WISH Away the Pounds **Maddening March Challenge** All Welcome

Thanks for the welcome...

Yeah, doing well, just a confusing time that my partner and I are going thru, she went thru some crazy things, going to take time to get back to where we were.. we shall see :)
Oh! This is soooo cute! Just when I had moved to Berlin my sister and I happened to come a cross a marketing event for Ratatouille in front of a large cinema. We checked it out (you could see film clips inside a huge piece of cheese) and then got our picture taken in front of the Paris background from the film. We also got a film poster. I had this in my kitchen in Berlin and when I came back to Nuremberg I put it up here as well. I absolutely loved the film! I can't wait to get back to DLP after they have opened the Ratatouille ride there, which is set to open this summer. It sounds like it is going to be quite an amazing ride!

Thanks for the WW help. I had decided to go with the calculator result anyway. Seemed more reliable to me. :thumbsup2

I love my Remy utensil holder.... but due to JAMMING my utensils into it too hard, I broke the bottom out a few years ago. I was going to fix it, but DH got to it first.... and while I appreciate it, the glue job looks like it was done in a Kindergarten class!!:rolleyes1 I was disappointed, but tried to be grateful for the gesture. However, I would love to find one in better condition without paying an arm and a leg. In fact, when I bought my original one, I kept putting it back on the shelf because I didn't want to spend the $$.... but it finally came down to a reasonable clearance price and I grabbed it... and have loved it ever since!

I think Ratatouille is definitely an under-rated movie! Love to see your pictures in front of the big cheese!

Thanks for the welcome...

Yeah, doing well, just a confusing time that my partner and I are going thru, she went thru some crazy things, going to take time to get back to where we were.. we shall see :)

Glad you are here with us and I hope life settles down a bit!


Okay friends... again, I"ve spent some time hovering nearby in case anyone else popped on, but things are quiet again, so I'm going to say good night for now! I'll be back in the morning with a QOTD!........................P
Good morning and happy Monday!

QOTD for Monday, March 24, 2014:

What are you looking forward to this week? Do you have a special event of any sort planned? If not, could you plan something NICE for yourself (and possibly your family)?
Well, morning everyone out there! I am so shocked at how quiet this thread has been lately! I hope that means that EVERYONE is enjoying an amazing spring time!!

We are enduring near record cold temps lately, so I've been frustrated with the lack of "outside" time. Usually by now I can walk/run outside regularly and hang laundry outside... but not when temps are in the 20's!! That being said, the sunshine is nice, since the sun's angle is definitely more "summer like" right now. I can almost fool myself that it really is spring!:lmao:

Day one of my two day juicing is done and it went fairly well. I did end up eating a small handful of mixed nuts last night around 8:30pm. I was just so hungry! I also ate some roasted cauliflower with my dinner juice.... it was nice to chew something!:lmao:

For my "dinner" juice I made a smoothie with the homemade juice, a scoop of vanilla Juice Plus powder and the juice that was in the bottom of my container of defrosted mixed berries (keep it in the fridge for yogurt mornings), and of course, some baby spinach. It was really delicious!! I could almost fool myself into believing it some some sort of raspberry milkshake! And I checked out the NI on the Juice Plus and was pleasantly surprised. Since I buy (well, past tense, since we have discontinued buying it) it for DS, I've never been concerned about the calories.... just concerned with the ingredients, protein, and fiber. It has zero grams of fat and TONS of fiber for just 120 calories. Makes me want to reconsidering buying it for MYSELF.

We recently discontinued our drop shipments of it because we discovered that one of DS's allergens is listed in it.... not sure how we missed that in the past! He's been using it for probably a year or more! No wonder we've been unable to get his conditions under control again!!

Anyhow.... I ramble here! I didn't get called to work, so I have a day at home to get stuff done, and I don't anticipate being called to work tomorrow, since it is an early release day (although it would be great to work 2/3 of a day and get a full day's pay!!). I'm going to get some housework basics done, prep for tomorrow's WW meeting, do a workout of some sort, and then buckle down to a project or two! I've been wasting far too much time here on the internet lately! Not necessarily here, but the combined time between here, the Budget Board, FB, and of course Pinterest.... it is sucking away precious time!!

Off to make my breakfast juice smoothie! BBL to chat!..............P
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Had a bout of bronchitis last week but I am feeling much better now. I'm going to call myself caught up with this post.

Hi everyone!

Am a bit frustrated here as my scale is once again showing a mystery gain. Even though I know that I do have these and they disappear again, they still make me moody. But I know that I cannot have put on two pounds since last week!!!

Yesterday I had planned on having a treat: a Starbucks lemon and poppyseed muffin. I absolutely adore anything lemon and poppyseed and I could feel that I would soon not be able to withstand them any longer. So I decided to incorporate it into my day. I was calculating about 10 points for it. Later I looked it up at WW and it came out at 17 points!!! After a breakfast of 4 points, that left me with only 5 points for the rest of the day!!!! But then later on I looked up the nutritional value on the Starbucks website and put those into the WW calculator. Now it came out at 11 points. I have no idea how there could be such a huge difference. Especially since according to Starbucks, this is the muffin with the lowest calories. But at WW it is the Starbucks muffin with the most points... :confused3

Bummer on the mystery gain, Magdalene. :flower3: Hope it disappears as quickly as it showed up.

I definitely double check points values with the calculator -- I think that is the most reliable. :cool2:

This has a bit of a twist for me. My healthy ingredient is that I add some milled flax seed to my porridge in the morning, however I have been analysing my food intake the last two weeks as it has really slowed down. I have been tipping in the flax seed and I think maybe :sad2:with all the added omegas it is the flax seed that needs now perhaps to literally be 'measured' a spoonful only maybe? Any thoughts on this appreciated.

Measuring all of your food is a good way to "double check" yourself as your eyeballs and those pours can sometimes get a little too generous as time goes on. ::yes::

I just wanted to say hello, have found some renewed vigor to lose weight.. was at about 245 this time last year, down to 213 end of August, just an insane few months with relationship issues (nobody would believe it :))... Then back up to 222, this morning weighed in at 211.2.. Been eating better, started going to work out, really want to get to my high school weight of 170, but would be tickled at 180...

Goals- below 200 by May 1; and then slowly get to 180 by August 1

:welcome: Great goals and good luck!

Evening all! Made a whole $9 today with my sales! :lmao: And then promptly went to Target and spent it on fun stuff like toilet paper!!:rotfl2:

Today's juice fast is going okay. I was pretty hungry when I get home from Target so I made up a juice/banana/spinach smoothie with just a bit of almond milk to help fill me. I can definitely see I will be craving some protein later tonight, so I may either make another smoothie with some Juice Plus protein powder or have a handful of nuts.

Off to brag about today's coupon savings over on the Budget Board...........P

Congrats on the great coupon savings, Pamela! And :thanks: for coaching this week! :flower3:

Good morning and happy Monday!

QOTD for Monday, March 24, 2014:

What are you looking forward to this week? Do you have a special event of any sort planned? If not, could you plan something NICE for yourself (and possibly your family)?

Happy Monday to you too, Pamela! :goodvibes

Hmmm, this is the last week of the quarter for DS and spring break is next week so I will say that sometime next week-end I will have the menfolk cook on the grill and we will have a nice dinner together. Thanks for the inspiration! :beach:
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Had a bout of bronchitis last week but I am feeling much better now. I'm going to call myself caught up with this post.

I KNEW there had to be a reason we weren't hearing from you! If you hadn't popped up by the end of today I was going to send you a PM! Hope you are feeling MUCH better!!:hug:

Congrats on the great coupon savings, Pamela! And :thanks: for coaching this week! :flower3:

Thanks..... now I just need to remember to move that "extra" money into the emergency fund!

Happy Monday to you too, Pamela! :goodvibes

Hmmm, this is the last week of the quarter for DS and spring break is next week so I will say that sometime next week-end I will have the menfolk cook on the grill and we will have a nice dinner together. Thanks for the inspiration! :beach:

WOOHOO for spring break!! We finally dug the grill out last week so that I could cook dinner one night when we had no power. It felt nice to be grilling again, but it was too cold to stand out there and enjoy the smells!

Glad you are back here with us... you've been missed!..................P
QOTD for Saturday, March 22, 2014:

What is your favorite "go-to" healthy INGREDIENT that you use on a regular basis?

Hmm... My laughing cow cheese. I use it in way too much!

Dreading the weekend. This is when the temptations are around. I'm off to a good start w/ healthy food choices and a 30min cycle but we'll see how the afternoon goes. DS is already asking for a grilled cheese - mmm that sounds good!

Hope things went well for you!!

Congrats on the good news. Sounds like you've super motivated - hold onto that!! You have a lot going on and coming up so keep your focus!

What a great choice you made. That's so hard when you're out in social settings. So much of our things are centered around food. Keep up with the good choices!


Okay friends! I am PROUD to say that despite the cold temps, I got outside for a good 45 minute walk/run. I was SO tempted to turn around at the 10 minute mark because it was so cold.... but I pushed through and ignored the freezing fingers and dripping nose and finished what I set out to do! Glad I did it at 10 am, because it is snowing now!! :rolleyes2

:cheer2: WTG!!

I plan to treat myself to a nice healthy vegetable bowl dinner at Boloco (similar to Chipotle), then a few hours browsing at the thrift store while I wait for the movie to end (too far a drive to go all the way home).

Ohhhhh Boloco!!!!! On the top 10 things I miss about Boston!! That's one of the things I've told myself - that when I get back there, I need to find things to love other than my favorite foods - Lobster, Clam Chowder, Fenway Franks, Boloco burritos, Sunset nachos, ahhhh I could go on!!!

My dad is a school psychologist. He does only have his master. He does some counseling on the side. It's really perfect for him. He loves helping kids

How cool! That's awesome!

I'm at glimmerandgarlic.wordpress.com You can tell work got crazy through the past few months but I swear I'm getting back to posting! And nothing is crazy calorie/fat/carb wise. I tend to eat lower on the sugar end so it's in line with that.

Your website looks great! The recipes look quite delicious!!

Ok, so I saw it asked, but I work as a Production Assistant at a major network. I love it, totally what I wanted.

YIKES! Your schedule sounds nuts! Also congrats on the 10 pounds!!! :cheer2: Way to go!

Yesterday's eating was SPOT ON.... until DS got in the car at 9:30 last night with the leftover popcorn from the movie..... :sad2: If you know ANYTHING about me, you know that I LOOOOOOOVE movie popcorn. Suffice to say that "just a taste" turned into .... well..... too much. It was late, I was bored and tired (a LETHAL combination for me) and we'll just leave it at that. So a full week of great healthy LOW CARB eating was tossed in the trash thanks to the SIREN CALL of cheap popcorn!!:lmao: Oh well.... moving in the right direction today!!

I SO hear you on that - for me, its movie popcorn with buncha crunch mixed in. Now, it is only something I do on special occasions!! popcorn::

QOTD for Sunday, March 23, 2014:


You're stuck on a deserted island with one DISNEY character! Who would you want to be stuck with and WHY??

Hmmm... this is a toughie! I'd probably have to say Timon and Pumba! They'd make it a blast! :)

Hi everyone!

Am a bit frustrated here as my scale is once again showing a mystery gain. Even though I know that I do have these and they disappear again, they still make me moody. But I know that I cannot have put on two pounds since last week!!!

Sorry the scale is not showing you what you want, but hopefully it is just muscles you are gaining!

Good morning and happy Monday!

QOTD for Monday, March 24, 2014:

What are you looking forward to this week? Do you have a special event of any sort planned? If not, could you plan something NICE for yourself (and possibly your family)?

This weekend I'm heading to Fitchburg, MA to stay with my friend that I might be living with for a bit if I move to Boston sometime soon! I haven't seen her or her husband in forever and she just found out that she can't have kids, so we are definitely in need of some girl bonding time. On Wednesday, I'm also going to see Aladdin the musical with the folks! It was my Xmas present and I'm so excited!!! :dance3:

Day one of my two day juicing is done and it went fairly well. I did end up eating a small handful of mixed nuts last night around 8:30pm. I was just so hungry! I also ate some roasted cauliflower with my dinner juice.... it was nice to chew something!:lmao:

I don't know how you do it! You're so strong!


Well, my weekend was all over the place haha Saturday, my friend bailed on me for breakfast, but I had already trekked 45 minutes downtown to get there. So, I decided to get breakfast there. For a bowl of greek yogurt with some fruit mixed in, and a small low fat muffin and a tea, I paid almost $20. Definitely not worth it!

Then, I had 5 hours to kill before my friend could meet me for our Veronica Mars marathon, so I walked around anywhere and everywhere - window shopped, did some actual shopping - everyone has stopped selling coats, unfortunately :( So, I bought a new pair of jeans - SIZE 8!!! :cool1:

Checked online when I got home based on where I walked (not including walking around in stores), and it was about 6.5 miles! So, Sunday I was incredibly exhausted, but made it out to see Divergent... and didn't enjoy it haha VERY different from the book and it felt like they had dumbed down all the cool details to make it more accessible. Unfortunately, that's what I liked about the book. =/ Ah well.

Hopefully this is one of my last weekends in NYC for awhile. I've decided that even if I move back to New York someday, I need to be in Brooklyn or something. Manhattan is too much for me. All these signs this weekend made me just feel - I don't know, overcrowded? Unwelcome? Like there was no room for me here. Or just skeeved out haha

I was paying at Macy's, and I was splitting my payment between two gift cards, and there was nobody in the store, because it was 10am on a Saturday haha There was a cash register down the aisle, but this woman was behind me, and wouldn't move from about 2 inches away from me. As soon as the cashier handed me back my cards, before I had a second to put them away, she was physically pushing me to the side with her items. I'm not one to start anything, so I just said excuse me and walked away, but it felt strange.

Then, yesterday, there were maybe 10 people MAX at the movie since it was an early morning on a Sunday, and this family of four sits down RIGHT next to me. Plops down all of these shopping bags, takes over the arm rest, bumping into me, it was crazy. There was an entire empty theater and they chose to sit down right next to me, chatting away (loudly) through most of the previews. More people trickled in, and two other girls came to our aisle on the other side of me, but sat a couple chairs away, since you know, THERE WAS NO ONE HERE haha I almost moved a seat away, but they stopped talking once the movie started.

I don't know, I just had this feeling of like - I need to get out of here!! :confused3

Ah well, hopefully soon! :woohoo: Home sick today though - finally caught that bug everyone at work has, so I'm working at home to medicate myself and get back on my feet for tomorrow. Everyone at work plowed through their sickness and ended up sick for a week. That will not be me!!! LOL
Missed checking in Friday, wasn't on the computer all weekend.
So will just check in this friday with a total from the two weeks.
Lost 1, moving slower than I had hoped this month, but moving in the right direction!!
Crossing fingers for some great results on Friday! :thumbsup2
I am one of the MIA people. Sorry about that! It has been a tough weekend and it keeps on going. Dh and his mother are both only children. His grandmother (Granny) has been taking tumbles the last few months (maybe 1 a week but never serious. She has her own apartment and a medic alert necklace and pushes the button when she falls. We live about 1.5 hours away so 911 is her go to for help back up). She spent her 90th birthday in rehab after a bad tumble last summer. Well of course thursday evening we get the call. She fell and it wasn't the normal get-back-up tumble and was being transported to the ER. So dh, his mother and I raced to the hospital. After 9 hours (3:30 am) they admitted her since she claimed she couldn't walk. The staff and the three of us are convinced she can walk just fine, but that she is now terrified of falling. There is nothing medically wrong and the bruise on her back is minor compared to the others she has gotten from falling. Yesterday she was transferred to rehab. She was adamant she wanted to go to X rehab center and would not consider any others. We had heard horror stories about X, but she would hear none of it. Of course they move here there and it is HORRIBLE. People are screaming and yelling "help me, help me." Its like a hollywood insane asylum! Of course after she is checked in, she realizes that she had mixed up the centers and this is the one you NEVER want to go to (yeah we all knew that, but she wouldn't listen...VERY stubborn old lady). At 4:30 this morning the screaming gets to her and she has a panic attack and we get the frantic call. Today dh and his mom went hunting for a rehab center closer to us (I had to go to work). They found a couple and now they are with her trying to get her transferred down here. I don't know if she will ever be able to return to her apartment. Its a mess!

On weight news, I have had a wonky couple of days. For the first time in 2 months, I had three consecutive days of gains. None of them were really big, but despite all this going on, I have been very careful with my food, so it was super frustrating. So yesterday, I ate an entire chocolate rabbit. 650 calories in one shot! :faint:. And this morning, I hopped and the scale and I am headed down again. Go figure! So I am actually down 2 lb for the week since today is my weigh in day. I was in shock!

Also, I enrolled in a online degree program today. I'll be getting a second bachelors in Psychology. After speaking to a lot of people and having tons of informational interviews, I think I really want to be a school psychologist. And, honestly, if I don't, its only 5 semesters of online classes. I can stop at any time, and if I finish, at least my GPA will be much better than it was the first time I did a bachelor's where I was not enjoying my studies. So, no matter what I decide to pursue my master's in, I will feel more comfortable applying with a better reflection of what I can do. :)

Congrats! Might I make a suggestion though? I don't want to be critical of your plan but a BA in psych is useless. Trust me, I have one. Since you already have a different BA, look into a psych masters program (or better yet PhD or PsyD). It may take you a little while to catch up on the basics, but worth it to not have to waste another year of study. When I got my masters, a few of my classmates did not have BAs in psych. Once of my best friends had one in Art History! :rolleyes2

QOTD for Thursday, March 20, 2014:

Since it seems that many of us need some inspiration to finish up a very uninspiring March, share your favorite inspirational quote!! Either something you heard at WW, an "old" saying, something from Pinterest.... whatever motivates and inspires YOU!
Not necessarily inspirational, but I use it as a mantra when I am having a tough run... "Your legs are not giving out. Your head is giving up. Keep going!"

QOTD for Friday, March 21, 2014:


What is your DREAM career? If someone was paying the bills (both at home and for education), would you pursue it in real life?

And a bonus QOTD (since it is Friday): What is your favorite book/book series?

BBL to chat........................P

Dream career. Hmm, I have a couple. If I had the chance to go back and do it over, I have no clue which direction I would go. In real life I am a trained Forensic Psychologist. I should have a job in an alphabet security agency (CIA, FBI, DHS, Secret Service, etc). But I can't seem to get through the application process. I am just not good enough. I suspect I would be very happy if I had a job in my chosen path. But alas.....:worried:

My other two options, would be movie/TV editor or producer or physical engineer. I produced my high school television station and love it. But I never really considered a job in TV until I was older. I did consider becoming an engineer. I have the innate ability to understand how things work. My father was a mechanical engineer (built and designed pharmaceutical machines) and I guess the ability is genetic. I would have loved to get a job for Mattel designing toys or even Disney in Imagineering.

QOTD for Sunday, March 23, 2014:


You're stuck on a deserted island with one DISNEY character! Who would you want to be stuck with and WHY??

Meeko is my boy. LOVE him.

What are you looking forward to this week? Do you have a special event of any sort planned? If not, could you plan something NICE for yourself (and possibly your family)?

Sadly with all this Granny stuff, we have nothing fun to look forward to in the immediate future. :( But I am counting down to our cruise and that should keep me moving forward.
Hmm... My laughing cow cheese. I use it in way too much!

Love that stuff too!!

Ohhhhh Boloco!!!!! On the top 10 things I miss about Boston!! That's one of the things I've told myself - that when I get back there, I need to find things to love other than my favorite foods - Lobster, Clam Chowder, Fenway Franks, Boloco burritos, Sunset nachos, ahhhh I could go on!!!

How about Kelly's Roast Beef on Revere Beach? Are you familiar with that one?? Or the food overload that is Faneuil Hall Market place???

Hmmm... this is a toughie! I'd probably have to say Timon and Pumba! They'd make it a blast! :)

They would!!

This weekend I'm heading to Fitchburg, MA to stay with my friend that I might be living with for a bit if I move to Boston sometime soon! I haven't seen her or her husband in forever and she just found out that she can't have kids, so we are definitely in need of some girl bonding time. On Wednesday, I'm also going to see Aladdin the musical with the folks! It was my Xmas present and I'm so excited!!! :dance3:

Enjoy your trip to MA and have fun with your friend. Sounds like she needs something to distract her from her sad news.

I don't know how you do it! You're so strong!

Naaah.... not strong... STUBBORN! :rotfl: Anyhow, I would not continue this if I was too hungry.... that just isn't right or healthy. But I made it through yesterday fairly easily with just the juice.... but the nuts definitely helped. I just finished my lunch juice (just plain juice, no protein, no spinach, no banana), but I am definitely still hungry. There is not a ton of juice left, so I need to decide if I am going to finish it up now and have a "real" dinner, or maybe have something else right now and finish up the juice as part of a dinner smoothie.


Well, my weekend was all over the place haha Saturday, my friend bailed on me for breakfast, but I had already trekked 45 minutes downtown to get there. So, I decided to get breakfast there. For a bowl of greek yogurt with some fruit mixed in, and a small low fat muffin and a tea, I paid almost $20. Definitely not worth it!

But was it worth the calories? How did it taste?

Then, I had 5 hours to kill before my friend could meet me for our Veronica Mars marathon, so I walked around anywhere and everywhere - window shopped, did some actual shopping - everyone has stopped selling coats, unfortunately :( So, I bought a new pair of jeans - SIZE 8!!! :cool1:


Checked online when I got home based on where I walked (not including walking around in stores), and it was about 6.5 miles! So, Sunday I was incredibly exhausted, but made it out to see Divergent... and didn't enjoy it haha VERY different from the book and it felt like they had dumbed down all the cool details to make it more accessible. Unfortunately, that's what I liked about the book. =/ Ah well.

DS and his friends were kind of torn about the movie versus the book. They decided the liked the movie okay.... even though it was definitely different from the book.

Hopefully this is one of my last weekends in NYC for awhile. I've decided that even if I move back to New York someday, I need to be in Brooklyn or something. Manhattan is too much for me. All these signs this weekend made me just feel - I don't know, overcrowded? Unwelcome? Like there was no room for me here. Or just skeeved out haha

I was paying at Macy's, and I was splitting my payment between two gift cards, and there was nobody in the store, because it was 10am on a Saturday haha There was a cash register down the aisle, but this woman was behind me, and wouldn't move from about 2 inches away from me. As soon as the cashier handed me back my cards, before I had a second to put them away, she was physically pushing me to the side with her items. I'm not one to start anything, so I just said excuse me and walked away, but it felt strange.

OH my! Some people just don't respect a personal bubble!! :crazy2: Was that the Macy's at Herald Square? DD and I took a crazy 36 hour road trip to NYC a few years ago so that she could meet Michael Phelps there! We sat out on the sidewalk outside of the store from about 6 am until the lines opened for the meet and greet near lunch time. I walked SO MANY laps around that building while DD held our spot in line!

Then, yesterday, there were maybe 10 people MAX at the movie since it was an early morning on a Sunday, and this family of four sits down RIGHT next to me. Plops down all of these shopping bags, takes over the arm rest, bumping into me, it was crazy. There was an entire empty theater and they chose to sit down right next to me, chatting away (loudly) through most of the previews. More people trickled in, and two other girls came to our aisle on the other side of me, but sat a couple chairs away, since you know, THERE WAS NO ONE HERE haha I almost moved a seat away, but they stopped talking once the movie started.

I don't know, I just had this feeling of like - I need to get out of here!! :confused3

I know that feeling, but thankfully I don't experience much here in NH. But the movie thing ..... that kind of stuff makes me CRAZY!! Especially since I am a LONER most of the time!!

Ah well, hopefully soon! :woohoo: Home sick today though - finally caught that bug everyone at work has, so I'm working at home to medicate myself and get back on my feet for tomorrow. Everyone at work plowed through their sickness and ended up sick for a week. That will not be me!!! LOL

Take care of yourself! SO many germs making the rounds right now! I hate to jink myself, but the cold that felt like it was going to hit me seems to have done a pass!!:thumbsup2

Missed checking in Friday, wasn't on the computer all weekend.
So will just check in this friday with a total from the two weeks.
Lost 1, moving slower than I had hoped this month, but moving in the right direction!!
Crossing fingers for some great results on Friday! :thumbsup2

As long as you continue to try, that's what is most important! And down one is NOTHING to sneeze at!!:cool1:

I am one of the MIA people. Sorry about that! It has been a tough weekend and it keeps on going. Dh and his mother are both only children. His grandmother (Granny) has been taking tumbles the last few months (maybe 1 a week but never serious. She has her own apartment and a medic alert necklace and pushes the button when she falls. We live about 1.5 hours away so 911 is her go to for help back up). She spent her 90th birthday in rehab after a bad tumble last summer. Well of course thursday evening we get the call. She fell and it wasn't the normal get-back-up tumble and was being transported to the ER. So dh, his mother and I raced to the hospital. After 9 hours (3:30 am) they admitted her since she claimed she couldn't walk. The staff and the three of us are convinced she can walk just fine, but that she is now terrified of falling. There is nothing medically wrong and the bruise on her back is minor compared to the others she has gotten from falling. Yesterday she was transferred to rehab. She was adamant she wanted to go to X rehab center and would not consider any others. We had heard horror stories about X, but she would hear none of it. Of course they move here there and it is HORRIBLE. People are screaming and yelling "help me, help me." Its like a hollywood insane asylum! Of course after she is checked in, she realizes that she had mixed up the centers and this is the one you NEVER want to go to (yeah we all knew that, but she wouldn't listen...VERY stubborn old lady). At 4:30 this morning the screaming gets to her and she has a panic attack and we get the frantic call. Today dh and his mom went hunting for a rehab center closer to us (I had to go to work). They found a couple and now they are with her trying to get her transferred down here. I don't know if she will ever be able to return to her apartment. Its a mess!

OH no! SO sorry for all of that! I will definitely be praying that you can find a GOOD place for her! My MIL is 91 and while she is healthy and active and still drives and lives alone, we know that can't last forever. Could you consider bringing in some part-time caregivers so that she could stay in her home? Maybe if she had someone there a few hours a day it would put her mind at ease a bit.... and maybe they could do some of the housework so that she isn't up and moving around quite so much.

Does she need a cane or a walker for balance and support? Or maybe some support rails in the bathroom or stairways?? Just thinking out loud here.

On weight news, I have had a wonky couple of days. For the first time in 2 months, I had three consecutive days of gains. None of them were really big, but despite all this going on, I have been very careful with my food, so it was super frustrating. So yesterday, I ate an entire chocolate rabbit. 650 calories in one shot! :faint:. And this morning, I hopped and the scale and I am headed down again. Go figure! So I am actually down 2 lb for the week since today is my weigh in day. I was in shock!

SOmetimes the metabolism needs something bigger to get the burn going! Whatever the reason, woohoo for the new "chocolate rabbit" diet!!:lmao:

Not necessarily inspirational, but I use it as a mantra when I am having a tough run... "Your legs are not giving out. Your head is giving up. Keep going!"

I believe I have that one pinned on my Fitness board on Pinterest!:thumbsup2

Dream career. Hmm, I have a couple. If I had the chance to go back and do it over, I have no clue which direction I would go. In real life I am a trained Forensic Psychologist. I should have a job in an alphabet security agency (CIA, FBI, DHS, Secret Service, etc). But I can't seem to get through the application process. I am just not good enough. I suspect I would be very happy if I had a job in my chosen path. But alas.....:worried:

My other two options, would be movie/TV editor or producer or physical engineer. I produced my high school television station and love it. But I never really considered a job in TV until I was older. I did consider becoming an engineer. I have the innate ability to understand how things work. My father was a mechanical engineer (built and designed pharmaceutical machines) and I guess the ability is genetic. I would have loved to get a job for Mattel designing toys or even Disney in Imagineering.

WOW! So much talent and so many great ideas for careers! I'm jealous, since I have NO IDEA what my dream job would be!

Sadly with all this Granny stuff, we have nothing fun to look forward to in the immediate future. :( But I am counting down to our cruise and that should keep me moving forward.

How about even just a special dinner at home? Or a relaxing evening with a Redbox movie and a cocktail?? Your DH needs some relaxing time with all of this going on with his Grandmother.


Okay friends... .the day has definitely gotten away from me! And I cannot believe how COLD it has stayed! The sun is shining so brightly that I thought for sure I would get out for my exercise, but alas, it hasn't even hit 30 degrees in the sun!! I ended up moving a bunch of furniture in my bedroom to clean under/behind it, cleaning out some drawers and some book cases, etc, so now I'm behind and I haven't even gotten to my designated "project of the day" yet, never mind exercise! Time to keep moving!............P
Today dh and his mom went hunting for a rehab center closer to us (I had to go to work). They found a couple and now they are with her trying to get her transferred down here. I don't know if she will ever be able to return to her apartment. Its a mess!

I'm so sorry to hear about all of this. Rehab facilities and all of their paperwork can be a nightmare. Sending good vibes that you get her to a new place and that things get better (and easier) for everyone soon. :grouphug:

Congrats! Might I make a suggestion though? I don't want to be critical of your plan but a BA in psych is useless. Trust me, I have one. Since you already have a different BA, look into a psych masters program (or better yet PhD or PsyD). It may take you a little while to catch up on the basics, but worth it to not have to waste another year of study. When I got my masters, a few of my classmates did not have BAs in psych. Once of my best friends had one in Art History! :rolleyes2

The BA in Psych isn't really for the purpose of getting a job, but more for solidifying my career choice (I don't want to get into a fancy expensive master's program, only to realize it isn't for me), and also to be able to graduate with a GPA I am proud of. As soon as I knew Economics wasn't for me, but that I was stuck finishing the degree because I couldn't afford to transfer majors and stay an extra year, my studies fell by the way side.

I guess, when I apply to a grad school, I want to be proud of the final transcript I send them. And I want to be sure that I'm applying because its what I want to do.

But, I didn't realize you were trained as a Forensic Psychologist! I'll have to PM you about that!


Just had a delicious soup to keep my body fighting away this sickness, and I'm feeling much better. I'm going to try and take a walk a little later and then take a nice hot bath!
How about Kelly's Roast Beef on Revere Beach? Are you familiar with that one?? Or the food overload that is Faneuil Hall Market place???

I just read somewhere that Faneuil Hall has more yearly visitors than the Magic Kingdom!!! Delicious!!!

Naaah.... not strong... STUBBORN! Anyhow, I would not continue this if I was too hungry.... that just isn't right or healthy. But I made it through yesterday fairly easily with just the juice.... but the nuts definitely helped. I just finished my lunch juice (just plain juice, no protein, no spinach, no banana), but I am definitely still hungry. There is not a ton of juice left, so I need to decide if I am going to finish it up now and have a "real" dinner, or maybe have something else right now and finish up the juice as part of a dinner smoothie.

Well, only you can know yourself and what you need, but I'd say have the nuts and finish strong tonight with the dinner smoothie. You're so close! And even if you don't make it, you've already done more than I could ever do haha

But was it worth the calories? How did it taste?

I don't know what you mean by this haha but the breakfast was really good - I was happy to choose that and not their famous french toast sticks, or their waffles supreme. But, it was annoying to pay that much for something I could have gotten at a supermarket for $5 total.

DS and his friends were kind of torn about the movie versus the book. They decided the liked the movie okay.... even though it was definitely different from the book.

How old is your DS? My niece is 13 and she always makes me feel so old when I go see these things, but it helps me to remember that they are definitely catered to her and not to me haha

OH my! Some people just don't respect a personal bubble!! Was that the Macy's at Herald Square? DD and I took a crazy 36 hour road trip to NYC a few years ago so that she could meet Michael Phelps there! We sat out on the sidewalk outside of the store from about 6 am until the lines opened for the meet and greet near lunch time. I walked SO MANY laps around that building while DD held our spot in line!

Yes it was! HUGE store, always packed with people. Good for you for using that time for laps!!

But the movie thing ..... that kind of stuff makes me CRAZY!! Especially since I am a LONER most of the time!!

I so agree. I never have any problem going to the movies by myself or eating dinner alone - heck, I did an entire 80 day road trip by myself. So, I just don't understand it when people feel the urge to get close to strangers when there is plenty of space haha

Okay friends... .the day has definitely gotten away from me! And I cannot believe how COLD it has stayed! The sun is shining so brightly that I thought for sure I would get out for my exercise, but alas, it hasn't even hit 30 degrees in the sun!! I ended up moving a bunch of furniture in my bedroom to clean under/behind it, cleaning out some drawers and some book cases, etc, so now I'm behind and I haven't even gotten to my designated "project of the day" yet, never mind exercise! Time to keep moving!............P

You got this! :cheer2:
The BA in Psych isn't really for the purpose of getting a job, but more for solidifying my career choice (I don't want to get into a fancy expensive master's program, only to realize it isn't for me), and also to be able to graduate with a GPA I am proud of. As soon as I knew Economics wasn't for me, but that I was stuck finishing the degree because I couldn't afford to transfer majors and stay an extra year, my studies fell by the way side.

I guess, when I apply to a grad school, I want to be proud of the final transcript I send them. And I want to be sure that I'm applying because its what I want to do.

Sounds like you have matured a lot too!!

Just had a delicious soup to keep my body fighting away this sickness, and I'm feeling much better. I'm going to try and take a walk a little later and then take a nice hot bath!

Sounds like a great plan!! Enjoy your bath! Glad you feel better!

I just read somewhere that Faneuil Hall has more yearly visitors than the Magic Kingdom!!! Delicious!!!


Well, only you can know yourself and what you need, but I'd say have the nuts and finish strong tonight with the dinner smoothie. You're so close! And even if you don't make it, you've already done more than I could ever do haha

I had a juice / 1/2 banana/ 2 Tb. berries / spinach / hemp protein mix for lunch and will probably finish up the juice we have here with some Juice Plus powder and maybe a splash of almond milk for dinner. Hopefully that will fill me enough to last the night.... but I must admit I am looking forward to breakfast! I can't believe I've consumed about 2 gallons of this juice in just 2 days! It seemed like such a huge quantity when I made it!

Thanks for the encouragement.... I really needed it!

I don't know what you mean by this haha but the breakfast was really good - I was happy to choose that and not their famous french toast sticks, or their waffles supreme. But, it was annoying to pay that much for something I could have gotten at a supermarket for $5 total.

Just wondered if it was good. Sometimes I find I eat something and it just isn't worth the calories. But I hear you on the $$! And good job making such smart choice.

How old is your DS? My niece is 13 and she always makes me feel so old when I go see these things, but it helps me to remember that they are definitely catered to her and not to me haha

He is 16 1/2, so probably right in the target age range for that story.

Yes it was! HUGE store, always packed with people. Good for you for using that time for laps!!

I waited until it was light out.... it was kind of creepy sitting around on the sidewalk in the dark hours when we first got there!

I so agree. I never have any problem going to the movies by myself or eating dinner alone - heck, I did an entire 80 day road trip by myself. So, I just don't understand it when people feel the urge to get close to strangers when there is plenty of space haha

I would SO do a road trip like that!! I'm kind of jealous!

You got this! :cheer2:

It's TM time!! Laundry folding with some liquid dinner after that!..............P
But, I didn't realize you were trained as a Forensic Psychologist! I'll have to PM you about that!

PM away. I can answer any of your questions about the field and give you some stories about my 3 internships (my only real experience :sad:) I interned with State Troopers, County Police and in a maximum security prison. And yet, I still can't find a job in the field! :furious:
Good morning and happy Monday!

QOTD for Monday, March 24, 2014:

What are you looking forward to this week? Do you have a special event of any sort planned? If not, could you plan something NICE for yourself (and possibly your family)?

I can't believe how crazy your schedule changes are!! How does your body get used to that??

I have nothing planned! I'm so excited to go to the gym and do nothing. I'll make dinner but that's about it! Oh and because we have our weird weekends, our "weekend" will be spent seeing the new Muppet Movie!

Thank you! I'm excited! It's still going down so that's good!

You never get used to the changes. It's taken me some time to get used to waking up early. The plus side is that DBF and I will now be on the same schedule, so I won't be waiting up all night/be woken up and then have to get up early. They usually keep times consistent so that you're not all over the place.

Okay friends... .the day has definitely gotten away from me! And I cannot believe how COLD it has stayed! The sun is shining so brightly that I thought for sure I would get out for my exercise, but alas, it hasn't even hit 30 degrees in the sun!! I ended up moving a bunch of furniture in my bedroom to clean under/behind it, cleaning out some drawers and some book cases, etc, so now I'm behind and I haven't even gotten to my designated "project of the day" yet, never mind exercise! Time to keep moving!............P
are you expecting snow also? They keep calling for it here. I just got back from the gym and it was freezing!

Hope everyone had a good monday! Still made it to the gym despite being so exhausted. Does anyone use the pact app? I keep forgetting to check out from the gym, make it down the street back home and then turn around and drive back to check out. :headache: It's my favorite app but I refuse to lose money to it! Good motivation!

Alright, got to go make the lunch/dinner for tomorrow! Excited to go to the movies...and maybe enjoy a small popcorn.
Morning all! Got called to work today, so I'll post the QOTD now, but chatting will have to wait!

QOTD for Tuesday, March 25, 2014:

Today is National Cerebral Palsy Awareness day and I will be wearing green to show support for the children in our schools who are effected with this (one little cutie pie in particular :) ). Is there any cause that is near and dear to your heart? Do you do things to support this cause? Is there a particular reason that you feel that this is a worthy cause? Tell us more about your cause.... maybe you can drum up some additional support through our group!
I have nothing planned! I'm so excited to go to the gym and do nothing. I'll make dinner but that's about it! Oh and because we have our weird weekends, our "weekend" will be spent seeing the new Muppet Movie!

Thank you! I'm excited! It's still going down so that's good!

You never get used to the changes. It's taken me some time to get used to waking up early. The plus side is that DBF and I will now be on the same schedule, so I won't be waiting up all night/be woken up and then have to get up early. They usually keep times consistent so that you're not all over the place.

Those kinds of schedules are so hard on your body. It really messes with your natural sleep/awake body rhythms. Glad you at least are both on the same schedule now! When DH and I were newlyweds he got switched to a night job right after I found a new day job....:( It was super frustrating... I had trouble sleeping (initially) when he wasn't there.... but he'd get home at 2 am and be wide awake and turn on the TV and it would wake me up! Then I'd be frustrated because I couldn't go back to sleep, but had to be up at 6 or 7 am for work! Then I had to tiptoe around at 6 am because by then he was fast asleep... sometimes on the sofa because he didn't want to risk waking me after I had finally gone back to sleep! And his job was night Tues - Fri., but DAYS on Saturdays.... so by Sunday he was an exhausted mess so we didn't do anything together.... and then by Monday he was ready to go, but I had to go to work!! It was a super frustrating way to spend our first two years of married life!!

Anyhow.... that is just a long rambling way to say.... I understand!!

Hope everyone had a good monday! Still made it to the gym despite being so exhausted. Does anyone use the pact app? I keep forgetting to check out from the gym, make it down the street back home and then turn around and drive back to check out. :headache: It's my favorite app but I refuse to lose money to it! Good motivation!

Alright, got to go make the lunch/dinner for tomorrow! Excited to go to the movies...and maybe enjoy a small popcorn.

Is that the app where you pay in advance and then get the $$ back when you hit a certain number of gym visits???


Okay friends... I'm here at work and the kiddos will be in the door in 1 minute, so I will say good-bye! We have an early release day here, so full day's pay for 2/3 of a work day, so that is great! I will spend the extra time at home preparing for tonight's WW meeting and of course, going to work.

Yes, to whomever asked, we are expecting "weather" over the next 24 hours, but it looks like we will not get as much as they are expecting in MA and RI! We should just get 1-3 inches. But even THAT is too much for late March IMHO!

Here they come! TTYL.....................P
I'm still plugging away...last week was difficult, trying to regain my momentum now.

what I was looking forward to this week --- DISNEY CRUISE big announcement today of summer 2015 itineraries and FINALLY tomorrow I can move our reservation to our Alaska 2015 cruise! I'm so so so stoked!!!! i'll be up and on the phone first thing, likely on hold for hours with millions of my closest friends LOL

the cause that is dear to me, most of you probably know.... Cushing's disease awareness. I was diagnosed May 2011 with Cushing's which is a rare endocrine disease that most doctors aren't familiar with, let alone know how to diagnose and treat. it's frustrating to have a rare disease which does not get attention and that translates to money from the industry to find better treatments and maybe one day even a cure. Dr Oz did a segment a year ago and he focused on the obesity factor of the disease, with a dramatic intro of '"Could you have a brain tumor that's making you fat?" while that is the biggest and most obvious symptom..there is so much more to the disease that he glossed over b/c it's not as trendy to talk about. frustrating. the link you see in my signature is a message board that literally saved me...this was the place I found answers and direction which led to my diagnosis
I had a juice / 1/2 banana/ 2 Tb. berries / spinach / hemp protein mix for lunch and will probably finish up the juice we have here with some Juice Plus powder and maybe a splash of almond milk for dinner. Hopefully that will fill me enough to last the night.... but I must admit I am looking forward to breakfast! I can't believe I've consumed about 2 gallons of this juice in just 2 days! It seemed like such a huge quantity when I made it!

Hope you enjoyed your breakfast this morning! You earned it!

I would SO do a road trip like that!! I'm kind of jealous!

Do it! Go take a mother-daughter one!! Seeing the country on the ground, without flying over the fly-over states - oh man, it changes you so much.

PM away. I can answer any of your questions about the field and give you some stories about my 3 internships (my only real experience :sad:) I interned with State Troopers, County Police and in a maximum security prison. And yet, I still can't find a job in the field! :furious:

I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll definitely shoot you a message tonight!

I have nothing planned! I'm so excited to go to the gym and do nothing. I'll make dinner but that's about it! Oh and because we have our weird weekends, our "weekend" will be spent seeing the new Muppet Movie!

Let us know how it is!

Does anyone use the pact app? I keep forgetting to check out from the gym, make it down the street back home and then turn around and drive back to check out. :headache: It's my favorite app but I refuse to lose money to it!

That's the one where you lose money if you don't go, right? I had it once, but if I go for a run or work out with a video, it didn't count it, so I had to let it go. Definitely good motivation, though! Let us know if you enjoy it!

QOTD for Tuesday, March 25, 2014:

Today is National Cerebral Palsy Awareness day and I will be wearing green to show support for the children in our schools who are effected with this (one little cutie pie in particular :) ). Is there any cause that is near and dear to your heart? Do you do things to support this cause? Is there a particular reason that you feel that this is a worthy cause? Tell us more about your cause.... maybe you can drum up some additional support through our group!

My family has had all sorts of cancer situations - mostly breast and thyroid. But, the cause nearest to my heart is RAINN. Rape, abuse, and incest national network. They have counselors available 24/7 on hotlines to talk with people who have been victims of sexual assault. But, their hotline is a website where you can chat virtually with someone - which to me, is revolutionary, not just for people who feel more comfortable using the internet, but any way to make it easier for someone to get help gets an A+ in my book.

Their staffers go through months of training and become incredible resources, not only on pressing charges, but also on medical issues, trauma support, support groups and doctors in your area who can help you - its really amazing what these people can do. And it is all anonymous.

My best friend was sexually assaulted in Israel on her second day of a birthright trip. In a country where she didn't speak the language, was traveling with a group of people she just met, she was able to log onto Rainn's website from her hostel and talk to someone. Without it, I honestly don't know if she ever would have recovered.

I know it doesn't support a disease or help find a cure for something, but for the millions of survivors of sexual assault, it is a lifesaver. I also like that 92% of my money goes towards the cause. :cool1:

what I was looking forward to this week --- DISNEY CRUISE big announcement today of summer 2015 itineraries and FINALLY tomorrow I can move our reservation to our Alaska 2015 cruise! I'm so so so stoked!!!! i'll be up and on the phone first thing, likely on hold for hours with millions of my closest friends LOL

Congrats!!! How exciting!


Well, very weird to be back at work today. It feels like Monday even though its Tuesday since I was out yesterday. Of course, I'm glad I was because three people are out today from being sick (and they weren't yesterday). I, however, have mostly recovered and have no intention of backtracking!! :rotfl:

One of my goals for this month was to have better arm skin - I know, it sounds super weird. But, I have keratosis pilaris on my arms (otherwise known as chicken skin). Nothing too terrible, but most docs will look at it, prescribe some kind of thick lotion and tell you the chances of it going away are slim to none.

Well, I spent this month doing a lot of research - started out by putting coconut oil on it, which worked okay, but was mostly just making my arms shiny haha Then, in the process of finding out what works best for my face, I discovered Cerave Renewing Lotion that has Salicylic Acid in it. In a review, a couple of people said that they tried it on their keratosis pilaris and it worked. And I'm here to tell you, after a week of using it - it totally does!!! About 50% of my bumps and red marks are gone!!! It feels SO weird to look at my arm in the mirror and see just my arm!!

Here's hoping with continual usage, I'll be chicken skin free!!



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