The Running Thread - 2016

Here is an article that some may find useful regarding the amount of protein endurance athletes need:

Runner's World :: Distance Runners May Need More Protein

It's an interesting study. Here's what I get from reading the scientific paper (my opinion and by no means a robust analysis):

9 total subjects enrolled in the study
2 never completed anything
1 only did one test and then dropped out
1 only did two tests and then dropped out
Thus, the majority of the data is based on 5 individuals (although they claim 6 because they include the one with two tests)

The people participating are tiny. They are average weight of 142 lb males, age 28, with a 12% body fat, and are about 5'8". Their average VO2max is 60, which puts them into the upper end of endurance athletes. So, they're gifted endurance athletes who are small and fit. Surprisingly they range in average distance per week from 28 miles to 80 miles (self-reported) which is a huge range for just 5 participants.

The test protein was administered in hourly doses so to induce a better protein absorption rate. The body can tolerate about 20-30 g protein per hour in consumption. Beyond that consumption rate, protein mostly is discarded or stored as fat and not useful to the body. The subjects were on 8-9 g carb/kg bw/day diet as well. That seems incredibly high to me.

The authors note that because females have a lower reliance on amino acid oxidation as a fuel source due to estrogen, that these results may not be applicable.

Looking at the graphical representation of the data shows @BuckeyeBama 's point that everyone is an individual. Because the conclusion is 1.65-1.83 g protein/kg body weight/day, but looking at the data set you can see points of data at 0.9-1.1 in the same relative range as the values received in the 1.7-3.0 range.

Overall conclusion, a study based on very few male subjects that fit the mold of small endurance athletes who are highly gifted with a wide range of weekly mileage. Subjects on an incredibly high carb intake diet which might influence their final conclusion. And with all that being said, while there is a trend towards higher protein giving better output in the parameters they analyzed, the individual data points show that there definitely can be outliers. Final conclusion - Needs more data.

For me personally, I consume about 1.8-2.1 g protein/kg body weight/day and 5.3-6.6 g carbs/kg body weight/day. I believe the consumption rate of protein is the critical step in this process.
Since everyone is talking about their 20 year old college I rowed a full marathon at 3:10. I used to be fast in a boat. But not faster than cheaprunnermike in no boat, apparently. :)
This made me laugh :) That is a long way to row row row your boat and it doesn't seem like you would be going very gently down the stream.
My 20-something year old self was overweight and out of shape...I don't miss him.
I'm not running any races prior to Chicago Marathon in October. About 4 weeks later I have a half on a fairly difficult course, so I really don't see me going under my PR... but I guess you never know. I signed up for it way before registering for Chicago. I don't plan on racing anything shorter until Feb/Mar.

ATTQOTD: (Current PR / Goal)
5k ( 22:41/ 22:30 would be nice... short races are hard)
10k ( 49:01/ 48:xx)
13.1 ( 1:47:55/ ??)
26.2 ( 4:15:57 / 3:49:xx)
Did my triathlon on Sunday in some steaming hot conditions...90º with a heat index touching 100º. On top of that I woke up feeling sick. Despite it all I still managed to put out a good effort and beat my 3:20 goal time, coming in at 3:15:53. Took 2nd in my age group and 20th overall.

Much more in-depth recap in my journal if you like pictures and have time to kill :)
I don't really need to reset any PRs. :) I ran cross country in HS, and my official PR for 5K way back then was 24:03, although in training for basketball (I played a year of D1 basketball), I probably hit more like 21:30-22:00. But then I mostly stopped running at all by my sophomore year in college and I didn't re-start again until I was 38.5, and didn't start running races until I was almost 39.5. So I'm ok still racing against my listed PRs... they were all set in the last 12 months. :D
I'm not running any races prior to Chicago Marathon in October. About 4 weeks later I have a half on a fairly difficult course, so I really don't see me going under my PR... but I guess you never know. I signed up for it way before registering for Chicago. I don't plan on racing anything shorter until Feb/Mar.

Your times are real close to mine... maybe a bit faster in most ;) My best half-marathon times have come in a race that is usually 4 weeks after the Disney Marathon. Just do a nice recovery for a couple weeks and ramp up a little on the long run and it works. Although it is not a difficult course.
@opusone is my dark side twin! I got the same book - but doing the Light Side this year! So excited for the Rebel Challenge - by the way the Rebel Challenge and Half races are still available.

The only other running book I've read is Born to Run. I love reading, but don't typically read advice books.

ATTQOTD: (Current PR / Goal)
5k ( 22:32 / 21:50 )
10k ( 45:17 / 45:00)
13.1 ( 1:42:28 / 1:40:00 )
26.2 ( n/a )

Not too aggressive, so hopefully achievable! Would love to just do a marathon one day ....

We are twins in more than one way... our half PRs are only 11 seconds apart!
ATTQOTD: (Current PR / Goal)
5k ( 38:22/ 37:00) like everyone else, I don't run a lot of these)
10k ( 1:26:11/ 1:15) My PR was at Star Wars light side in 2015 and I'm a bit faster now than I was then. This still might be stretching ...
13.1 ( 2.58.12/ 2:50) I'm not sure this goal is realistic either, but we shall see

I should say that those were my goals until getting injured in the last week. Man, injury sure does mess with your psyche doesn't it? I was going through phases of I should never run again and why should I even try, I knew I wasn't a runner, etc., etc. My groin injury felt really bad on Saturday and when I saw some bruising start showing up in the area I started freaking out. I did more research on the injury and that made me assume I need surgery (I should probably mention that I'm a bit of a hypochondriac lol).

The good news is it made me get serious about trying to heal it. Ice, KT tape and Advil were my friends all weekend and even just by Sunday it was feeling a ton better. I'm even working from home today just to stay off it one more day. It was feeling so good yesterday that I wanted to go out for a run. lol. My research says that it should take 2-3 weeks to heal. So I guess I'm taking at least 3 weeks off. Phooey.
Also, needless to say I'm not going to STOP running, but I do think this is my wake-up call to perhaps get a warmup plan together before my runs. If anyone has a specific one they follow or something they can recommend (I"m not good on my own, obviously), I'm all ears.
Also, needless to say I'm not going to STOP running, but I do think this is my wake-up call to perhaps get a warmup plan together before my runs. If anyone has a specific one they follow or something they can recommend (I"m not good on my own, obviously), I'm all ears.

I can't say I follow it because I'm terrible about stretching except before races but you probably want to focus on dynamic stretches. Things like walking lunges, leg swings, and butt kicks. I always try to a combo of these before a race. Google dynamic running stretches and you'll find tons of examples of these.
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QOTD: What is your current PR's for the following distances: 5k, 10k, 13.1, and 26.2? What are you goals for those distances in the next 9 months?

Next 9 months would be almost end of March 2017?!!!
Hmmm....I don't have a lot of races scheduled as I am trying to focus on quality training time but we'll see if I find a way to squeeze some in:

5k: current 24:30 (no new goal)
10k: current 54:35 ( no new goal)
half: current 2:11:10/goal 2:04
Full: current 5:04:40ish/goal 4:09 (November 2016)

Follow up question about PRs.....Do you only consider actual race results from an official race for that distance only? Or do you allow yourself to use a segment from that run..For example....if you run a 48:00 10k in the middle of a half marathon, does that count?

How about practice runs, treadmill results, those count too?
(I'm only using actual results for specified distances, but I could be persuaded!)
ATTQOTD: (Current PR / Goal)

5K: (24:20/23:50)
10K: (55:49/53:00)
Half: (1:52:58/1:50:00)
Full: (4:49:23/NA)

I have target races for the 5K and half on the calendar in the next few months. I rarely run 10Ks and almost never as a target race, so my PR there doesn't really line up with my other races. The only 10K I'm signed up for right now is Wine & Dine which definitely won't be a PR effort. So not sure I'll get around to a race at that distance - maybe in the spring.
The good news is it made me get serious about trying to heal it. Ice, KT tape and Advil were my friends all weekend and even just by Sunday it was feeling a ton better. I'm even working from home today just to stay off it one more day. It was feeling so good yesterday that I wanted to go out for a run. lol. My research says that it should take 2-3 weeks to heal. So I guess I'm taking at least 3 weeks off. Phooey.
I hope you heal quickly!

Follow up question about PRs.....Do you only consider actual race results from an official race for that distance only? Or do you allow yourself to use a segment from that run..For example....if you run a 48:00 10k in the middle of a half marathon, does that count?

How about practice runs, treadmill results, those count too?
(I'm only using actual results for specified distances, but I could be persuaded!)

I only use actual timed races for PRs, but I think whatever you want to use is great!
Follow up question about PRs.....Do you only consider actual race results from an official race for that distance only? Or do you allow yourself to use a segment from that run..For example....if you run a 48:00 10k in the middle of a half marathon, does that count?

How about practice runs, treadmill results, those count too?
(I'm only using actual results for specified distances, but I could be persuaded!)

I consider segments in my PR - that's what my 5k PR is from. I started counting segments once I got my Garmin several years ago. It notified me at the end of my last 10k that I had 2 new PRs. The 10k and 5k. The watch counts it, so I do too. I also would count a training run PR, but I never run at race pace for any considerable distance during training.
Follow up question about PRs.....Do you only consider actual race results from an official race for that distance only? Or do you allow yourself to use a segment from that run..For example....if you run a 48:00 10k in the middle of a half marathon, does that count?

How about practice runs, treadmill results, those count too?
(I'm only using actual results for specified distances, but I could be persuaded!)

I allow PRs to be set in the middle of races only because I don't race the shorter distances often. I'm almost exclusively a half marathon / marathon runner so I don't give myself many opportunities for 5K/10K race PRs. With that being said, in my record book I put an asterisk next to the in-race records to differentiate. Last year during my Fall marathon I set a half PR in the 2nd half of the race and a 4th fastest PR in the 1st half of the race. You better believe I counted those for as long as they stood. Now if I have reason to believe my Garmin is wrong on distance for a mid-race PR then I likely won't count it.
Follow up question about PRs.....Do you only consider actual race results from an official race for that distance only? Or do you allow yourself to use a segment from that run..For example....if you run a 48:00 10k in the middle of a half marathon, does that count?

How about practice runs, treadmill results, those count too?
(I'm only using actual results for specified distances, but I could be persuaded!)

For me, I only count actual race results on USATF certified courses. The problem with segments of other runs or races is that you are usually dependent on either a GPS watch (which are never perfectly accurate) or on 5k or 10k race splits which, again, might not be a certified distance even if the race is certified.


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