DAS for 2 children

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Feb 3, 2015
So both my niece and nephew would need a DAS (and they each need their own since he won't go on most rides that she will go on). When getting a return time for the whole family to go together, would they be able to both get a return time (the same time)? That way if he won't go on it after she's been waiting 45 mins she wouldn't have to start again. Same with him - if she can't go on, he still could. But what would happen with the rest of the people. The mom would stay off with either kid, and the dad is the rider (unless they all 5 go) . My other niece doesn't need a DAS. But of course how unfair to her if she waits all that time for the ride and then can't go on it because the DAS holder doesn't want to. My question is how flexible is it for which person rides with the child? Will the mom and dad just have to keep switching magic bands or can they be grouped together with 2 potential DAS riders? And where does that leave their other daughter? Just need to understand how it works for a group.
Edited to say _ I know that they can't have 2 different times to ride twice. Just talking about one ride here for the group.
Each child can get a DAS. Each person can have 1 DAS return time. So if DAS holder #1 gets a return time for Peter Pan and DAS holder #2 gets a return for Space then the other 3 members of the party would be able to get a return for either PP or Space but not both. If they both want to ride Buzz, they can both get a return time for the same ride, they don't have to be each other's "companion." It might be best to use FP+ for the rides that the DAS holders might not ride.
Thanks for the reply. I know the family (companions) can't get a return time for two rides at the same time but if all 5 plan on going on Peter Pan (with 2 DAS riders) does the rest of the family (5 in all) have to choose which DAS rider is the companion? Or can the sister go with either one that gets on the ride? It's not like she can just go wait in line by herself. :) she has to wait with her siblings. So I guess what I am saying is can the DAS rider switch who his or her companions are? Can the DAS rider add a companion after getting a return time? Can a companion drop a return time (without riding) and become a different DAS riders companion? How does it work?
To clarify - So say niece 1 gets a return time for Peter pan for 12:00 and nephew gets a return time for Peter pan for 12:00. Mom, dad, and niece 2 all need a return time of 12:00. Does niece 2 need to declare which DAS rider she is the companion of? Say nephew won't ride. Dad will ride and mom stays behind (they could simply switch magic bands if needed), but niece 2 will need to ride too. What if she was put nephew and not niece 1 as the DAS rider? Can that be switched? I mean you can't tell a six yr old sorry you can't ride because your brother is scared but your sister and father are still going to ride (or switched if it is the niece 1 who doesn't go on but nephew does).
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In that each guest can only be included on one DAS at a time, yes, niece 2 would have had to choose. Otherwise she would be on two 12:00 DAS at one time, which you know she can't be.

If that's not what you're asking, could you please ask in a more clear way?
I don't think you're going to find anyone who knows exactly every possible combination in the DAS software. And that would include the CMs who use it. My guess is that no, a companion cannot be added later after a DAS has been obtained. When the whole family was going to ride together, if the non-DAS holding niece is a companion for the sibling who decides not to ride, they could explain the situation and get a CM or ride lead to override. If the family has DAS for 2 different attractions, and the non-DAS holding niece tries to switch attractions, I would not expect her to get to ride. Even if the reason is the DAS holder decided not to ride their ride. That is the risk one takes when getting a return time, an FP or getting in the standby line - that the situation changes and for whatever reason you don't end up riding. They could ask, but don't expect the CMs to provide pixie dust in every possible scenario. One thing that they could do besides using FP+ for attractions that neither DAS holder is likely to ride is have one parent take her through the standby line while the other stays with the DAS holders while they wait for their return time. They could probably also use rider swap in some situations where only 1 DAS holder is riding.
You would think that they would have a plan in place for this situation. Many families have two children with autism and other typical children. Each tweak of the system pushes disabled families further away from being able to visit Disney World.
In that each guest can only be included on one DAS at a time, yes, niece 2 would have had to choose. Otherwise she would be on two 12:00 DAS at one time, which you know she can't be.

If that's not what you're asking, could you please ask in a more clear way?
I know she can only hold one DAS time but since they are linking the users together I wanted to know if they were linked as a group. There is no reason why they can't link a group with 2 DAS holders. As long as one of the DAS holders goes on the ride the people in the "group" should be able to ride - they've waited the proper amount of time.
I do not think any one can tell you the right answer to this but lets say all want to go on a ride Nince with das and nice with out das are on the same band nice a the lest second decides she dose not want to ride I would go to the CM and say these two have a DAS card this one dose not want to ride this one was on her can the one with out the DAS ride with us on his DAS ( I think as long as you do not have over 5 people this may work) I have found that CM are very nice if you explain to them your problem, so I would say yes it could be changed the person riding with the DAS holder but that is a very hesitant yes.
Part of the thing is disney can't possibly have a way of making every single persons situation work while still managing to stop those that want to abuse the system and having the software be reasonably uncomplex... so that the CMs can use it, families can understand it, and the SW has less bugs.

Marking people as a group would get really complicated. Especially if the family group doesn't always want to stay as a group. As many families you might have in this situation that want to stay together you'll have just as many families that sometimes want to split where Dad takes 2 children with one DAS and mom takes the other. This wouldn't work as well if they were all grouped.
Is it predictable which DAS holder is more likely to change their mind about riding? Is so, at least make sure their return time "group" is only for 2 and put the other sister with the one more likely to ride. Does that help at all?
Actually just thinking about the age of the one your calling neice 2...

Do they/you realize the other issue with a family of 5? Any child under the age of 7 can't ride alone. This is often interpreted as being "not right next to an adult" by ride CMs. Which means on rides that only sit 2 next to each other that the 6 year old has to ride with the adult. So if the children with DAS are both older then Dad could take two children but the child with the DAS is going to have to be the one to ride without Dad next to them (and possibly with a stranger, which since you have mentioned autism and not wanting to ride often I thought may be a problem?)

If the children with a DAS are also under the age of 7 there are many rides where Dad isn't going to be able to take 2 children by himself.
You would think that they would have a plan in place for this situation. Many families have two children with autism and other typical children. Each tweak of the system pushes disabled families further away from being able to visit Disney World.

The accommodation is set up for the needs of the disabled. There's just no way to accommodate every single situation with every other party member that might pop up.

If the needs of the user are being met, it's doing it's job. Sometimes it stinks for other people.
You would think that they would have a plan in place for this situation. Many families have two children with autism and other typical children. Each tweak of the system pushes disabled families further away from being able to visit Disney World.

I couldn't disagree more.
Thanks for the reply. I know the family (companions) can't get a return time for two rides at the same time but if all 5 plan on going on Peter Pan (with 2 DAS riders) does the rest of the family (5 in all) have to choose which DAS rider is the companion? Or can the sister go with either one that gets on the ride? It's not like she can just go wait in line by herself. :) she has to wait with her siblings. So I guess what I am saying is can the DAS rider switch who his or her companions are? Can the DAS rider add a companion after getting a return time? Can a companion drop a return time (without riding) and become a different DAS riders companion? How does it work?

To clarify - So say niece 1 gets a return time for Peter pan for 12:00 and nephew gets a return time for Peter pan for 12:00. Mom, dad, and niece 2 all need a return time of 12:00. Does niece 2 need to declare which DAS rider she is the companion of? Say nephew won't ride. Dad will ride and mom stays behind (they could simply switch magic bands if needed), but niece 2 will need to ride too. What if she was put nephew and not niece 1 as the DAS rider? Can that be switched? I mean you can't tell a six yr old sorry you can't ride because your brother is scared but your sister and father are still going to ride (or switched if it is the niece 1 who doesn't go on but nephew does).

I know she can only hold one DAS time but since they are linking the users together I wanted to know if they were linked as a group. There is no reason why they can't link a group with 2 DAS holders. As long as one of the DAS holders goes on the ride the people in the "group" should be able to ride - they've waited the proper amount of time.

The companions are attached to a single DAS holder's return time. When getting a time, the CM will ask who will be riding with them and attach that name to that DAS. As others explained if the DAS holder decides to not ride, the companions can not ride. The best approach for the family since they know their children best is attach the companions to the DAS holder they believe will actually ride.

Your grouping/switching out theory would open the DAS to all kinds of abuse and we would be right back where we started with the GAC mess. Everyone would want it if this were allowed. The current system works well. It provides access without excess. What you are proposing would be more in line with excess.

Key here is making your FP+ reservations for things the non-DAS child wants to do to insure they get on those rides quickly. Arrive at rope drop for shorter lines (even if one parent goes early with this child) and utilize EMH if they are staying on site. Utilize the MDE app for wait times so they can find those attractions where the kids don't have long waits.

I understand you feel it's mean ..... my children were often told they could not do something they wanted to do because their brother could not do it. So we made our decisions based on what everyone could do when we were together. Or we would go together but take time to split so one parent could take kids in different directions for different needs. Many times Dad stays at hotel with DS so they can swim and relax, I take the siblings to the parks so we can go at their pace. And the siblings got special trips/events just for them with one parent while brother stayed home with other parent at other times. Not mean, it's the life we live and we make it work the best we can.
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The system was created to link a companion to one DAS holder because there was a big abuse when the cards came out of families get multiple cards for each child that needed a DAS and then then entire family returning on each card. They would basically go and get return times for every ride they wanted and just rotate the cards. So in this case in the original DAS card set up they could have had 2 return times for 2 different rides. Now they make you claim a DAS companion when you get a return time so that they can not be linked to another wait time as well.

Worst case if one of the DAS holders decides not to ride you could go up to the CM and explain you are a family and 2 of the 3 children have a DAS. One DAS holder decided they don't want to ride and sister is linked to that DAS as well. I would bet 99% of CMs would override the system and let the niece 2 through.

The other option is niece 2 just takes the Magic Band of who ever has to sit out but is on the other DAS. Of course it gets harder if the person who has 2 companions is who decides to sit out.
I believe you are incorrect - all members of the party can be attached to both DAS, but can be attached to only one return time at a time.

Yes, I guess how I worded it was confusing, I was only talking about getting a time. They are all attached to one DAS "time". I will reword that.
The system was created to link a companion to one DAS holder because there was a big abuse when the cards came out of families get multiple cards for each child that needed a DAS and then then entire family returning on each card. They would basically go and get return times for every ride they wanted and just rotate the cards. So in this case in the original DAS card set up they could have had 2 return times for 2 different rides. Now they make you claim a DAS companion when you get a return time so that they can not be linked to another wait time as well.

Worst case if one of the DAS holders decides not to ride you could go up to the CM and explain you are a family and 2 of the 3 children have a DAS. One DAS holder decided they don't want to ride and sister is linked to that DAS as well. I would bet 99% of CMs would override the system and let the niece 2 through.

The other option is niece 2 just takes the Magic Band of who ever has to sit out but is on the other DAS. Of course it gets harder if the person who has 2 companions is who decides to sit out.

Since going electronic on the Magic Bands, whole groups can and are linked to multiple DAS. They can only have one return time at a time, but they are not limited to being linked to one DAS.
Since going electronic on the Magic Bands, whole groups can and are linked to multiple DAS. They can only have one return time at a time, but they are not limited to being linked to one DAS.

I was more trying to say they couldn't have multiple return times. Now the none DAS holder can only have 1 return time. Before you could be the companion of every DAS holder in your group and even DAS holders could be companions of other DAS holders. Now you can only have 1 return time even if you are a companion to several parties.
You would think that they would have a plan in place for this situation. Many families have two children with autism and other typical children. Each tweak of the system pushes disabled families further away from being able to visit Disney World.
What about a single mom with a 4 year old and a 6 year old. They wait in line, the 4 year old decides not to ride, the 6 year old also has to exit the line. Life isn't fair. Sometimes you can't do things when you want to do them due to the circumstances in your family. Disney doesn't have to make extra exceptions for that, nor should someone go in expecting it.
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