Is it okay to put family first? (Response to royal family stuff)

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I have not heard this and hope it’s not true. I also feel sad if these developments divide the brothers, now and in the future. By all accounts, William and Harry were always close.

I think if Diana were alive today, she would likely be supportive of Harry and Meghan’s position. However, I agree with some here that they should have gone through the proper channels, out of respect for the Queen and Prince Charles, especially. Harry has lived a life of privilege, which I’m sure is not always easy, but comes with many freedoms and benefits most of us will never know. He and Meghan were given an extravagant wedding and a royal residence, and should at least have the consideration and decency to show appreciation while making an amicable break from royal life if that is what they wish.

I question how you think that having a an extravagant wedding is somehow a benefit. Do you think that they had any choice in the matter? That they could have said, "no thanks, we want to get married in America with Meghan's friends and family." He is Prince Harry, and certain things are expected from him, and that includes all of the pomp and circumstance. And they have to live somewhere, just like Will and Kate live somewhere. The house that H&M are in is the one that they lived in with their Mom. And it's not like they get to keep it, it is just one of the many residences that the crown already owns. And you, nor anyone else, knows what goes on behind closed doors. They could have been talking to granny for months already and she could have been putting them off.
I agree her being an American, career woman, divorced all play into people’s perception of her not being pure enough. I was answering a question about whether racism was involved and yes it is. How you took that as “every” white person is racist I’m not sure. But I do believe (and have seen) people have an easier time putting down someone if they were a minority.

But what you do seem to be saying is that people are racist because they don’t like Meghan, even if they don’t feel they are racist, know they are racist or even think in those terms at all. Like it’s impossible to just dislike someone who happens to be a minority. That has to be one of the more ridiculous things I have ever heard.

I completely believe that some people dislike her because of her race. They also dislike her because she is not British. And some that just don’t like her because she married Harry. Some may be judging her on the character she played in Suits (I have never seen it so have no clue if the character was well liked) or because she left the show.

People didn’t like Fergie. They don’t like Camilla—mostly just because they loved Diana. I mean it’s hardly kept to the one person in the family who is a minority.
Oh it's there. It's been there from the beginning. A British radio host was fired for comparing Archie to a "chimp." It's all in that Twitter thread I posted above.

Now in fairness he said it wasn't a racial thing, it was supposed to be satire on royals being trotted out to perform like circus animals or something, but of course no one really cares because it's been decided that it's racist so I guess he is unable to speak for himself, much less be believed about it, so all the boxes must be immediately checked...labelled, fired, and ostracized. Done. Next!

I remember when an office-mate came back to work to show off her new baby and someone said something like "Look at the sweet little monkey" in that kind of baby talk voice. Thank goodness all concerned were white or she would have had to realize she was racist that day. Whew.

Also as I recall most were really positive about Megan at the start. I remember the media coverage almost always gushing - calling her beautiful, and good for Harry, and they were the Fab 4, and will she outshine Kate etc etc...I remember there was some comments on all the ways she was an unexpected choice (she was black! divorced! American! an actress!) but even still the sentiment seemed to be good for Harry for breaking the mold and choosing who he wanted. It stared off seemingly fine...the tide only turned when people were more and more exposed to her.

Personally she has struck me from day 1 as a phony, grasping, calculating, kind of soulless social climber. Kate however, strikes me as grounded, authentic and actually committed to the life she knowingly chose.
He and Meghan were given an extravagant wedding and a royal residence, and should at least have the consideration and decency to show appreciation while making an amicable break from royal life if that is what they wish.
I highly as in it's probably darn near impossible they had any say in the matter. It's a Royal Wedding. There is no way they could have done things much different even if they wanted to. I doubt Catherine and William got a choice either. And that actually reminded me of an earlier comment regarding commericialism because I distinctly remember all the dining ware and whatnot with both Royals couple's weddings. They are tantamount to collectors items at least to some people.

But that's not something one should equate to "yeah that wedding that you likely have no say in well better act all appreciative and because of that well you owe us."

Does anyone really truly think if they had gotten all the permission in the world (and this is assuming they didn't have talks previously) that the public would have any difference in opinion on the matter? It's really just a matter of them pulling away for whatever reason they give that has people saying they are shirking from their Royal duties. Tradition and all that you just deal with it no matter is at least how some think it should be.
:rolleyes: You implied her fame did not exist because YOU didn't know of her.
There's nothing wrong with you thinking she was famous for her acting career.
There is also nothing wrong with others not knowing what she's ever acted in, especially if we don't watch the USA network.
Sorta like....I love my Hallmark channel movies. I wouldn't expect someone who doesn't watch that cable channel to know who the heck I am talking about when I mention one of their regular actresses.
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My two cents....

Kate had what 5-9 years (with a short break in between) of dating William before they married? During the time they were dating, the press harped on whether Kate was appropriate for William, publishing topless photos (I want to say that happened both before and after the marriage). So, each wife got their share of crappiness from the paparazzi.

Here, Meghan had what seemed to be less than a year. That was not a good idea. But it's understandable if Harry wanted to have children quickly because she was older than he was and we all know that it's not good to have children late in life due to potential birth issues.

I remember seeing the rumor that the falling out between William and Harry was because William told Harry not to rush it with Meghan....perhaps it is because William cheated on Kate (I saw that rumor too, but not that it caused a falling out between brothers). Anyhow, that's neither here nor there.

The old cliche about catching more flies with honey comes to mind. Maybe it has to do with the generation of me, me, me and f everyone else. The whole "my way or the highway" deal.

If the statement was rushed out because the paparazzi got wind of it and they wanted to beat them breaking the news, well, don't you just call your dad, grandma, etc. (ok, their press office) and tell them that the paparazzi knows so put out the news ASAP?
But what you do seem to be saying is that people are racist because they don’t like Meghan, even if they don’t feel they are racist, know they are racist or even think in those terms at all. Like it’s impossible to just dislike someone who happens to be a minority. That has to be one of the more ridiculous things I have ever heard.

I completely believe that some people dislike her because of her race. They also dislike her because she is not British. And some that just don’t like her because she married Harry. Some may be judging her on the character she played in Suits (I have never seen it so have no clue if the character was well liked) or because she left the show.

People didn’t like Fergie. They don’t like Camilla—mostly just because they loved Diana. I mean it’s hardly kept to the one person in the family who is a minority.

Some pretty hateful things said about the duchess. What makes it so easy (or even an issue) for some people?
I didn’t know Wills cheated on Kate!
There were rumors about it. I haven’t seen anything proving it to be true. I believe I saw photos of them all together a week or two ago. I’d think if it were true, Kate wouldn’t want to hang out with her like she did just recently.
Some pretty hateful things said about the duchess. What makes it so easy (or even an issue) for some people?

Some pretty hateful things have been said about Camilla. She is white.

What makes it so easy for some people? The same thing that makes it easy for them to pass judgement on any one else who is famous or rich. Because they can.

You are deciding that it’s always about race. It’s not. Not saying that none of it is but all of it isn’t.
And they have to live somewhere, just like Will and Kate live somewhere. The house that H&M are in is the one that they lived in with their Mom. And it's not like they get to keep it, it is just one of the many residences that the crown already owns. And you, nor anyone else, knows what goes on behind closed doors. They could have been talking to granny for months already and she could have been putting them off.
I think you are talking about the 22 room apartment that they were about to be given at Kensington Palace, near Will and Kate (where Diana lived). Harry and Meghan decided they didn’t want that one; they wanted to leave Kensington, where many of the Royals stay, and live at Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, instead. That is the home that people keep referring to that underwent the custom $3.5million renovation to their specifications. The split also caused them to have to have their own staff, as they previously shared a staff with the Cambridges, so that added significantly to costs.
Because the royal family is the last bastion of antiquated pure whiteness in Britain. As I said before, you don't have to say anything racist to behave in a racist manner. I will concede that a lot of people who go out of their way to denigrate the Duchess may not realize their dislike stems from racism. But like in America, people find it easier to judge or look down their noses if a person is a minority.
Thanks for answering. I understand what you're saying but honestly, you lost me at the bolded. :confused3
Some pretty hateful things have been said about Camilla. She is white.

What makes it so easy for some people? The same thing that makes it easy for them to pass judgement on any one else who is famous or rich. Because they can.

You are deciding that it’s always about race. It’s not. Not saying that none of it is but all of it isn’t.

The denial is strong in this one....

Anyway, people hated Camille because she was the mistress. I think you're smart enough to realize that.
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Thanks for answering. I understand what you're saying but honestly, you lost me at the bolded. :confused3

That's fine. I like a lot of what you write so I'll try and explain. It's just some of the comments toward MM are so hateful and vicious that I can't see where else it stems from. It's this weird snobbery...and what else would make some of the losers who hate MM feel so above her? Being an America divorce not from aristocracy? Maybe? But given the viciousness is coming from people who likely are quite flawed, I think it has to be that.
That's fine. I like a lot of what you write so I'll try and explain. It's just some of the comments toward MM are so hateful and vicious that I can't see where else it stems from. It's this weird snobbery...and what else would make some of the losers who hate MM feel so above her? Being an America divorce not from aristocracy? Maybe? But given the viciousness is coming from people who likely are quite flawed, I think it has to be that.
Except that you are throwing the racist allegation at people who you presume are ‘white’ (and I accept that people of any ethnicity can be racist) and who have not said a single negative word about the Duchess of Sussex. It seems that rather than put forward a rational, considered, well worded argument, you throw around racism allegations, scatter gun style and snipe at people. Allegations of racism or any form of discriminatory labels, should not be thrown around willy-nilly.
When did people lose the art of polite debate?
I have not heard this and hope it’s not true. I also feel sad if these developments divide the brothers, now and in the future. By all accounts, William and Harry were always close.

I think if Diana were alive today, she would likely be supportive of Harry and Meghan’s position. However, I agree with some here that they should have gone through the proper channels, out of respect for the Queen and Prince Charles, especially. Harry has lived a life of privilege, which I’m sure is not always easy, but comes with many freedoms and benefits most of us will never know. He and Meghan were given an extravagant wedding and a royal residence, and should at least have the consideration and decency to show appreciation while making an amicable break from royal life if that is what they wish.
I agree with you. Harry has led a life of privilege as a member of the Royal family and if he wants to leave he should have had the courtesy to his grandmother to not announce it they way he did. I have always liked Harry but I think this was very rude on his part.
I agree with you. Harry has led a life of privilege as a member of the Royal family and if he wants to leave he should have had the courtesy to his grandmother to not announce it they way he did. I have always liked Harry but I think this was very rude on his part.

Well, it's hard to know what the real story is but I heard they had already discussed it and he had written down/drafted a "plan" for the Queen and that plan was leaked. At that point, I think they had to say something quickly. The British press/tabloids are far worse and aggressive than anything we have here in the U.S.
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