Things you can't stand that others seem to find cute?

100% these guys. First thing that came to mind reading OP's prompt!
What are you, some kind of monster?
Women acting like their husbands are helpless man children and that's ok. He's a grown *** man, he's perfectly capable of loading the dishwasher. He just does it wrong so you stop asking him do it, Stephanie. 🙄

My apologies for the very specific example. Drawing on some very recent personal experience. 🤣🤣🤣
Mine can load the dishwasher wrong all he likes! The only thing I redo is if he puts the trash cans back wrong. 😆

We have a rather old-fashioned division of chores at the moment, but it has fluctuated greatly over the years depending on whether I was working full-time, part-time, or home with a little one.
I am perfectly capable and have the knowledge and skill set to cook, eat and I can even understand the working of a modern washer and dryer. Thankfully, I don't have to wash my clothes, clean the house or cook my meals. I can come home from work, get changed into more comfortable clothes, while my wife makes me a cocktail and then I can relax as she prepares dinner and we have some conversation. I can have conversations with my children or catch up on the news or whatever. It works for us.

This is exactly how I grew up.
When it comes to cooking, I dare to say I am the more skilled cook. I like to watch cooking shows find recipes and even experiment on my own. Once I find something I like, I instruct my wife on how I like it prepared and voila she makes it from then forward. I am the only one in my home that eats seafood, so I instructed my wife on how to prepare all of my favorite seafood dishes and she makes them to my standards.

I was with you until this post.
I hate forum abbreviations as well! First off, there is a translation lag where I'm trying to translate rather than getting the point of the post. Too many abbreviations and I'm off to the next post. Not worth my time to play the game. I don't abbreviate. I write out "my wife, my daughter, Port Orleans, Poly (ok, that one's technically an abbreviation) Fort Wilderness, maybe The Fort (also technically an abbreviation)". I'm not the greatest typist in the world but I am capable of typing complete sentences and words. It doesn't take that much additional effort.
The FA's really make it difficult to just read to grasp the context of the post. I couldn't imagine someone of a DNL trying to deal with the TL while trying to get the point of the post. Some just put abbs everywhere and I too stop reading and MO. TIOTE as they say, I have BT's to do. I don't even know what "D" is with DW, DH, DS, and DD, just my educated guess. Then you add all the NIM's and you have MIL or FIL, but those are PC abbs. Many are of age where they have GGD's and GGS's and then there's the GS and GD which the poster could be the GD or GM or they could just be a GP.

Now we get into a little different PC and I have to ask, if it's DS and DD, then why isn't it DGS and DGD or DGGS and DGGD. And those with a DGS, DGD, DGGS, or DGGD, why are they not DGD or DGM, which together would both be DGP which is different than a DGP.

I know, perhaps with every post, one should list the references below.

FA - Forum Abbreviations
DNL - Different Native Language
TL - Translation Lag
abbs - abbreviations
MO - move on
TIOTE - Time is of the essence
BT's - better things
NIM's - non-immediate family
MIL - Mother-in-Law
FIL - Father-in-Law
NIM's - non-immediate family
PC - Definition #1 - pretty common
GGD/GGS - Great granddaughter/Great grandson
GS/GD - grandson/granddaughter
GD/GM - granddad/grandma
GP - grandparent
PC - Definition #2 - Politically correct
DGS/DGD - Dear grand son/Dear grand daughter
DGGS/DGGD - Dear great grandson/Dear great granddaughter
DGD/DGM - Dear granddad Dear Grandma
DGP - Definition #1 - Dear grandparent
DGP - Definition #2 - Dear Godparent

It just seems so much simpler to type them out in the post to begin with than to have to explain what you are trying to portray with your prose.
This is exactly how I grew up.

I was with you until this post.
What's wrong with the post? I myself didn't expect to wake up at 4 am every morning, leave my home and my family for half the day, come home after 12 hours of extremely hot work, cook dinner, clean up the kitchen from not just dinner but from the wife all day, clean the house, scrub the toilets, do the laundry, after cleaning up all her clothes off the floor, cut the grass, change the oil in her car, fix the nagging engine light coming on in my car, wash the cars, clean up the garage, sort old clothes to give away, paint the house, put a new roof on, and clean the litter box even though I don't want a cat every day because she was busy laying out under the apple trees in the shade on a blanket reading a book with the baby all day long.
Little / Young girls wearing inappropriate bikinis. I have no issues with modest ones with coverage, but there are some that just send out creepy vibes. Way too risqué for a little girl.

No 7 year old girl should wear a sexy swimsuit. It’s disgusting. Yuck!!!
What's wrong with the post? I myself didn't expect to wake up at 4 am every morning, leave my home and my family for half the day, come home after 12 hours of extremely hot work, cook dinner, clean up the kitchen from not just dinner but from the wife all day, clean the house, scrub the toilets, do the laundry, after cleaning up all her clothes off the floor, cut the grass, change the oil in her car, fix the nagging engine light coming on in my car, wash the cars, clean up the garage, sort old clothes to give away, paint the house, put a new roof on, and clean the litter box even though I don't want a cat every day because she was busy laying out under the apple trees in the shade on a blanket reading a book with the baby all day long.
Pretty sure that's not what they were referring to
What's wrong with the post? I myself didn't expect to wake up at 4 am every morning, leave my home and my family for half the day, come home after 12 hours of extremely hot work, cook dinner, clean up the kitchen from not just dinner but from the wife all day, clean the house, scrub the toilets, do the laundry, after cleaning up all her clothes off the floor, cut the grass, change the oil in her car, fix the nagging engine light coming on in my car, wash the cars, clean up the garage, sort old clothes to give away, paint the house, put a new roof on, and clean the litter box even though I don't want a cat every day because she was busy laying out under the apple trees in the shade on a blanket reading a book with the baby all day long.
Nothing is wrong with one person doing the lion's share of the housework if they're home all day and the other isn't, but that poster indicated that they both went out to work, which I feel requires a more equal division of home responsibilities.
What's wrong with the post? I myself didn't expect to wake up at 4 am every morning, leave my home and my family for half the day, come home after 12 hours of extremely hot work, cook dinner, clean up the kitchen from not just dinner but from the wife all day, clean the house, scrub the toilets, do the laundry, after cleaning up all her clothes off the floor, cut the grass, change the oil in her car, fix the nagging engine light coming on in my car, wash the cars, clean up the garage, sort old clothes to give away, paint the house, put a new roof on, and clean the litter box even though I don't want a cat every day because she was busy laying out under the apple trees in the shade on a blanket reading a book with the baby all day long.
It was just the last part about cooking that came across kind of... condescending? It rubbed me the wrong way, too, though it may have just been how it was worded.
Nothing is wrong with one person doing the lion's share of the housework if they're home all day and the other isn't, but that poster indicated that they both went out to work, which I feel requires a more equal division of home responsibilities.
I jumped in, I admit. Went back and read his first post.

Ok, I agree. After they both come home from work and after he cuts the grass, washes the cars, changes the oil, puts the new roof on the house, he should definitely be doing the cooking and cleaning as well.

I'd bet money, if the wife looks out the window and sees the husband doing a crappy job of cutting the grass, he's not going to hear the end of it for a while.

I just don't understand the equality thing when people talk about wanting the other to do everything, or do all of their workload while taking half of the other's workload. It was a big issue with me when I was married.

The best one was when she "complained" that all she wanted was a day to sleep in, and I'm thinking waking up at 8 am instead of 4 am is sleeping in. But because of "equality" I have to agree with the thought that waking up at 8 am sucks so much more than waking up at 4 every day.
It was just the last part about cooking that came across kind of... condescending? It rubbed me the wrong way, too, though it may have just been how it was worded.
What if the husband cuts the grass different than the wife wants? What if he decides he doesn't want to change the oil in her car, or he decides that every 7500 miles which is common now is fine but she remembers her parents' back in her childhood with 1970's cars and fights with you because you need to change the oil every 3000 miles.

I get it. I did come home every day to a cooked meal, and real food at that as she didn't cook from boxes. However, I do know the result of the taste and enjoyment of a meal that is frozen chicken breasts taken from the freezer, tossed in a cold pan, fill the pan with water, and put it on the stove to cook and it isn't good. Barely capable of chocking the rubber chicken down. And then, as I wake up again for the 157th day this year of the past 4 years at 4 am and stop on my way to work to buy a slice of pizza for my lunch so I don't have to try and chew up that chicken to swallow it and get yelled at for spending money.

Oh, I know. "Well then do the cooking yourself!" With what? She does the grocery shopping. We have $200 to spend. Get home, "I spent $375 on groceries." What? How? Oh, here comes the daughter, is that a new $56 Under Armor sweatshirt she is wearing? Can she eat that for dinner? Is this new rug in front of the sink, is that dessert? Pretty difficult to do those when you don't have any money left to pay the bills let alone go buy more food for you to cook because the grocery budget is all stuff for her.

A big issue with society is as far back as I can remember, men have been nothing more than just a paycheck.
What if the husband cuts the grass different than the wife wants? What if he decides he doesn't want to change the oil in her car, or he decides that every 7500 miles which is common now is fine but she remembers her parents' back in her childhood with 1970's cars and fights with you because you need to change the oil every 3000 miles.

I get it. I did come home every day to a cooked meal, and real food at that as she didn't cook from boxes. However, I do know the result of the taste and enjoyment of a meal that is frozen chicken breasts taken from the freezer, tossed in a cold pan, fill the pan with water, and put it on the stove to cook and it isn't good. Barely capable of chocking the rubber chicken down. And then, as I wake up again for the 157th day this year of the past 4 years at 4 am and stop on my way to work to buy a slice of pizza for my lunch so I don't have to try and chew up that chicken to swallow it and get yelled at for spending money.

Oh, I know. "Well then do the cooking yourself!" With what? She does the grocery shopping. We have $200 to spend. Get home, "I spent $375 on groceries." What? How? Oh, here comes the daughter, is that a new $56 Under Armor sweatshirt she is wearing? Can she eat that for dinner? Is this new rug in front of the sink, is that dessert? Pretty difficult to do those when you don't have any money left to pay the bills let alone go buy more food for you to cook because the grocery budget is all stuff for her.

A big issue with society is as far back as I can remember, men have been nothing more than just a paycheck.
You're reading WAAAAAY too much into this based on your own history.
You're reading WAAAAAY too much into this based on your own history.
Not just my history. History of nearly every couple I know. The woman rules over the man and if the man says just one little thing about how something is cooked, then it's all out war, yet the woman can tell the husband how to do everything he does and it's perfectly acceptable. I see it with everyone.

There's a reason SWMBO is a common saying, or happy wife happy life, or any of the other sayings.
Pugs, or any flat faced dog or cat.
I think it's because I once had a neighbor with one, it was so friendly but it's face was covered in snot all the time.
Yes, I find most small dogs to be kind of gross, but the ones with snot and goopy eyes are the worst. And then people always seem to be holding and kissing them and going on and on about how adorable they are. :sick:

I hate "boys will be boys" as an excuse for not teaching your sons to be decent human beings.
One of my biggest pet peeves of the whole "boy mom" thing.

Another bothersome mother/son thing I've seen and heard in recent years is this weird jealous mentality of "I'm the most important woman in his life and always will be/I'll destroy anyone who doesn't treat my son as well as I do". Where I live this is somehow viewed as "cute", but I find it particularly disturbing in the context of boys/teens (because, of course, the "other woman" they are viewing as a threat is a girl/teen). I suppose it's similar to the "dad with a shotgun/no one dates my daughter" thing that has been around for ages, which I also do not find cute at all.

No 7 year old girl should wear a sexy swimsuit. It’s disgusting. Yuck!!!
I have never seen a small child in a bathing suit that I would consider "sexy". Do you just mean more exposed skin?

I do know some people who find any two piece bathing suit on a girl to be inappropriate, so I'm not sure if that's what you mean by sexy or if there are actual features that you are referring to. (My daughters are both adults now so I have not been looking at any little girls' suits lately)

You're reading WAAAAAY too much into this based on your own history.
I feel like that's 95% of his posts.
Not just my history. History of nearly every couple I know. The woman rules over the man and if the man says just one little thing about how something is cooked, then it's all out war, yet the woman can tell the husband how to do everything he does and it's perfectly acceptable. I see it with everyone.
I think you have a skewed perspective due to your bad experience and you tend to make assumptions about others based on that. If your description of married life truly applies to every couple you know then perhaps it was the result of all of them being raised in similarly dysfunctional households and they all grew up thinking that was "how every married couple acts". Of course there are some people who act like that, but that is certainly not "normal".

I have read many of your negative posts about women and relationships over the years and I do genuinely feel bad that you had those experiences, but that really is not how ALL marriages are. There are countless people who have very happy and functional relationships. There is no scenario in which I could possibly fathom "ruling over my husband" or having an "all out war" over some constructive criticism from him. In 23+ years I don't believe I have ever told him what to do or how to do it (unless he explicitly asked me). We have never had a single argument over money or chores/division of labor. We both have very similar personalities, similar values, similar financial habits, etc. so there's really no conflict. Unfortunately, you married someone that you were incompatible with in all of those areas and wound up miserable.
Children coming to my table at a restaurant or leaning over the booth into our dining area.

Tik Tok videos of kids cursing or being disrespectful .

Posting 17 or more selfies a day on FB.

This is Us signs

“Kitchen” , “gather”, “home”, “blessed”, “thankful”. Signs. I am thankful, blessed and know where I am in My home. I don’t need signs.


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