What Old-Fashioned Words do you Rarely Hear Anymore?

My Grandmother referred to my nephew's baggy jeans as "hobo pants". When was the last time you heard the word "hobo"?
My kids say hobo all the time(because iCarly says it)
My 10 year old daughter was in Manhattan with my BFF for a concert, and she came home all excited to tell me that she saw "a real hobo!":laughing:

As for stoop, that is what I call the front steps of the house. Unless you have a full blown porch, you have a stoop-according to me anyway. ;) In my area the word stoop is used regularly.
These might be regional terms, because they're both still used in NYC. Jitneys are an essential form of transportation for commuters and summer weekenders and just about everyone's building has a stoop.

I was just getting ready to type that.

My grandmother always said valise for suitcase and she had settee's in her house.
My 90 year old aunt always announces dinner is at hap past 6 (as in half past 6) 6:30 is just so much easier to say!
High Ball

I honestly don't even know what these drinks are, but I have been watching 50s TV and they talk about them all the time!
"in a family way" -- not so much a word as a phrase

then again, the first time DH used "bed clothes" on me I looked at him like he was insane. I had NO IDEA what he was talking about.
High Ball

I honestly don't even know what these drinks are, but I have been watching 50s TV and they talk about them all the time!

A high ball is really any type of simple cocktail. I think it mainly refers to whiskey rather than vodka or gin. Seagrams 7 & 7Up, Scotch and club soda, Canadian Club and ginger ale, etc.

Yep, the term was very popular in the 50s and 60s.

Nightcap is that one last drink before going to sleep.

High Ball

I honestly don't even know what these drinks are, but I have been watching 50s TV and they talk about them all the time!

nightcap is one last drink before you go to bed or drive away.
I never hear anyone call a couch a davenport anymore, do you?

And what about luncheon, instead of just plain lunch?

What other words are old-fashioned sounding that you just don't hear much anymore, or at all?

I used to say davenport when I was little because my Granny said it. Also hassock - I don't hear that ever anymore, but I still say it. Oh, and bedclothes. Apparently some people think they're pajamas, but they've always been sheets and blankets to me.

My dad still says icebox and trousers (for all pants). Used to drive me crazy when I was a teen.
Some of these words must be regional because I hear A LOT of them on a daily basis. lol

The fiance and I are determined to get the word "bully" back in to circulation.

Instead of saying "awesome" or "cool", we try to say "bully!" LOL
My ten year old dd has taken to using the word dreadful a lot lately. This little girl telling me that PE was just dreadful, mama!!
Some of these words must be regional because I hear A LOT of them on a daily basis. lol

The fiance and I are determined to get the word "bully" back in to circulation.

Instead of saying "awesome" or "cool", we try to say "bully!" LOL

did you used to be a rough rider?

thats going back a LONG way.
My DD11's favorite word at the moment: shrubbery. (She has discovered Monty Python.) :laughing:

My mother is a fountain of unheard words: She still calls any shirt a "blouse." This makes me think of something frilly with poofy sleeves. Shudder!
She also calls a trash can a "wastepaper basket." Unless it's only used for paper, this drives me nuts.
And she calls a butt a "hinder" pronounced with a long I. Ick, ick, ick!!

My ex & his parents call a suitcase a "valise." The first time he said it I had him repeat it several times and still had no idea what the heck he wanted me to pack!

I was in a class the other day where the instructor kept saying "groovy." I also rarely hear "foxy" or "neato" anymore.

I also recently overheard a conversation about how STD's used to be called VD. If you said VD now, I bet a lot of people would think it's some sort of technology. (Which reminds me, you don't hear "hi-fi" or "high-fidelity" much anymore either.)

I like to refer to underwear as "underlilies" or "knickers" just to make my kids cringe. :rolleyes1

Jeepers (another one!), I had a lot more of these than I thought!!
I think I use the word 'keen' more often than the average person. I just like the way it sounds, hehe.

Or how about frock instead of dress.
record player
tin foil
Ethel (gasoline)

Some sayings I can remember my grandpa saying. :laughing:
“I reckon so”
"Well, I’ll swan" (like I’ll be darned)
"Too big for your britches"


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