It was the best of times, it was the worst of times!

I think that waiting to book airfare until you are certain that Miles will go is a good thing... You can always rebook the Disney poriton of the trip.

Loved your MK day - you managed to do all of our favorites! With exception to poor Splash Mtn... Quite honestly - if SM was being refurbed for one of our trips, that would be a deal breaker and we'd have to reschedule. Can't go to WDW with out SM. ::yes::

And how awesome about BOG!!! Seriously. To be honest - I felt the same way last August, the entire Rose room was empty - they could have easily filled it, but I had the feeling that there wasn't enough staff there to cover it.

Sounds like a great day!

How awesome that you were able to get into BOG! That is a great way to salvage a trip. We rarely do fireworks or parades, for us the crowds just aren't worth it. Plus, we are rope drop people with little girls who need their rest so we're not often in the parks in the evenings.

I hope the big girl bed will solve our problems, I miss sleeping in my own bed! Plus, Charlotte is a little restless in her sleep so I don't feel like I get a good night's sleep when I am bunking with her.

The doctor said that Peyton's strep may not have cleared from the last time she had it. They gave her a stronger antibiotic which may have helped her bounce back faster. It is nearly impossible to keep my girls out of the pool!

My dad's schedule is so unpredictable. This trip he was supposed to leave in the begininng of June. My mom let me know late last week that it was moved up to the first week of May - so not much notice. For our September 2013 trip - we booked everything a couple of months out. Then a month before they changed my dad's schedule so he wasn't going to be able to make it. We had rented DVC points and couldn't reschedule or cancel. About 2 weeks before the trip, my dad's schedule changed again and he was able to make it. While we love my mom, traveling with her without my dad is a bit trying. Sometimes it's like traveling with 3 kids! So we much prefer taking family trips when my dad can join us. I ran numbers yesterday, and I think a summer trip is out of reach so we'll hold off for Spring Break 2015 (assuming it will work with dad's schedule). March is too far away!
:goodvibes YAY! BOG walk up.....that's some pixie dust right there!!! I'm so glad you were able to end your trip on a good note.

Thanks Raina! We were thrilled to get the BOG table! It was a great day all the way around!:cool1:

glad to see you're feeling better with your eye. It's funny how quickly you can recover from things....seems like a torn retina would put you out for awhile...

Yes, I'm still supposed to take it easy a bit, but I'm doing great. I do have pain in that eye, but the dr said there is no reason for the pain. He thinks it's in my head, but he doesn't know me at all to say that. If anything, I downplay any pain I have. It woke me up yesterday morning at 3 AM! But Advil takes care of it for a while, so it's all good.

Oh, my goodness, you've really been through the mill, haven't you! I've enjoyed reading your trip report--we're also grandparents who enjoy our "alone" trips-- in fact, we're leaving for one in the morning!

:cool1::cool1::cool1: I know you won't see this for a while, but I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip!!!! How fun! I'd love to hear all about it when you get back, so if you do a report, please give me the link.:goodvibes

My DD and DGD just got back two weeks ago from a girl's trip. My DGD was very much like Charlotte on her first trip, she was completely overwhelmed and left the park (MK) with her crying hysterically our first day. I was ready to pull my hair out! Plus we had her father with us-- and what a mistake that was for everyone, including him lol.

Glad to know Charlotte isn't the only one! She didn't get upset, just matter-of-factly said she wanted to go. If we had tried to stay any longer, the melt-down would have definitely come, though! I take it your DGD got over it and enjoyed the rest of the trip. I hope anyway! Yes, Dad's can be a mistake sometimes!:rotfl:

I used to work for a group of retinal specialists and a torn retina is no joke--take proper care of yourself. We also lived in your neck of the woods in the 70's-- we lived in Medina and our youngest son was transferred to Akron Children's Hospital in the middle of a horrible blizzard in '77 after he was born 5 weeks early in Medina.

Thanks, I'm trying to!

I remember that blizzard quite well! I can't imagine getting from Medina to Children's in that!! But it is a great hospital and I'm sure it was the best place for him.

I'm also dealing with being a member of the "sandwich generation"-- my mom fell down her basement stairs and broke her elbow the day I was arriving in Michigan to celebrate her 85th birthday. My quick 3 day visit turned into 8 days. I've also spent long periods of time helping out children for various issues-- we have 5.

It's quite the roller coaster isn't it? I have had a rough year in terms of trying to be there for everyone who needed me. I'm glad I was able to take so much time, but I'm hoping for a bit of a lull now. It is especially hard for me to watch my parents deteriorate before my eyes. That moment when you realize that the two people you've relied on all your life can no longer be there in that way for you is like a punch to the gut. Now I just hope I can be there for them and remain sensitive to their needs, but not too pushy. Fine balance there.

Really enjoyed your report a lot!

Thanks! I am going to go and read your reports now. We seem to have a lot in common!::yes::

I think that waiting to book airfare until you are certain that Miles will go is a good thing... You can always rebook the Disney poriton of the trip.

D~!!! Bless you for taking the time to jump over here! :hug:

I think so too. We would take him somewhere special for a few days if he decided not to go to Disney. I would be disappointed, but this is a trip for him and all about what HE wants. And rebooking for a trip for just Dan and I in the fall would not be such a hardship...:rotfl2:

Loved your MK day - you managed to do all of our favorites! With exception to poor Splash Mtn... Quite honestly - if SM was being refurbed for one of our trips, that would be a deal breaker and we'd have to reschedule. Can't go to WDW with out SM. ::yes::

I cannot tell you how disappointed we were to learn that SM would be down. However, since it was for Charlotte's birthday, the dates could not be changed. But, it seemed as though, having been sick and unable to do much, we enjoyed everything we did so much more and didn't mind as much the things we could not do. (Usually I'm a little bit of a cranky pants when a favorite ride is down.:rolleyes1)

And how awesome about BOG!!! Seriously. To be honest - I felt the same way last August, the entire Rose room was empty - they could have easily filled it, but I had the feeling that there wasn't enough staff there to cover it.

Sounds like a great day!


It was the perfect bonus for us! The very first time we ate in the Rose Gallery, it was chock full. But we've eaten there twice since then and it was mostly empty. Such a shame when so many people want to eat there.:sad2:

It WAS a great day and I'm very grateful for that!!

ohhhhhhhh HOW BEAUTIFUL! and only a 30 minute wait! :cool1:

Pictures really came out beautiful!!!

Hey Mo!! We were sooooo excited to get the beeper, and then to wait just 30 minutes...pixiedust:pixiedust:

Thanks! Next trip I'm going to take more with the actual camera instead of my phone. It's just so darn handy!


Just a quick update on my Mom. She has been doing water aerobics five days a week for more years than I can count. It is her only social outlet and something that has always made her feel good. Well, she tried to go back last week and couldn't even get in the pool before her breathing and strength gave out. She told me yesterday she's giving it up. This is so sad for me and I'm sure devastating for her. I'm going to try to find something she can do where she can be with other people. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it. I plan to take her out for lunch once a week, but beyond that, I have no idea. Thanks for any thought you might have.


Disney Trip: I started pricing out different resorts for our trip with Miles next year. Of course I know prices will increase, but it will get me in the ballpark. I'm thinking he would love Pop as much as Selah did, but I also think he would like a Pirate room at CBR. We've never stayed at CBR, because we didn't like how spread out it is, but would love to hear from any of you who have stayed there and your thoughts on it.

I guess that's all for today. I have lots of housework to do today since I had to take it easy all weekend. Hope you all have a fabulous day!
First of all, those are all of our favorite rides too. They never get old!

Wow, on the pixie dust for BOG! Disney magic at its best.

C and I stayed at CBR last year - I love that resort - it is so relaxing and it is beautiful.

We were in a preferred building though (Martinique), so we were close to the Custom House and pool. I'm not sure just where the pirate rooms are located, but from what I've read, they are furtherest from the pool area.

The pool itself is awesome. The kids pool has the neatest water feature. I would have enjoyed playing in it myself!
Hey Jennifer! You popped in while I was typing my other replays. Good to see you!:wave2:

How awesome that you were able to get into BOG! That is a great way to salvage a trip. We rarely do fireworks or parades, for us the crowds just aren't worth it. Plus, we are rope drop people with little girls who need their rest so we're not often in the parks in the evenings.

I totally get that. Thats pretty much why we didn't see the parade or Wishes when Charlotte was with us. But, for us, there's always next time, so I wasn't too bummed. I think being sick made us appreciate even more what we were finally able to do. Love BOG!!!:thumbsup2

I hope the big girl bed will solve our problems, I miss sleeping in my own bed! Plus, Charlotte is a little restless in her sleep so I don't feel like I get a good night's sleep when I am bunking with her.

That's exactly what I was thinking, that you can't be getting a good quality of sleep that way. I hope it gets better very soon for you both! :flower3:

The doctor said that Peyton's strep may not have cleared from the last time she had it. They gave her a stronger antibiotic which may have helped her bounce back faster. It is nearly impossible to keep my girls out of the pool!

My grandkids love swimming too and I can't imagine if they had access to a pool like your girls do. It would be impossible to keep them away! I'm glad the stronger meds helped kick it so soon. I know we hate to medicate, but sometimes there's just no alternative. ::yes::

My dad's schedule is so unpredictable. This trip he was supposed to leave in the begininng of June. My mom let me know late last week that it was moved up to the first week of May - so not much notice. For our September 2013 trip - we booked everything a couple of months out. Then a month before they changed my dad's schedule so he wasn't going to be able to make it. We had rented DVC points and couldn't reschedule or cancel. About 2 weeks before the trip, my dad's schedule changed again and he was able to make it. While we love my mom, traveling with her without my dad is a bit trying. Sometimes it's like traveling with 3 kids! So we much prefer taking family trips when my dad can join us. I ran numbers yesterday, and I think a summer trip is out of reach so we'll hold off for Spring Break 2015 (assuming it will work with dad's schedule). March is too far away!

That must be so hard on your Dad to have such a changing schedule. I'm glad it worked out for your September trip! I totally get the dynamic without your Dad. It's good you recognize that and try to plan accordingly. March 2015 will get here before you know it! I'm glad you have something like that to look forward to and to plan. :teacher:
Ohh a pirate room!!! How FUN would that be!!!
Aoa of course i am on the AoA fun wagon now. I cannot wait to stay there.

LOVE PLANNING TRIPS!!!! :thumbsup2

Sorry i cannot be of help with your mom. Unless Bingo?
Oh CBR! We've been going there every year since 2009! White sandy beaches - the pool with the fort (not that we partake, but I'm sure Miles would LOVE IT!) Caribbean Cay island with hammocks and play structure - hammocks on the beaches... It's a lovely place to stay.

Mostly it's not a huge walk to get to Old Port Royale (the main food/concierge/shop) if you've ever been to Port Orleans Riverside, the Bayou side, we've found it easier to navigate than that. It seems more wide flung than the values, but I always find the walking at the values pretty oppressive because there's not a lot of shade.

I'll be no help regarding activities for your mom, I'm afraid. My mom (aged 80) does her own social networking through church and she volunteers at the zoo. She still has pretty good stamina, but takes everything very slowly.

Hope your eye improves or you get a second opinion about the pain.
I wish I had some thoughtful insight on your mom... My grandmother (95 y/o) still goes to church every morning and bowls twice a week... She also volunteers at the Senior Center... As of last summer, she was still biking to church every day... I am so very sad for your mom - what if she could take a longer break from the water aerobics? And mabye get back into it? There are so many great benefits for her - not only social but physical too. :hug:

I think the pirate rooms would be great for Miles... How fun! Sadly, I have never stayed at CBR either - so I have no idea. All I know, is at the end of the night, I can barely do the walk from the bus to building 6 at FQ, so I am not sure how I would do being further away than that?

And I really have NO opinion on the values, since i have never stayed in one... I do know that most of the people who do stay in them though, love them. :lovestruc So, I think it would be totally fine... After all - you are in Disney. :)

Hope you are having a great week!

We've stayed at CBR once in a pirate room - when we did a girls weekend for my mom's birthday. The resort is big, but that didn't bother us. The one reason we haven't stayed there again is the double beds - DH and I have a king at home and we can't do a double bed for any length of time comfortably.

Does your mom do any sewing or quiliting? My grandma teaches classes at the sewing machine shop she works at - maybe something like that would give your mom a social outlet that isn't too physically demanding? I hope you can find something for her. :hug:

I'm having a bit of Disney withdrawl - last year we had annual passes and I think we were at Disney - at least for a day trip - every month but December in 2013. Although, March 2015 isn't too far away - I'm just having trouble with so much less Disney this year. :sad1:

We are very blessed to be able to see my parents every weekend and enjoy their pool. Swimming is necessary in Florida in the summer - or else staying inside in the AC.

How is Jennifer doing? Getting back to her old self?

Hope you are having a great day! Back to work for me after eating at my desk quickly and DISing.
So, I was over here boo hooing yesterday about not having annual passes. DH calls me yesterday afternoon to say he got an interview for a new job. Last night I was helping him with the paperwork for the job and Charlotte and Peyton were less than thrilled that they weren't getting our attention. DH says, "I need Mommy's help with this so I can get a new job and we can get Disney passes again." :lovestruc I love that the first thing DH mentioned spending the extra money on is Disney.

Please send prayers and good thoughts for him on this job. The extra money would be nice but more importantly, DH is really unhappy in his current job and this would be a much better fit. In addition, his current job has the potential to be dangerous, the new job would be a desk job so that would be a nice change.
So, I was over here boo hooing yesterday about not having annual passes. DH calls me yesterday afternoon to say he got an interview for a new job. Last night I was helping him with the paperwork for the job and Charlotte and Peyton were less than thrilled that they weren't getting our attention. DH says, "I need Mommy's help with this so I can get a new job and we can get Disney passes again." :lovestruc I love that the first thing DH mentioned spending the extra money on is Disney. Please send prayers and good thoughts for him on this job. The extra money would be nice but more importantly, DH is really unhappy in his current job and this would be a much better fit. In addition, his current job has the potential to be dangerous, the new job would be a desk job so that would be a nice change.

You and your husband are in my prayers. Pixie dust too
First of all, those are all of our favorite rides too. They never get old!

Wow, on the pixie dust for BOG! Disney magic at its best.

C and I stayed at CBR last year - I love that resort - it is so relaxing and it is beautiful.

We were in a preferred building though (Martinique), so we were close to the Custom House and pool. I'm not sure just where the pirate rooms are located, but from what I've read, they are furtherest from the pool area.

The pool itself is awesome. The kids pool has the neatest water feature. I would have enjoyed playing in it myself!

Thanks for the input, Tess. Miles would enjoy the pool for sure, and I like the idea of sandy beaches. I think you're right about the Pirate rooms being far out. Still, it would be pretty cool.:cool2:

Ohh a pirate room!!! How FUN would that be!!!
Aoa of course i am on the AoA fun wagon now. I cannot wait to stay there.


Sorry i cannot be of help with your mom. Unless Bingo?

I would love to stay at AoA, but we would not get a suite and I don't think he'd love the Little Mermaid rooms.:rotfl: I love planning trips too and I love following your planning!:thumbsup2

The problem with activities for my Mom is made more difficult due to her Alzheimer's.:sad1:

Oh CBR! We've been going there every year since 2009! White sandy beaches - the pool with the fort (not that we partake, but I'm sure Miles would LOVE IT!) Caribbean Cay island with hammocks and play structure - hammocks on the beaches... It's a lovely place to stay.

Mostly it's not a huge walk to get to Old Port Royale (the main food/concierge/shop) if you've ever been to Port Orleans Riverside, the Bayou side, we've found it easier to navigate than that. It seems more wide flung than the values, but I always find the walking at the values pretty oppressive because there's not a lot of shade.

Thanks for the great info on CBR. It sounds fabulous! I know Miles would love the fort and any kind of play equipment. I don't know why Dan and I haven't ever stayed there, we just always gravitate to French Quarter. It's definitely in the running!:thumbsup2

I'll be no help regarding activities for your mom, I'm afraid. My mom (aged 80) does her own social networking through church and she volunteers at the zoo. She still has pretty good stamina, but takes everything very slowly.

I'm so glad your Mom is able to be so active! My MIL is 91 and still lives alone and drives and is ready to do anything and go anywhere. That's why I'm really trying to take care of myself so I can enjoy my old age. I think volunteering at the zoo would be such fun!

Hope your eye improves or you get a second opinion about the pain.

Thanks! It's feeling pretty good. The dr did suggest it could be sinus related and that may be the case, although I would have thought it would be both sides. This crazy cold then warm then cold again weather has my sinuses in an uproar.

I wish I had some thoughtful insight on your mom... My grandmother (95 y/o) still goes to church every morning and bowls twice a week... She also volunteers at the Senior Center... As of last summer, she was still biking to church every day... I am so very sad for your mom - what if she could take a longer break from the water aerobics? And mabye get back into it? There are so many great benefits for her - not only social but physical too. :hug:

Oh my gosh! I love that your Grandmother can do so much! That is so awesome!! And you are so right. Mom tried to go back too soon. My friend who works at the hospital said to allow 3 days for each day of being in the hospital. I told her she was going back too soon, but she thought she needed to jump right back in. She is going to try again in a couple of weeks.

I think the pirate rooms would be great for Miles... How fun! Sadly, I have never stayed at CBR either - so I have no idea. All I know, is at the end of the night, I can barely do the walk from the bus to building 6 at FQ, so I am not sure how I would do being further away than that?

I do love the idea of the Pirate rooms too. We'll see how it works out. I can't even book anything yet, so we have time to weigh the pros and cons. I hear you about walking from the bus at the end of the day. The closer the better!::yes::

And I really have NO opinion on the values, since i have never stayed in one... I do know that most of the people who do stay in them though, love them. :lovestruc So, I think it would be totally fine... After all - you are in Disney. :)

I'm not hugely fond of the values, but we did enjoy Pop when we stayed there with Selah. I think Pop and AoA are a cut above the All Stars. The food courts are really good! And you are so right, no matter where we stay, it's Disney, so all is good!!:cool1:

Hope you are having a great week!


Thanks! :hug: You too.

We've stayed at CBR once in a pirate room - when we did a girls weekend for my mom's birthday. The resort is big, but that didn't bother us. The one reason we haven't stayed there again is the double beds - DH and I have a king at home and we can't do a double bed for any length of time comfortably.

I hadn't thought of the double beds. :idea: Maybe Dan could share with Miles and I can have the other bed. That would work for me. Not sure about Dan though.:rolleyes1

Does your mom do any sewing or quiliting? My grandma teaches classes at the sewing machine shop she works at - maybe something like that would give your mom a social outlet that isn't too physically demanding? I hope you can find something for her. :hug:

Thanks for the thought. I'm so glad your grandma can teach classes. My Mom made my wedding dress without using a pattern!! She is (was) a wonderful seamstress. She has arthritis in her hands pretty badly and a couple of years ago had to give up making quilt tops for her church. Also, she has Alzheimer's and doesn't remember how to do many things. She remembers she used to be able to do these things and it saddens her that she can't remember how. She's going to try to go back to the water aerobics after a couple of weeks.

I'm having a bit of Disney withdrawl - last year we had annual passes and I think we were at Disney - at least for a day trip - every month but December in 2013. Although, March 2015 isn't too far away - I'm just having trouble with so much less Disney this year. :sad1:

We are very blessed to be able to see my parents every weekend and enjoy their pool. Swimming is necessary in Florida in the summer - or else staying inside in the AC.

I know what you mean. If I lived in Florida, I'd be trying to get there all the time. 2015 will be here before you know it!

As a grandparent, I would love to be close enough to see my grands every weekend!! I'm glad your girls have a chance to get to know their grandparents so well. It truly is a blessing!::yes::

How is Jennifer doing? Getting back to her old self?

She is doing pretty well. She is pleased to be able to drive and get around so much better. The PT wasn't helping to straighten her leg that last 15 degrees, so they are doing electric shock treatments into her muscle to "wake it up". Very painful, but Jennifer is willing to try anything to get full mobility back. They have also suggested a brace that can be adjusted incrementally until her leg is completely straight. Thanks for asking!:hug:

Hope you are having a great day! Back to work for me after eating at my desk quickly and DISing.

Bless your heart! Dan eats at his desk a lot too. But if that's the only way you can do your DIS…it's worth it, right?:wave2:

Hope you had a great weekend!:goodvibes

So, I was over here boo hooing yesterday about not having annual passes. DH calls me yesterday afternoon to say he got an interview for a new job. Last night I was helping him with the paperwork for the job and Charlotte and Peyton were less than thrilled that they weren't getting our attention. DH says, "I need Mommy's help with this so I can get a new job and we can get Disney passes again." :lovestruc I love that the first thing DH mentioned spending the extra money on is Disney.

Please send prayers and good thoughts for him on this job. The extra money would be nice but more importantly, DH is really unhappy in his current job and this would be a much better fit. In addition, his current job has the potential to be dangerous, the new job would be a desk job so that would be a nice change.

Oh my gosh! That's great news! I for sure will put him on my prayer list for the new job. And I LOVE that his first thought was more Disney! :yay:

You and your husband are in my prayers. Pixie dust too

So sweet!:hug:


So, update on my Mom. She had to go back into the hospital on Wednesday. She went to her doctor for test results and he saw how labored her breathing was and sent her right to the hospital. She under went tests for Myasthenia Gravis which I was kinda hoping would be why she was having breathing problems since in 7 years no one had been able to find the reason. And MG is treatable. But, it was negative. They did a Cardiac Cath among other tests and she came home on Friday. I've been busy going to the hospital and getting groceries for them etc. Also, our son Jonathan and his wife are here for the weekend. We hadn't seen them since Christmas, so we were happy they came. I also talked to my Dad about assisted living again and he didn't go all postal on me about it, so maybe he's realizing it's time to at least get on a waiting list. He's been having more bad days than good lately as well.:sad2:


DISNEY NEWS: So, I'm checking my emails and see something from Disney. Yes, just to make things interesting, there is going to be free dining for late August through October 3rd and since I'm a Disney CC holder, I can book before the general public. Oh yes, that's all I needed!! Sign me up!!:dance3: Unfortunately, Dan just shook his head no. Then a little bit later he said, well, that is a good deal. So he's thinking about it. We may be going to Disney in September!!!! Unfortunately I can't whip up a million bags like D~ does to pay for it, so we'll have to crunch numbers to see if it will work. I would love a do over after our February trip. I'll keep you posted!!

Time for church, so I have to go. Hope you all had/are having a great weekend!!!:flower3:
Glad to hear Jennifer is doing better. I hope either the electric shock or the brace works for her.

Sorry to hear Mom was back in the hospital, but it sounds like your Dad might be seeing the light finally.

Charlie and I loved staying at POFQ and didn't want to stay anywhere else, but last year, he decided he wanted to try CBR :confused3. We absolutely loved it - except for the double beds. We have a king size bed at home and even though we are both short people, the bed was just too small. Luckily, CBR is supposed to be undergoing a refurb and queen size beds will be going in. I don't know the time frame on that though.

A September trip sounds lovely - I hope that if you do go, our times overlap!pixiedust:
Sorry your mom had to go back to the hospital again. I wish they had answers for her so they could treat it. Hopefully in a couple of weeks water aerobics won't be so daunting for her. Glad you may be making headway with your dad on the assisted living front, it may be just what they both need.

We are looking at a free dining trip too! Actually, as soon as they release it to the general public I am booking a November trip and a December trip. Peyton has sometime off from school both months, and I can take up to 4 days off so we are going to make the reservations. POFQ is our first choice, but I don't have a second choice. I guess POR. Then, at the 45 day mark, hopefully my dad will know his schedule and we can keep the trip he'll be home for and cancel the other one. And, if DH gets the new job we'll be able to save for it by then and maybe still do a Spring Break trip!

So, I am home today with a very sick Charlotte (although she is now starting to perk up a bit). I took her to the doctor on Saturday and she has a double ear infection and strep throat. I thought she'd be better by today but she woke up about 3:45 this morning crying for me (first night in her big girl bed!) so I slept with her until about 5:30. I noticed that she felt very warm. Then when I got her up for school this morning she was burning up. Running a 103 degree fever. It's only down to 102.2 now. Poor baby!

Glad Jennifer is doing better. My DH had to do the electrocution for his Achilles tendon, he said it was very painful but it worked well for him. Hope Jennifer has good results too.
We are looking at a free dining trip too! Actually, as soon as they release it to the general public I am booking a November trip and a December trip. Peyton has sometime off from school both months, and I can take up to 4 days off so we are going to make the reservations. POFQ is our first choice, but I don't have a second choice. I guess POR.
POR and POFQ were excluded from this free dining offer. We ended up having to switch to CSR to get it, but it saved us about $3000 so switcharoo!!! :rotfl: Maybe so many people have switched from POR with this time period that they will offer it there in Nov/Dec. Good luck!!! :thumbsup2

Oh LOIS!!! Sept sounds pretty good to me, like maybe the last week..........:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Just stopping by to check in on you. I hope everything is OK. :hug:



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