Things you can't stand that others seem to find cute?

What's wrong with the post? I myself didn't expect to wake up at 4 am every morning, leave my home and my family for half the day, come home after 12 hours of extremely hot work, cook dinner, clean up the kitchen from not just dinner but from the wife all day, clean the house, scrub the toilets, do the laundry, after cleaning up all her clothes off the floor, cut the grass, change the oil in her car, fix the nagging engine light coming on in my car, wash the cars, clean up the garage, sort old clothes to give away, paint the house, put a new roof on, and clean the litter box even though I don't want a cat every day because she was busy laying out under the apple trees in the shade on a blanket reading a book with the baby all day long.
I’m specifically talking about when he said he is the only one in the family who likes seafood so he told his wife how to make it ‘to his standards’.
Pretty sure that's not what they were referring to

You are 100% correct.
Not just my history. History of nearly every couple I know. The woman rules over the man and if the man says just one little thing about how something is cooked, then it's all out war, yet the woman can tell the husband how to do everything he does and it's perfectly acceptable. I see it with everyone.

There's a reason SWMBO is a common saying, or happy wife happy life, or any of the other sayings.
If everyone (or mostly everyone) you know has that type of relationship, you have crappy friends and need to find some new ones. As a few others have said, you are very jaded by your ex marriage and it’s affecting your life completely.
Not just my history. History of nearly every couple I know. The woman rules over the man and if the man says just one little thing about how something is cooked, then it's all out war, yet the woman can tell the husband how to do everything he does and it's perfectly acceptable. I see it with everyone.

There's a reason SWMBO is a common saying, or happy wife happy life, or any of the other sayings.

A more modern version of this is "happy spouse, happy house"
I have never seen a small child in a bathing suit that I would consider "sexy". Do you just mean more exposed skin?

I do know some people who find any two piece bathing suit on a girl to be inappropriate, so I'm not sure if that's what you mean by sexy or if there are actual features that you are referring to. (My daughters are both adults now so I have not been looking at any little girls' suits lately)

No, I’m not talking ALL bikinis. Some are absolutely fine. There are others that I find inappropriate.

I debated posting images - it borders the line of inappropriate. But they are available online so I’m not showing anything you cannot Google and purchase.

These I find not cute on an adolescent girl. YMMV

I hate "boys will be boys" as an excuse for not teaching your sons to be decent human beings.

So much this! The amount of parents that I have seen that allow horrible behavior from the sons under the guise of "boys will be boys", but are complete jerks to their daughters is disgusting. That seems to be a thing where I live. Every parent here seems to think that boys should grow up to be professional athletes and even encourage rough behavior, instead of focusing on them being decent people.
When it comes to cooking, I dare to say I am the more skilled cook. I like to watch cooking shows find recipes and even experiment on my own. Once I find something I like, I instruct my wife on how I like it prepared and voila she makes it from then forward. I am the only one in my home that eats seafood, so I instructed my wife on how to prepare all of my favorite seafood dishes and she makes them to my standards.

I agree with a previous poster. I was with you until I read this. I have no problem with any couple dividing the chores of marriage in any way that truly works for both of them, but instruct? only one who eats seafood? makes them to my standard?

I'd love to see your wife's anonymous post, just to see how over the moon she really is with the status quo. Unless your posts are just a joke, of course.
The "Listen Linda" kid!
:o Guilty as charged; that video makes me laugh like crazy. Gotta say though that if it were my kid, this "Linda" certainly wouldn't be listening or making a video and my kid would only have said it once. :rolleyes1
Nothing is wrong with one person doing the lion's share of the housework if they're home all day and the other isn't, but that poster indicated that they both went out to work, which I feel requires a more equal division of home responsibilities.
It never has for us. We've had various situations over the years; him the breadwinner and me a housewife, me working and him unemployed and both of us working. I do almost all the housework and all of the cooking. I'm at peace with it. :hippie: DH will retire at least 10 years before I do, due to a significant gap in our ages. When that happens, we may have to figure some new system out.
...everywhere. I like dogs and I like to play with them, pet them, play fetch, etc. But they just don't belong in restaurants, retail/grocery stores, amusement parks, community events, etc. It's not "cute," it's disruptive, inconsiderate of others, and potentially unhygienic. In certain places, it's illegal.

Please take them to the doggie park and/or exercise them in your backyard (you did make sure you had adequate space to exercise that hyperactive lab before you adopted him, right? 🤦‍♂️) .

Exactly! Who wants to put their groceries or home goods where a dog’s butt has been? We have a dog and the only time she goes anywhere is to the vet and groomers.
Small dogs barking, growling, and being aggressive. It's not cute and it's not funny.
Along these lines, viral videos of puppies jumping up on babies licking and kissing. Or videos of cats jumping into cribs and snuggling with babies. The comments on these videos are surprising.

The minute someone points out that animals jumping into cribs or licking babies is not a good thing, people verbally attack. The amount of people that think this is cute/acceptable is shocking.
I agree with a previous poster. I was with you until I read this. I have no problem with any couple dividing the chores of marriage in any way that truly works for both of them, but instruct? only one who eats seafood? makes them to my standard?

I'd love to see your wife's anonymous post, just to see how over the moon she really is with the status quo. Unless your posts are just a joke, of course.

My wife can post anything she likes and it doesn't have to be anonymous, as we all have free will and at least for the time being, freedom of speech is still a thing. With regards to your critique, perhaps instruct seems like a harsh term; but That is for lack of a better term, teach maybe, is how we go about our business. If I find a recipe I like or there is a seafood dish I would like, I cook it first, experiment and get it just how I like it and then I cook it with her, so she will know just how I like it. I'm not sure why a wife wanting to know how to cook something exactly the way her husband likes it is a taboo concept.

I have a sister in-law who married a first generation Italian American and she spent almost the entire year before their marriage cooking with his mother, until she was able to master his mothers entire recipe book and make the meals like an old school Italian wife. I felt this was a little extreme but she indicated she was happy to do it to know that her husband will be happy with his meals.

Lastly, no one is forced to do anything here, as I said we all have free will. My wife chooses to do the things she knows that will bring me happiness and I do the same for her. She is not a battered wife or the victim of any kind of emotional or psychological abuse. These were things discussed during our dating relationship before we got married and things we both knew about each other before making that commitment. Just because you don't happen to agree with it doesn't make it wrong. This tends to be the problem with progressiveness. Those who have the progressive mindset think that only the things they believe in are valid and anything to the contrary are not. I on the other hand do what works for me and fully support your right to do what works for you.
My wife can post anything she likes and it doesn't have to be anonymous, as we all have free will and at least for the time being, freedom of speech is still a thing. With regards to your critique, perhaps instruct seems like a harsh term; but That is for lack of a better term, teach maybe, is how we go about our business. If I find a recipe I like or there is a seafood dish I would like, I cook it first, experiment and get it just how I like it and then I cook it with her, so she will know just how I like it. I'm not sure why a wife wanting to know how to cook something exactly the way her husband likes it is a taboo concept.

I have a sister in-law who married a first generation Italian American and she spent almost the entire year before their marriage cooking with his mother, until she was able to master his mothers entire recipe book and make the meals like an old school Italian wife. I felt this was a little extreme but she indicated she was happy to do it to know that her husband will be happy with his meals.

Lastly, no one is forced to do anything here, as I said we all have free will. My wife chooses to do the things she knows that will bring me happiness and I do the same for her. She is not a battered wife or the victim of any kind of emotional or psychological abuse. These were things discussed during our dating relationship before we got married and things we both knew about each other before making that commitment. Just because you don't happen to agree with it doesn't make it wrong. This tends to be the problem with progressiveness. Those who have the progressive mindset think that only the things they believe in are valid and anything to the contrary are not. I on the other hand do what works for me and fully support your right to do what works for you.
I agree wholeheartedly with the basic premise of this. DH and I work at doing those things that make the other happy; we always have. Yes, it sometimes involves doing things we don’t love, and choosing to do things we wouldn’t choose otherwise. We are also realistic in our requests/requirements and mindful not to expect too much of each other.

If there’s anyone who lives life completely on their own terms and it never affects anyone around them, I salute you (I guess). That’s really never been a goal for me.
Bashing babies and kids.
Ok ok. Was this because of my criticism in the NYT about the local 2nd Grade production of Of Mice and Men? I merely pointed out that the acting was anemic and that I've seen better direction at the drive-thru at Dairy Queen.

As for my scathing remarks about the leading performance of one Jacob Penderghast, as we say in the theater: Pop, Cicero, Lipschitz, he had it comin'.
This pose right here. My Facebook and Instagram are flooded with it. Like every photo they post has the tongue out and peace sign. Every. Single. Photo. How are you going to look back on that amazing trip to Europe and every photo has your tongue out, peace sign and you’re winking!?!! I’m not even talking about one person. It’s several people in my feed.


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