This is Us- Season four

I thought he said we’re not speaking, the first thing that popped into my head was it had something to do with Tess. I’m sure we are not at the end of her coming out story, being so great.

Interesting theory, maybe her coming out started out good, but then turned really ugly and Randall blames Kevin for it.
Interesting theory, maybe her coming out started out good, but then turned really ugly and Randall blames Kevin for it.

At least we know that she ends up OK in the end - we've seen future her at her job and all. (DH loves that they've done the same thing for us with baby Jack. - We've seen him in the future, so whenever we're worried about his challenges, we know he make it through.)

Oh, and I also finally (on watch #3) caught a clue! When Randall returns from Jersey and tries to call Rebecca, he says on the message he leaves "you haven't returned any of my texts". In the scene where Rebecca is lost, we see the phone on the checkout counter with three missed calls.
At least we know that she ends up OK in the end - we've seen future her at her job and all. (DH loves that they've done the same thing for us with baby Jack. - We've seen him in the future, so whenever we're worried about his challenges, we know he make it through.)

Oh, and I also finally (on watch #3) caught a clue! When Randall returns from Jersey and tries to call Rebecca, he says on the message he leaves "you haven't returned any of my texts". In the scene where Rebecca is lost, we see the phone on the checkout counter with three missed calls.

I think he said calls or texts, but, like everyone else, I’ll need a second watch to be sure.
I think it was very selfish of her. She was willing to ruin his excitement over it in an attempt to assuage her guilt and make herself feel better. She needed to let him have that.

I've always felt Kate has been selfish from S1E1 until now. I personally cannot stand adult Kate which is unfortunate because I really think kid Kate and teenage Kate have very interesting stories and ones that I feel you can have a lot of empathy for. But with adult Kate, I just feel like the majority of her issues are self-inflicted.
I'm kind of torn with the avocado situation. I feel that if Kate was by herself and had absentmindly gave Jack some avocado, she wouldn't have told Toby, but since the neighbor was involved, I do agree with the previous poster that she really couldn't chance him telling Toby, because that would have been much worse.

I do agree that a lot of stuff that Kate goes through she brings on herself, but I think that when we get the boyfriend storyline, a lot of how Kate acts as an adult will probably make us a little more understanding of why she is the way she is.
I feel that if Kate was by herself and had absentmindly gave Jack some avocado, she wouldn't have told Toby, but since the neighbor was involved, I do agree with the previous poster that she really couldn't chance him telling Toby, because that would have been much worse.

Couldn't she just ask the neighbor not to say anything? The stroke messed up his muscles, not his conscience. I would think he'd be glad to let Toby have that memory.

I think that when we get the boyfriend storyline, a lot of how Kate acts as an adult will probably make us a little more understanding of why she is the way she is.

I definitely agree with you here, though. Kate has a lot of issues to deal with, but I think the one we don't really know about yet is probably a doozy! And as much I do think everyone reaches a point when "you're on you" I bet we will have a lot more sympathy when we find out everything.
I definitely agree with you here, though. Kate has a lot of issues to deal with, but I think the one we don't really know about yet is probably a doozy! And as much I do think everyone reaches a point when "you're on you" I bet we will have a lot more sympathy when we find out everything.
I'm almost scared to find out what it is. It has to be really bad.
I'm very curious were the Kate's teen boyfriend story goes. There was another little glimpse this week, and it seemed like Randall was starting to sense something. When they were talking about going to see a movie, she mentioned wanting to see something specific, and the boyfriend said something along the lines of it not being appropriate for someone her age. He's definitely giving off major controlling vibes.
Justin Hartley, aka Kevin, just filed for divorced. Time to buy my one-way ticket to Hollywood and find him.

I'm kidding. It's always sad when relationships don't work out.

Oh no, I hadn't heard that! Very sad - they seemed like a good couple.
Justin Hartley, aka Kevin, just filed for divorced. Time to buy my one-way ticket to Hollywood and find him.

I'm kidding. It's always sad when relationships don't work out.

That’s too bad. They haven’t been married all that long.

And, excuse me, but I have been the #1 Kevin/Justin luster in these threads for a long time LOL
Justin Hartley, aka Kevin, just filed for divorce. Time to buy my one-way ticket to Hollywood and find him.

I'm kidding. It's always sad when relationships don't work out.
What?! He was just interviwed on the red carpet with his wife!?
Its on The People page this morning, that's really sad news. Says she wanted a family and he want ready, something that should be discussed before marriage.
I read about Justin's divorce, so sad. She wants kids now and he wants to focus on his career. They were only married for two years.
Its on The People page this morning, that's really sad news. Says she wanted a family and he want ready, something that should be discussed before marriage.

I think it's hard to believe since he already has a daughter. Unless his plan is to break into movies he's probably at the stablest his career has been since he had his 1st child during Passions.

I had read that there was some sort of Misunderstanding that they're friends have expressed they had.
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Yeah, I thought the reports of a disagreement on when to have kids seemed odd. Seems like something they would have discussed before marrying and also if the reports that she wants to be a stay at home mom are true, then I'm not sure why his career aspirations would have an affect on that plan. Anyway, I hope they can work things out and get back together.
If I had to guess I would say he wants to ride the wave as long as he can. Maybe they talked of having kids then his career took off and he wants to do as much as he can while he is still young and the show is so popular. She may not feel the same way.


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