Things that gross you out in WDW!

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I hope you didn't think I was being a smart alleck. I truly didn't understand why you (and your mom) didn't take the dole whip and eat it somewhere else, but I understand now that she is afraid it will make a mess.

Oh no, I didn't :goodvibes no worries.

They're very messy... they're often even poured messy so she's really just trying to limit the messiness to her hands.
Here's a kinda funny "gross" story.

During my last visit, I was with my sister and we went to ride Ellen's Energy Adventure. At the last minute a very large man sat right next to us even though there were plenty of other empty seats. And he. Smelled. TERRIBLE. It wasn't even like a B.O. smell. It was more like a musty, rotten, stinky foot kind of smell. We talked about making a run for it before the ride actually started but we were too late!

We couldn't even pay attention to the ride. We were too busy gagging and trying to cover our noses. Totally ruined it for us. The weirdest part was that he chose to sit so close to us when there was so much was like he specifically chose us to torture with his stench :laughing:
I'm not anti-smoker. I really don't care what anyone does if they're only harming themselves. But I really just think these are poorly placed DSAs. This is especially true for the Pop location described above. That's all.

I know those locations, stayed at POP once. They do have alternative way to walk through food court but I agree it is not very convenient but for person with asthma or allergies possible. I must say those areas are equally uncomfortable to smokers as well, tiny, non covered, feels like you are at display. Behind buildings would be much better IMO. I personally believe that they created DSA areas not for non smokers convenience but simply for safety and cost cut. It is not a good idea to walk and swing a fire into someone's arm or worth, face. It is also a hidden cost of operation cut, less to clean, less money to pay to hourly workers. JMHO.
I've never eaten a Dole Whip, so I'm not 100% sure about the layout of Aloha Isle, but are you not allowed to take the snack after you have gotten it and eat it somewhere away from the smoking area? I don't understand why you have to wait in the smoke while your mom finishes her snack.

I'm the poster who thinks the DSA is ridiculiously placed at the Dole Whip stand. The soft serve melts incredibly fast, and I hate walking and eating at the same time....I guess I can't multi-task very well....;) I should be able to order food, sit down and enjoy it without it tasting and smelling like smoke. That is the waste of a perfectly good pineapple imo....:goodvibes
I know those locations, stayed at POP once. They do have alternative way to walk through food court but I agree it is not very convenient but for person with asthma or allergies possible. I must say those areas are equally uncomfortable to smokers as well, tiny, non covered, feels like you are at display. Behind buildings would be much better IMO. I personally believe that they created DSA areas not for non smokers convenience but simply for safety and cost cut. It is not a good idea to walk and swing a fire into someone's arm or worth, face. It is also a hidden cost of operation cut, less to clean, less money to pay to hourly workers. JMHO.

I don't think they were created for anyone's convenience.

I used to work in a restaurant that was more or less like a kiosk or a food cart but apart of a big skyscraper. It was out in the open and along one of the light rail lines in Portland. It felt like I was on exhibit in a museum because nearly everyone would stare at us. It was very weird in the beginning but I got used to it, sort of.

I can definitely understand how that would feel as a smoker. And, as a smoker, I'm sure you (the general 'you') would a handful of dirty looks and scowls, looks which I never had to experience at this job. Honestly, if it was only moved 10-15 feet down the path it would be good for everyone! Non-smokers wouldn't catch a huge draft of smoke and smokers wouldn't be on display.
I don't think they were created for anyone's convenience.

I used to work in a restaurant that was more or less like a kiosk or a food cart but apart of a big skyscraper. It was out in the open and along one of the light rail lines in Portland. It felt like I was on exhibit in a museum because nearly everyone would stare at us. It was very weird in the beginning but I got used to it, sort of.

I can definitely understand how that would feel as a smoker. And, as a smoker, I'm sure you (the general 'you') would a handful of dirty looks and scowls, looks which I never had to experience at this job. Honestly, if it was only moved 10-15 feet down the path it would be good for everyone! Non-smokers wouldn't catch a huge draft of smoke and smokers wouldn't be on display.

Agree, I would actually move it to the left, along food court wall, somewhere after tables end, private enough and off the way.
Children in the smoking areas gross me out.
The poor kids.
You just know that their parents probably smoke with them in the car and at home as well.
Totally grosses me out.
posted by MADCAM
But I have to say one of the most disgusting/disturbing things I have ever seen I saw at WDW in 2007. DH, 2 DDs and I were on the bus to DTD and the bus was really crowded. All four of us had to sit in two seats with our umbrella stroller laid across our double laps. In front of us are two guys in their early 20s. Upon closer inspection I notice that they are slightly unkempt and dirty (looked like they hadn't showered in a day or five) but that's fine, whatever. Then I see "them":scared:. About 10-15 live lice crawling all over the head and neck of the guy directly in front of me. Anyone that has ever had a kid come home with lice and has spent HOURS picking nits out of long hair while that child cries because they have to sit still for so long and then spend more hours delousing your home and car knows exactly what I mean when I say that was the longest bus ride of my life. I must have done 4 head checks that night on my family! It was absolutely nasty.[/QUOTE]

I don't even have to read past this post, this is GROSS!!!! I think I would've taken my boys to get their head shaved:scared1::scared1::scared1:
posted by MADCAM
But I have to say one of the most disgusting/disturbing things I have ever seen I saw at WDW in 2007. DH, 2 DDs and I were on the bus to DTD and the bus was really crowded. All four of us had to sit in two seats with our umbrella stroller laid across our double laps. In front of us are two guys in their early 20s. Upon closer inspection I notice that they are slightly unkempt and dirty (looked like they hadn't showered in a day or five) but that's fine, whatever. Then I see "them":scared:. About 10-15 live lice crawling all over the head and neck of the guy directly in front of me. Anyone that has ever had a kid come home with lice and has spent HOURS picking nits out of long hair while that child cries because they have to sit still for so long and then spend more hours delousing your home and car knows exactly what I mean when I say that was the longest bus ride of my life. I must have done 4 head checks that night on my family! It was absolutely nasty.

I just threw up in my mouth. :sad2:
Not a personal attack on you, but this really gets me riled up - and here's why: BOOZE.

It's marketed heavily in every park except MK. Heavens, it's in most restaurants, predominant at the pool bars, even in STREET VENDOR carts that look like giant slushie machines! I've seen parents pushing strollers with one hand and balancing giant beer mugs in the other :sad2:

I understand you do not want to smell smoke because you can't tolerate it for whatever reason. DH doesn't like to be around people who are drinking because of his alcoholic father. It makes him physically ill to smell it. is legal and allowed on Disney property. So is DH going to give the stink-eye to everyone weaving through World Showcase? No..he's going to ignore it and enjoy his hard-earned vacation. At least the smokers are (supposed to be) in well-marked, easily avoidable locations.

agreed! we went during spring break - lots of college kids - drinking lots!! this is a family destination catering to LITTLE KIDS - go to universal! LOL!
Unflushed toilets and mucus...other than that, not much grosses me out. I think my job helps with this..I am more than capable of being in a surgery with traumatic amputations and then going to eat lunch/supper. Also, you'd be surprised at the number of people who don't shave their legs,clean out their belly button and/or their nooks and crannies.(found a bit of a sandwich in a very large woman's stomach folds:eek:) Because of all this, I'm immune to a lot of the grossness. Even vomit.

I totally agree. I once found a pair of false teeth in one patient's who-who.
I guess it must have seemed a safe place to keep them before surgery :)
Nothing really grosses me out because I don't pay attention to other people as much as I should I guess, but two things I will comment on (and probably make faces about :rotfl: ) are couples that make out in line and people with bad body odor. In fact, I'll take the B.O. over the make-outs. I'm at Disney World, not the mall.
Originally Posted by goofyernmost
I know that this is going to sound mean and uncaring but here's the deal. Your allergies are yours and yours alone. The world cannot be expected to take anything but reasonable measures to accommodate your problems. Designated smoking areas are a reasonable and in many ways extreme measure to make your stay pleasant but they cannot do it all, nor should they be expected too.

Those that do not stay in the designated area should be dealt with by authorities within the parks. If they don't then complaints should be made. Those that do what is asked should not be made to feel that they have caused you harm because you were not watching out for yourself and you didn't avoid the areas. There aren't many of them in the parks to avoid, it should be simple. Remember you are the one that gets the reaction not them.

I had a leg injury late last year year that left me with a minor but permanent disability. I have a real problem on stairs going up, but mostly down. Uneven pavement can catch me by surprise and drop me to the ground. Still, that is my problem. I must be ever alert to the dangers that affect me uniquely. If I had an allergy to smoke I would do what is necessary to avoid the smoke. It is not the smokers problem it is yours. It is not anyone's problem that I have a hardship with uneven ground so, I will not demand that everything be flat and level because I might fall.

It is just a matter of time before smoking will be banned everywhere in this country, in the meantime perhaps compromise is called for.

I do not expect the world to accomodate me - but I do expect smokers to smoke in the designated areas. I do avoid the smoking areas like the plague. There have been many instances where people are smoking while walking through the park and in non smoking areas at the hotels. I was walking right outside the building on my way to Mara at AKL and some guy was just standing there talking on the phone, smoking and blowing it straight out. I was alone and he was a rather large man, and I did not feel comfortable telling him that this was not a designated smoking area. Just some common courtesy would be nice. I just hold my breath and walk through it as fast as I can.:sick: I certainly would not take away anyones right to harm themselves - that's their choice. I would just prefer not to be exposed to it.
agreed! we went during spring break - lots of college kids - drinking lots!! this is a family destination catering to LITTLE KIDS - go to universal! LOL!

untrue. MYRIADS of adults visit disney World without children. It is a very popular honeymoon destination.

drunks who are disorderly should be dealt with, but alcohol is (and should be) allowed. mucho $ is spent by adults (without children) at WDW.

as far as smoking, most DSAs are avoidable. I have seen people post that they should not have to check out where the DSAs are if they don't smoke.

but I have often said that the DSA by Aloha Isle is silly. (and I smoke). sometimes there is no Rhyme or reason.

now a dsa that "poofed"' for no good reason is the one facing the dancing fountain at Epcot. it was set SO way back, there was no way anyone could even come near it unless they wanted to.:confused3
untrue. MYRIADS of adults visit disney World without children. It is a very popular honeymoon destination.

drunks who are disorderly should be dealt with, but alcohol is (and should be) allowed. mucho $ is spent by adults (without children) at WDW.

as far as smoking, most DSAs are avoidable. I have seen people post that they should not have to check out where the DSAs are if they don't smoke.

but I have often said that the DSA by Aloha Isle is silly. (and I smoke). sometimes there is no Rhyme or reason.

now a dsa that "poofed"' for no good reason is the one facing the dancing fountain at Epcot. it was set SO way back, there was no way anyone could even come near it unless they wanted to.:confused3

while people of all ages enjoy disney - it does cater to young children. not saying other people shouldn't be there - if it didn't market to families with little ones, there would be no rides for babies/toddlers/small kids.

have you been to universal - even the mildest rides whip around and have a little edge.

enjoy away - but make no mistake - this is a family destination.
hubby and I have been to both Universal and WDW , LOTS.

we know both , love them. we prefer Disney. and it is ALSO an adult destination. (there is a thread on this board for adults and solo travelers).
there are many things to do, for both groups. no way could we have enjoyed the Segway tours, had our grandkids been with us. but I am looking forward to taking them and enjoying Character meals with them. but I would no take them into Kimono's for Karaokee. Jelly Rolls is an adults only venue, as is Atlantic City dance hall.

hubby and I enjoy strolling around epcot with a Japanese beer of a frozen Margarita. and enjoy the films in the countries (won't be doing these with our little grandkids, they would be bored)

read some trip reports. some are families with kids. some are groups of adults. some are couples only. they ALL had great fun! (as we do, everytime we go... sans kids... Disney loves it that adults come without kids. they make lots of money off us)
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