Something About Nothing............ #14

Aw, Charade, that was sweet news from B. Glad it was nothing worrying. Safe travels this morning, driving to Richmond.

Still not quiet sunrise this Saturday. Showers and baths starting with DH. Slowly getting ready for the long enough car ride, all devices charged overnight. Then a party starting after an afternoon wedding. So far, the rain is to hold off. And since high is 64 this late afternoon, jacket will be worn, and ditched in the car, as hopefully not a long walk from the church parking lot.

Super happy Saturday to you all.
Janet that chess cake sounds similar to what we call Gypsy Tart.....minus the is very simple to make, but delicious...very sweet so you do only need a little....haven't made one for a while.....

Yes, I like girly girl time too…….a good pampering session is always fun!!!!

Glad your news was nothing worrying after all Charade........

Lynne, enjoy the wedding today, hope the weather stays lovely for the event.....nothing worse than a wet wedding day!!!

We are still having heavy rain. Hasn't stopped since yesterday, but it is brightening up slightly, the clouds aren't just as heavy as they were this morning.....I had the lamps on in the sitting room and kitchen at 10.30am......very dark and gloomy.

But, did enjoy some baking time for a bake sale tomorrow and made a few little goodies for us too….some cherry scones and now looking to make a Gypsy Tart sometime soon...….

Curry is slowly simmering for dinner tonight......making coconut rice too as it`s a sweet curry.....still hot and spicy, but sweet like a Katsu style.

It`s another stay at home day...….too miserable to leave the comfort and warmth of home today...….especially on a Saturday!!!

Have a great day...…...
Up way too early for a saturday, but it's not like I've been sleeping much or well anyway. Broke down and got the good stuff with the decongestant and it's been helping a bit. It's a major PITA to get as you have to go and sign for it at pharmacy, run your drivers license to be sure you haven't gone over legal limit without prescription-because my sneezing and red nose are dead giveaways of meth use I guess. The nurse Practitioner had me make appointment for Tuesday too. I have a week to get recover more before Wingapalooza-the huge chicken wing competition next Saturday-I usually have a 10 hour day volunteering.
Boy up early as his middle school band is marching in Missouri state Homecoming parade this am-will go watch it (DH and I's alma mater too). Freeze our tootsies off with high in 40's today.
Been cold enough this week several days that the hens aren't coming out of their covered and cozy run without enticement (meal worms). At least my hen that was sick this summer is fully recovered-the other hens all have evidenced of being pecked so I know she is keeping order in the coop and retaining top hen spot. Supposed to warm to 60's tomorrow-need to get the coop winterized, possible snow flurries next week and cold weather again.
Food sounds good Schumi and lynne. Used my instant pot for roast Wednesday-always comes out so tender. Tuesday was salmon with Jack Daniel glaze. Chili last weekend. Haven't cooked past 2 nights as we had leftovers to eat up.
Her pecan tree is loaded. Luckily she had this rake like tool that you just roll on the ground and pick up the pecans. Probably got a couple of gallons in about 10 minutes. Now I need to get to crackin'. At least I will have my pecans for my Thanksgiving pecan pie.
Oh yum for fresh pecans! Need one of those roller thingys-10 years at this house with 3 Black walnut trees and you'd think I'd have invested in one by now. Usually though someone comes by to pick them up so they can get the money - crop this year was very sparse though-usually they drop all over driveway but wasn't near as many as in past years. MO has many more back walnut trees than any other state and have a processing plant in town that pays by 100#.
Well, she is not doing very well right now. She has missed her last 2 appointments because she has been too sick and weak. I also found out that we have a client who is currently being treated for a brain tumor. This woman is only 29 and has 3 small children. Sometimes my job can be really depressing
Oh no! Healthcare work can certainly be challenging.
Was shocked to discovered most who work for major hospitals & health plans have pretty crappy health insurance coverage.
Several of the hospitals I've worked at have had terrible insurance, the best one was the last one that self insured the employees. Probably because it is also a not for profit.

Coffee liquid of choice - I've run through most of my favorite teas and need to get more. I prefer the loose leaf and picky on brand (especially for my chai tea!) so will need to run by my favorite shops.

Have a good Saturday!
Saturday, Saturday :maleficen Trying to get motivated to put up some more halloween lights, projectors, etc before the rain rolls through. Leaves still not peak color here, but pretty to see when driving. All it takes is a downpour to make it look gloomy

Football game went on forever & ever. Didn’t get home until after 11 pm. Team hung in there but the other one was just too big & fast...they grown them farm boys huge! Middle DS borrowed some pyro from his semi pro team’s supply closet to surprise the kids. went over big time lol. They like their noise in that school district. You can see the blue cannon they shoot off every time they score...all in keeping with their name Buccaneers


Aw, Charade, that was sweet news from B. Glad it was nothing worrying. Safe travels this morning, driving to Richmond.

Still not quiet sunrise this Saturday. Showers and baths starting with DH. Slowly getting ready for the long enough car ride, all devices charged overnight. Then a party starting after an afternoon wedding. So far, the rain is to hold off. And since high is 64 this late afternoon, jacket will be worn, and ditched in the car, as hopefully not a long walk from the church parking lot.
Today having kids over for a pumpkin carving party. Any excuse will do for me to call something a party lol. Just going to grab a pizza & hoagies with some salty snacks & pick up what we call smiley cookies from local restaurant. They taste like the ones the parks sell.


Lynne - for some reason had thought wedding next weekend. Almost need a quartermaster to coordinate going to an out of town wedding and having all ready to go. Have fun, take pics

Charade - that is sweet your DD wanted to touch base with you. Here most get baptized when a few weeks old with a few drops of water. Can’t say I know of any sects in our area that do the full immersion type.

Monyk - well i guess it’s never a good thing to look like a tweaker lol. I had to pick up Sudafed last year on dr’s instructions. Was surprised it was behind the counter. Distinctly remember being told when pregnant it was safe to take in moderation. Didn’t work either time for me anyway. Times we live in a guess. You’ve had that gunk for long time, good luck.

Carole - a gypsy tart sounds exotic and delicious...not to be confused with the chess pie I sampled. Bland taste and odd texture, not soft-not firm. I’m sure it has it’s fans, something for everybody out there!

I do love a good bake sale. They had one at the halloween thing last week. A women at head of the line was making a huge fuss, directed at the high school kids running the table. Really berating them because a) nothing was labeled as to nut allergies b) the items weren’t’d point at what you wanted and it would be handed over to you either with a napkin to eat then or they have various sized zip bags. Finally, a teacher caught wind of it and managed to lure the woman off to the side to have a discussion. Felt bad for the kids just trying to put on a nice activity for the kids.

An uncommon occurrence for me today, I am working. Uggh. Our office has to be open today and next Saturday for voting. The day is almost over thankfully. Lovely day today but the rain moves in tonight. Sounds like it will be a washout for tomorrow. Oh well, good day to stay in and catch up on shows.

Probably make something simple and light for dinner tonight since we had fried fish last night. DH and DFIL went fishing yesterday and caught a mess of huge speckled trout. I made some coleslaw and roasted some seasoned baby potatoes in the oven. Yum!!

Pecans were a bit of a disappointment, cracked some last night and the meat was a little too dried out. I guess they were on the ground too long or could be the lack of rain we had all summer. It's a shame since there are so many. Oh well, will just have to buy pecans again this year. I will just have to remember to go earlier next fall.

Now I will get back to counting down the minutes until the office closes. Have a great rest of the day!!

Oh Cam, hope you headache goes away soon, if not already. Neat to harvest pecans. Hard shells they have. Do like eating that nut, though, and enjoy having pecan pie.
Thanks Lynne! Hope the weather was nice for the wedding today.

Can‘t quite help but wonder where October has gone! It’s just disappeared before my eyes. And our clocks go back tomorrow night......yay....gotta love that extra hour.....

I know what you mean. I can't believe it is nearing November already. The year has flown by. Our time changes next weekend, I believe. Really looking forward to getting that hour back.

Well, I can breathe a sigh of relief now. B's news was nothing catastrophic. She just wanted to tell us that she had spoken to one of the ministers at our church earlier this week and she is going to be baptized on November 3. She could have told us this over the phone or via text. I guess she either wanted to see us in person, or she just wanted to go to Chick-fil-A. We didn't spend too much time at dinner because she wanted to get back to school to attend a bonfire.

Glad that B's news was good news but I can understand the stress of not knowing.

I have heard of chess pie, but didn't know exactly what it was. I looked it up. Looks kind of boring to me. Give me a good chocolate, peanut butter pie any day.

I am not a huge fan of pecans either. My DH's grandmother always has candied pecans at Christmas. DH loves those. I will eat a few then I am done. Sometimes I will make a chocolate pecan pie. Those are good. Chocolate chess is my favorite pie (sans cornmeal though). I don't bake much throughout the year but I always bake a couple Chocolate Chess for holiday meals. It is so simple but so good. I think another name I have seen is Chocolate fudge pie.

Oh yum for fresh pecans! Need one of those roller thingys-10 years at this house with 3 Black walnut trees and you'd think I'd have invested in one by now. Usually though someone comes by to pick them up so they can get the money - crop this year was very sparse though-usually they drop all over driveway but wasn't near as many as in past years. MO has many more back walnut trees than any other state and have a processing plant in town that pays by 100#.

Hope you feel better soon! Yes, the little roller thingy made quick work of the job. My DH's grandmother said that her tree only produces big every four years. I remember last year she did not have much of a yield at all. Also, I heard too that if your trees don't produce much it means a mild winter but I am not sure if that counts in MO:)
I am back from an exhausting, but fun day at the Celtic festival/Highland games. We got to see both Irish and Scottish dance, listened to pipers (I love bagpipes), watched large men throw heavy objects, and did a little shopping. The venue was dog friendly, so we also met a lot of different dogs today. The one huge mistake we made was not bringing sunscreen. It was supposed to be cool and cloudy all day, but the sun came out and it was intense. Both dh and I have sunburned faces.

This was from the opening ceremonies. At one point they played Amazing Grace in memory of someone they knew who had recently passed away. They started with a solo piper and then the rest joined in. It was so cool.

One of several Irish Wolfhounds I met today.

Lunch was a Scotch egg and Colcannon potatoes. Dh had bangers and mash. Neither one of us was brave enough to try haggis.

Caber toss.

Lynne - Hope the wedding went well and you didn't get any rain.

Schumi - Hope you get some relief from the rain soon.

MonyK - Continued well wishes. Occasionally my allergies get so bad that Claritin D is the only thing that works.

Keisha - We are Baptist, so no infant baptism for us, and yes, we do total immersion. Thankfully B loves water.

Cam - Bummer you had to work today. Hope you have a nice, relaxing Sunday.

It's only 8:30, but I am exhausted. I hope I can sleep well tonight. I slept most of the ride home.
MonyK.......fingers crossed you feel much better for the weekend.....I know how much you enjoy the volunteering for those events!! Loose leaf tea here too.......even basic breakfast tea is loose.....hate tea bags with a passion! Got to be properly made tea in a pot for us!

Keisha......hope you enjoyed the game......late nights are fun!!! And hope you get all the Halloween decorations up.......I keep forgetting how close it is now! We have one woman in our village goes all out decorating.....she’s the only who does it like that though and looks fabulous!

cam......big fan of sea trout here! Sounds lovely with the baby potatoes......and hope today is a nice quiet one for you........

Lynne.......hope the wedding was lovely........

Charade.....glad you enjoyed the show......I hate bagpipes unless they’re playing Flower of Scotland. That always makes me cry. Funny looking colcannan? Did they use white cabbage instead of bacon?? Hope it was nice though. You’re not missing much with haggis.....although my DH loves it.

Rain has finally stopped and it is a beautiful sunny day.......albeit chilly.

We did enjoy our extra hour in bed this morning.......slept till 8am, which of course would have been 9am! Never sleep that late......even Kyle slept a little longer this morning, although he was out late last night.

Been out grocery shopping.......handed in baking to church for bake sale and then left quietly. Why do some folks need to announce everything they time for that. Drop it off, and hope they make a lot of money.

Plan to watch the Mexican F1 Grand Prix later tonight......not that I’ll probably like the result, but will watch till my least favourite driver does well......yes, sore loser here for F1!

Dinner tonight is rack of lamb, roast potatoes, veg and cranberry sauce.....chicken breast for Kyle as he doesn’t really like lamb.

Lunch.......haven’t decided yet.......grilled sandwich of some kind maybe......

Have a great Sunday...........

Charade.....glad you enjoyed the show......I hate bagpipes unless they’re playing Flower of Scotland. That always makes me cry. Funny looking colcannan? Did they use white cabbage instead of bacon?? Hope it was nice though. You’re not missing much with haggis.....although my DH loves it.
There was green cabbage, but not a lot of it. You had to stir the potatoes to see it. The potatoes were good, but bacon would have made them better.

I think we got your rain. It is pouring right now. I hope it slows down before we have to leave for church.
There was green cabbage, but not a lot of it. You had to stir the potatoes to see it. The potatoes were good, but bacon would have made them better.

I think we got your rain. It is pouring right now. I hope it slows down before we have to leave for church.

Always glad to share the rain Charade..... ::yes::

Bacon does make everything better........that`s what I ended up having for lunch.....bacon, brie and cranberry grilled sandwich! Lush......
Sharing the rain too. Heavy bands we drive in yellow and a bit of orange on the radar. Scary drive, but have been safe at home, after we stopped at a nice diner on the way, to fuel up. Yep, bacon for me. Not a fan of most sausage.
Wedding was nice, hotel had thin walls, a tripped 12:30am emergency alarm that ordered all to leave the building via stairs. We were on the 9th floor, so as we went down a few flights, was said someone tripped the alarm, and all clear. Nothing like 3 weddings receptions going to midnight, and many an open bar.

Few wedding pictures, the rain stopped most pictures from outside shots. 8AFD9106-CEEA-4BC4-AE3A-1E27F720A9C8.jpeg

Dancing, as money was showered over the couple.
And cake: spice with cream cheese filling and butter cream icing. Not fond of it.EEEEF709-C008-4B81-A482-FF50834BFA2B.jpegF56B0A4B-942C-4A53-B7CF-4D725A8A520F.jpeg
Lovely pictures Lynne, cake looks lovely, but yes, doesn’t sound like something I’d enjoy either. Shame about your hotel room though, doesn’t sound a fun way to spend a night.

This has been a nice long day......that extra hour has been nice, it feels longer.

Got my friends little granddaughter tomorrow morning for a couple of hours........their nursery is closed for something or other, so will take her for a ramble in the woods behind us if it’s dry. She’ll love that.

Definitely much darker earlier tonight, and there’s a real chill in the air now.

Time for motor racing.........
Finally getting a chance to stop in :wave2:

MonyK...I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. Those long lasting colds are horrible. Your Wingapoluza sounds very interesting and FUN!!!

Charade...Hearing news like that about special clients is hard. I can still remember one of my special clients from when I was a hairdresser. She never let anyone know she was sick ( even her own daughter ) I would go to the hospital to do her hair for her. I still think of her often and giggle over the spunk she had. Also...those games are fun to watch. I enjoy outings like that.

Lynne...those wedding pictures look amazing. That cake doesn't sound like one I would like either...but then again...I"m not a sweets fan. But I will sniff out a bag of chips at 500 feet of me lol

Schumi....Your chicken curry sounds amazing. Your weather sounds like it's craptastic like ours

We had a busy weekend here. I was happy to just putz around the house, cleaning, organizing and get enjoying some down time. Today the dh and I got up , got ready, went our for breakfast, then did all our grocery shopping and were home before noon when the stores start to get busy. I whipped up some chocolate chip cookies, and some banana bread as well. Tried a new recipe in the instant pot with pork roast. 2 out of 4 of us liked it. I liked it...the dh did not lol. Oh well. It couldn't have been too bad as there were no left overs.

We got a rain snow mix Friday....which once if froze Friday night...was just sooooooooooo lovely to drive around on yesterday. Hopefully the weather is right...and it will melt a little on the roads enough to remove what is there...then winter will can come. Weatherman says later this week...we will have full blown winter :crazy2: I cringe already just thinking about it. Oh well...I always survive it...and will again this year.

well...going to try a piece of the banana bread...then watch a little tv and hit the hay to get ready for the week ahead.
Have a great night everyone!
448158 - er not really, but DH is. He was out until 9 pm, last night, and promptly went to bed. Bad thing is, he was up, and annoying 1/2 hour before the 4:30am alarm went off. So, yeah, I've been awake for hours.

Nice thing is, while more than a few red lights, quick commute, and still very dark out. Enough cloud cover, no moonlight to brighten the sky. And a wahoo, as the rain cleared by 1pm yesterday, and glorious late afternoon sun dried most that was wet, and nary a road has wet on it since late afternoon yesterday. And woot! What started that nice amount of rain, was a Low Weather System, and it's outta here. 68 is the high, and with a 54 start, was almost not going to take my jacket. And a final woot! Full sun today, so rocking those sunglasses, oh yes I am. Will be a wonderful lunchtime walk today, not too hot, not too cold, and sunglasses on.

MonyK, I hope whatever is bugging your sinuses and not making you feel well, gets chased out of ya, pronto. Well wishes and mummy dust sent, that you are feeling fine soon, and certainly when enjoying that wing eating fun.

Pumpkin, oh no, snow. Hope your roads stay clear, and yes, just enough sun that clears the road, after the snow. Hope your temperatures stay above freezing too. I am not fond of bananas,, but I'd join you for a slice of banana bread. Would go nice with the cup of tea I am having,

Hope Schumi is still in Fall baking mode. All sound lush, and yum, less the curry, er just a little curry.

Finally, yep, Halloween candy is here, so left a big bucket of candy in the break room, and packed a plastic pumpkin with candy and a box of cookies, and put in little one's bag, so today, coworkers and college kids will be sweet. :)

:wave:Marvelous, magical Monday to you all. May you be happy, and make others happy. Stay well, my friends. and well wishes sent to all that ail, and not feeling the best, including Mac. Thinking good thoughts for ya, Mac.

:music:Tea, why yes. Later homies. Second cup is calling my name.:coffee:

:rockband::rockband::rockband: :-)
Cold and chilly morning today.

Took friend`s little grand daughter out for a walk this morning......we woke up to a slight frost, but the sunshine was lovely. Perfect day for a walk......she had a ball and said we were fun!!! She is adorable.....and yes, it was still chilly in the sunshine!


Not ready at all for real winter!! Pumpkin if you get snow, can you please not send it over to us.......I`m not ready!!!

Lynne, glad you`re having some lovely sunshine really does you the world of good to see sunshine!

No need to make lunch as after we walked in the woods, we walked back down the path to our house, got in the car and went into the next village that has a lovely cafe for lunch with little one......grilled sandwiches all round.

Hope your Monday is a good one.......
Blue Monday? Naw, but still a bit of fog lingering. Happy as a clam, my DVC waitlist for next fall trip came through. It’s akin to finding that needing in a haystack to grab those dates even at the 11month mark. Woot, woot!

Jr coming for breakfast pre work, the mr is off today too. soon, time to get that bacon frying nom

Yesterday, was asked to make a bandana shirt by GD. Ummm, a what? Her school has a ‘special’ clothing/appearance day each week. This time it’s bandana day. You can tell school district is in the ‘burbs. Pretty sure They don’t encourage kids to wear ‘colors’ in the city schools - eek. Had to think a bit, then dawned on me, just do a version of the “pillow-case dresses” i used to make her for disney when a tot.

A fun craft to pass the afternoon. High winds threatened to take off with our inflatables yesterday. Had to bring them all inside. even deflated they were going airborne. Thinking today I may just rearrange them all down into our driveway, won’t have to worry about kids climbing the few stairs up to our yard & rain slick steps then.

Lynne - beautiful pictures! Talk about a long veil, don’t see that often. Looks like the bridal dance tradition a bit different that common here. Tradition is you line up to dance with bride or groom, pay your ‘fare’ to best man holding a large sack but first are urged to down a shot of booze.

(I love bagpipes),
Me too! Down with the cabbage & taters but no scotch egg or haggis yuck
We did enjoy our extra hour in bed this morning.......slept till 8am, which of course would have been 9am! Never sleep that late......even Kyle slept a little longer this morning, although he was out late last night.
Even a time zone hating fiend like me can live with falling back. Love the rosy cheeks in your selfie, temps must’ve been brisk out.
Plan to watch the Mexican F1 Grand Prix later tonight......not that I’ll probably like the result, but will watch till my least favourite driver does well......yes, sore loser here for F1!
When i was sewing away yesterday, thought i heard the zoom zoom on the tube. The mr watched it, well it was on rotation with his flipping. Left tohis own devices he watches several things at once, drives me nuts
Got my friends little granddaughter tomorrow morning for a couple of hours........their nursery is closed for something or other, so will take her for a ramble in the woods behind us if it’s dry. She’ll love that.
Sounds like a fun morning!
We got a rain snow mix Friday....which once if froze Friday night...was just sooooooooooo lovely to drive around on yesterday
Ew, ew, ew. I had to drive Sat night in pouring rain. The wind knocked so many leave down off the trees, road was covered. Never really realized how slippery the roads could get in that instance. Hydroplaned more than once, thank goodness the
Morning Sans family :wave2:





Been a little while since I last posted. Weather here has been a nice mix of mild Summer and Fall . The Maple Tree leaves have turned red, orange and yellow and are falling now. It’s supposed to get cooler this week.

I have been to a few of grandsons football games, had a baby shower for my niece and have family in town now. So been a bit busy. It’s always fun to be around family celebrating for sure.

I have had the chance to sit with our new great-nephew Jude a few times so my niece could get some rest. He is so precious and tiny. It’s been ten years since our family has had a baby to hold and cuddle. What joy a baby brings to a family.

Just read back a few pages everyone seems busy.

Lynne nice wedding pictures and having to walk down 9 flights of stairs :scared1:because someone prank pulled the fire alarm. I think the hotel needs to review the camera footage in the hallways and have that scoundrel arrested.

Get well wishes being sent to Mac and Monyk. Hope you both feel better soon.

Charade my hubby ate haggis when we were in Scotland many years ago. He said it was ok. I wouldn’t eat any of it.

Schumi nice selfie of your cool morning walk. So nice to hear you had a great visit with your friends granddaughter. Little ones help remind us of the joy of discovering the things around us again from their perspective.

Keisha hope the weather has settled down so you can get all your outside Halloween decorations back out.

To all the Sans family have a happy Monday

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Good morning, homies!

It’s been awhile. It looks like a lot has happened and everyone has been busy. Hope everyone is stays well and hope others are getting better. I heard rain is good luck on a wedding day, @Lynne G. So I hope they have the best of luck. Hope everyone up north stays warm!

I’m not going to flood this page with all the photos I got from the cruise, but I’ll pepper a few favorites in.




Also, fam and I did antiquing this weekend when I came back to celebrate my birthday a week early, since this weekend coming up I’m going to Cabana Bay to just enjoy the resort / City Walk, but my fam won’t be available to join me. I found a new addition to my Disney collection:


1933 Allied Toys, Mickey and Friends. I’m so excited since I never find anything from this era! And if I do it’s way out of my price range. I prefer vintage items and typically I am able to get at earliest 50’s.
Sounds like a nice day planned Keisha...….mmmm….bacon!!! Yes, the race was best flicked through!!! I do like the sound of weddings in your don't do anything like that!

Craft sounded fun.....would have no idea what a bandana shirt was!

Yep, had a lovely morning with little one.....she is so cute and yes, it was freezing.....I told her mum we were taking her up into the woods behind us, so she sent her in appropriate clothing.....she`s usually dressed in a lot of white and fancy clothes.… she could get muddy with no worries. And she….

Robbie nice to see you......glad things are going well!!! Family time is always lovely......

Disxuni…..glad you had a nice cruise......never heard of rain on a wedding day being good luck!!!! We had a beautifully sunny day and still going strong after all these years...….maybe an American thing, never heard anyone say that over here.

Already getting dark and it`s not quite 4pm here. Big difference from this morning and all the sunshine......
Disxuni…..glad you had a nice cruise......never heard of rain on a wedding day being good luck!!!! We had a beautifully sunny day and still going strong after all these years...….maybe an American thing, never heard anyone say that over here.

Maybe it's a thing they like to tell people to make them feel better when their wedding gets rained out? 😉

I wouldn't be surprised if it was an American motto. My parents will be going on year 35 this Dec and according to my mother it was insanely hot and definitely not rainy.
Keisha, yep, only second time I saw that money throwing. But it was cute, and funny, and I think is Orthodox or Greek tradition, as this was also done at the second Greek weeding we had recently attended. And the father of the bride, started it, with quite large bursts of bills as the bride and groom danced. Even cuter, small brooms were brought out, and the three little kids swept up the money, well used their hands too, and looked like they were having so much fun doing it, twice, no less. Probably akin to paying to dance with bride or groom. Sounds like you're quite the seamstress, lucky GD. And what a score with your DVC reservation, from the waiting list.

Schumi, looked nice out, but brr, wearing winter hats. Way too early for that here, thankfully this year. And soon, we'll be on the same Standard Time as you. Yeah, brighter in the morning, then by the end of winter, getting dark before dinnertime. Always fun to see life with a little one, muddy and all. Fun walk, I bet.

Enjoying your pictures Dix, and sounds like the cruise was fun, and neat, to be gifted those old Disney toys.

Hey, Robo, glad you checked in here. Yep, family time is to be treasured. Glad to hear your watching football games, baby shower celebrating, and getting to hold the wee little Jude.

Time for more tea. Was a very pleasant walk, and yep, sunglasses were definitely needed.

Off to find something sweet.


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