Why are we STILL ignoring the warning signs?

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Alas...these people I live with ...
May 23, 2003
It is mind boggling to me how states are still allowing things to continue as normally as possible. If we have learned nothing else, have they not seen how this approach did NOT work in Italy and they are now paying the price...and so will we.

I have tried to remain upbeat and positive about it, but I have friends and family members working in hospitals on the front lines and hear what is going on.

Then I hear of people still going to their hair salons and gyms and having dinner parties and play dates and I am ready to scream.

Our Governor (MA) still has no plans to make people stay at home. Yet there are so many idiots out there NOT heeding any advice and literally nothing is being done to stop it.

How many people have to get sick and die and hospitals overrun before they decide to make the hard decisions leaders need to make.

I guess I’m just having a bad day! Needed to rant. Thanks for listening!😍
I applaud Gov. Newsom's decision. Someone had to have the guts to do it first, and now other states will follow suit. But the nation is doing this piecemeal which isn't wise at all. It's the very basics of epidemiology. I was pretty sure that earlier in the week the fed was going to say, everyone get to where you need to be by Friday, because the airlines will be closed down. The fact that an airline shutdown has not happened by this point astounds me beyond words.
Illinois just announced that everything except essential services will be shut down starting tomorrow evening.
With no direct direction from the federal level, it will be sad and interesting to compare data from different states when this is all over.

Gov Pritzker and Mayor Lightfoot (Chicago) are doing a really good job during this. So far I'm very pleased with Mayor Lightfoot, glad she won.
It is mind boggling to me how states are still allowing things to continue as normally as possible. If we have learned nothing else, have they not seen how this approach did NOT work in Italy and they are now paying the price...and so will we.

I have tried to remain upbeat and positive about it, but I have friends and family members working in hospitals on the front lines and hear what is going on.

Then I hear of people still going to their hair salons and gyms and having dinner parties and play dates and I am ready to scream.

Our Governor (MA) still has no plans to make people stay at home. Yet there are so many idiots out there NOT heeding any advice and literally nothing is being done to stop it.

How many people have to get sick and die and hospitals overrun before they decide to make the hard decisions leaders need to make.

I guess I’m just having a bad day! Needed to rant. Thanks for listening!😍

Just want to say, Heather, I'm having a bad day, too. And to my extended family (bros and sisters) just stay home. My one brother just texted me because he went to three different stores looking for some favored water he likes. REALLY?????? There's other things I could post but it's just not worth my blood pressure.

So here's a hug for you. :hug:
I think it will eventually happen everywhere.
Right now people can say things like "we only have X cases here" and make themselves believe that there isn't an issue in their area. Just wait until more tests are done and they see just how many people are sick there, it will be a wake up call. Well hopefully it will be.
^ Yup. I live in the City of Long Beach and we've been given orders to stay home unless absolutely necessary until April 19 (1 FULL MONTH FROM NOW AT LEAST!). Week one down for us and would love to have a countdown until the end, but the end point is still entirely uncertain as long as other states do nothing.
I think it will eventually happen everywhere.
Right now people can say things like "we only have X cases here" and make themselves believe that there isn't an issue in their area. Just wait until more tests are done and they see just how many people are sick there, it will be a wake up call. Well hopefully it will be.

That is the part that is boiling my blood a bit here in MN right now. I felt like our state gov's initial response was fantastic.. When there were only about 20 known cases, they closed the school system down, and put out heavy recommendations to work from home, etc.. Since then, the case count has been growing somewhat steadily, and there has been little change in stance. Just today, our governor stated that our case count is "accelerating" much like in other states and countries, and that eventually a shelter-in-place order might be necessary. WHY NOT GET IN FRONT OF IT?!?!? At the doubling rate we are seeing, it is a matter of a handful of days to go from a seemingly manageable number of cases to "The sky is actually falling" case counts. Why not have a couple "unproductive" days up front, to slow that explosion? The writing is on the wall.
Same here in Florida, the Governor needs to shut it down...........

Yes, Florida really needs to take this seriously. Things like Fun Spot, Mini Golf, and Souvenir shops should not be open possibly spreading this thing. Why are these open? Who really needs to go do these things right now and yes people are going to these places.

Video Proof:
The more they test the lower the death rate is dropping. Do you realize in 2009 they tested and found 115,318 positive H1N1 cases with 3,433 deaths. That is a death rate of nearly 3%. Way higher than Coronavirus. They just assumed that there were more than 115,318 cases and stopped bothering to test. Why are they not assuming there are way more coronavirus cases than they are testing and finding?

It's all here:
Pretty much shutdown in California. The controversy is over what are considered essential services. Some people are upset that their job is considered an essential service. Others are upset that they can't get services they need and want because those aren't considered essential.
The more they test the lower the death rate is dropping. Do you realize in 2009 they tested and found 115,318 positive H1N1 cases with 3,433 deaths. That is a death rate of nearly 3%. Way higher than Coronavirus. They just assumed that there were more than 115,318 cases and stopped bothering to test. Why are they not assuming there are way more coronavirus cases than they are testing and finding?

It's all here:

Perhaps because the trajectory of this bug LOOKS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE THE 2009 FLU, and just about every measurable piece of data points to it being much worse? Or maybe all of those professionals that have devoted their careers to epidemiology, and all of the doctors in Italy right now BEGGING the world to take this seriously are just pranking us for the worlds biggest April fool's joke :rolleyes: .
Just want to say, Heather, I'm having a bad day, too. And to my extended family (bros and sisters) just stay home. My one brother just texted me because he went to three different stores looking for some favored water he likes. REALLY?????? There's other things I could post but it's just not worth my blood pressure.

So here's a hug for you. :hug:
Thank you! And back at you! I feel your pain. My sister lives a couple miles from my brother. They have been asking them to get the kids together to play and come over for dinner. My sister is like “ are you kidding me!”
I know a guy who talked to a friend who knows a person who used to be her cousin who had seen a story on TV about some people who went to the beach with horrific consequences.

Not sure if it was news, or a sitcom, or sci fi -- but there you have it!
Pretty much shutdown in California. The controversy is over what are considered essential services. Some people are upset that their job is considered an essential service. Others are upset that they can't get services they need and want because those aren't considered essential.

I know there are no easy answers and many millions will be affected whether they are considered to have essential jobs are not. I do believe it is the right decision however.
A lot of people are going to die as a result. When these people who didn’t heed the warnings end up going to the hospital and finding no beds available, they’ll see the error of their ways.
Perhaps because the trajectory of this bug LOOKS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE THE 2009 FLU, and just about every measurable piece of data points to it being much worse? Or maybe all of those professionals that have devoted their careers to epidemiology, and all of the doctors in Italy right now BEGGING the world to take this seriously are just pranking us for the worlds biggest April fool's joke :rolleyes: .

Time will tell. The more they test, the lower the death rate is getting. Yes, more deadly than normal flu, but how much more? The average age of the dead in Italy is 80. This is the vulnerable age group. When it hits their living areas, it is definitely a tragedy. That is why we need to keep them locked up and safe.
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