Shrinking Tink: Trading Pounds for Pixie Dust

You come out with some great expressions, but that has got to be one of the best! :lmao:

:lmao:Thanks honey but unfortunately I can't take the credit for that one it's from the film 'The Girl Next Door'..."What you've got to ask yourself is, 'is the juice worth the sqeeze?'". Love that film even though it's a bit on the naughty side;):rotfl:
I'm doing the same thing for my high school reunion in October and our Dis trip in January--I started in April and I've lost 15lbs so far following the FYM exercise and nutrtion plans. I've been lazy the past couple of days and haven't really exercised like I should have (i'm blaming PMS)
I started at 178lbs--I'll be 39 in October--I'm down to 161 or 162. My healthy weight for my height is 125. So I've got 37 more pounds to turn into pixie dust in 5 months for my 20th reunion and 7 months till Disney!
You know I'm all for the get out of one weigh in card!

I was SO tempted to play it this morning. But I followed Jiminy Cricket and let my conscience be my guide.

Sometimes the worry is worse than the actual "thing"... stay strong Tinkerbellarealla and try not to beat yourself up too much. It won't change anything and will only make tomorrow harder so get back up on that horse and smile for all you've accomplished so far:cheer2:

Aw thanks! :hug:
I won't lie, this morning's weigh-in sucked, in plain English. But more on that later. But I didn't let it didn't get me down, just motivated me for the week.


Well HELLO! pretty lady!

You look GREAT. And really, I'm not just saying that. I'm not that kind of person. You might not see/feel it but the loss is noticeable and you're looking fantastic.

Now, let's work on accepting compliments gracefully since I'm personally TERRIBLE at that. Repeat after me:

"Thanks, Tink! I do look great. It's taken time and hard work and I'm looking forward to continuing the process."

It was also a bit of a wake up call that I need to get to the hairdresser for a cut and color.

I was actually thinking that I liked the longer look on you. ::yes::

It's harder to be objective about yourself, we always see what's wrong, and not what's right. Be proud, you are doing great!!!!!

Wise, you are. :yoda:

I think I get hard on myself for gaining the weight back in the first place. I'm my own worst sabatouer.

It's a reciprocating cycle, that one. Breaking out of it will be the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. I committed to not being down on myself about gaining the weight back this time around and honestly has made the process easier this time around. It also makes it easier the foster a positive outlook on the tough days.

I just :lovestruc the clearance section at Target.

I love Target.
I'm no longer allowed near it with a credit card or non-spending-money-type-cash.
Do you know that they sell a THREE POUND BAG OF HARIBO GUMMY BEARS??? (Only $7, by the way, but I've never bought one.)
It's like the Mothership calling me home.

Hey you look great I can tell youv'e lost... this weeks weigh in was 1.4 down for me..let me figure out how to post pics and I will put up a before and a so far

Congrats on being a loser this week! :lmao:

Winged One

Aw. She's an angel. :angel:

and let's be honest you'll have had a blast putting on any weight you've gained so I'm sure the juice was worth the squeeze:rotfl2:

Oh sweet Pete, the good times that were had while putting on what is responsible for the majority of my gain! I'd relay everything that was consumed here but that would be getting ahead of our TR.

But it is motivating and that's the only way I'll allow myself to look at it.

I'm doing the same thing for my high school reunion in October and our Dis trip in January--I started in April and I've lost 15lbs so far following the FYM exercise and nutrtion plans. I've been lazy the past couple of days and haven't really exercised like I should have (i'm blaming PMS)
I started at 178lbs--I'll be 39 in October--I'm down to 161 or 162. My healthy weight for my height is 125. So I've got 37 more pounds to turn into pixie dust in 5 months for my 20th reunion and 7 months till Disney!

Welcome! :cheer2:

Sounds like you've made some excellent progress thus far and I'll speak for the group to say we're happy to help you every step of the rest of the way!

Ok, ladies. It's truth time. I'm up this week. And a tad more than I thought. I was figuring around the 2lb. mark but it was 3lbs. And while I know that the majority of it has to be from my Disney trip and the horribly unhealthy behavior since my return, I also ate something incredibly salty before bed last night and was silly enough to really no drink anything.

Today, standing in for the Hoover Dam, will be Tinkerbellarella.

So, I'm dousing my body with water and very few salts today. And my short term goal is to lose at least 2 of the 3lbs gained by next Wednesday's weigh-in.

Better start that exercising! :banana:
Hey you look great I can tell youv'e lost... this weeks weigh in was 1.4 down for me..let me figure out how to post pics and I will put up a before and a so far

Thanks. Congrats on your weight loss this week too. That's great.

I have my pics loaded onto photobucket, and they give you the code to just past here on the boards. It's the one with the img stuff at the begining. Really easy.

Winged One stop being so hard on yourself I could see the difference in the pics and it's a real achievement you've made. Yes you may not be where you ultimately want to be but none of us are and you're looking fabby so be proud of how you look and where you are on your plan:hug:

Thanks. I can see the difference from the first one, but after that it gets a bit fuzzy. I never want to look like that first one again. Ever. I just look at it and think of how horrible I felt inside, while trying to convince myself that I was happy because I was eating whatever I wanted to. So delusional! I think I've used food for way too long to make excuses and cover for other things in my life. Stopping that cycle seems to be one of the hardest things to do.

I'm doing the same thing for my high school reunion in October and our Dis trip in January--I started in April and I've lost 15lbs so far following the FYM exercise and nutrtion plans. I've been lazy the past couple of days and haven't really exercised like I should have (i'm blaming PMS)
I started at 178lbs--I'll be 39 in October--I'm down to 161 or 162. My healthy weight for my height is 125. So I've got 37 more pounds to turn into pixie dust in 5 months for my 20th reunion and 7 months till Disney!

I'll be turning 39 this October too. I still find it a bit amazing that I'll be 39. Just doesn't seem right when I feel so much younger. Eek!

That's great that you set your goal, and have been doing so well towards it. 15 lbs is amazing!

I was SO tempted to play it this morning. But I followed Jiminy Cricket and let my conscience be my guide.

I'm so impressed that you didn't!

You look GREAT. And really, I'm not just saying that. I'm not that kind of person. You might not see/feel it but the loss is noticeable and you're looking fantastic.

Thanks, Tink! I do look great. It's taken time and hard work and I'm looking forward to continuing the process.

How was that? :thumbsup2

Seriously thanks. I am happy with how far I've come so far. I'm just a bit impatient.

I was actually thinking that I liked the longer look on you. ::yes::

No, no chopping it off. (At least quite yet). I just haven't been since October, and I have no shape left at all. I've been stuck clipping it back in just that hairdo for awhile now. I just need to get some shorter sections cut around my face so I can wear it down.

I've been tempted to cut it off a few times, but it's taken way too long to grow it out this long. Plus, I'm weird. I always let it grow long in the summer, and save my major chops for the winter time.

I love Target.
I'm no longer allowed near it with a credit card or non-spending-money-type-cash.
Do you know that they sell a THREE POUND BAG OF HARIBO GUMMY BEARS??? (Only $7, by the way, but I've never bought one.)
It's like the Mothership calling me home.

It is a bit evil isn't it. I spend way too much time wandering around the fringes of the store scouring the discount racks. And the World Bazaar when they have it. And the seasonal section. Way too dangerous. At the moment I've been relegating myself to the discounted gym clothes. I love the 75% off section.

Ok, ladies. It's truth time. I'm up this week. And a tad more than I thought. I was figuring around the 2lb. mark but it was 3lbs. And while I know that the majority of it has to be from my Disney trip and the horribly unhealthy behavior since my return, I also ate something incredibly salty before bed last night and was silly enough to really no drink anything.

Today, standing in for the Hoover Dam, will be Tinkerbellarella.

So, I'm dousing my body with water and very few salts today. And my short term goal is to lose at least 2 of the 3lbs gained by next Wednesday's weigh-in.

Better start that exercising! :banana:

At least you had a Disney trip with the gain, right?

Water really does make all the difference sometimes, and I'm sure it will help you get back on track. I've been doing much better with my water intake this week and I think it's helped. Of course the problem is that at work they have shut down the bathrooms on my floor. Which means when I need to go, I have to take the elevator up two floors just to use the restroom.

Can we say annoying?

I don't want to admit to how many times I've waited a bit too long and have found myself doing a dance waiting for the elevator.

As for myself I'm surprisingly down this week. I'll admit I was a bit shocked. While I knew that I had been better with my eating, I wasn't feeling it. For the majority of this week, and this morning I have just felt "overly stuffed" and uncomfortable. I think I'm retaining water, so that may be part of the feeling. Still I weighed in at 215.5 today. I don't remember exactly what I weighed in at last week but I'm pretty sure it was more.
4 down this week

Great job!

Sorry I haven't been doing a better job of keeping up guys! Life gets in the way sometimes. I'm still working on not over-eating (big challenge for me), and I think I've lost some more weight. I should be able to confirm that when I weigh in this morning.

I do have to say though, last night I was a little bummed. I was looking forward to a good workout on the elliptical and when I got one, it made a rather sickly cachunka chunka sound. Not good. I ended up on the treadmill instead, which was nice, but not the calorie burning sweat fest I was looking for. :lmao:
Ok I am joining in here. I am 5ft 4in and 179. I really need to do something I am noy enjoying my size. I am hoping that if I have some one to be accountable to is will help. Well I am off to do wii.
4 down this week

:cool1: Congratulations!

Great job!

Sorry I haven't been doing a better job of keeping up guys! Life gets in the way sometimes. I'm still working on not over-eating (big challenge for me), and I think I've lost some more weight. I should be able to confirm that when I weigh in this morning.

I do have to say though, last night I was a little bummed. I was looking forward to a good workout on the elliptical and when I got one, it made a rather sickly cachunka chunka sound. Not good. I ended up on the treadmill instead, which was nice, but not the calorie burning sweat fest I was looking for. :lmao:

That stinks about the elliptical, especially when your all set for a good workout. I overslept slightly this morning, and nearly missed getting in to my exercise class tomorrow. Luckily I made it in by the skin of teeth. I was caller #32 and they take 35 people. Whew!

I forgot to get on the scale this morning so no weigh in today. Actually to be honest I really selectively forgot. I'm going to make myself get on tomorrow. I just know that I wasn't really very good this week. Not horrible, but not good. I've given in to my sweet tooth a few too many times. I just feel yucky and a bit bloated too. I just couldn't bring myself to get on today. The lousy weather just gives me too easy of an excuse not to get out and exercise.

Ok I am joining in here. I am 5ft 4in and 179. I really need to do something I am noy enjoying my size. I am hoping that if I have some one to be accountable to is will help. Well I am off to do wii.

Ok I am joining in here. I am 5ft 4in and 179. I really need to do something I am noy enjoying my size. I am hoping that if I have some one to be accountable to is will help. Well I am off to do wii.

Welcome, hon! The more the merrier!!! :goodvibes

That stinks about the elliptical, especially when your all set for a good workout. I overslept slightly this morning, and nearly missed getting in to my exercise class tomorrow. Luckily I made it in by the skin of teeth. I was caller #32 and they take 35 people. Whew!

I mean, I love a good walk, but when you're gunning for a good sweat fest that just doesn't cut it. And running and I don't always mix.:lmao: Glad you got into your class!

I forgot to get on the scale this morning so no weigh in today. Actually to be honest I really selectively forgot. I'm going to make myself get on tomorrow. I just know that I wasn't really very good this week. Not horrible, but not good. I've given in to my sweet tooth a few too many times. I just feel yucky and a bit bloated too. I just couldn't bring myself to get on today. The lousy weather just gives me too easy of an excuse not to get out and exercise.

I totally didn't weigh myself either, but mostly because I forgot. :lmao:
Okay, I forced myself onto the scale this morning. I know that I wasn't having a very good week either with my eating, or my exercising and truly wanted to avoid the scale at all costs. But then I realized that I need to have som accountability in my life and hopped on.

215 - down 1/2 a lb.

With the week I had, I'm actually happy with that. I really need to gain some control over my sweet tooth. I don't overeat in meals, but sweets just do me in. I think I may need to adjust my regular eating as well. I think I may not be eating enough. I'm still following the same plan from before I started exercising regularly so it stands to reason that I'm burning more calories now. Maybe that's one of the reasons I've been having such problems with my sweets snacking.

I went out for a run last night and felt so much better afterwards. It's amazing the boost that some excercise can give you! I'd been feeling blue all day long, and literally had to force myself out the door to run. By the time I got home I felt worlds better. Still a bit blue, but not to the extent that I was. Even better was that during my workout, I had a few moments where everything just felt "right" when I was running. It was a wonderful feeling. Tonight I have my Zumba class so I'm hoping the feeling continues. I'm always happier on the nights I have my Zumba class.
thats great at least you didn't gain... ANd I know what you mean about the sweets its a real challenge for me also
Okay, I forced myself onto the scale this morning. I know that I wasn't having a very good week either with my eating, or my exercising and truly wanted to avoid the scale at all costs. But then I realized that I need to have som accountability in my life and hopped on.

215 - down 1/2 a lb.

With the week I had, I'm actually happy with that. I really need to gain some control over my sweet tooth. I don't overeat in meals, but sweets just do me in. I think I may need to adjust my regular eating as well. I think I may not be eating enough. I'm still following the same plan from before I started exercising regularly so it stands to reason that I'm burning more calories now. Maybe that's one of the reasons I've been having such problems with my sweets snacking.

I went out for a run last night and felt so much better afterwards. It's amazing the boost that some excercise can give you! I'd been feeling blue all day long, and literally had to force myself out the door to run. By the time I got home I felt worlds better. Still a bit blue, but not to the extent that I was. Even better was that during my workout, I had a few moments where everything just felt "right" when I was running. It was a wonderful feeling. Tonight I have my Zumba class so I'm hoping the feeling continues. I'm always happier on the nights I have my Zumba class.

I understand the sweet cravings. I have developed a tootsie pop habit. They're 100x better than what I used to eat, but I'll probably pay for it when I go to the dentist. Oh, well, it takes me a LONG time to eat one. That's a good thing.:goodvibes
Good for you going out for a run. This time of year it feels so good to get and GO! I hope you're happy feeling continues. That centered, I'm OK with the world is a great place to be. :thumbsup2
Alright, it looks like I've gained 1 lb. I'm not pleased with it, but there it is. And I'll admit it. I totally fell off the wagon tonight and we had fast food. When it rains it pours. I have however, on the positive side, worked out twice this week with plans to do at least once more, and then I'm hoping to get back to my every other day (or every day if it's just a short walk) routine I had going before my May trip to Disney.

One of my favorite quotes ever in regard to exercise.

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill their husbands. They just don't."

I love that quote. And it is true, exercise makes you happy. :thumbsup2
Alright, it looks like I've gained 1 lb. I'm not pleased with it, but there it is. And I'll admit it. I totally fell off the wagon tonight and we had fast food. When it rains it pours. I have however, on the positive side, worked out twice this week with plans to do at least once more, and then I'm hoping to get back to my every other day (or every day if it's just a short walk) routine I had going before my May trip to Disney.

One of my favorite quotes ever in regard to exercise.

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill their husbands. They just don't."

I love that quote. And it is true, exercise makes you happy. :thumbsup2

We had fast food too tonight too. :hug: You know it was just one of those days here. I have exercised 2 days in a row which is a really big deal for me. I am doing Wii Fit. I do the yoga, arobics and strength training.

That qute is true. I love Elle. I just watched part of that movie the other day. Did you see the Broadway version of it when they were playing it on MTV?
We had fast food too tonight too. :hug:

Okay, thanks for the hug and sharing that. It's so nice to know I'm not the only one. :hug:

You know it was just one of those days here. I have exercised 2 days in a row which is a really big deal for me. I am doing Wii Fit. I do the yoga, arobics and strength training.

Oh, I totally had one of those days. Some good, some bad, some stress. So when DS asked on the way home (much later than usual), "Mama, I have McDonald's?" I said, "Sure." :lmao:

You do great on the Wii Fit. I started some of it, but I haven't been on in so long, I know it's going to yell at me when I get back to it. I really like getting out of the house and going to the small gym that's part of our apartment complex. It's great to just have some time away from the boys. Much as I love them, I also love a little time to myself.

That qute is true. I love Elle. I just watched part of that movie the other day. Did you see the Broadway version of it when they were playing it on MTV?

No, I actually didn't see it! I bet it was good.
Okay, thanks for the hug and sharing that. It's so nice to know I'm not the only one. :hug:

Oh, I totally had one of those days. Some good, some bad, some stress. So when DS asked on the way home (much later than usual), "Mama, I have McDonald's?" I said, "Sure." :lmao:

I totally understand. Here it was the fact that my dh was hungry and he didn't cook and I too was headed home much later than normal and I didn't feel like cooking either.

You do great on the Wii Fit. I started some of it, but I haven't been on in so long, I know it's going to yell at me when I get back to it. I really like getting out of the house and going to the small gym that's part of our apartment complex. It's great to just have some time away from the boys. Much as I love them, I also love a little time to myself.

I am really enjoying the Wii. I was surprised how much of a workout it really is. I wasn't sure what to expect. I hear you about having time to yourself. If I had a gym I would do that too. I love it when it can be just me, my Ipod and a book. I miss living in my apt for the pool and the gym.

No, I actually didn't see it! I bet it was good.

I didn't get to see all of it but the parts I did see were good.
thats great at least you didn't gain... ANd I know what you mean about the sweets its a real challenge for me also

They are my complete weakness. Ice cream in particular.

I understand the sweet cravings. I have developed a tootsie pop habit. They're 100x better than what I used to eat, but I'll probably pay for it when I go to the dentist. Oh, well, it takes me a LONG time to eat one. That's a good thing.:goodvibes
Good for you going out for a run. This time of year it feels so good to get and GO! I hope you're happy feeling continues. That centered, I'm OK with the world is a great place to be. :thumbsup2

I'm hating all the rain we've been having, but the coolness is wonderful for my running. I have a hard time breathing when it's really humid so I'm enjoying the cooler weather for that alone.

Alright, it looks like I've gained 1 lb. I'm not pleased with it, but there it is. And I'll admit it. I totally fell off the wagon tonight and we had fast food. When it rains it pours. I have however, on the positive side, worked out twice this week with plans to do at least once more, and then I'm hoping to get back to my every other day (or every day if it's just a short walk) routine I had going before my May trip to Disney.

One of my favorite quotes ever in regard to exercise.

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill their husbands. They just don't."

I love that quote. And it is true, exercise makes you happy. :thumbsup2

I love that movie!

I have to fess up. I had fast food tonight too. I stopped after my exercise class. It was late and I was in no mood to go home and cook.
So.....I managed to gain a HIDEOUS amount of weight in Disney. I'm sure a few pounds is water weight because I'm so bloated, but still I need to get my butt back on track. Starting tomorrow morning I am full speed ahead.
I love that movie!

I have to fess up. I had fast food tonight too. I stopped after my exercise class. It was late and I was in no mood to go home and cook.

My goodness, was there something in the air? :lmao:

At least you had your exercise class to offset it. :thumbsup2

So.....I managed to gain a HIDEOUS amount of weight in Disney. I'm sure a few pounds is water weight because I'm so bloated, but still I need to get my butt back on track. Starting tomorrow morning I am full speed ahead.

Don't worry, hon! I think we all do that in Disney (although one trip I actually lost weight and that was awesome!) and you'll get it back off in no time.

How was your trip? :goodvibes


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