This is Us- Season four

He was real, and next week we will see Randall deal wit his demons, real and in his head. Jack will be his hero. I’m going to be so depressed when this show is done. I know we’re all excited and scared to see why Randall is not with his siblings, but for me the little twists and turns keep me coming back every week.
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Oh, and it totally depressed me with Kevin wasting his time on a “hall pass”. He wants a real love story and I’m praying that they give him(and us) one. I’ve always hoped it would be Sophie and I pray it will be in the end. I’m sure I will have a lot of detractors but they have had a long arch throughout the show and even with all the bad Kate stuff I hope they work it out. Let the flames begin lol
Oh, and it totally depressed me with Kevin wasting his time on a “hall pass”. He wants a real love story and I’m praying that they give him(and us) one. I’ve always hoped it would be Sophie and I pray it will be in the end. I’m sure I will have a lot of detractors but they have had a long arch throughout the show and even with all the bad Kate stuff I hope they work it out. Let the flames begin lol

That Kevin Story was so weird and odd. I guess we will find out more.
First episode back and they start with a bang!

I feel so bad for Kevin. He just wants someone to like him for him and he ends up trying to get with a fan pretending not to be one. I hope we don’t see her again.

I’m still not convinced that he ends up with Sophie. It just seems too ideal.

I was worried that Randall was going to have a heart attack or something when he went to get water. He is pushing himself WAY too hard, especially with his history of breakdowns.
I think the writers are just messing with us once again. Maybe she isn't really married, she just lied to get out of there.

Or she leaves her husband for Kevin.

I also think the burglar is real which seems to bring back Randall's vivid nightmares.

My bet is still on the fact Randall didn't tell Kate and Kevin what is going on with Rebecca and that's why they aren't talking to him. I'm guessing by the time they find out, she will be pretty bad and Kevin will probably feel if he had known sooner he could have helped her with his connections, etc.
Or she leaves her husband for Kevin.

I also think the burglar is real which seems to bring back Randall's vivid nightmares.

My bet is still on the fact Randall didn't tell Kate and Kevin what is going on with Rebecca and that's why they aren't talking to him. I'm guessing by the time they find out, she will be pretty bad and Kevin will probably feel if he had known sooner he could have helped her with his connections, etc.

Well we did find out last night that Rebecca told him not to tell Kate and Kevin.
For some reason I had the thought watching this one, what if Kevin ends up with Madison? (kate's friend) I didn't like the brunette girl, not sure how that can be a recurring role. Are they going to have Kevin get involved with 2 married women in 1 season? I know they had Sophie calling him at the end but still not sure it's gonna be her.

Could the man in Randall's house have been not just a random burglar, but someone targeting him because of his political position?
For some reason I had the thought watching this one, what if Kevin ends up with Madison? (kate's friend) I didn't like the brunette girl, not sure how that can be a recurring role. Are they going to have Kevin get involved with 2 married women in 1 season? I know they had Sophie calling him at the end but still not sure it's gonna be her.

Could the man in Randall's house have been not just a random burglar, but someone targeting him because of his political position?

I had noticed we had Kevin and Madison briefly in the same scene, remembered back to how nasty he was to her when he was drunk in the waiting room and wondered if they were dangling the mystery woman right in our faces.

Gotta ignore your reference to Randall's house, because I'm just unprepared to go there.
I believe the burglar is real because based on the previews, Randall has had irrational fears all his life of monsters (in the general sense) and now he's literally staring his worst fear in the face. How he reacts will change his life and everyone's around him.

I was watching an interview yesterday with Justin Hartley and Mandy Moore and Justin said in the trilogy each character will have a pivotal moment that happens in their life, where life was before that moment, and where life will be after that moment and how it changes all of them. This is Randall's moment.

For some reason I had the thought watching this one, what if Kevin ends up with Madison? (kate's friend) I didn't like the brunette girl, not sure how that can be a recurring role. Are they going to have Kevin get involved with 2 married women in 1 season? I know they had Sophie calling him at the end but still not sure it's gonna be her.

Could the man in Randall's house have been not just a random burglar, but someone targeting him because of his political position?

I thought maybe it could be Madison, too. When she was talking to Kate about the lights, Keven looked at her in a way that seemed to say ‘hey, maybe her?’
I definitely don't get a Madison/Kevin vibe. Could be wrong but I just don't see it. I think he will wind up with Sophie. Something about one of the episodes with Sophie and Kevin said something like, "it's you's always been you."

As far as Kevins date, I think she either isn't married and just wanted an "out" so she lied about it. Or she will wind up leaving her husband. I did not like her so I hope they wrap up her story line soon.

Did not like the John Legend cameo. Seemed way too far fetched. Like the stars would have to align perfectly for Kevin to pull that off in a couple of hours. And John Legend was just sitting around waiting for Kevin to call him for a private concert? I know it's just a show, but come on.

The scene with baby Jack reaching for the lights was so touching. Loved it.
Last night's episode actually had me in tears several times. Rebecca's storyline just broke my heart. It felt very real, and to know how many people go through this same scenario... yeah, broke my heart.
I was so looking forward to this episode, but it really wasn't what I was hoping for. I mean, I knew Rebecca would get bad news, but I didn't think everyone else was going to have horrible things happen to them too. I thought we'd get a few lighter scenes to take the weight off the big storyline.

The new love interest is pretty, but her voice is driving me nuts. I want to shake her and tell her to clear her throat.
I feel so bad for Kevin. He just wants someone to like him for him and he ends up trying to get with a fan pretending not to be one. I hope we don’t see her again.
Oh, and it totally depressed me with Kevin wasting his time on a “hall pass”. He wants a real love story and I’m praying that they give him(and us) one. I’ve always hoped it would be Sophie and I pray it will be in the end. I’m sure I will have a lot of detractors but they have had a long arch throughout the show and even with all the bad Kate stuff I hope they work it out. Let the flames begin lol

I didn't like the new girl either. She definitely sounded like she had a bad cold or something, but mostly I hated the whole idea that she was just using him. I was hopeful when I saw Sophie's name on the phone.

Was there really a burglar or was it a dream or panic attack? The interwoven flashbacks made me think it was a dream.

I thought it was real, but I would much rather it was a dream! I really hope nobody gets hurt.

Well we did find out last night that Rebecca told him not to tell Kate and Kevin.

Definitely important!

The scene with baby Jack reaching for the lights was so touching. Loved it.

I loved it for Jack, but not for Kate. - What I think I saw in her eyes at the end was a realization that Toby is only happy with Jack when he thinks he can see. I hope I'm wrong.


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