Mystery Pins

wow, Fey; you come off as very mean-spirited....deep breaths :)

As far as I'm concerned, you guys can play mystery pin. I'll do as instructed and file complaints against the CM's that do it. We both win.

I'm a paying customer just like you. I was told it was against the rules and I believe her.
My complaint is it is against Disney's policy, yet it is being done. If this was an official policy, I'd quit pin trading b/c I don't like it. I'd give our pins away and be done, b/c it would defeat the purpose of our "game".

can i have your pins?:rolleyes:
LOL, nice try Jadejazzkayla!

If it was their policy, I'd sell them or give them to my neice/nephew. But thank goodness it is not Disney's policy!!!!!

This way, I can just file formal complaints against the CM's that break the rules!
Dude, I guess I am not understanding why you are SO upset about this.

How does mystery pin trading upset you in any way whatsoever. Are you so serious that you would file a formal complaint against Scoop? Since he does mystery pin trading, I guess you better tell the mayor on him.

Please, for the sake of all, chill out. Pin trading is fun and if you don't like what one CM is doing, go on to the other 3,000 or so at WDW that are doing it and trade with them.

Why are you making such a mountain out of molehill?
Thank you for doing this - I feel much better now.
I don't even really care all that much about the issue truth be told, I just don't like the idea of one person ruining it for everybody.

Now that I know this I can sit back and watch him jump up and down with a smile on my face. popcorn::

Very true! Whatever floats your boat- it is a free country, however......
It's OK folks, Disney is aware that someone may be complaining about this and they will not be filing any official complaints about mystery pin trading. I have the word of upper management! If someone is rude during pin trading or rude to a guest, that is a different story, but I was just told by a very reliable source that mystery trading will continue by popular demand and that only a handful (literally) of people have ever actually complained about it. The complaints will be unheeded. So complain away!
Then it will be no problem for me to continue to complain about, since they will just ignore my complainst anyway. I guess I'm being a little sarcastic as I seriously doubt that is the official word from Disney: to ignore complaints. Now if you said Universal said that, I might have beleived you :)

To each their own I guess. BTW I went to the Flower and Garden show on Saturday. If anyone has not gone yet, it is very good this year.

My favorite thing (well we remember it the most) was back in the country's there is a Home Depot exhibit. Did anyone see the flower part made to look like about a thousand rats? It was sort of scary :)

Yes, I'm changing the subject. We can just agree to disagree. I'll keep filing complaints, since i Know they are worthless :)
:lmao: They ignore complaints when they're baseless - yeah...
Otherwise every shmoe with a complaint because it rained during their vacation would get their money back.

If you're so very sure of yourself why don't you call Disney directly and find out? I tell you what - if you're up to the challange I'll call and you call and we'll both report back with what we find... what do you say? Are we on?

Then it will be no problem for me to continue to complain about, since they will just ignore my complainst anyway. I guess I'm being a little sarcastic as I seriously doubt that is the official word from Disney: to ignore complaints. Now if you said Universal said that, I might have beleived you :)

To each their own I guess. BTW I went to the Flower and Garden show on Saturday. If anyone has not gone yet, it is very good this year.

My favorite thing (well we remember it the most) was back in the country's there is a Home Depot exhibit. Did anyone see the flower part made to look like about a thousand rats? It was sort of scary :)

Yes, I'm changing the subject. We can just agree to disagree. I'll keep filing complaints, since i Know they are worthless :)
Let me restate, by purchasing pins you acquire ownership of the pin. Not any other "rights." They can, and they will, change the rules of their involvement in the trading process at will.

You, of course, have the "right" to complain as much as you like. But, as has been shown again and again, complaining to Disney is like shouting at a brick wall... contrary to your belief...
Fair enough. No need to call again, we've already spoken to Disney.

Then we are in agreement. We don't have to drag this one. I'd rather make friends on the boards than argue about Mystery Pins. I'll continue to complain, Disney will continue to ignore and everyone is happy :)

Best wishes to all!
Hi William,

I guess my biggest question is, what is there to complain about? I am not understanding what it is you will continue to complain about? Oh, well.
Uh huh - that's what I thought... :lmao: :rolleyes1 :lmao:

Fair enough. No need to call again, we've already spoken to Disney.

Then we are in agreement. We don't have to drag this one. I'd rather make friends on the boards than argue about Mystery Pins. I'll continue to complain, Disney will continue to ignore and everyone is happy :)

Best wishes to all!
Carnotaur Dad,

Just to answer your question, I would complain about CM's breaking the rules of the "game" and creating new rules only to frustrate people (that is what the supervisor told me the reason for mystery pins were).

I'm not asking you to agree with me, I'm just answering your question :)

I fear I've made some enemies on this board, which is not what I intended. I am only speaking my opinion, but b/c everyone disagrees with me, I've become the bad guy.

I just feel like I'm entitled to my opinion, I'm entitled to beleive what Disney told me, and I'm entitled to complain when I feel something is wrong. What is wrong with that? Too much entitlement I'm sure! LOL
i think this guy is having a ball with us giving him all this attention. after all any attention, even bad, is better than none at all to some people. i for one hope to not ever think about this guy's complaints again.
C'mon - this is a hysterical thread - he is whining about something that doesn't really exist (Mystery Pins done to discourage adults from trading) and has gotten 7 pages of response telling him that he's out of his gourd.

This thread is GREAT :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Carnotaur Dad,

Just to answer your question, I would complain about CM's breaking the rules of the "game" and creating new rules only to frustrate people (that is what the supervisor told me the reason for mystery pins were).
You know, I do believe this is what you understood the supervisor to be saying with regard to the mystery pins. However, knowing many CMs personally, I have a feeling that you really misunderstood what he was trying to communicate. I have a feeling the supervisor probably said something like, "yeah, we came up with the mystery pins as a way to frustrate some of the 'pin sharks' who ruin everyone else's enjoyment of the pin trading with their predatory nature in going after 'good' pins." Because there were extremely rude pin traders who would literally knock down small children in order to get a pin they wanted. Unless you are familiar with the history of pin trading since the inception of CMs with pin trading lanyards circa 1999, I can see how you could misunderstand what he was trying to say. I also think the concept of mystery pins was a way to help keep pin trading alive when cast pin lanyards started getting overwhelmed with what people call "junk" pins. "Hey look Susie, that CM has a mystery pin. Maybe it will be something we're looking for. If it isn't we can always re-trade it." Makes for more CM/guest interaction instead of the old "Lemme see your pins - aww you've got junk, I'm not trading with you" and walking away method.

On a personal note, I've had situations where a CM had mystery pins on their lanyard and I decided I didn't feel like taking a chance on what I might get. After specifically telling the CM that I would not be trading, even if it was a "good" pin, most would show me what I had passed up on as long as there was nobody else around. Sometimes they said no and that was fine with me because I understood the spirit of the game. Also, I was never rude, pushy, or demanding and I always made it clear that I would honor the spirit of the mystery pins even if it was the specific pin I was looking for. Quite honestly I would consider it beyond the pale to demand to see the mystery pin before making a trading decision.

I could not agree more- that is exactly how mystery pin trading came about. I don't mean to be mean spirited, but ignorance makes me angry, especially when it could affect someone's job. I provided a name, and he still won't contact the manager. Hmmmm.:rolleyes1

You know, I do believe this is what you understood the supervisor to be saying with regard to the mystery pins. However, knowing many CMs personally, I have a feeling that you really misunderstood what he was trying to communicate. I have a feeling the supervisor probably said something like, "yeah, we came up with the mystery pins as a way to frustrate some of the 'pin sharks' who ruin everyone else's enjoyment of the pin trading with their predatory nature in going after 'good' pins." Because there were extremely rude pin traders who would literally knock down small children in order to get a pin they wanted. Unless you are familiar with the history of pin trading since the inception of CMs with pin trading lanyards circa 1999, I can see how you could misunderstand what he was trying to say. I also think the concept of mystery pins was a way to help keep pin trading alive when cast pin lanyards started getting overwhelmed with what people call "junk" pins. "Hey look Susie, that CM has a mystery pin. Maybe it will be something we're looking for. If it isn't we can always re-trade it." Makes for more CM/guest interaction instead of the old "Lemme see your pins - aww you've got junk, I'm not trading with you" and walking away method.

On a personal note, I've had situations where a CM had mystery pins on their lanyard and I decided I didn't feel like taking a chance on what I might get. After specifically telling the CM that I would not be trading, even if it was a "good" pin, most would show me what I had passed up on as long as there was nobody else around. Sometimes they said no and that was fine with me because I understood the spirit of the game. Also, I was never rude, pushy, or demanding and I always made it clear that I would honor the spirit of the mystery pins even if it was the specific pin I was looking for. Quite honestly I would consider it beyond the pale to demand to see the mystery pin before making a trading decision.

I really appreciate your statements. You are one of the few people who have not attacked me, but rather discussed the topic. I really thank you for that.

After talking to you guys on the thread, I understand why some people like it. The supervisor did upset me with his comments (about attempting to frustrate pin sharks). I saw his side of it, but I thought it was bad business to frustrate anyone spending tons of money at Disney :)

I see "your" side of it. It is fun and could be fun. But since (I was told) Disney does not support it and was "embarrassed" by it, I'd be happy if it was just optional. I can understand playing the game, heck I might try it at some point. But my wife and I only "collect" the pins for resorts we have stayed out or rides we love. So, mystery pins is almost useless for us. It is rare when we find a pin to trade b/c we are so selective on the pins have "meaning" to us. Silly, but it is what we do. Mystery pins defeats this purporse for us, so if it was going to be widespread, we have no use for pin trading.

Thank goodness upper management assured us this was not the case! I've never been rude to a CM, even when they refused to turn the pins over and when the supervisor said it was started to frustrate guests. I also feel I have the right to complain when instructed to by Disney management. Even if I'm ignored, I feel like I'm helping (even if I'm not).

I'll be honest, when people attack me on the boards, it makes me want to be mean and complain just to make the mad. I'll do my best to keep the 4 year old in me down :) I do appreciate your rational comments and for respecting me as I hope I have respected you.

Either way, hope we all can at least have some fun at the parks!
No I will not call a number that you provide for me.

1) I've already spoken to managment.

2) How do I know they work for Disney?

3) How do I know they are not your friend saying what you tell them?

4) How do I know they are not you?

I could provide many more questions, but I think the first is most important. I've already been told what to do.

Best wishes to all!


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