The Running Thread - 2016

QOTD: What is your current PR's for the following distances: 5k, 10k, 13.1, and 26.2? What are you goals for those distances in the next 9 months?

ATTQOTD: (Current PR / Goal)
5k ( 27:53/ 27:30 )
10k ( 59:02/ 58:45)
13.1 ( 2:11:08/ between 2:07 and 2:10)
26.2 ( n/a / just finish)

My main goal from now until January is marathon prep. I am running two half marathons, Bull City Race fest in October and Richmond half in November, and I think I can PR in either of those. Since January will be my first marathon, I really just want to finish. I have a time that I think I can complete it in but I don't think I will be bummed if I don't make it. I really just want to have fun during he marathon with stopping for pictures, etc.
ATTQOTD - No PRs of this type recorded. I could guess, but what is the point. I could run a sub-20 minute 5k when I was in my 20s, and a sub 45 minute 10k. I never ran a half of full marathon until about 15 years ago, and my best times were in the first few years of running. Something like a 1:50 half and a 3:45 full, but I am not sure. Just like my medals, I really don't think much about my race times because I haven't been competitive about my running (since leaving the Army). I run for fun.

As for goals - I am disappointed in myself if I can't finish a 5k in less than 25 minutes, 10k in less than 54 minutes and a half in less than 2 hours, so I guess that those count as goals. For the full - I just want to finish while having fun.
ATTQOTD: (Current PR / Goal)
5k ( 21:49 / 21:00* )
10k ( 44:31 / 43:00* )
13.1 ( 1:38:32 / none )
26.2 ( 3:28:35 / 3:17:49 )
Dopey ( 6:45:30 / 6:30:00 )

I only have my marathon in October and Dopey on the schedule for the next 9 months. I'm hoping to PR the 5K and 10K at Dopey. I've only done one non-Dopey 5K/10K so those PRs typically happen during a half/full or Dopey. I don't have any half marathons on the schedule at this point. The marathon goal is what I'm currently training for, and based on the last week of training I'm at about a 3:15 marathon right now (not that I could go out and run one right now, but based on the current workouts). Given I have just started the marathon training and am attempting the most aggressive training plan I've ever done, I'm feeling optimistic that I'm going to destroy my goal time. My current weekly mileage PR is 63 miles and I'm planning on averaging 65 miles per week over the next 12 weeks (with a peak of 71). I'm hoping this new schedule will prove to me how realistic a sub-3 will be in October 2017.
QOTD: What is your current PR's for the following distances: 5k, 10k, 13.1, and 26.2? What are you goals for those distances in the next 9 months?

So, I reset my PRs when I turned 40 since it's no longer fair to compete against my 20-something self. Here are my post-40 PRs and short-term goals:

(Current PR / Short-Term Goal)
5k (21:21 / 20:45)
10k (45:58 / 45:00)
13.1 (1:42:17 / 1:40:00)
26.2 (NA / NA)
QOTD: What is your current PR's for the following distances: 5k, 10k, 13.1, and 26.2? What are you goals for those distances in t

My data list is in Florida and I'm not..
For me I often have 2 sets of PRs. True PR and 'got the head out of the butt after years of laziness' 2016 PRs.

5k-33 something/38:22
10k- 1:22
Half- 2:49/3:03
Full- 7:21

My PR goals are on hold for the next year... but my goals are first a sub 3 half then a 2:45 half. Once I get down to a 2:30 half I'll attempt another full.
QOTD: What is your current PR's for the following distances: 5k, 10k, 13.1, and 26.2? What are you goals for those distances in the next 9 months?
5k ( 37:11 / 36:30 )
10k ( 1:17:06 / 1:15:00 )
13.1 ( 3:27:13 / 2:59:59 )
26.2 ( N/A / N/A )

A few notes, I ran a 36:53 5k during training the weekend while running with a group so I should be able to get it a little lower once I'm not running in 80 degree weather. The 10k I was close to hitting until the last mile or two when I ran out of fuel so I think that's fairly realistic. Then for the 1/2 I'm going to be running it for the first time without friends and I expect my time to go down since I won't be distracted by talking or the wonders of Disney. The pace calculator estimates I should be able to hit 2:48 but I'd be happy with sub 3 hours. No plans for a marathon in the next 9 months. I'm thinking the next 18 or so.

Edit: Said minute. Meant mile.
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QOTD: What is your current PR's for the following distances: 5k, 10k, 13.1, and 26.2? What are you goals for those distances in the next 9 months?

5K- 27 something (I'm really bad at remembering my race times!)
10K- 56 something
13.1- 1:58 something
26.2- someday!

To be honest, I don't think I will ever beat the PRs I have. My approach to running has changed over the last couple of years where I want to be able to run for as long as I can, more than speed right now. Every time I tried getting faster I would get little injuries and I wasn't worth it to me. I still feel like I push myself by training for at least one half marathon a year, so I'm OK without a PR goal on my horizon. I really liked the suggestion from a while ago of wiping clean your PRs when you turn 40 (I can't remember who wrote that here), so in 6ish years I can start again! Something to look forward to ;)
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QOTD: What is your current PR's for the following distances: 5k, 10k, 13.1, and 26.2? What are you goals for those distances in the next 9 months?

ATTQOTD: (Current PR / Goal)
5k ( 23:30 / 22:00 )
10k ( 51:53 / 48:00 )
13.1 ( N/A / 1:45:00 )
26.2 ( N/A / 4:00:00 )

I've been putting in a lot of hard raining so I'm hoping the times for my first attempts at the longer distance will be achievable. They are a bit aggressive, but I should be able to make them if I stay focused.
Here is an article that some may find useful regarding the amount of protein endurance athletes need:

Runner's World :: Distance Runners May Need More Protein
We are all different, but my experience causes me to distrust this study.

My goal is 100g protein/day. You really have to try to get in that much protein without going over calorie counts (assuming you want to enjoy the taste of your food). This article suggests that I push that to over 130g/day. I just don't see that happening. I am almost 50 years old and work out a lot - I do P90X 5x/week and I run 40 miles/week. Even at my age I am able to recover quickly and maintain a weight lifter's muscle mass on 100g/day. I think that I will just trust what has been working for me for the last few decades.
QOTD: What is your current PR's for the following distances: 5k, 10k, 13.1, and 26.2? What are you goals for those distances in the next 9 months?

5K: 17:40
10K: 39:02
13.1: 1:25:38
26.2: 3:16:23

I have a feeling I'll never hit the 5K and Half times again but time will tell. I'd like to get back down below 1:30 for a half this year and back into the 18's for a 5K. The race I set my 10K PR I am running again this year and I am hoping I can get into the 39's.
QOTD: What is your current PR's for the following distances: 5k, 10k, 13.1, and 26.2? What are you goals for those distances in the next 9 months?
5K- I don't know my official time but it was somewhere around 35 minutes it was the WDW 5K this year.
10K- I have only run one and it was my first race ever. I think it was around 1 hour 11 minutes.
13.1- I have only run one this year and it was 2:46
26.2- 2017 will be my first

5K goal is under 30 minutes but I don't know if I will do that at Disney. Maybe at my 5K in July but I am running that with my younger sister.
10K goal is under an hour probably won't be doing that at Disney either.
13.1 my next half is part of dopey so it probably won't be a fast one.
26.2 my first marathon goal is to finish and complete dopey.

5K: 26.29 / beat post 40 PR of 27:57
10K: 1:04:28 / 59:00
13.1: 2:17:48 / 2:10
26.2: 5:45:35 / anything under but ideally under 5:00

My 5K PR was many moons ago, but I'm still holding out hope that my 40 year old self can get there again if I can devote some time into specifically training for a fast 5K - which will not be anytime soon. I've only ran one official 10K and that was a miserable race in the pouring rain, so I'm confident I can improve greatly there. My half times have improved over the last year, so I'm also confident I can continue to improve there too.

The next few months will be spent training to improve my one and only marathon time. I've gotten faster over the last 6 months and hopefully with cooler October temps I can knock a huge chunk of time off that one. For my 25K last month I maintained a steady 10:30 pace the entire 15.5 miles and felt like I had a lot of gas left in the tank, so hopefully that is a good indication I'll be able to run this one more efficiently. I know there are so many variables though...
On a different note, does anyone have a local running group that uses the phone area code as the group name? They've started popping up the last few months and in late-April/early-May we got one for my area code. It's just a facebook group with regular group runs for local of all levels to get together and run or hang out rather than a formal group with dues and such but I've been able to find people to run with every now and then, which is great in the summer when I can't convince myself to go out on my own.
Yes, although I don't think it's the same type of thing you describe. The one here has been around since 2011 (SIX03 Endurance)... it's a multi-sport club, not just a running club. It is a formal group with dues and apparel and stuff, although they also have weekly free pub runs.


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