The What's for Dinner Thread- June 2012 (recipe index in OP)

Good morning everyone,

Brandi ~ I am so glad that you got to Texas and was with your Aunt when she passed. Prayers and hugs my friend.

PIO ~ I have to tell ya - Doug and I love different grocery stores. I know we are weird, but when others walk the ruins, swim in the sea or see the sights, Doug and I always head for the markets. We just love 'em. So glad that your exchange student is settling in. What a great experience for DS also.

Alison ~ I would love the cod/halibut recipe. Sounds so good.
Slowly but surly you are getting settled. That is the hardest part of moving, is trying to find the right place for everything.

Kimmar ~ Yes sweetie, you are so right. You have no idea what a blessing Anna is. She is putting him in a good place mentally and physically and that is more than half the battle. Bless her heart.
Have you asked her for her cornbread recipe?

I made my lasagna yesterday. I even made 4 batches and have 3 in the freezer. Last weekend I made some homemade salsa and spaghetti sauce so I used the sauce in the lasagna. Man oh man it was good. Nothing special just the way my Momma made hers. Noodles, sauce, ricotta, and moz. cheese. Repeat with 3 layers and lots of Moz. cheese on top. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes or until the cheese is melted and just brown. YUM!!

We had a real struggle at the color run. It was so hot and the humidity was horrible. I have never seen humidity as bad as this. It really made it hard to breath and you couldn't see 50 feet in front of you. We made it though and did have fun. My goal was to not finish last and we - Doug, Lilly (in the stroller) and I finished in the middle. Matthew finished first. We were pretty proud. I didn't want any color, plus Stephanie didn't really want the stroller colorized so when we got to each station we just walked around. But Doug loved it and was very colorful. As sweaty as we were the colors were pretty.

WFDT ~ Grilled chicken salads, corn muffins and fresh strawberries.

Make it a great day.
Kimmar ~ Yes sweetie, you are so right. You have no idea what a blessing Anna is. She is putting him in a good place mentally and physically and that is more than half the battle. Bless her heart.
Have you asked her for her cornbread recipe? .....

....:rotfl: no, not yet...
Yucky yucky Tuesday - I'll explain later. :p

Kimmar ~ Well sweetie, if it's that good we need the recipe. :rotfl2:

Brandi ~ Welcome home!! Please remember the good times and find peace that you were there. Prayers are surrounding you!

Ok today is NOT a good day. I am prepping for a colonoscopy tomorrow. YUCK!!! This is the part that is the worst!!! I won't be around tomorrow, so I will talk to you all on Thursday.

WFDT ~ yucky stuff and water. Doug better not bring anything home. I told him he was on his own and to eat out!! I don't even want to smell it.

Make it a great day! I will try!!!!!
Ellen ~


....meanwhile, what was for dinner last night? Chicken/turkey burgers on whole wheat buns with guacamole.....I mixed the 2 kinds of meat with 1 finely diced frying pepper, 3 diced garlic cloves, some Montreal Steak seasoning (2 shakes) and 4 T. Wishbone Chipotle Ranch dressing. I grilled them and used lo-fat Swiss cheese on top. They were AWESOME! I served them with grilled zucchini....
....what was or dinner last night? Chicken piccata with sautéed summer squash....
Ellen - Take care and I hope it all goes well.

Brandi - Welcome back. So sorry for your loss. :hug:

Kimmar - your dinners sound great! And foggy conversation is what I've been enjoying.

I still need to load up the lasagna meal and post pictures. We had that on Saturday night.
Sunday was cauliflower soup. We spent the day showing the student the city and completely O.D. on food and sweet things in the city.
Monday was homemade burgers. YUM!
Tuesday night was baked potatoes.
Tonight was dinner with mum.

I'm taking the student to the mall tomorrow night. So, we'll have whatever we feel like from the food court.

Hope you're all doing well.
.....oooooh, cauliflower soup! I love cauliflower....that sounds good!

Leek, cauliflower, carrot (1 - and then removed before you blitz it up), potato, stock. Add some cinnamon to the pot and simmer until the cauliflower is soft. Blitz and serve.

I have tried it with some parmesan rind in it as well. It's great with the added flavour.
...potatoes flavored with ranch dressing? :confused3

You take small red potatoes, put in a bowl, add about 1/4 cup olive oil and a packet of ranch dressing seasoning. Mix it all up so it's all combined. Put on cookie sheet and cook at 425* for about 30-40 mins (tossing them around every 15 mins or so).

This is the first time I'm using ranch seasoning. I've made them before with Lipton Onion Soup mix. But wanted something a bit different.
You take small red potatoes, put in a bowl, add about 1/4 cup olive oil and a packet of ranch dressing seasoning. Mix it all up so it's all combined. Put on cookie sheet and cook at 425* for about 30-40 mins (tossing them around every 15 mins or so).

This is the first time I'm using ranch seasoning. I've made them before with Lipton Onion Soup mix. But wanted something a bit different.

....that sounds awesome, but since my DH has Celiac, I can't purchase any of those packaged products....of course, they specifically say 'GF'....
Ellen, good!

Everyone else your dinners sound great! I'm on a quick flyby. We keave for Vegas today for almost a week. No cooking for me for a while!
Morning all, last night's dinner was cabbage slaw, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers... All raw and cold,

David added a cooked chicken breast.

Tonight I have no idea, since I was away during menu planning, we have been flying by the seat of our pants.


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