would have loved to have done but felt too trapped to do. I think Harry knows exactly what that life could do to his wife and child and wants something different. That, IMO, makes him more of a man. Meghan is a strong independent woman just as Diana grew to be. Neither she nor Harry want her wings clipped. Good for them.

I think this thread actually is kind of deep and many, including me and you, have given multiple reasons for them to leave. You seem to only be focusing on people talking about racism. Dig deep and ask yourself why
I think this thread actually is kind of deep and many, including me and you, have given multiple reasons for them to leave. You seem to only be focusing on people talking about racism. Dig deep and ask yourself why

😂. Actually no I am not just focusing on people talking about racism. I responded to this thread waaay back before it was brought up. And I have already said I am sure some of what is held against her is racist in nature. But YOU (and I only focused on the words YOU said) are wanting to twist it so that anything anyone says bad about her is racist. But they can say just as much about any other member of the royal family and it’s a totally different thing. It doesn’t work that way.

Stop trying to make everyone into a racist. Not agreeing with you doesn’t make it so.
Been mostly ignoring this topic for a variety of reasons but have to note that many people off the DIS apparently, (LOL), are discussing the race problem within the context of these two royals' relationship. The racist (and she knew it) jewelry item one family member wore; the change in policy regarding titles implemented in time for their son's birth, the Brit tabloids' reportage, etc.
It's effect (the tabloids') has been written about in well regarded newspapers so it's kind of difficult to ignore even for those who choose not to keep up with the latest gossip.

We, as people, are frequently schmoozed into believing the public persona presented by public relation firms until proven otherwise. Billy Cosby, Weinstein, Tiger Woods, Newt Gringrich, R. Packwood all come to my mind, and the beauty is some of them have been re-invented and are once again, "loved".

I wouldn’t have a clue what the Royal family’s view on race is nor will I pretend to guess.
😂. Actually no I am not just focusing on people talking about racism. I responded to this thread waaay back before it was brought up. And I have already said I am sure some of what is held against her is racist in nature. But YOU (and I only focused on the words YOU said) are wanting to twist it so that anything anyone says bad about her is racist. But they can say just as much about any other member of the royal family and it’s a totally different thing. It doesn’t work that way.

Stop trying to make everyone into a racist. Not agreeing with you doesn’t make it so.

I wasn't. But it's interesting how you feel you're being called a racist.
So rather than reasoned arguments, you resort to throwing allegations around again. I wonder whether you even realise what you are doing. As we say in these parts, ‘duw, duw’.

Reasoned arguments have been here all along. You are choosing to focus on this because people are calling you out for your archaic views whether they be your belief that Harry is not entitled to his own life and that nothing racist was ever posted in the tabloids about MM.
Indeed. Sadly, he has been known for having no filter.

This could be part of their decision to leave, what seems like, quickly. Of course it may not be quickly at all but just quicker than the queen preferred.
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