Things you can't stand that others seem to find cute?

Cute-zy words used by grown-ups: veggie, ressie, vacay, etc., etc, etc. Like fingernails on a blackboard to me.
To go along with the cutzie words (I didn't think your Cute-zy was cutzie enough, LOL) is this forum's obsession with abbreviating everything. Often I have no idea what anyone is talking about because of all the abbreviations.
Women acting like their husbands are helpless man children and that's ok. He's a grown *** man, he's perfectly capable of loading the dishwasher. He just does it wrong so you stop asking him do it, Stephanie. 🙄

My apologies for the very specific example. Drawing on some very recent personal experience. 🤣🤣🤣
Women acting like their husbands are helpless man children and that's ok. He's a grown *** man, he's perfectly capable of loading the dishwasher. He just does it wrong so you stop asking him do it, Stephanie. 🙄

My apologies for the very specific example. Drawing on some very recent personal experience. 🤣🤣🤣
Oh man don't even get me started on this. Every few months or so my neighborhood has a cul de sac party and while the husbands sit on the butts doing nothing the wives are setting up AND wrangling the kids. It drives me absolutely insane. I guess it's too hard to set up plastic chairs and tables.
Farmhouse decor. Not all things but the overtly farm things like the sign that says "farmhouse" or the windmill wall hanging, or the silo tabletop decor.
You don't live in a farmhouse, why are you pretending :laughing:
Women acting like their husbands are helpless man children and that's ok. He's a grown *** man, he's perfectly capable of loading the dishwasher. He just does it wrong so you stop asking him do it, Stephanie. 🙄

My apologies for the very specific example. Drawing on some very recent personal experience. 🤣🤣🤣

My big one is when women go out and say her husband is “babysitting” the kids. He is not babysitting. He is looking after his own children.
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In the spirit of inclusivity and acceptance that we all seem to be striving for these days, those who are progressive also need to be accepting of those who still prefer to live in that type of lifestyle. My wife enjoys herself in that role and I also enjoy how we have lived in our married adult life. We both work, so no one is a stay at home parent; but when we are at home, we conform to the family archetype of the 70's or 80's. My wife takes care of all of the interior house work, cooking and laundry and I take care of all of the yardwork, home repairs, honey do list type of things. My wife does my laundry, cooks all of the meals, serves myself and the kids and she would not want it any other way. I will have to admit that my teenage daughter does ask why we both subscribe to these more traditional roles and says she will not when she is in a relationship. My wife tells her she doesn't have to but it is her choice as she enjoys being a wife and mother.

Inclusivity and acceptance has to go both ways.
In the spirit of inclusivity and acceptance that we all seem to be striving for these days, those who are progressive also need to be accepting of those who still prefer to live in that type of lifestyle. My wife enjoys herself in that role and I also enjoy how we have lived in our married adult life. We both work, so no one is a stay at home parent; but when we are at home, we conform to the family archetype of the 70's or 80's. My wife takes care of all of the interior house work, cooking and laundry and I take care of all of the yardwork, home repairs, honey do list type of things. My wife does my laundry, cooks all of the meals, serves myself and the kids and she would not want it any other way. I will have to admit that my teenage daughter does ask why we both subscribe to these more traditional roles and says she will not when she is in a relationship. My wife tells her she doesn't have to but it is her choice as she enjoys being a wife and mother.

Inclusivity and acceptance has to go both ways.
Are you at least capable of feeding yourself, doing a load of laundry, and putting dishes in the dishwasher correctly? Division of labor is fine, not being able to function on your own as an adult not so much.
Are you at least capable of feeding yourself, doing a load of laundry, and putting dishes in the dishwasher correctly? Division of labor is fine, not being able to function on your own as an adult not so much.
I think most men in these situations are capable, but some women truly do enjoy running the house in a manner that they do all of the "domestic" work.

I know a couple like this and it works for them. The wife stays at home. Her husband is the breadwinner and does things like takes her car to fill it up with gas (jealous of that), all of the yardwork, handyman work, garbage, etc.

And, in an odd twist, I would 100% say the wife wears the pants in that house.

But it IS annoying when women pretend they have to do it all because their husband is incapable.
Are you at least capable of feeding yourself, doing a load of laundry, and putting dishes in the dishwasher correctly? Division of labor is fine, not being able to function on your own as an adult not so much.

I am perfectly capable and have the knowledge and skill set to cook, eat and I can even understand the working of a modern washer and dryer. Thankfully, I don't have to wash my clothes, clean the house or cook my meals. I can come home from work, get changed into more comfortable clothes, while my wife makes me a cocktail and then I can relax as she prepares dinner and we have some conversation. I can have conversations with my children or catch up on the news or whatever. It works for us.
Are you at least capable of feeding yourself, doing a load of laundry, and putting dishes in the dishwasher correctly? Division of labor is fine, not being able to function on your own as an adult not so much.

When it comes to cooking, I dare to say I am the more skilled cook. I like to watch cooking shows find recipes and even experiment on my own. Once I find something I like, I instruct my wife on how I like it prepared and voila she makes it from then forward. I am the only one in my home that eats seafood, so I instructed my wife on how to prepare all of my favorite seafood dishes and she makes them to my standards.
I think most men in these situations are capable, but some women truly do enjoy running the house in a manner that they do all of the "domestic" work.

I know a couple like this and it works for them. The wife stays at home. Her husband is the breadwinner and does things like takes her car to fill it up with gas (jealous of that), all of the yardwork, handyman work, garbage, etc.

And, in an odd twist, I would 100% say the wife wears the pants in that house.

But it IS annoying when women pretend they have to do it all because their husband is incapable.

Absolutely. I don't work, my kids are adults so I no longer say I'm a SAHM. I do all the housework, I even do the outdoor stuff too. Dh is the breadwinner, he has a job outside the home, my job is to maintain and run the home. This is what we agreed to long ago after our first child was born and it works for us. Through the years and added kids it still was what worked for us.
Of course my dh is capable of doing everything around the house that I do, but he doesn't have to because I consider it my job and I don't want him screwing up the way I do my job :laughing:
I think most men in these situations are capable, but some women truly do enjoy running the house in a manner that they do all of the "domestic" work.

I know a couple like this and it works for them. The wife stays at home. Her husband is the breadwinner and does things like takes her car to fill it up with gas (jealous of that), all of the yardwork, handyman work, garbage, etc.

And, in an odd twist, I would 100% say the wife wears the pants in that house.

But it IS annoying when women pretend they have to do it all because their husband is incapable.
I am in agreement here, many who see household discussions and monetary discussions between my wife and I would say that my wife wears the pants. We have joint checking and savings and all of our money is pooled. She takes care of all of the bills and I defer to her on financial matters. I hate credit cards, so when I need money I tell her and she stops at the ATM and grabs me what I need. I am glad she handles the finances. When it came to buy a new family car I wanted an SUV, she talked me into a Ford fusion hybrid and I couldn't be happier since we get 46.7 miles to the gallon. She is definitely the more intelligent of us and more fiscally responsible.
Little girls wearing layers and layers of makeup for dance recitals.
Honestly, this is one (of many) reasons I got my daughter started as a hula dancer. Kaikamāhine do not wear make up for a traditional competition - maybe a very light blush or gloss for 'auana (contemporary) hula (although my halau never did), but nothing for kahiko (traditional/ancient). They can't even wear any jewelry or nail polish. They only braid and then brush out their hair and wear fresh adornments.

I hate looking at young girls wearing makeup that would be too much for a prostitute on a street corner - same with some of the costumes they wear. They are cringeworthy. It's all just too much for me.
People that bring dogs to
...everywhere. I like dogs and I like to play with them, pet them, play fetch, etc. But they just don't belong in restaurants, retail/grocery stores, amusement parks, community events, etc. It's not "cute," it's disruptive, inconsiderate of others, and potentially unhygienic. In certain places, it's illegal.

Please take them to the doggie park and/or exercise them in your backyard (you did make sure you had adequate space to exercise that hyperactive lab before you adopted him, right? 🤦‍♂️) .

Things you can't stand that others seem to find cute?​

100% these guys. First thing that came to mind reading OP's prompt!
To go along with the cutzie words (I didn't think your Cute-zy was cutzie enough, LOL) is this forum's obsession with abbreviating everything. Often I have no idea what anyone is talking about because of all the abbreviations.
I hate forum abbreviations as well! First off, there is a translation lag where I'm trying to translate rather than getting the point of the post. Too many abbreviations and I'm off to the next post. Not worth my time to play the game. I don't abbreviate. I write out "my wife, my daughter, Port Orleans, Poly (ok, that one's technically an abbreviation) Fort Wilderness, maybe The Fort (also technically an abbreviation)". I'm not the greatest typist in the world but I am capable of typing complete sentences and words. It doesn't take that much additional effort.


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