GOOD MORNING DIS! Whoopsidoodle Hangers On and Friends Meet Here Part 8

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I read "14000 in CA without heat because of power" and I thought "so, its warm enough!" When I lived near Philly we'd have brown outs...but my parents don't have AC so it wasn't like we'd lose that.

So I want to buy those bride and groom mickey hats and somehow rig them up with a 5th anniversary on them for our trip. Any ideas? I was gonna see if someone could buy a set and send it to me, but I never got around to it. We'll get there 2 days before our anniversary, so if I buy them when we get there and bring the tools to rig them, I can just do it there. But I'm not sure what to do...any ideas?
They still joke about me driving back from Florida our first year. It's such a boring stretch of road coming out of Fl. that I kept going faster and faster without realizing. :rolleyes1

Maybe you and dh will have time for another sidetrip while ds is settling in. :)

Yep. We decided it was better to leave the painting until the daylight hours. It's going to be difficult enough to fix the paint. I almost wrecked that plan by sliding down my 14 step staircase this morning. :rolleyes: Glad we have newer carpet and padding on it! :rotfl:

Our ds filled his fridge with a case of water and 2 cases of soda as soon as he moved in. Now there's barely room for anything else! He bought lots of boxes of cereal and stuff to fill the cabinets though. :thumbsup2 :rotfl:
OUCHIES!!! And...hmmm...side trip...hmmm. May be a bit tired for that. But...there's always another trip here!
I read "14000 in CA without heat because of power" and I thought "so, its warm enough!" When I lived near Philly we'd have brown outs...but my parents don't have AC so it wasn't like we'd lose that.

So I want to buy those bride and groom mickey hats and somehow rig them up with a 5th anniversary on them for our trip. Any ideas? I was gonna see if someone could buy a set and send it to me, but I never got around to it. We'll get there 2 days before our anniversary, so if I buy them when we get there and bring the tools to rig them, I can just do it there. But I'm not sure what to do...any ideas?
That sounds like a good idea! But...I have no idea how to implement that.

I'm still waiting for DH to get moving. He just sort of started moving. DS probably wasn't moving real early, either. I'm just raring to go early.:lmao:
Morning !:goodvibes
I had a nice dinner at my sil last night. She is in a fanacial problem right now. Her 2 jobs dont pay her enough for her to make all her expenses or bills. I offerred to loan her what she needs to pay this months bills which is alot -1500! It will put a big dent in my savings account and wuth my own bills and the vacation coning up i will have to put alot of mony back in somehow. She is looking for a new job for her day work. I am ahead of my big expenses like condo mortgage and condo assoc fees. But dont want to be behind.
So how long has it been since WPASADI, has it really been a year?
Good morning! :sunny:
Thanks for all the well-wishes, but I didn't place. My own stupid fault...I messed up the first song I sang. After I sang I was depressed because I knew I had no chance, but then a bunch of people told me they didn't even notice so I got hope...which was once again dashed. The girl who won second was amazing. The girl who won fourth was okay, but I really thought I was better then her. The girls who won 1st and 3rd made me want to puke. They did choreographed showtunes. The 1st girl did a show tune and then How Great Thou Art, but apparantly she has an amazing range and needed everyone to know that. IMO just because you can sing inhumanly high, doesn't mean you should. But oh well. The thing that bothers me is I don't know if I couldve won had I hadn't messed up....and I have to wait a whole year to sing again!
You don't have to wait a year to SING, just to be in the contest! You can sing lots of other places, and you SHOULD!:hug:
I frequently think of people I know or who I've seen drive long distances. There was a girl that went to college with DD that drove to/from OR to NY every year.:scared1:

And when we move DD back to college in the fall, I always see license plates at the hotel...from CA, WA, AZ, etc.:sad2: RIT is very close to there, and they get MANY students from all over the country.
I was driving a fair amount by myself, but I truly can't imagine driving THAT far by myself.
I LOVE long road trips! I guess I get that from my parents. My mom still drives everywhere to visit all of us, and BY HERSELF. When I was single, I drove 4 times by myself from South Dakota to CA and twice from SD to Boston, and those are some of the most treasured memories of my life. There's something cool about seeing/experiencing the different parts of the country as you go through them. (Although I must say I'm not crazy about having to drive through NEVADA every time we want to go anywhere east of here...)

DS seems fine. But I must say that God works in mysterious ways. Roommate is a Christian, and DS has strayed a bit.:rolleyes: So...maybe he'll be wandering back.:) ;) They seem to complement each other; the roommate likes to draw, and doesn't know animation real well, while DS is the opposite. I think they'll be helping each other.
This sounds like the perfect situation, and one that God worked out very nicely.:thumbsup2
Yes, they had already decide not to cut in with the red paint before they asked for help, and that left about a 2" white strip all the way around the top anyway. It's the easy remove type, so probably won't be a big problem. I had wall border in our kitchen up until last year and even it came down fairly easily.

When we were renting early on in our marriage, and weren't allowed to paint or wallpaper, I hung borders in several rooms with thumbtacks. It dressed it up, and the holes were easy to patch afterwards.

I can tell your DS is artistic. My DS19 would never decorate/paint/wallpaper anything. He did hang a picture his girlfriend gave him, and called his living room area "decorated."

I'm sure they will get along fine. Once again...boys are different than girls.:rotfl:
You can say that again. No drama. No psychological stress.
They still joke about me driving back from Florida our first year. It's such a boring stretch of road coming out of Fl. that I kept going faster and faster without realizing. :rolleyes1

Maybe you and dh will have time for another sidetrip while ds is settling in. :)

Yep. We decided it was better to leave the painting until the daylight hours. It's going to be difficult enough to fix the paint. I almost wrecked that plan by sliding down my 14 step staircase this morning. :rolleyes: Glad we have newer carpet and padding on it! :rotfl:
Are you okay??????:scared1: I did that once and broke my tailbone.
Our ds filled his fridge with a case of water and 2 cases of soda as soon as he moved in. Now there's barely room for anything else! He bought lots of boxes of cereal and stuff to fill the cabinets though. :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

Sounds like a real GUY!:thumbsup2

Just read that 14000 are without power in CA because of the heat...I hope that Terri is part of this..:confused3
You hope that I AM a part of this?????:confused3 I'm assuming that's a typo! We haven't had a power outage with this heat wave yet, but some parts of the Bay Area have and a lot of Southern CA has. At least it's cooling down a bit now at night. Fortunately, it hasn't been a very hot summer so far, so we haven't had to have rolling black-outs to conserve power like we've had to in the past. Those are a pain.

So I want to buy those bride and groom mickey hats and somehow rig them up with a 5th anniversary on them for our trip. Any ideas? I was gonna see if someone could buy a set and send it to me, but I never got around to it. We'll get there 2 days before our anniversary, so if I buy them when we get there and bring the tools to rig them, I can just do it there. But I'm not sure what to do...any ideas?
What if you made big "5's" out of cardboard and glitter and then stapled them to the hats (you could borrow a stapler from the hotel) or hung them around the hats with ribbon?
Morning !:goodvibes
I had a nice dinner at my sil last night. She is in a fanacial problem right now. Her 2 jobs dont pay her enough for her to make all her expenses or bills. I offerred to loan her what she needs to pay this months bills which is alot -1500! It will put a big dent in my savings account and wuth my own bills and the vacation coning up i will have to put alot of mony back in somehow. She is looking for a new job for her day work. I am ahead of my big expenses like condo mortgage and condo assoc fees. But dont want to be behind.
Aw Steve, what a nice BIL you are!:love:
So how long has it been since WPASADI, has it really been a year?

It must be ABOUT that since the pre-game started. I do remember we were getting the results from Round #2 (Cruise Ship) at Christmas, because I was in SD with my family.

Nancy, I forgot to tell you--if you watch "Wild Hogs" make sure you watch all the way to the end of the credits. That's the funniest part of the whole movie!:lmao:
35 SMILIES! OK, time to take 'em out!

I guess everyone went to bed! (EVEN LYNN!!?!?!?!?)

The movie was great, although I'm not sure the people next to me enjoyed my gasping and stuff (I get kind of stressed during chase scenes and fight scenes!)

We went out for pie afterwards, and I was looking around everywhere for other "agents" who "might want to kill me." I have trouble re-entering the real world after a film...

Anyways, I hope you're all peacefully sleeping. I'll get the lights...


:lmao: :lmao: I can't even go to some of those types of movies because they affect me too much!

Thanks for waking everyone up, Tammy!

You are not going to believe this...but...I slept til 7!!!

And...for all you who have driven to FL before...congratulations...I don't envy you if you have done it multiple times. I have a funny story. Last week DS was asking my if he was going to drive home for winter break. And I said, I thought he'd fly. Yesterday (day #2 of driving) we were stopped at a rest stop, and he said he's glad he's flying home.:rotfl:

Yesterday we drove through two heavy bouts of downpours (reduced speed/some pulled over type of downpours) for about a half hour or 45 min each. So it took us about 9 1/2 hours yesterday. Mapquest predicted 9 hours. So we got here about 7:40, met DS's roommate and his dad, ate pizza at 9 PM, and moved about half his stuff in.

I guess that's why I slept til 7.

I know ONE thing...I could never be a trucker!

Sounds like a rough day on the road! On the news last night they said there is a "tropical low" off of the GA/SC coast, and what you probably ran into were some rain bands from that. None of it made it up here...but they're watching that system.

Lynn..he wants to put up a border too??? And if/when he moves that also has to be removed???

I may be late on this, but be sure and put up sizing before you put up the wallpaper. You can buy it at any home improvement store. It is just like a clear paint, and it seals the wall so that when you go to remove the wallpaper it doesn't try to take a layer of the sheetrock. Even over paint, the pros say it is a good thing to do.

My DSister has driven from VT to FL twice this year. She has a DD in Louisville, KY so she drives there first, spends a week or two and then heads to FL...NOT a very direct route...She drives by herself. I couldn't imagine doing that. She just bought a GPS this past week..She'll use it to get through Atlanta...She says that in the past the people of Atlanta usually warn each other that she's coming through and they try to get her through there pretty quickly...The first time she drove she got lost down there...I should have had her call 3P for directions!

:scared1: I would direct her AROUND town. I don't get lost going through downtown Atlanta, but it is confusing and stressful. I may have seen the warnings about her on those boards they post on the interstates, though!;)

DS seems fine. But I must say that God works in mysterious ways. Roommate is a Christian, and DS has strayed a bit. So...maybe he'll be wandering back. They seem to complement each other; the roommate likes to draw, and doesn't know animation real well, while DS is the opposite. I think they'll be helping each other.

Sounds like a good match...and Kathy, this age is a normal one for people to get lazy about their Christianity. I watched many of my college friends go through this...and as soon as they got busy with their adult lives, and especially their families, the values they got from their parents became more important to them and something they wanted to pass on.

It's hard to have someone follow you when doing long-distance driving. You never know if you're going too fast/slow for them... sounds like you did very well...and earned the coveted compliment from DH!

I don't like to even try...when we drove back from the beach with our friends last month, I knew she liked to drive fast and not stop for 6 1/2 hours. I told her to go on ahead, and if she ran into trouble I would be along in 1/2 hour to and hour to help her out!:lmao:

We have to put up drapes, and there's little things that have to be done. The LARGE sofa bed needs to be removed from DS's's bigger than the doorway. We have to call someone for that. If I was the person that WANTED that sofa bed in there, and needed to call a business to have it would have stayed in the living room!!! I also want to make sure DS has everything he needs...if there's any books, etc. And make sure he remembers how to get around, although I'm sure he'll TELL me he knows, even if he doesn't. And there's other little things we have to do. I wanted to make sure we had enough time to do everything before we leave on Friday. (And...well...recovery time.)

That's a lot! But you can do it!:cheer2: (But then you'll be done....for awhile!);)

Yep. We decided it was better to leave the painting until the daylight hours. It's going to be difficult enough to fix the paint. I almost wrecked that plan by sliding down my 14 step staircase this morning. :rolleyes: Glad we have newer carpet and padding on it! :rotfl:

Our ds filled his fridge with a case of water and 2 cases of soda as soon as he moved in. Now there's barely room for anything else! He bought lots of boxes of cereal and stuff to fill the cabinets though.

:hug: :hug: Be careful...falling like that can be serious! I had a graceful day potential injuries, but as soon as we got to the ballpark I got a hot dog. Decided to try something different and have them add cole slaw. Well, you have to be very careful because they put a LOT of cole slaw on those dogs! And its very easy for some of it to fall on a person's shirt! Somebody's t-shirt was immediately soaked with slaw sauce and mustard, and it was there for the rest of the day! :blush:

And at least DS has his priorities straight...get those beverages chilled!:lmao:

So I want to buy those bride and groom mickey hats and somehow rig them up with a 5th anniversary on them for our trip. Any ideas? I was gonna see if someone could buy a set and send it to me, but I never got around to it. We'll get there 2 days before our anniversary, so if I buy them when we get there and bring the tools to rig them, I can just do it there. But I'm not sure what to do...any ideas?

Nanu...I could come up with an idea, but I'd refer you to the creative DISigns board. I went there for inspiration to decorate my cruise room door (only on a Disney Cruise right?) They even had patterns there for cutting out little "mouse ears" to put around the circular room number to make it look like a Mickey Head. I made mine with that foam stuff and magnets.

Aw Steve, what a nice BIL you are!

It must be ABOUT that since the pre-game started. I do remember we were getting the results from Round #2 (Cruise Ship) at Christmas, because I was in SD with my family.

Nancy, I forgot to tell you--if you watch "Wild Hogs" make sure you watch all the way to the end of the credits. That's the funniest part of the whole movie!

The pre-game started last October. I remember, because it was after I joined the DIS in September. And we were playing guessing games with "not-Ty" the morning of DS14s birthday on November 2. It was killing me to leave and go do birthday errands!

And I just saw Wild Hogs last weekend on DVD with DS10 and DH. We thought it was cute.

I'm proud of myself...I got up this morning just in time to work out...then met my family in a restaurant in the parking lot for breakfast! Now, before it all catches up with me, I'm going to go tackle a closet.

Why is it we all seem to be doing chores on our holiday?:confused3
Guess what!:yay: :yay: I get these little health e-mails that come out once a week. Today they talked about flavenoids, and how they are in both red wine and dark chocolate! Then they posted a link to this!


Doesn't it look decadent! Just remember, it is healthy!:cloud9: ;) OK, so my Christmas shopping is over!

And Terri, :hug: for you just lots of chocolate. (But strawberries dipped in chocolate are supposed to be good too.) So here!


We'll take care of the wine part when you get permission!
Aw, thanks, 3P! :hug: I love chocolate-dipped strawberries, and I'll make sure to eat MORE of them if they're so good for me...

Just got a phone call from my mom that my brother is in the hospital. He's 42, and lives in Dallas. I guess he's been lightheaded a lot lately and keeps blacking out. He's also had a lot of pain in his arms and neck and back.

They've run a bunch of tests and his blood pressure has spiked up and his heart rate has points where it dips pretty low. They told him they think it's an "electrical" problem more than a "plumbing" problem.

Please keep him in your prayers. :hug: None of our family or his wife's family is close by, so it's hard on all of them, too.

Thanks, dear DIS friends! :grouphug::love:
Hi everyone. Looks like I have lots of catching up to do for reading here so I'll get to that in a bit.

I slept in a little this morning, until a whole 9:00am! :woohoo:

Of course DH is home today so my whole morning routine was way off.

Time to go read and catch up on what everyone else is doing.

BTW I heard from the other person about points. They want 14.00 a point...that is 3.00 - 4.00 higher than what most everyone else asks...I think I'll skip that one!
You know, there could be something to that. The vice grip thing sounds like sinus pressure...maybe the weather change or the construction dust is doing a number on the sinuses.

Whaddaya say Nancy? Should we charge her for this diagnosis or should we be good friends? After all, we do have vacations to pay for!;)

OK, DH is holding a with you all later!:wave:

I think we can let this diagnosis go free of charge since we are friends and all...BUT the next one....;)

I guess everyone went to bed! (EVEN LYNN!!?!?!?!?)

The movie was great, although I'm not sure the people next to me enjoyed my gasping and stuff (I get kind of stressed during chase scenes and fight scenes!)

We went out for pie afterwards, and I was looking around everywhere for other "agents" who "might want to kill me." :lmao: I have trouble re-entering the real world after a film...:rolleyes1

Anyways, I hope you're all peacefully sleeping. I'll get the lights...


Yep, bed a bit early. I had developed a headache and just wanted to sleep. I tend to do the same thing during intense moments in a movie. I'll be the person you see jumping in their seat when something surprises you. I have never seen the Bourne movies..don't know why though because I like those kinds of movies.

A VERY Quick Hi and Bye. My Ride is here and so I'm of to Work!

See Ya! :wave:

Hi and Bye.

Good Morning!

DH is off to work and I should visit my parents sometime today. I have the normal stuff to do..changing beds, vacuuming and :laundy:

Did you get to see this movie? It's pretty funny. Had me laughing out loud in certain scenes. :lmao:

I haven't seen any of the "Bourne" trilogy but they are in my Netflix queue. I hope that you're feeling better today...:hug:

Haven't sat down to watch it yet, but should get some time later on after dinner. IF I can stay awake. I just seem so sleepy lately.


Thanks for waking everyone up, Tammy!

You are not going to believe this...but...I slept til 7!!!

And...for all you who have driven to FL before...congratulations...I don't envy you if you have done it multiple times. I have a funny story. Last week DS was asking my if he was going to drive home for winter break. And I said, I thought he'd fly. Yesterday (day #2 of driving) we were stopped at a rest stop, and he said he's glad he's flying home.:rotfl:

Yesterday we drove through two heavy bouts of downpours (reduced speed/some pulled over type of downpours) for about a half hour or 45 min each.:eek: So it took us about 9 1/2 hours yesterday. Mapquest predicted 9 hours. So we got here about 7:40, met DS's roommate and his dad, ate pizza at 9 PM, and moved about half his stuff in.:eek:

I guess that's why I slept til 7.:rotfl:

I know ONE thing...I could never be a trucker!

I'm not sure I could be a trucker, but I do like to drive. Of course I like flying better but only because you get there faster. DH asked me yesterday if we were driving to Florida, I informed him that we were going to fly this time. It won't be that expensive with just 2 of us. 5 of us flying is a bit high, but I think we can handle 2 airfares.

I'd be nervous too. But I definitely thing the contract is a great idea, so at least you have some legal comeback if they were to screw you (which they probably aren't).

DH and I saw that. We were a little nervous when we got to the theatre and it was a bunch of 50+, but it was hilarious!

Thanks for all the well-wishes, but I didn't place. My own stupid fault...I messed up the first song I sang. After I sang I was depressed because I knew I had no chance, but then a bunch of people told me they didn't even notice so I got hope...which was once again dashed. The girl who won second was amazing. The girl who won fourth was okay, but I really thought I was better then her. The girls who won 1st and 3rd made me want to puke. They did choreographed showtunes. The 1st girl did a show tune and then How Great Thou Art, but apparantly she has an amazing range and needed everyone to know that. IMO just because you can sing inhumanly high, doesn't mean you should. But oh well. The thing that bothers me is I don't know if I couldve won had I hadn't messed up....and I have to wait a whole year to sing again!

Oh that's too bad. I have to agree though, just because you can hit the high notes doesn't mean you should.

I frequently think of people I know or who I've seen drive long distances. There was a girl that went to college with DD that drove to/from OR to NY every year.:scared1:

And when we move DD back to college in the fall, I always see license plates at the hotel...from CA, WA, AZ, etc.:sad2: RIT is very close to there, and they get MANY students from all over the country.

Now a trip to the west coast is NOT something I would want to drive. That trip calls for a plane. Florida is my limit for time wise in a car.

We've driven several time we traveled 8 miles in a ice storm hit VA and we went from a hotel in one end of town to a hotel in the other end of town...You can never predict the weather...rain, snow or ice..Sorry to hear about the weather delays; the rain can be as bad as the winter stuff...but glad to hear that you made it safely!

I'm sure you did well Nanu...And now you have a whole year to practice! I agree, just because you can reach high, doesn't mean you should!

Nice to let DH sleep in...In my house it would make for a friendlier bear ;) . Did DS seem OK with his new roommate? That's got to be a little tough too but kids adapt pretty easily.

Borders? We had put up one in our living room and then DH painted and put another on top of that one The kids surprised us one Memorial Day weekend and redecorated that room. Changed it from the dark cranberry to Caribbean green that it is today. They told their Dad to NEVER put paper over paper again! :headache: It was such a pain to remove..

DD is putting a border in DGD's room. Disney princess...I could offer you the extra but your DS is probably not into the pinks :lmao:

8 miles...OH MY! I am not looking forward to winter anytime soon. I hate the snow and ice. I don't mind driving in the snow but when it's icy forget it. I hit black ice once and thought I was going off the thruway bridge (I was on an exit ramp) I ended up on a guardrail. Never been so scared in my life!

DS seems fine. But I must say that God works in mysterious ways. Roommate is a Christian, and DS has strayed a bit.:rolleyes: So...maybe he'll be wandering back. ;) They seem to complement each other; the roommate likes to draw, and doesn't know animation real well, while DS is the opposite. I think they'll be helping each other.

here is hoping they get along good.

I was driving a fair amount by myself, but I truly can't imagine driving THAT far by myself. I did a Nancy...turned that radio UP and listened to some goofy stuff just for something different. DH, who was following me, only got upset once with inconsistent speed, and then I was MUCH more careful.;) Yesterday he complimented me.:cool1: :yay:

That's one of the draw backs of singing, you tend to not pay close enough attention to speed. I get involved in the music so if its a bit slower I slow down. Faster rock songs...I speed up! It gets real funny when I start dancing in my seat a bit.

I'm going to be very surprised if I get past the smilie police here.

29...not too bad, now I need to go back and cut 4 out.
That's what DSister does too! Turns up the radio and SINGS LOUDLY! I can only imagine what the passerby's must think :rotfl2:

It's hard to have someone follow you when doing long-distance driving. You never know if you're going too fast/slow for them... sounds like you did very well...and earned the coveted compliment from DH! :woohoo:

I'm sure people that pass me think I'm a loon. I sing, I dance I do hand motions..the whole thing. Yes, I do get into the music when I'm alone.:lmao: Should probably be embarrassed by that admission, but I'm not!

Yep, we empty my tank!

We have to put up drapes, and there's little things that have to be done. The LARGE sofa bed needs to be removed from DS's's bigger than the doorway. We have to call someone for that.:rolleyes: If I was the person that WANTED that sofa bed in there, and needed to call a business to have it would have stayed in the living room!!! I also want to make sure DS has everything he needs...if there's any books, etc. And make sure he remembers how to get around, although I'm sure he'll TELL me he knows, even if he doesn't. And there's other little things we have to do. I wanted to make sure we had enough time to do everything before we leave on Friday. (And...well...recovery time.)

So, you're doing just a little bit of work huh?

Can you imagine me putting up something like that while he was at work??!!! :confused3 :rotfl: Wow..........he really does have a lot of trust in me! :scratchin :cool2:

I could probably bump off things and travel all around the country. DH never understood me saying "It feels like we should turn left sometime soon" while traveling. I have a hard time reading in the car, so looking at a map for him was not a good thing. More times than not, I was right!

I hope they get along ok right from the start.

Dh gets a bit upset with me when I navigate because I say things like "take the first exit ramp" He wants me to say north, south, east or west...numbers (like exit 29B) Me...I think what difference does it make as long as we get to where we are going.

He wants you to pick out the border?? I'd take that as a compliment to your home decor.. :goodvibes

I'd like to travel around the country but definitely with someone...I couldn't imagine doing it on my own...We don't have a GPS but our car does have On-star...I haven't tried the navigation piece of it yet...:idea: maybe we should plan a trip to test it!

People think I'm crazy because I would love to rent one of those nice huge comfy motor homes and travel the country.

Gotta run and change the bed and throw some :laundy: in...

I'll check in later...Lynn, have a nice time at the picnic this afternoon...

Kathy, good luck on moving the other half of DS's stuff...Don't over work yourself though...You've got all week...

Looks like laundry day for lots of us, even though my 14 year old did a lot of mine. I asked her what she wanted and she said nothing she was just bored.

You didn't get hurt did you?? :eek:

And yup...cases of water and soda will fill a fridge! :rotfl2:

Just read that 14000 are without power in CA because of the heat...I hope that Terri is part of this..:confused3

I'm guessing that was a typo!

Slow day on the DIS....

Lynn, did you get hurt this morning? Skiing on stairs is not the best way to start the day...

Got the bed changed and some laundry churning...Still need to shower...I love days that I can move at my own pace..:goodvibes

I need to go to Linens N Things...I have a bridal shower next weekend for my nephew's wife to be...

Other than that...simply moving at my own pace! :goodvibes

Not only is it slow here but the boards are acting slow with posting too!

I have to shop for a baby shower that we go to on the 16th. The baby is already here so we get to buy little girl things.

I read "14000 in CA without heat because of power" and I thought "so, its warm enough!" When I lived near Philly we'd have brown outs...but my parents don't have AC so it wasn't like we'd lose that.

So I want to buy those bride and groom mickey hats and somehow rig them up with a 5th anniversary on them for our trip. Any ideas? I was gonna see if someone could buy a set and send it to me, but I never got around to it. We'll get there 2 days before our anniversary, so if I buy them when we get there and bring the tools to rig them, I can just do it there. But I'm not sure what to do...any ideas?

That is a cute idea. But I'm not surper creative sorry.

Morning !:goodvibes
I had a nice dinner at my sil last night. She is in a fanacial problem right now. Her 2 jobs dont pay her enough for her to make all her expenses or bills. I offerred to loan her what she needs to pay this months bills which is alot -1500! It will put a big dent in my savings account and wuth my own bills and the vacation coning up i will have to put alot of mony back in somehow. She is looking for a new job for her day work. I am ahead of my big expenses like condo mortgage and condo assoc fees. But dont want to be behind.

Steve you are a nice BIL. BUT if you bail her out this month what happens next month? I do think it stinks that a person has to work 2 jobs and still doesn't have enough to cover expenses, I see so much of that with the kids that work for us. They are working 2 jobs, going to school and just barely making enough to cover school expenses and they are trying to either save to buy a car or always putting their paychecks into repairing their car.

So how long has it been since WPASADI, has it really been a year?

It seems like it was just yesterday doesn't it?

Guess what!:yay: :yay: I get these little health e-mails that come out once a week. Today they talked about flavenoids, and how they are in both red wine and dark chocolate! Then they posted a link to this!


Doesn't it look decadent! Just remember, it is healthy!:cloud9: ;) OK, so my Christmas shopping is over!

And Terri, :hug: for you just lots of chocolate. (But strawberries dipped in chocolate are supposed to be good too.) So here!


We'll take care of the wine part when you get permission!

It all looks very yummy! But no chocolate for me :sad1:
So now I've got the sinus pain. And I can't do sudafed, so I'm stuck with the chicken soup-green tea route, and since its like 80 degrees in our house (I just turned on the air a minute ago) I really don't want hot beverages.

I was doing chores too. DH just admitted he hasn't been doing any of the housework recently to "save it for me" when I was done working.:rotfl: So today I did most of our bedroom, our shower, and the living room. He can do the kitchen instead of saving it for me.
See I was thinking the wasabi happened after my trip to disney, because I didn't miss any challenges. I went last week of sept last year.
Aw, thanks, 3P! :hug: I love chocolate-dipped strawberries, and I'll make sure to eat MORE of them if they're so good for me...

Just got a phone call from my mom that my brother is in the hospital. He's 42, and lives in Dallas. I guess he's been lightheaded a lot lately and keeps blacking out. He's also had a lot of pain in his arms and neck and back.

They've run a bunch of tests and his blood pressure has spiked up and his heart rate has points where it dips pretty low. They told him they think it's an "electrical" problem more than a "plumbing" problem.

Please keep him in your prayers. :hug: None of our family or his wife's family is close by, so it's hard on all of them, too.

Thanks, dear DIS friends! :grouphug::love:

OK, Terri:grouphug: ...

A few years back DH (who is our age) had a similar thing...on Memorial Day! He spent 1/2 day in the Emergency Room and had followup visits with a cardiologist just to be sure, and just said it was just an irregular heartbeat, it had stopped, and it hasn't come back. They said that just happens sometimes. Hoping DBs is the same sort of thing! pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:

I'm sure people that pass me think I'm a loon. I sing, I dance I do hand motions..the whole thing. Yes, I do get into the music when I'm alone.:lmao: Should probably be embarrassed by that admission, but I'm not!

People think I'm crazy because I would love to rent one of those nice huge comfy motor homes and travel the country.

Steve you are a nice BIL. BUT if you bail her out this month what happens next month? I do think it stinks that a person has to work 2 jobs and still doesn't have enough to cover expenses, I see so much of that with the kids that work for us. They are working 2 jobs, going to school and just barely making enough to cover school expenses and they are trying to either save to buy a car or always putting their paychecks into repairing their car.

It all looks very yummy! But no chocolate for me :sad1:

I wouldn't be embarrassed....I LOVE to sing to the's one of the perks of driving by yourself!

My dad has one of those motor homes. They live in Northern Wisconsin, and while they love it this time of year, by January they are over it. So they hop in the motor home and go where they want to go. Key West, Florida Panhandle, Jacksonville, South Carolina Coast are all places he likes to hang out in the Winter! He is retired military so he always plans to be near a base for medical needs and cheap shopping!

You make a good point about Steve and DSIL...that's a rough situation. It is sweet that Steve wants to help, but he needs to make sure he doesn't help so much that he gets himself into the same boat!

And about the chocolate...can't you have a little instead of something else, or be extra active and burn it off? But I'm not trying to blow your diet. Just good to know that if someone DOES want to have a bit instead of some other treat it has rewards! (The flavonoids help with the good cholesterol/bad cholesterol thing.) Of course, you COULD just eat the strawberry and get them that way...apples and grapefruit were on the list too...but what's the fun in that!;)
So now I've got the sinus pain. And I can't do sudafed, so I'm stuck with the chicken soup-green tea route, and since its like 80 degrees in our house (I just turned on the air a minute ago) I really don't want hot beverages.

I was doing chores too. DH just admitted he hasn't been doing any of the housework recently to "save it for me" when I was done working.:rotfl: So today I did most of our bedroom, our shower, and the living room. He can do the kitchen instead of saving it for me.

I had a work friend years back that started me on peppermint herbal tea for sinus stuff...the peppermint seemed to make breathing better...or maybe it just seemed like it! You can get it at the grocery store, and I always keep some around for when I need it! I've never tried putting it over ice...:confused3

See I was thinking the wasabi happened after my trip to disney, because I didn't miss any challenges. I went last week of sept last year.

That makes sense with what I remember.:thumbsup2
Slow day on the DIS....

Lynn, did you get hurt this morning? Skiing on stairs is not the best way to start the day...
Surprisingly not......except for very minor brush burn on my elbow. I really found my self saying 'wth' and 'oh crap!' the whole way down! I pretty much sat the whole way..:confused3 :rotfl: I might be sore tomorrow, but it'll blend in with the painting pain, so I won't know the difference. :upsidedow
Other than that...simply moving at my own pace! :goodvibes
Those are the nicest kind of days!
So I want to buy those bride and groom mickey hats and somehow rig them up with a 5th anniversary on them for our trip. Any ideas? I was gonna see if someone could buy a set and send it to me, but I never got around to it. We'll get there 2 days before our anniversary, so if I buy them when we get there and bring the tools to rig them, I can just do it there. But I'm not sure what to do...any ideas?
Buy a tube or two of glitter glue to take with you and just sneak off and buy the hats there.
Morning !:goodvibes
I had a nice dinner at my sil last night. She is in a fanacial problem right now. Her 2 jobs dont pay her enough for her to make all her expenses or bills. I offerred to loan her what she needs to pay this months bills which is alot -1500! It will put a big dent in my savings account and wuth my own bills and the vacation coning up i will have to put alot of mony back in somehow. She is looking for a new job for her day work. I am ahead of my big expenses like condo mortgage and condo assoc fees. But dont want to be behind.
That's a tough place to be in Steve, for both you and her.

So how long has it been since WPASADI, has it really been a year?
Wasn't the pre game invite sent to all the boards in October?
It must be ABOUT that since the pre-game started. I do remember we were getting the results from Round #2 (Cruise Ship) at Christmas, because I was in SD with my family.
Yeah, and I was in Miami during that one, I think? I remember checking in with the team and I think it was the ship one.
Just got a phone call from my mom that my brother is in the hospital. He's 42, and lives in Dallas. I guess he's been lightheaded a lot lately and keeps blacking out. He's also had a lot of pain in his arms and neck and back.

They've run a bunch of tests and his blood pressure has spiked up and his heart rate has points where it dips pretty low. They told him they think it's an "electrical" problem more than a "plumbing" problem.

Please keep him in your prayers. :hug: None of our family or his wife's family is close by, so it's hard on all of them, too.

Thanks, dear DIS friends! :grouphug::love:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: To your brother and your whole family!
I wouldn't be embarrassed....I LOVE to sing to the's one of the perks of driving by yourself!
Excellent sentence! I would love to show that last part to someone who thinks they're singing in tune or worse......whistling in tune to the music while I'm in the car with them. :headache: :rolleyes1
Morning !
I had a nice dinner at my sil last night. She is in a fanacial problem right now. Her 2 jobs dont pay her enough for her to make all her expenses or bills. I offerred to loan her what she needs to pay this months bills which is alot -1500! It will put a big dent in my savings account and wuth my own bills and the vacation coning up i will have to put alot of mony back in somehow. She is looking for a new job for her day work. I am ahead of my big expenses like condo mortgage and condo assoc fees. But dont want to be behind.

Very nice of you Steve...What will she do going forward though? :confused3 If she's behind that much now it will be hard for her to catch up...How sad. :hug: Maybe she can get a roommate or a less expensive place to live? It's so expensive to live here in New England.

Good morning!

You don't have to wait a year to SING, just to be in the contest! You can sing lots of other places, and you SHOULD!

I LOVE long road trips! I guess I get that from my parents. My mom still drives everywhere to visit all of us, and BY HERSELF. When I was single, I drove 4 times by myself from South Dakota to CA and twice from SD to Boston, and those are some of the most treasured memories of my life. There's something cool about seeing/experiencing the different parts of the country as you go through them. (Although I must say I'm not crazy about having to drive through NEVADA every time we want to go anywhere east of here...)

I don't mind riding at all...I can sit back and relax, even read while DH is driving...but that doesn't happen often...He's not much into driving in the bigger cities...

This sounds like the perfect situation, and one that God worked out very nicely.

When we were renting early on in our marriage, and weren't allowed to paint or wallpaper, I hung borders in several rooms with thumbtacks. It dressed it up, and the holes were easy to patch afterwards.

I can tell your DS is artistic. My DS19 would never decorate/paint/wallpaper anything. He did hang a picture his girlfriend gave him, and called his living room area "decorated."

You can say that again. No drama. No psychological stress.

Sounds like a real GUY!

You hope that I AM a part of this?????:confused3 I'm assuming that's a typo! We haven't had a power outage with this heat wave yet, but some parts of the Bay Area have and a lot of Southern CA has. At least it's cooling down a bit now at night. Fortunately, it hasn't been a very hot summer so far, so we haven't had to have rolling black-outs to conserve power like we've had to in the past. Those are a pain.

HUGE TYPO!!!! :o :o so sorry about that! I would never wish harm to anyone especially at the hands of Mother Nature! I'm glad to hear that you are NOT effected by the black-outs :hug:

What if you made big "5's" out of cardboard and glitter and then stapled them to the hats (you could borrow a stapler from the hotel) or hung them around the hats with ribbon?

Great idea!

35 SMILIES! OK, time to take 'em out!

I can't even go to some of those types of movies because they affect me too much!

Sounds like a rough day on the road! On the news last night they said there is a "tropical low" off of the GA/SC coast, and what you probably ran into were some rain bands from that. None of it made it up here...but they're watching that system.

I may be late on this, but be sure and put up sizing before you put up the wallpaper. You can buy it at any home improvement store. It is just like a clear paint, and it seals the wall so that when you go to remove the wallpaper it doesn't try to take a layer of the sheetrock. Even over paint, the pros say it is a good thing to do.

I would direct her AROUND town. I don't get lost going through downtown Atlanta, but it is confusing and stressful. I may have seen the warnings about her on those boards they post on the interstates, though!;)

She'll be glad to know that her driving reputation has followed from North to South! :rotfl2:

Sounds like a good match...and Kathy, this age is a normal one for people to get lazy about their Christianity. I watched many of my college friends go through this...and as soon as they got busy with their adult lives, and especially their families, the values they got from their parents became more important to them and something they wanted to pass on.

I don't like to even try...when we drove back from the beach with our friends last month, I knew she liked to drive fast and not stop for 6 1/2 hours. I told her to go on ahead, and if she ran into trouble I would be along in 1/2 hour to and hour to help her out!:lmao:

That's a lot! But you can do it! (But then you'll be done....for awhile!);)

Be careful...falling like that can be serious! I had a graceful day potential injuries, but as soon as we got to the ballpark I got a hot dog. Decided to try something different and have them add cole slaw. Well, you have to be very careful because they put a LOT of cole slaw on those dogs! And its very easy for some of it to fall on a person's shirt! Somebody's t-shirt was immediately soaked with slaw sauce and mustard, and it was there for the rest of the day! :blush:

And at least DS has his priorities straight...get those beverages chilled!:lmao:

Nanu...I could come up with an idea, but I'd refer you to the creative DISigns board. I went there for inspiration to decorate my cruise room door (only on a Disney Cruise right?) They even had patterns there for cutting out little "mouse ears" to put around the circular room number to make it look like a Mickey Head. I made mine with that foam stuff and magnets.

The pre-game started last October. I remember, because it was after I joined the DIS in September. And we were playing guessing games with "not-Ty" the morning of DS14s birthday on November 2. It was killing me to leave and go do birthday errands!

And I just saw Wild Hogs last weekend on DVD with DS10 and DH. We thought it was cute.

I'm proud of myself...I got up this morning just in time to work out...then met my family in a restaurant in the parking lot for breakfast! Now, before it all catches up with me, I'm going to go tackle a closet.

Why is it we all seem to be doing chores on our holiday?

As for the shirt thing...I've had to throw out so many shirts because, well, because I'm umm a little ummmm top heavy and THAT's the first place that food lands...I have those Tide pens in my car and at work...:rolleyes:

Guess what! I get these little health e-mails that come out once a week. Today they talked about flavenoids, and how they are in both red wine and dark chocolate! Then they posted a link to this!


Doesn't it look decadent! Just remember, it is healthy! ;) OK, so my Christmas shopping is over!

And Terri, :hug: for you just lots of chocolate. (But strawberries dipped in chocolate are supposed to be good too.) So here!


We'll take care of the wine part when you get permission!

I knew that I should be eating more healthy! And if Terri doesn't mind I might even ask if she'd share a strawberry too! They do look yummy! But of course after my earlier blunder she might not want to. :sad2:

Aw, thanks, 3P! I love chocolate-dipped strawberries, and I'll make sure to eat MORE of them if they're so good for me...

Just got a phone call from my mom that my brother is in the hospital. He's 42, and lives in Dallas. I guess he's been lightheaded a lot lately and keeps blacking out. He's also had a lot of pain in his arms and neck and back.

They've run a bunch of tests and his blood pressure has spiked up and his heart rate has points where it dips pretty low. They told him they think it's an "electrical" problem more than a "plumbing" problem.

Please keep him in your prayers. :hug: None of our family or his wife's family is close by, so it's hard on all of them, too.

Thanks, dear DIS friends!

Terri, your DB has prayers going right out to him and his family! Are they thinking maybe a clogged artery? Or maybe a pinched nerve? Poor guy! He's young...Let us know how he does....:hug:

Now a trip to the west coast is NOT something I would want to drive. That trip calls for a plane. Florida is my limit for time wise in a car.

I would love to drive out west but again DH would never go for that. I have a chance (in contest form) to go to Las Vegas in April. All expenses paid...Not sure how DH will do with that...I think he would go, I hope he would go...:upsidedow It would be flying out....I want to go someday to the Dakota's.

8 miles...OH MY! I am not looking forward to winter anytime soon. I hate the snow and ice. I don't mind driving in the snow but when it's icy forget it. I hit black ice once and thought I was going off the thruway bridge (I was on an exit ramp) I ended up on a guardrail. Never been so scared in my life!

That must have been :scared1: 8 miles...yeah that was the last time we drove to FL...3 tractor trailer rigs were jack-knifed, cars off all over the roads...And on the way to FL that year it snowed all the way to S.C.! :sad2: DH said never again!

here is hoping they get along good.

That's one of the draw backs of singing, you tend to not pay close enough attention to speed. I get involved in the music so if its a bit slower I slow down. Faster rock songs...I speed up! It gets real funny when I start dancing in my seat a bit.

I'm going to be very surprised if I get past the smilie police here.

29...not too bad, now I need to go back and cut 4 out.

Call me ahead of time if you're out driving this way! I'd like to see the dancing in the seat! :lmao:

No, he bought the border at Wallmart the night before. He already had kitchen towels with those Italian chef guys on them, and said he found a border that has the same design. He remembered to buy extra just in case.
Labor on Labor Day......hmmmmm.

Yep. Sounds like you need to get going to get the others going! Good luck moving the stuff!

Cute design! I bet it will look very nice!

:scared1: 44 smilies!
Ok, time to go make the baked beans and throw them in the oven. I was just taking a short break to have coffee after we got home from painting. We're not done, but dh just decided he was done for the day. The red kitchen is looking pretty good. There's some touch-up to do, but nothing else except the wall border. I was surprised to see that he had shelves on the living room wall already......and then found out he couldn't sleep and had done them around 2:30 in the morning! :scared1: poor neighbors!

:wave2: Catch up with you later!
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