Disboutiquers Part 5 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Just a few pics from the trip. I am thinking of writing a trip report. I kept a journal and stayed up at least an hour each night writing in it. there were so many little things that I didn't want to forget.

Jackson hugging eeyore. he really loved the characters. It was nice to see the "little boy" come out in him. He wasn't worried in the slightest what his friends might think

Cooper as Captain Hook with Hook and Smee (Jackson as Jack Sparrow). Cooper didn't want to wear the shoe covers or the hook that I made- it was less for me to keep up with, so I didn't argue. He also kept pushing his shorts up over his knees, it looks like he is wearing a dress

the boys with jack sparrow. this guy was GREAT. He spent a lot of time with the kids. he made Jackson spin around so he could check him out. When Jackson told him that Cooper was Captain Hook, he said "we have a problem, mate, he doesn't have a hook. Do you think we can call him captain-no-hook?"

And finally one of Cooper in the boneyard. I like this picture because it makes Cooper look big, not that I want my baby to grow- he is just so little. Just for reference, the shorts are 12-18 months and the shirt is a 2T. Cooper turned 3 last month.

That is all for now. As I am going through the pics, if I see a good one of the custom, I will post it.

Awwww! Cute, cute, cute! Love all your pics! Another vote for a Trip Report! And Cooper's hair is totally just like Ella's, LOL!

Megan says that Ella looks more like Fancy Nancy than the doll and I think she's right! And when she saw the cake, let's just say that I am glad she doesn't know that some mommies bake birthday cakes because she just gasped and said, "how perfect!" She also likes the Hannah Montana guitar (with microphone, she was sure to point out). It looks like a great party: you did good mom!

The whole thing is great, including the bows! Did you use a pattern because I really like the front of the dress (the ruffles are of course gorgeous). You can tell it was made with a lot of love so I know Isabelle will love it.

OK, all ya'll with sergers wish me luck. I have only used my serger for finishing seams on the inside but I want to tried on of the rolled hems so I bought matching thread and am going to give it a go. I think I am going to clean and oil everything while I am in there since I haven't done it since I have started using the machine. Any advice and experience would be appreciated: I am scared I am going to screw something up.

You'll have to tell Megan that I'm very flattered by her compliments! LOL about pointing out the microphone - it's pretty cute - it plugs into the guitar and really works. It's so cute to hear Ella singing along into the microphone as she plays the guitar!

The front bodice of the dress is McCall's 5615. It's a really cute pattern and pretty easy, too!

Serger advice - I'm not sure which kind you have - do you have to change out the plate to do a rolled hem? I've found that doing a rolled hem is a little bit of trial and error. The lower looper tensions need to be higher than the needle tension, so the thread will "pull" the fabric under as the threads wrap around it. Different fabrics require different tensions - a very thin fabric needs less tension on the lower loopers than a heavy fabric. I always just make sure to do a test swatch or two to get my settings where I want them. Once you get it right, it's so worth it - and way fun!

I hope that makes sense - if you have any other specific questions, ask away and I'll try to help!

:cool1: I wanted to share a couple outfits I made for my DS (Sorry about my messing desk)

4th of July outfit


Beach outfit.


Great job! I especially love the 4th of July one! I saw that fabric and almost bought it - to make shorts for DS! Too funny - now I may have to go back and get it - love those shorts!
I love those shorts maybe I will venture to make Ds some, he is upset I havnt made him anything but 11 year old boys are hard to make things for :confused3
Oh I finished my first Halter dress for Kaitlyn and took pics on my cell phone now it is not letting me upload them :badpc:
:offtopic: Little off topic, im heading to the hospital tommorow morning. I will be in surgery from 9-11 to have this football sized cyst and my right ovary removed. Please think aobut me and say a prayer. I will miss you all.
We will be thinking of you!! I hope everything goes really well! :hug: Heal up quickly!


Now, what should I do for a shirt? I was thinking about a RTW because DS2 and DS7 will have matching shorts with a polo top.
Just because he's cute. Owen picked up the finished folded shirt and told me to take a picture!
I love the skort!!! And, you son is so cute!

how's THAT for drama?! Would y'all believe that I've had similar situations in the past...eerily similar actually.

just another day in the life!!!

I do NOT like you being in that kind of danger!! Tiny little you against a great big guy?? :faint: I'm so glad you could keep the situation somewhat under control, and no one was hurt! :hug:

Now...does panic set in for everyone when there is just a few days left...
I went and laid out all the clothes tonight and realized I still have a lot of sewing to do! I feel like a nervous wreck! THE PRESSURE!!
You will be ok!!! Your kids will look adorable, even if they don't have a different custom for every day! You are going to have a great time!!!!!

(oh yeah, I PANIC too!)
Just a few pics from the trip. I am thinking of writing a trip report. I kept a journal and stayed up at least an hour each night writing in it. there were so many little things that I didn't want to forget.

And finally one of Cooper in the boneyard. I like this picture because it makes Cooper look big, not that I want my baby to grow- he is just so little. Just for reference, the shorts are 12-18 months and the shirt is a 2T. Cooper turned 3 last month.

That is all for now. As I am going through the pics, if I see a good one of the custom, I will post it.
YES!!! Do a trip report!!!!!!

Your boys are so adorable!!!!!

OK, all ya'll with sergers wish me luck. I have only used my serger for finishing seams on the inside but I want to tried on of the rolled hems so I bought matching thread and am going to give it a go. I think I am going to clean and oil everything while I am in there since I haven't done it since I have started using the machine. Any advice and experience would be appreciated: I am scared I am going to screw something up.
I love doing rolled hems with the serger. Probably because I DESPISE doing narrow hems with my regular machine!!! Anything that will get me out of that, is a VERY good thing!!! I actually find the rolled hems easier to do than the regular seams.
Whew, that was really scarey!!!! I had a somewhat similar situation last summer. :
SCARY!!! :scared1:

:cool1: I wanted to share a couple outfits I made for my DS (Sorry about my messing desk)

4th of July outfit

Beach outfit.
What a CUTIE!!!!!!! I love the outfits!!
Finally figured it out :lmao: Blonde here :rotfl2:


Here are her flip flops I let her decorate them.

I think I am going to make this top into a halter too, So they match.

I got this Minnie dress from a lady on the Budget board and I added a Peti under it so it is "fluffy" Mad's words.
Finally figured it out :lmao: Blonde here :rotfl2:


Here are her flip flops I let her decorate them.

I think I am going to make this top into a halter too, So they match.

I got this Minnie dress from a lady on the Budget board and I added a Peti under it so it is "fluffy" Mad's words.
Those are all so cute.
OK, as promised . . . Fancy Nancy pics!!

The cake (I had major frosting issues, so it's not as cute as it should have been):

okay, if that cake was any cuter... well I just don't see how it could be! It is adorable!!!
I couldn't decide what to make for the kids for the grad. party so we went shopping today!! Here is what we all picked out:


The kids wanted frog outfits. This all came from hancocks, the frog print was 8.99 per yard :scared1: I only got 1 1/2 yards the rest were much more reasonable some were in the remnant bin!!
So I am going to make a twily skirt and top for sophia and a shorts and an applique tee for lucas. By SUNDAY!! The fabric is washed and dried. I'm going to iron and cut wednesday then start up the sewing machine!! And I am going to try out my ruffler, oh and I also picked up these:

The gathering foot was on clearance for $1.50!!! And they had 1 applique foot that fits my machine!!! And it was on sale too!!! :woohoo: So now I can finish the george appliques too!!! And I don't have to pay shipping!! :thumbsup2 :cool1:
We also went to target and walmart, At target I got this:

I was thinking I could take off the little bow and add a pink ribbon to make it June-ish- What do you all think???
The color is looking a little washed out hmmmm well IRL it is the june colors. It was $4.99.
And here is some more cute stuff we scored- on clearance!!!
From hancocks:

And from walmart:

And I got Minnie dot at Hancocks too but you all know what that looks like ;) The dots are a little shy of 2 inches.
Well enough of my rambling..... I'll have to catch up in the "morning" We played our new lego indiana jones game this evening and I've been playing while the rest are sleeping- it is super fun!!!

Good morning ladies and tom!!!
Hi everyone! I used to visit daily but have been away for a while. wanted to say hello and share 3 new things I finished since I was away.
Getting ready for that next trip!




The skirts both have some appliques on the back as well. I am off to catch up on everyone!
WOW! Those appliques are amazing :worship:

You absolutely OUTDID yourself. It's artwork. I just love it. Really, wow!

:rotfl2: All y'all absolutely CRACK me up!!! Ah yes...so much drama within the hallowed halls of schools!!

Okay...well...we have a rather large student...nearly 6' 4 and probably 375 pounds....and then some. He's just a great big person. He's profoundly autistic and prone to bouts of violence. He doesn't know his own strength. So imagine a six year old in that body having a temper tantrum. He can snap metal scissors in half like it's cardboard.

He showed up at school yesterday having shredded all of his clothing while on the private van that takes him to and from school. Including his shoes. He also shredded the inside of the van...tore out the ceiling and the seats. Not having a good morning. We were called and I went out to meet him as I know him well and can usually get him back on track. I opened the door to the van and he's nekkid as a jaybird. He says to me...

"hi...I'm naked."


He seems okay though, a little more calm than I was expecting. I called for sheets and stuff to be brought out...along with the very large custodian we have who helps out in situations where we need some heavy backup!

I got him wrapped up and covered and he walked calmly into the building with me all the way to the "calming down room"...(aka Padded room). We got him in there and he sat down. For about ten minutes. Then he wanted out. So he's pounding on the door...that we can't lock by law. So we've got the custodian, two male aides and the consulting psychiatrist holding the door.

He also wee'd all over the floor...wee'd on the observation window. And I can't have him in there with urine on the floor. But we can't open the door. Somehow I manage to get his attention and tell him in my firmest voice that he needs to SIT DOWN in the corner b/c there is a mess we need to have cleaned. So he sat. And stayed sitting while the custodian did a quick mop up and tried to sanitize a little. As soon as the custodian left though, he was pounding on the door again which required four large men to keep it shut and he was still managing to move them.

at this point I think he needs to go to the psychiatric unit. he's a danger to himself and to others and we need a more secure situation.

He actually transferred really smoothly. The paramedics came in. Thankfully they listened to me and let me lead him out and sit on the stretcher with him. He rode nicely in the ambulance. Almost comatose like. But as soon as we got him into a room in the hospital, he throws a chair out of the blue...which hit a nurse in the face...so her nose is bleeding...my "student" is screaming bloody murder as blood freaks him out. He's scratching himself to bits and grabbing at me, so now I'm covered in blood.

it was insanity.

finally he had to be restrained and medicated. It was sad. But in a way it needed to happen for mom to see that it's time to think about permanent placement. He's too volatile...sweet as he can be...but unstable.

it was a long dang day. I have a bruises all over my arms and legs...but I survived!!!

how's THAT for drama?! Would y'all believe that I've had similar situations in the past...eerily similar actually.

just another day in the life!!!

:eek: I have the greatest respect for those working with special needs teens and adults. I work in daycares/nursery schools/similar as a substitute staff member and have worked with autistic and other special needs kids quite a lot (which I love doing) There's been a few incidents but nothing on a par with your story.. I agree with you thaht it sounds like this young man needs more support than a school environment is able to offer and I hope all involved in the incident recover soon :hug:
The fancy nacy party rocks... You did a wonderful job.


:offtopic: Little off topic, im heading to the hospital tommorow morning. I will be in surgery from 9-11 to have this football sized cyst and my right ovary removed. Please think aobut me and say a prayer. I will miss you all.

:hug: I will keep you in my prayers.

I've now gone from this

Now, what should I do for a shirt? I was thinking about a RTW because DS2 and DS7 will have matching shorts with a polo top.
Just because he's cute. Owen picked up the finished folded shirt and told me to take a picture!

I like how you were able to switch the dress to skorts for more use! I thinkI need to save more outfits too.! And your little ds is too cute!

Just a few pics from the trip. I am thinking of writing a trip report. I kept a journal and stayed up at least an hour each night writing in it. there were so many little things that I didn't want to forget.

Jackson hugging eeyore. he really loved the characters. It was nice to see the "little boy" come out in him. He wasn't worried in the slightest what his friends might think

Cooper as Captain Hook with Hook and Smee (Jackson as Jack Sparrow). Cooper didn't want to wear the shoe covers or the hook that I made- it was less for me to keep up with, so I didn't argue. He also kept pushing his shorts up over his knees, it looks like he is wearing a dress

the boys with jack sparrow. this guy was GREAT. He spent a lot of time with the kids. he made Jackson spin around so he could check him out. When Jackson told him that Cooper was Captain Hook, he said "we have a problem, mate, he doesn't have a hook. Do you think we can call him captain-no-hook?"

And finally one of Cooper in the boneyard. I like this picture because it makes Cooper look big, not that I want my baby to grow- he is just so little. Just for reference, the shorts are 12-18 months and the shirt is a 2T. Cooper turned 3 last month.

That is all for now. As I am going through the pics, if I see a good one of the custom, I will post it.

How Cute! Yes, you need to write a trip report so we can hear and see all about your trip!

:cool1: I wanted to share a couple outfits I made for my DS (Sorry about my messing desk)

4th of July outfit


Beach outfit.

Love those shorts! And that beach outfit is sooo cute! I love seeing boys' outfits since we don't have many posted on here....although I don't have any boys!

Finally figured it out :lmao: Blonde here :rotfl2:


Here are her flip flops I let her decorate them.

I think I am going to make this top into a halter too, So they match.

I got this Minnie dress from a lady on the Budget board and I added a Peti under it so it is "fluffy" Mad's words.

Great job on the tweety dress! They will look so cute with matching dresses. And I love the minnie dress! Very cvute!


My mom works at a middle school, as a custodian, and she walked in once last year on 13 year olds in the girls bathroom :scared1:
OMG!!:scared1: :scared1: :scared1: My princess: is 8 and going into 3rd grade and any one know where we can buy a chastity belt!!!!!!:scared1:
You absolutely OUTDID yourself. It's artwork. I just love it. Really, wow!

:rotfl2: All y'all absolutely CRACK me up!!! Ah yes...so much drama within the hallowed halls of schools!!

Okay...well...we have a rather large student...nearly 6' 4 and probably 375 pounds....and then some. He's just a great big person. He's profoundly autistic and prone to bouts of violence. He doesn't know his own strength. So imagine a six year old in that body having a temper tantrum. He can snap metal scissors in half like it's cardboard.

He showed up at school yesterday having shredded all of his clothing while on the private van that takes him to and from school. Including his shoes. He also shredded the inside of the van...tore out the ceiling and the seats. Not having a good morning. We were called and I went out to meet him as I know him well and can usually get him back on track. I opened the door to the van and he's nekkid as a jaybird. He says to me...

"hi...I'm naked."


He seems okay though, a little more calm than I was expecting. I called for sheets and stuff to be brought out...along with the very large custodian we have who helps out in situations where we need some heavy backup!

I got him wrapped up and covered and he walked calmly into the building with me all the way to the "calming down room"...(aka Padded room). We got him in there and he sat down. For about ten minutes. Then he wanted out. So he's pounding on the door...that we can't lock by law. So we've got the custodian, two male aides and the consulting psychiatrist holding the door.

He also wee'd all over the floor...wee'd on the observation window. And I can't have him in there with urine on the floor. But we can't open the door. Somehow I manage to get his attention and tell him in my firmest voice that he needs to SIT DOWN in the corner b/c there is a mess we need to have cleaned. So he sat. And stayed sitting while the custodian did a quick mop up and tried to sanitize a little. As soon as the custodian left though, he was pounding on the door again which required four large men to keep it shut and he was still managing to move them.

at this point I think he needs to go to the psychiatric unit. he's a danger to himself and to others and we need a more secure situation.

He actually transferred really smoothly. The paramedics came in. Thankfully they listened to me and let me lead him out and sit on the stretcher with him. He rode nicely in the ambulance. Almost comatose like. But as soon as we got him into a room in the hospital, he throws a chair out of the blue...which hit a nurse in the face...so her nose is bleeding...my "student" is screaming bloody murder as blood freaks him out. He's scratching himself to bits and grabbing at me, so now I'm covered in blood.

it was insanity.

finally he had to be restrained and medicated. It was sad. But in a way it needed to happen for mom to see that it's time to think about permanent placement. He's too volatile...sweet as he can be...but unstable.

it was a long dang day. I have a bruises all over my arms and legs...but I survived!!!

how's THAT for drama?! Would y'all believe that I've had similar situations in the past...eerily similar actually.

just another day in the life!!!


Oh my! Sorry you had such a rough day! I am certainly glad you are ok! My heart breaks for that kid though and his family.
Hi everyone! I used to visit daily but have been away for a while. wanted to say hello and share 3 new things I finished since I was away.
Getting ready for that next trip!




The skirts both have some appliques on the back as well. I am off to catch up on everyone!

I'd love to see the appliques on the back of the Ariel set....

Oh wait...I found one..

It's funny, how those who complain the most about CASEing...turn around and do it...
Your Eric looks EXACTLY like mine...
OK, as promised . . . Fancy Nancy pics!!

The setup:

The flowers:

The whole ensemble - including shoes and jewelry:

Big give pics are downloading as I type, so I'll be back in a few minutes with pics!

I know you worked really hard on your outfit, and I almost died when I was in Target yesterday...They have the WHOLE Dress, purse, shoes, books....EVERTHING!!!! The dress is exactly like yours and the purses are to die for...if you haven't seen them, go and look in the toy section...they are the cutest things ever...
AND SADLY, they both look EXACTLY like an embroidery design that I have purchased from a favorite designer of mine. SO, can we please just let it go? Let's not do this to ourselves again, please!
AND SADLY, they both look EXACTLY like an embroidery design that I have purchased from a favorite designer of mine. SO, can we please just let it go? Let's not do this to ourselves again, please!

I'm not wanting to beat a dead horse..(gee that's a horrible phrase..) but it's just ironic...I've learned my lesson. I won't be posting any more photos, other than stuff I make solely for the girls, that won't be sold.
Guys sorry I am beyond behind. I did not even bother quoting because there is no way it took it all. I am sure there are a ton of cute things a missed but here is what I have.

Glorib awww how cute is she!

twins you are in my prayers

sugarbees cute cute sets!

Heathersue Congrats to Henry and you! We adore police officers in this house! One saved Princess A's life. I think they are some of the most
important people on this earth!

twob4him I love that skirt! I had not thought of using fat quarters! for that oh my this may warrant a trip to my favorite quilt shop soon lol!

sohappy write a trip report lol we all love to read them!

Lori as always beautiful.

Now on the other note. Thank you all for your prayers and hugs. Yesterday was pretty rough. Heres hoping today is easier. I want to call and check on her so badly but I want to give the family time to adjust too before I bug the snot out of them. DH had a really long work day and did not get to take her crib down yesterday which did not make for an easier night. Plus he found something I had forgotten to wash and send in the bathroom hamper (it was the only thing in there). It still smells like her. I sat there thinking this morning I know I can get through this but I cannot imagine those that have lost a child to death. I don't know how you recover from that but I greatly admire those that have and do.

I will be insanely busy thankfully the next few days. I have people in and out of my house all day today and our 4 year is having my best friends daughter who is 5 spend the night. Tomorrow we have an appointment in Dallas for Alex to get his brace fixed and then also for a wheel chair evaluation. I am going to take the kids to the aquarium before we go. We got a set with red whales on it when I had sets made and that is what the little ones are wearing. Hoping to do a tshirt for my little guy today to match his whale shorts. I know you ladies know the material it is the one that castle used to make that precious sailor dress and we all went OMG I have that fabric too lol. I got some really good possible news about them as well yesterday which I needed. I am going to wait till Monday and it is definate before I share though, just praying it all works out this time. Shannon (revrob) I may take you up on that hun thank you for the offer. Anyway that is where we are we appreciate the prayers greatly and we know we will get through it all.
Taking a break from jobhunting (I work 2 jobs part-time but now that i'm not a student anymore I need more hours..!) I just bought my first YCMT patterns :cool1: I got the Aivilo flapper purse, She loves me she loves me KNOT handbag, Sweet pea versatile handbag and Aivilo pocket messenger bag! Yeah i'll be doing a lot of bagmaking it would seem, they make great gifts though so that's my excuse :rotfl2: I used some money I got from eBay selling so TECHNICALLY they didn't cost me anything, that's my fuzzy logic and i'm sticking to it ;)
Finally figured it out :lmao: Blonde here :rotfl2:


Here are her flip flops I let her decorate them.

I think I am going to make this top into a halter too, So they match.

I got this Minnie dress from a lady on the Budget board and I added a Peti under it so it is "fluffy" Mad's words.
CUTE!!! I think the girls would look cute in just the matching fabric-they style doesn't have to match exactly.

I couldn't decide what to make for the kids for the grad. party so we went shopping today!! Here is what we all picked out:


The kids wanted frog outfits. This all came from hancocks, the frog print was 8.99 per yard :scared1: I only got 1 1/2 yards the rest were much more reasonable some were in the remnant bin!!
So I am going to make a twily skirt and top for sophia and a shorts and an applique tee for lucas. By SUNDAY!! The fabric is washed and dried. I'm going to iron and cut wednesday then start up the sewing machine!! And I am going to try out my ruffler, oh and I also picked up these:

The gathering foot was on clearance for $1.50!!! And they had 1 applique foot that fits my machine!!! And it was on sale too!!! :woohoo: So now I can finish the george appliques too!!! And I don't have to pay shipping!! :thumbsup2 :cool1:
We also went to target and walmart, At target I got this:

I was thinking I could take off the little bow and add a pink ribbon to make it June-ish- What do you all think???
The color is looking a little washed out hmmmm well IRL it is the june colors. It was $4.99.
And here is some more cute stuff we scored- on clearance!!!
From hancocks:

And from walmart:

And I got Minnie dot at Hancocks too but you all know what that looks like ;) The dots are a little shy of 2 inches.
Well enough of my rambling..... I'll have to catch up in the "morning" We played our new lego indiana jones game this evening and I've been playing while the rest are sleeping- it is super fun!!!

Good morning ladies and tom!!!

Cute stuff! You'll be busy!!!!!!!!!!
Taking a break from jobhunting (I work 2 jobs part-time but now that i'm not a student anymore I need more hours..!) I just bought my first YCMT patterns :cool1: I got the Aivilo flapper purse, She loves me she loves me KNOT handbag, Sweet pea versatile handbag and Aivilo pocket messenger bag! Yeah i'll be doing a lot of bagmaking it would seem, they make great gifts though so that's my excuse :rotfl2: I used some money I got from eBay selling so TECHNICALLY they didn't cost me anything, that's my fuzzy logic and i'm sticking to it ;)

Can't wait to see what you create!
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