What films put a lump in your throat?

Apparently some of my favorite movies make me break out the tissues.

Love, love, love The Best Years of Our Lives
Mrs. Miniver
The Fighting Sullivans
Goodbye Mr. Chips - The Greer Garson version
Stella Dallas - The Barbara Stanwyck version
The Color Purple - When the sisters are separated and when they are reunited.
All Mine To Give
The Shawshank Redemption
Steel Magnolias
The Man in the Moon
Apparently some of my favorite movies make me break out the tissues.

Love, love, love The Best Years of Our Lives
Mrs. Miniver
The Fighting Sullivans
Goodbye Mr. Chips - The Greer Garson version
Stella Dallas - The Barbara Stanwyck version
The Color Purple - When the sisters are separated and when they are reunited.
All Mine To Give
The Shawshank Redemption
Steel Magnolias
The Man in the Moon

I'm a puddle of tears over the last scene. By the way, I've been to that location and stood on Miss Celie's front porch and walked the grounds. Gorgeous setting!
I can't say just one. I cry at everything. I even cried during the commercial where Peter comes home for Christmas and makes coffee.......

The worst one I cried at? The Aliens movie where Ripley runs into the baby alien, and she's sort of loving on it. Yeah, I cried. :rotfl2:

Heck, DS asked me to not go to the Eagle Court of Honor last Monday. His new troop was putting up 4 new Eagles, and I have never met anyone in that troop, let alone the boys. He knew I'd be crying over someone I've never met! (And it's a good thing---DH came home and told me how one of the Eagles lost his mom 4 years ago to cancer, and the boy talked about how much the troop has helped him throughout the years. Heck I'm tearing up just thinking about it.)
Planes, Trains & Automobiles - the scene at the end where John Candy is just standing in the hall holding his hat ...
I can't say just one. I cry at everything. I even cried during the commercial where Peter comes home for Christmas and makes coffee.......

The worst one I cried at? The Aliens movie where Ripley runs into the baby alien, and she's sort of loving on it. Yeah, I cried. :rotfl2:

Heck, DS asked me to not go to the Eagle Court of Honor last Monday. His new troop was putting up 4 new Eagles, and I have never met anyone in that troop, let alone the boys. He knew I'd be crying over someone I've never met! (And it's a good thing---DH came home and told me how one of the Eagles lost his mom 4 years ago to cancer, and the boy talked about how much the troop has helped him throughout the years. Heck I'm tearing up just thinking about it.)

I'm right there with ya' - I don't reserve tears only for those that I know. :rotfl2:

Any funeral whatsoever I will be a sobbing mess. Wouldn't matter if it was a stranger, either. I'd be bawling like I was the mother of the deceased - I absolutely HATE funerals.

I'm also a sympathy crier. If someone I'm talking to tears up, I will immediately do the same. Doesn't matter why, if you cry, I'm going to cry.

What the heck is that about?!!:confused3
Disney/Pixar and now Marvel all have pulling at your heart strings down to a science. Besides all of the movies listed already I am surprised a few haven't made the list already:

Lion King (I think this may be the first time I actually remember crying in a theater, I was like 12 or 13)
Dumbo (Baby Mine...still can't hear the song without choking up)
Winston, the short before Big Hero 6 got me teary eye.

Not Disney but How to Train Your Dragon 2 got both my husband and I wiping our eyes.

P.S. I Love You with Hilary Swank and Gerald Butler killed me. My husband started watching it with me and went off to do "manly things" but them later admitted he had to walk away from it because he was going to turn in to the same sobbing mess I was, haha!
Toy Story 3
^^^ for sure. I was a lot like Andy when I was a kid, playing really complex stories with my toys. So that movie hits a soft spot for me!

UP also gets me. The beginning where she loses the baby makes me cry everytime, especially after we lost a baby ourselves.

Fried Green Tomatoes and Steel Magnolias.
Several parts of Harry Potter movies.

And not a movie, but Doctor Who makes me feel emotional all the time...
Off the top of my head:

Pay It Foward
Walk To Remember
A Time Traveler's Wife
Mr. Holland's Opus
Armegeddon - When the little boy says "Mommy That Sales Man is on TV"
Land Before Time

I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot.
I'll start... Apollo 13. So inspiring!

I watch this movie at least 2 or three times in the spring. I show it to my AP Calc classes after they take their AP exam. It always brings a tear to my eye.

The other night I was flipping through the channels and I saw Apollo 13 was on. When I got to that channel I suddenly couldn't understand a thing since it was in Spanish.

Another one that makes my dh and I cry is Mr. Hollands Opus since we are both school teachers and he retired last year and I am planning to retire at the end of this year. MY sons' also had a great music teacher in high school that was forced out last year. He was fortunate enough to find another job.
Toy Story 3

I also have to include this one too. We saw it with our two sons who had grown up with Toy Story but were either in college or just out of college. My younger son suggested that we all see this movie together. I was sitting next to my dh and at the end both of us were in tears. I bought the movie when it came out and I still haven't been able to open it up to watch it again.
- Newsies
- Hunchback of Notre Dame
- The Tigger Movie
- Peter Pan
- Into the Woods
- Toy Story 3
- Up (the passing on of the Ellie badge gets me more than the prologue)
Since you brought up a commercial I am going to mention something and yall will either think Im a reallllll sap or a looney! My senior year in high school Saturn made a set of commercials for the Ion. I remember there was one about childhood, one about high school, and one about college. At the time I would cry about the childhood and high school ones. Only now that I rewatch the college one does it get to me....but it doesnt cry, it makes me laugh
Chariots of Fire and to my surprise, the movie I saw today - Birdman. Don't ask what made me choke up on either one, I just know I got that lump in my throat and the tears started rolling down my cheeks. Luckily, I can cry silently, as the theater was packed, and I didn't want anyone to hear me.


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