Hakuna Kidani, What a Turtleful Phrase!

Hi MeMom! I'm so glad to see you posting again. :flower3:

I agree that the winter is really tough to get through. January and February are the absolute worst. I cross my fingers and pray we see some spring weather as fast as possible! Living in Minnesota is really hard right now. Boo.

I love all of these pictures you have been posting! It sure helps seeing them on these cold days!

Mourning not having a trip planned is what I can identify with right now. We don't have anything on the horizon realistically and that's tough. I sure wish I had a money tree! I'd fly all of my Disney friends to our Happy Place! :goodvibes

Anyway, great to see you back. Have a peaceful day off from work. Get some rest.
So glad to see you posting and I'm happy that you are taking the day off to take care of yourself! Use those sick days - that's what they are there for.

I am ready to hear all about the July plans. You are due for a great trip with lots of extra magic! pixiedust:

I kind of wish I could use this day more productively, though. If it weren't so cold, I could be downstairs in the den straightening things up. It was a two car garage that was converted to a den before we moved here, and it only has baseboard heat, not central like the rest of the house. I don't keep it heated during the winter unless I know we're going to be having the whole gang around and will be eating/playing down there. Right now, it has become a catch all for whatever we set down as we're coming and going, and I want it to look like a room again. Right now, there is a motorcycle, a scooter, a bike, and a kayak down there. Any idea why I might have those???

I cannot wait until July! :jumping1: It will probably be hot as firecrackers, as some say in the south, but I will love every second of it. The plan - as of this moment - is that Brooklynn, Bella, and I are going to fly down on the 16th. I will spend some time spoiling them and doing whatever they want to do. Mr. Marc and Miss AnitaWigd will also be there, which means there will be an extra dose of spoiling. Then Jill, John, and Sophie will either come Friday evening or Saturday morning, depending on what they need to do with their work schedules. We will all come home together the next Saturday, so everyone will have Sunday to rest before going back to work.

Hi MeMom! I'm so glad to see you posting again. :flower3:

I agree that the winter is really tough to get through. January and February are the absolute worst. I cross my fingers and pray we see some spring weather as fast as possible! Living in Minnesota is really hard right now. Boo.

I love all of these pictures you have been posting! It sure helps seeing them on these cold days!

Mourning not having a trip planned is what I can identify with right now. We don't have anything on the horizon realistically and that's tough. I sure wish I had a money tree! I'd fly all of my Disney friends to our Happy Place! :goodvibes

Anyway, great to see you back. Have a peaceful day off from work. Get some rest.

I can't even imagine having to deal with a Minnesota winter! :cold:

Our trips will definitely be dropping in number as the family grows. Paying for so many plane tickets, rooms, park tickets, and expensive food is not something that is easy to do for any of us. Hopefully, when my house is paid off in a few years, I will have a little more money to help with some of those costs.

We went for many years without vacations when the kids were little. When we rediscovered being able to do a little after they were grown, it made me extremely happy. Hang in there and keep saving those pennies. A little here and a little there in a travel fund, not to be touched, will eventually add up to finally getting to take off somewhere (Disney World or elsewhere) and make some happy family memories. :lovestruc
It was time to leave Disney property, but not by way of this car or either of these drivers.

Seeing your first Disney buses when you arrive is so exciting, but seeing your last ones is just sad, sad, sad....

And this bus can either be Magical or UnMagical, depending on which way it is carrying you.

The original plan that had been discussed was that we were going to check out the city of Celebration, but somewhere along the way, that changed into going to this mall.

I remember how hot it was that day in the spot. Right now, I would like it to be somewhere between that temperature and the one we have right now. It was probably 85 then, and it's 15 now.

We were going here to see if there were any super deals, and I think we were looking for something that Marc and Anita had asked us to check out. T-shirts, maybe?

Holding on to the magic just a little longer.

Small World things.

The drive home was pretty normal, as I remember. No one got sick, no serious traffic jams, etc. Here's a stop at Chick-fil-A for dinner and some playground time.

A church youth group was there holding doors open and getting drinks and condiments and such for people. That lady was one of the chaperones that was with them. They were all very friendly, and it was nice to see a group of young people doing a service to others.

One of my favorite travel buddies.

And now it looks like we're back home again.

I sure do love these sweet girls, and I look so forward to traveling with them again. I pretty much took all of the Christmas trip sickness in stride, but the thing that really got to me was missing out on the time that I had planned to spend with them. It had very little to do with anything Disney-related. I missed being with them so, so much. That is ultimately what brought a few tears when the trip was nearing the end and I realized that I was not going to be able to do anything at all with them. The few visits we had were short, but very sweet. They were worried about me, and I was so sorry that I could not be up and able to be silly and active with them like I wanted to be. I'll be counting the months now until I can be back in WDW with them in a normal way.

Our Art of Animation/Vero Beach/Kidani trip had been amazing. We are ever grateful for our dear friends, who have become honorary family members, sharing Vero and Kidani with us. We have so many good memories of this trip to treasure for a lifetime. Thanks for joining us on our adventures, and we hope to have you all come along for the next trip report, whenever that might be. For now, for me anyway, it's time to take a short break in the writing. It will be nice to take the time to read and catch up with so many other friends and reports that we don't have ample time for. Jill might decide to do a report of what she and Brooklynn did in October and/or the Christmas trip. I don't really know. I am guessing that when March gets here and I am longing for a Disney trip to F&G, I will break out the pictures from last March and share those for whoever is interested. I think that will be a huge help in getting me through to July. ::yes::

Thanks again for being here and hanging out with us. We'll be hanging out on other reports for the next few months until we dust off things and open the doors again at our place. Stay safe and warm and happy and healthy, DIS friends!
I love that Disney store! It always has great deals!:thumbsup2
So sad that the trip report has come to a close.:sad: I had such a great time reading about the trip. I will defiantly be tuning in for the next one;)
I can't even imagine having to deal with a Minnesota winter! :cold:

Our trips will definitely be dropping in number as the family grows. Paying for so many plane tickets, rooms, park tickets, and expensive food is not something that is easy to do for any of us. Hopefully, when my house is paid off in a few years, I will have a little more money to help with some of those costs.

We went for many years without vacations when the kids were little. When we rediscovered being able to do a little after they were grown, it made me extremely happy. Hang in there and keep saving those pennies. A little here and a little there in a travel fund, not to be touched, will eventually add up to finally getting to take off somewhere (Disney World or elsewhere) and make some happy family memories. :lovestruc

How'd you know I needed to read that today? :hug:

Great final update! It's always fun to sneak in a little more Disney even when you are out of the parks. I'm glad the trip ended well and everyone got home safe and sound. We don't have Chick-fil-A around here but we did get to try it in the airport during our last Disney trip. It's pretty good. What a nice church youth group! The last picture of the girls makes me smile. :)
Thanks for your nice report. So sorry you couldn't enjoy your girls on your December trip, but you will be around for many more trips!
I think you will love that Epcot resort area. Maybe you can plan to go to the Boardwalk in the evening so the girls can see some of the performers for a few minutes. That kind of adds to the fun and the atmosphere.

Thanks. I am staying in today to get a little better grip on this cold I managed to catch on Tuesday. Hope you guys are staying warm over on your side of Nashville.

I think Jill said she would be here to go to the Disney Store soon. She has to pick up a birthday present for someone. I'll let you know what her plans are, and maybe it will work out for you to come over to Opry Mills, too.

It's top of my list to go to boardwalk. Also want to go to beaches and cream.

We have been staying warm. Abby has been doing snow dances to get out of school all week. Still no luck. Lol

Please let me know when Jill comes up. A Opry Mills meet sounds fabulous. And I guess I can get the dumbo popcorn holders you've been fostering for me:rotfl: haha
As always I enjoy "going along " with you on your trips.

Even though I was there for the missed New Years trip I missed you being there.

I will have a glorious 10 hours at work both on Sat and Sun ( If not longer, note the sarcasm :laughing:) so hopefully if the facility can handle it I can spend some time getting Dec Pictures uploaded and maybe a new TR started.

Even though the weather was not the greatest a Disney World Trip at the holidays is magical.

I understand the taking a break, I have been so busy lately keeping up is getting harder and harder, but I look forward to seeing you around. :)
Never been to that store but I will be next time.

Sorry to see the trip end. You are a great trip reporter with fantastic photos.
Always sad to see a trip end, and to see fun trip reports end! :(

I need to make it to that Disney store. I love those DVC resort T-shirts! ::yes::

I know you hate so much being sick on your last trip and not getting to spend time with your precious girls! :sad1: They are always such a beautiful part of your TRs and it is easy to tell how much sharing your trips with them means to you! :goodvibes
Sorry to see this trip end. I really wish your Holiday Trip had been better for you. Time just goes so fast and before you know it the girls are older. I understand how precious your time with them is.

I'm looking forward to any trip your or Jill posts.
I have been putting off reading the last few pages of your report. I am in denial that you won't be starting another one right after this one. :eek: Can't wait for summer to come so that you can take your summer trip and we can get another trip report!;)

I am just the opposite of everyone else. We are one of the few places that is actually getting unusually warm weather. I don't want this heat anymore, I want some cooler weather. OK... NOT freezing temps, but a little rain and 60's would be much better!

Glad to hear that you are feeling better (except for this cold you now have). Hopefully you are completely done with all illnesses! Take care of yourself! We will miss your reports, but understand that you need a break.
So sad to see your report is over but have enjoyed reading your adventures. I, too, would love to have those warm temperatures right now! I hope that you're feeling better from your cold and that you're getting the rest you need. Looking forward to "hearing" about your July trip!
I am so sad your TR is over. I loved the photos around the BC (especially the ones of the girls in the car in front of the resort) and also the ones at Chick Fila.

I can just imagine how much you missed not being able to spend time with the girls on your December trip. But I am glad you are health again and I look forward to the next TR whenever it may be.
The end of a trip is always sad. I'm sorry your trip report is coming to an end, but I'm happy to know you're feeling so much better and healthy once again! :goodvibes

I'm sure we'll all enjoy hearing about your July trip when the time comes! I know it will help me get me through until our late October trip. (If we still go! Keeping our fingers crossed)
You are a brave MeMom to take two girls ahead to Disney for a few days! I know the three of you will have a blast, but that is a lot to take on!

This will be the first time since I started Dising to not have one of your trip reports to read! I will miss it!

Hope July comes very fast for you!
So sorry about the Christmas trip and your cold weather. I am sneaking off for a louie and mommy trip and will be in EPCOT the day before the garden show opens so I will take lots of pictures for you.:)
Sorry I have been MIA for a few weeks...I am moved into the new house so now I can breathe again. :thumbsup2

I'm so very glad you're feeling better and are on the mend. I understand that you're saying about missing time with the girls vs missing the Disney part...I completely understand that. :hug:

The summer trip will be here before you know it. If 2014 flew like 2013 did, you'll be getting out that suitcase in no time.

Love ya, friend! Take care and talk to you soon ~
I love that Disney store! It always has great deals!
So sad that the trip report has come to a close. I had such a great time reading about the trip. I will defiantly be tuning in for the next one

Glad you enjoyed the report, and we certainly do want you to join us on the next one whenever it comes along. ::yes:: We don't want to lose/lose touch with any of our DIS friends!

How'd you know I needed to read that today?

Great final update! It's always fun to sneak in a little more Disney even when you are out of the parks. I'm glad the trip ended well and everyone got home safe and sound. We don't have Chick-fil-A around here but we did get to try it in the airport during our last Disney trip. It's pretty good. What a nice church youth group! The last picture of the girls makes me smile.

Chick-fil-A is okay - not my favorite, although I do like their chicken minis, but it's usually a nice family-friendly place to stop.

I look forward to hearing about your next family trip, whenever that comes, or your next trip with just one or two of your kids. Those trips are very special, too.

Thanks for your nice report. So sorry you couldn't enjoy your girls on your December trip, but you will be around for many more trips!

I certainly hope so. I treasure every opportunity I get to spend with them. I laugh so much, and I just love sitting and talking or coloring or playing games with them. It's our thing to watch Disney movies together before bedtime, too. I hope they will have fond memories of all of our times together.

It's top of my list to go to boardwalk. Also want to go to beaches and cream.

We have been staying warm. Abby has been doing snow dances to get out of school all week. Still no luck. Lol

Please let me know when Jill comes up. A Opry Mills meet sounds fabulous. And I guess I can get the dumbo popcorn holders you've been fostering for me haha

I know - the bitter cold without getting snow days out of it is no good!!!

She is coming sometime this weekend. I don't know when she will be at the mall. I have to work Saturday evening, and we're trying to work out a time to eat with Trent and Brandi. If I can't get over there with her, I'll send the Dumbos. (That is, if her times work with your times.)

As always I enjoy "going along " with you on your trips.

Even though I was there for the missed New Years trip I missed you being there.

I will have a glorious 10 hours at work both on Sat and Sun ( If not longer, note the sarcasm :laughing:) so hopefully if the facility can handle it I can spend some time getting Dec Pictures uploaded and maybe a new TR started.

Even though the weather was not the greatest a Disney World Trip at the holidays is magical.

I understand the taking a break, I have been so busy lately keeping up is getting harder and harder, but I look forward to seeing you around.

I missed seeing everyone, but mostly I was so out of it and feeling so horrible, I just wanted to sleep. I kept thinking I would salvage a day or two at the end, but when I realized that wasn't going to happen and I would be spending NO time with the girls, that's when I let the tears flow a bit.

I guess I can take a little comfort in the fact that it wasn't sunny and 80 everyday. :upsidedow I would have hated thinking about missing that!

Don't work too hard!

Never been to that store but I will be next time.

Sorry to see the trip end. You are a great trip reporter with fantastic photos.

Thanks, Scott. Hope you'll be with us whenever we start up again. Meanwhile, I have enjoyed being able to peek in on yours and a few other trip reports a little more often lately. Not much, because work is still crazy, but definitely more. :thumbsup2

I loved following along on your TR, I will definitely tune in if you do a F&G TR in March.

Thanks, and Jill may put up some pictures from October and December when she has time.

Always sad to see a trip end, and to see fun trip reports end!

I need to make it to that Disney store. I love those DVC resort T-shirts!

I know you hate so much being sick on your last trip and not getting to spend time with your precious girls! They are always such a beautiful part of your TRs and it is easy to tell how much sharing your trips with them means to you!

Those DVC t-shirts were cool. :cool2:

I hope it easy to see how much I love my kids and grandkids. I am blessed beyond belief to have them, and I thank God for them every day.

Sorry to see this trip end. I really wish your Holiday Trip had been better for you. Time just goes so fast and before you know it the girls are older. I understand how precious your time with them is.

I'm looking forward to any trip your or Jill posts.

In just a blink, Hadley will be here to join in the fun, and in another blink, Bella will be starting Kindergarten. Time spent with loved ones is a real treasure.

Thanks for joining us. I'm sure within a couple of months, we'll have something else going trip report-wise.

I have been putting off reading the last few pages of your report. I am in denial that you won't be starting another one right after this one. Can't wait for summer to come so that you can take your summer trip and we can get another trip report!

I am just the opposite of everyone else. We are one of the few places that is actually getting unusually warm weather. I don't want this heat anymore, I want some cooler weather. OK... NOT freezing temps, but a little rain and 60's would be much better!

Glad to hear that you are feeling better (except for this cold you now have). Hopefully you are completely done with all illnesses! Take care of yourself! We will miss your reports, but understand that you need a break.

I have my SD cards that I got for Christmas ready to go for the summer! :laughing: I will be snap happy, for sure. I planned to take a million at Christmas, but I guess I'll have to take two million the next time we go at Christmas in a few more years. :goodvibes

We are so cold here that it hurts your skin to walk outside, and I know our more northern friends have it so much worse even than we do.

The cold is much better. I hope I have had all the sickness I'm going to have for the rest of the year!

So sad to see your report is over but have enjoyed reading your adventures. I, too, would love to have those warm temperatures right now! I hope that you're feeling better from your cold and that you're getting the rest you need. Looking forward to "hearing" about your July trip!

We will share some July plans soon.

Yesterday was beautiful - 60 and sunny. Today, it is cold, cold, cold!

I am so sad your TR is over. I loved the photos around the BC (especially the ones of the girls in the car in front of the resort) and also the ones at Chick Fila.

I can just imagine how much you missed not being able to spend time with the girls on your December trip. But I am glad you are health again and I look forward to the next TR whenever it may be.

Knowing they were right there with me at Pop but I couldn't be around them much was painful. This is the first time we didn't have connecting rooms. They were down a couple of floors but on the same side in the same section. Jill came up every day, but the girls just came a couple of times. I really didn't want them to see me sick and weak, but I wanted to see them. It was just not a good situation for anybody. I felt so guilty for not being able to help with them and not being able to keep them so Jill and John could have a night out. I never want to have a trip like that again.

The end of a trip is always sad. I'm sorry your trip report is coming to an end, but I'm happy to know you're feeling so much better and healthy once again!

I'm sure we'll all enjoy hearing about your July trip when the time comes! I know it will help me get me through until our late October trip. (If we still go! Keeping our fingers crossed)

I hope we can help you out in July, and then if we don't get an October trip, as that would be the one most likely not to happen for me, then you can help me out with beautiful fall pictures. Fingers crossed for that trip for you!

You are a brave MeMom to take two girls ahead to Disney for a few days! I know the three of you will have a blast, but that is a lot to take on!

This will be the first time since I started Dising to not have one of your trip reports to read! I will miss it!

Hope July comes very fast for you!

Remember, I raised three kids alone, I've worked many, many, many school camps and church camps, and I teach second-graders. Two or three days with Brooklynn and Bella will be a breeze! :laughing:

This will be the first time in almost seven years that we don't have a trip report going. :eek:

If I can get through January and February, I think I will make it better. March seems so far away from now, but when it gets here, it won't seem like March is horribly far away from summer, and it's always easier to wait during the summer, since I have more enjoyable time then.

So sorry about the Christmas trip and your cold weather. I am sneaking off for a louie and mommy trip and will be in EPCOT the day before the garden show opens so I will take lots of pictures for you.

Awesome on the trip and the Epcot pictures! :dance3:

Sorry I have been MIA for a few weeks...I am moved into the new house so now I can breathe again.

I'm so very glad you're feeling better and are on the mend. I understand that you're saying about missing time with the girls vs missing the Disney part...I completely understand that.

The summer trip will be here before you know it. If 2014 flew like 2013 did, you'll be getting out that suitcase in no time.

Love ya, friend! Take care and talk to you soon ~

We have been so excited about your new house! :woohoo:

My suitcase stays partially packed. ;)

I am super excited about having my girls back here this weekend. :love:


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