Why are we STILL ignoring the warning signs?

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I have found the information the last few days dizzying. Things changing minute by minute. I have to say the governor ir Ohio, Dewine, as well as Ohio Dept of Health's Amy Acton have been awesome. Factual information and calm demeanors. A stark contrast to some of the national speeches given about this.

Around here testing was widely available for one weekend. People are out, but not interacting. Lots of people hiking, biking, running and walking but keeping a good distance from each other. Lots of people picking up dinner from local businesses. However, we are still on the upswing of this. Best to just stay.
I have found the information the last few days dizzying. Things changing minute by minute. I have to say the governor ir Ohio, Dewine, as well as Ohio Dept of Health's Amy Acton have been awesome. Factual information and calm demeanors. A stark contrast to some of the national speeches given about this.

Around here testing was widely available for one weekend. People are out, but not interacting. Lots of people hiking, biking, running and walking but keeping a good distance from each other. Lots of people picking up dinner from local businesses. However, we are still on the upswing of this. Best to just stay.
If all the U.S. and Canada would follow what they are doing we would be better. The faster people accept this is the new normal the better off we would be.
I see that some of you think that the vulnerable should be isolated while life goes on as normal for everyone else. Many have already talked about the large number of 20-somethings that have been hospitalized. Maybe they should just go away somewhere and learn to deal with it. And so should people of all ages that have asthma, Crohns disease and so on?

I don't get these attitudes. Of course, the economy should be helped. However solutions are needed, not isolating any group of people from others. No matter how I look at it that's just creepy.
I see that some of you think that the vulnerable should be isolated while life goes on as normal for everyone else. Many have already talked about the large number of 20-somethings that have been hospitalized. Maybe they should just go away somewhere and learn to deal with it. And so should people of all ages that have asthma, Crohns disease and so on?

I don't get these attitudes. Of course, the economy should be helped. However solutions are needed, not isolating any group of people from others. No matter how I look at it that's just creepy.
It’s not that we want our lives to go on as normal, many of us are more scared of loosing our Jobs, homes & retirement plans than getting sick if this quaentine goes on for months. I don’t think anyone is saying that the elderly or vulnerable should be quarantined out of spite it is just the most logical thing to do to keep them safe.
I drove through Pittsburgh tonight. Normally I hate driving through Pittsburgh because of the congestion on the interstate bridges. This evening, it was down right pleasant. Hardly anyone on the roads! Same experience driving from Pittsburgh to Altoona. It should have been busy on a Friday night around 7p but there was hardly any traffic.
Ohio on the other hand, especially Columbus. Maybe everyone was getting last minute things before a curfew or something but traffic was crazy there in the early afternoon. The rain made it worse.

Will be interesting to see how things go on the way to Scranton tomorrow.
Did you go through any tunnels? Yinzers can’t go through tunnels without slowing down and hitting brakes no matter the time of day or absence of traffic. I abhor OH triple tractor trailers. They terrify me.
It’s not that we want our lives to go on as normal, many of us are more scared of loosing our Jobs, homes & retirement plans than getting sick if this quaentine goes on for months. I don’t think anyone is saying that the elderly or vulnerable should be quarantined out of spite it is just the most logical thing to do to keep them safe.
Definitely a valid point. And I hope all the fiscal stimulus, in the meantime, will relieve at least some of those financial burdens you mention of. The government is looking to spend left and right, and up and down, right now (at a rate more than a universal healthcare would cost interestingly) to keep people afloat for the next month or so.

But, know this, the statistics right now show a roughly 5% to 7% chance of lying on a bed in the ICU if you become infected (disregarding all factors). Trust me, when you’re in the ICU, no amount of money or job will be nearly as important. Oh yea, and for the majority of Americans, the hospital bill that comes with having visited the ICU, along with follow up physical therapy, will be far more than lost wage for the next couple months.
I have found the information the last few days dizzying. Things changing minute by minute. I have to say the governor ir Ohio, Dewine, as well as Ohio Dept of Health's Amy Acton have been awesome. Factual information and calm demeanors. A stark contrast to some of the national speeches given about this.

Around here testing was widely available for one weekend. People are out, but not interacting. Lots of people hiking, biking, running and walking but keeping a good distance from each other. Lots of people picking up dinner from local businesses. However, we are still on the upswing of this. Best to just stay.

Here in NJ we have pretty strict limits on getting out and about In groups. No problems getting out in the car and lots of neighbors were outside today (near record high temperatures. Many were is small groups and all were maintaining separation while socializing.

I need that kind of contact with friends and neighbors for my well being. Really miss the contact with the grands. Can’t wait to get off “self quarantine“ to visit the supermarket

Props,to Gov Murphy here in NJ as well as Gov Wolf in neighboring PA. Both had the wisdom and guts to get ahead of the tsunami and make the difficult decisions. They are calm, decisive, take responsibility for their actions, and stick to the facts. The highlight of my day is when Gov Cuomo provides his update. Its like a “Fireside Chat,” no hysteria or mania, and no BS. That atmoshere changes, usually in a few minutes when the Press room thing starts . . . Thank god for Drs. Fauci and Birx bringing facts and honesty to the answers.
There’s a scene in the original Jurassic Park where Ellie and Mr Hammond are talking about “Where it went wrong.” At one point Ellie says “You never had control. That’s the illusion!”

The illusion here is that the economy could have been saved. Just China, South Korea and Japan dealing with this was starting to crack things. Look at Disney’s exposure. I have read articles from business who depend on exports to China and how they were very close to having to lay people off.

Europe would always have been next. There isolation would have been another set of bombs in our economy. As the virus spread to other Asian countries like Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia more of the manufacturing supply chains we depend on would be disrupted. With those countries being so populous, and with so many poor, it’s going to rip through those factories like wildfire.

People would be watching it here, and the panic that gripped the country after 9/11 would return, only this time reinforced with the news of friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers, church parishioners, neighbors getting sick or worse. With that backdrop, enough people would self-isolate on their own. Maybe not as many are now, but enough to set off a 3rd round of economic bombs.

We shouldn’t kid ourselves that massive layoffs weren’t coming. Maybe they don’t start until May, instead of now, and maybe they spread themselves out over 6 months instead of weeks. But that slower speed might also have sapped the commitment to do what will be needed to fix the economy.
It’s not that we want our lives to go on as normal, many of us are more scared of loosing our Jobs, homes & retirement plans than getting sick if this quaentine goes on for months. I don’t think anyone is saying that the elderly or vulnerable should be quarantined out of spite it is just the most logical thing to do to keep them safe.
The vulnerable worry about the same things. They need an income and those other things too. How would that be supplied? There are no easy answers to any of this.
Our city’s police dept sent out a video message on Facebook this evening because closing down the local parks to prevent socializing didn’t work fullly.

They begged residents not to hang around outside and for non-essential small businesses, such as salons and gyms, to close because now their resources are being spent responding to calls from in-shelter people notifying the police of groups who are not adhering to the shutdown order.
The plea fell short of saying future instances of disobeying the order will result in prison time or fine. Right now it’s just a warning and then a misdemeanor.

Contrary to the president flat out shooting down the idea of a national lockdown (by force) like in Europe, I truly believe that’s what this country will end up doing. Too many people not trying still.

It’s been a surprise how fast things have become in the last week or two. Doctors and nurses are being overworked and sick themselves. So, I will not be surprised (even expecting it now) by a broad lockdown by force in the US within the next month.
I truly believe that this will continue much much longer than necessary and have an even greater impact on lives and the economy unless they gain control of it by making people stay home.

I saw an article in Business Insider that the Veneto area of Italy that did multiple rounds of testing on people and shut things down quickly, have had far less cases and far less deaths than the Lombardy region does. Early intervention works. Why can’t we learn from that. It’s not rocket science.
Food for thought...vacation insurances are squirming out of COVID payments, why would you think life insurances wouldt try the same? If we let this go unchecked as we have we will likely overwhelm the LI industry, so I guess if that's how you are planning on setting up your family for life you had better get out there and start licking some handrails so that your family can be in the first wave of claims.

That last bit is a joke because I cant tell if you were joking. I hope so. Even if you genuinely think that dying from COVID would mean nothing more than setting up your family for life please dont do this. And also when its safe to peek our heads out look into a mental health evaluation if you truly feel this is the value of your life. I dont know you but I guarantee you that you are more important than that to someone. Please take care and be safe.

Good God. 37,000 die of the flu each year and insurance companies don't go under. Some of you people really need to get outside and get some fresh air.
Good God. 37,000 die of the flu each year and insurance companies don't go under. Some of you people really need to get outside and get some fresh air.
Yes, but the New York hospitals are starting to run low on supplies already. The problem with this disease is that a lot more people who get it need to be hospitalized versus the flu. And they are high maintenance admittings. Plus, it is so contagious that health care workers get it in larger amounts compared to the flu. The hospitals will be are starting to be completely overwhelmed.
We are pretty much on lockdown without them officially saying it. Once the order for no gatherings over ten. people started staying home. Places have voluntarily shut down because they have no customers anyway.

I agree air travel needs to be shut down. A national/ coordinated lockdown would help. Tell everyone to stay where they are, tame this beast.
We are actually tracking worse than Italy was at this point in their infection cycle.
Are we? According to Worldometer, both us and Italy started getting cases pretty close to Feb 15. Italy went over 10k cases on March 10. US went over on March 19.

Italy's case death rate is 8.5% (4k deaths, 47k cases)
US case death rate is 1.3% (276 deaths, 19k cases)

Germany BTW, also started around Feb 15. They have just over 20k cases but only 72 deaths.
Are we? According to Worldometer, both us and Italy started getting cases pretty close to Feb 15. Italy went over 10k cases on March 10. US went over on March 19.

Italy's case death rate is 8.5% (4k deaths, 47k cases)
US case death rate is 1.3% (276 deaths, 19k cases)

Germany BTW, also started around Feb 15. They have just over 20k cases but only 72 deaths.

Don't let facts get in the way of those that think we are Italy. Doesn't matter that schools are closed, businesses are shuttered, nobody is going to work. It's not enough. We are Italy. 😊
Good God. 37,000 die of the flu each year and insurance companies don't go under. Some of you people really need to get outside and get some fresh air.

Can you stop with this irresponsible attitude? Please? COVID 19 is not the flu it is SARS. You're comparing apples to walnuts. And as one of those in the demographic of those likely to die from it your words are extremely hurtful and I would expect much better from this forum.

This is not about the mortality rate, of which we cannot be sure of yet though, numbers are showing that 1 out of every 10 with COVID 19 will die vs 1 in every 1000 that die from the flu.

It causes pneumonia, and people like me with asthma and existing respiratory issues ARE dying from it no matter our age. The 65+ age group is still at high risk but recent numbers in many areas are showing hospitalizations are nearly 50% 50 and under.

The infection rate is much higher than the flu. Someone with COVID 19 will infect 2.5 others vs someone with flu infecting 1.2 others. Also 15% of cases were spread by someone not showing symptoms. The incubation period is much longer than the common flu and average hospital stays are nearly doubled that of the flu (11 days vs 5-6 days). This is causing a strain on hospitals as they are running out of beds and ventilators. Which is why the mortality rate has climbed in Italy. Doctors have to turn patients away even if they are dying because their poor response has put them in the position of having to choose who lives. NY is going to peak in early May and will be 50k+ beds short. That's a lot of sick people that would have no place to go. Hopefully the lockdown wasnt too late and they can curve that.

Basic math can tell you this is 10x more lethal than flu. And, again, the bigger concern is the aggressive rate at which this spreads and HOW long it can spread. Not only could someone be going 5-11 days whilst still spreading it but you are still contagious for the same time period AFTER you stop showing symptoms. The flu is contagious for 3-5 days.

One person with it, symptoms or not will spread it to 2.5 others. Those 2 people spread it each to 2 others and then those people spread it to 2 others. That's already 15 people from just one person with your attitude going out to a crowded place. Think about how fast it would get out of hand at a fully packed theme park.

So I guess I get to be quarantined for the next 18 months til a vaccine is prepared while the rest of life goes on because of the ignorance and stubbornness of people like you? It's ok for me to die because I already have underlying conditions? Or it's ok for my mom to die because she will be dead in 18 months anyways because of her age according to you?

EDIT: I had a typo in there. Mortality rate is predicted at 10 out of every thousand for COVID 19 vs 1 out of every thousand for the flu. Apologies.
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Can you stop with this irresponsible attitude? Please? COVID 19 is not the flu it is SARS. You're comparing apples to walnuts. And as one of those in the demographic of those likely to die from it your words are extremely hurtful and I would expect much better from this forum.

Dont let facts ruin @erc good time.

Sigh. Its people like this that are either going to force the governments hand and put us in to full lockdown or a bunch of people are going to die unnecessarily because of irresponsibility of a few people that cant seem to grasp very simple concepts.
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