The Running Thread - 2016

I ran my first ever 10K this morning, the Revolutionary Run in Washington Crossing, PA. It was my longest run to date but I think I did pretty well. 6.5 miles in 1:23:16. Now that I know I can complete this, I'm on to the Rock n Roll Half! Woop woop!! :cool1: Happy 4th of July everyone!

Congrats on your accomplishment! I actually almost signed up to do this...or was interested or something (was there a 5k option? that might have been it. I'm not ready for a 10k yet!) because I love history and always wanted to see where Washington crossed the delaware...and I live in Philly so it isn't too far!
I don't have a road I'd but I'd like to get one for myself and hubby.
Currently I have my last expired drivers license (they never took it from me) permanently inside my iPod armband wallet thing.
I don't have a road I'd but I'd like to get one for myself and hubby.
Currently I have my last expired drivers license (they never took it from me) permanently inside my iPod armband wallet thing.

I wear my RoadID, but I also run with a credit card (duh!), a state-issued ID (same as a DL, but way cheaper) and my insurance card. My husband - while handsome and doting - also is THE. WORST. EVER. about screening phone calls and answering numbers he's not familiar with. He's also gone a lot, so I want to have my bases covered. My larger SportID from RoadID has my Mom, Dad and Husband's phone numbers on them - along with my full name and birthdate. I hope that with that much info on me, someone will answer the damn phone if it's an emergency!!
Hi Everyone, I've been lurking since January since I don't have any Disney races in the near future, but had to share this: I ran my 30th (in a row) Peachtree Road Race 10k this morning!

I set a course PR: 50:30, which was 2 seconds better than last year. The heat was brutal. I've seen no official claims of this, but it certainly felt like the hottest Peachtree in the last 30 years.

I need to pop back out of lurking at some point to tell you what happens when you promise not to run any more marathons but then get bored...

Peachtree Road Race, the world's largest 10K! So you and I and my husband ran with approximately 59,997 other runner friends! It was only my 3rd time running it, but it was DH's 25th in a row. I am much slower than you (and DH) and did it in 1:10:23, not fast, but a little ahead of my goal. I was happy with it considering the heat and humidity. Any race where I cross the finish line is a win for me!
@LSUlakes Please update my distance on the OP for me! Also, will you add two races: September 5 Disney at Heart - Macon Labor Day Road Race 10K (1:10/ NA) and October 23 Disney at Heart - Atlanta 10 Miler (1:45/ NA)
Congratulations to all who raced this weekend. I lose track of all I have read about (caught up with SEVERAL pages this afternoon), but special kudos to those precious girls @Waiting2goback and to @bellrae who overcame such difficulty. All on this thread are such an inspiration to me.
I am not very good about running with ID/money. Sometimes I bring my driver's license and a credit card, but a lot of times I will just run with only my phone. I have to plan running routes around convenience stores to buy water because we don't have outdoor fountains up here, but a lot of times I'll put Dunkin Donuts at the appropriate spot that I need a new water, and I can use my Apple Pay with my phone for that. I do have the emergency contact stuff set up in my phone (the built in Apple thing, not just an ICE entry in the contacts).
I am not very good about running with ID/money. Sometimes I bring my driver's license and a credit card, but a lot of times I will just run with only my phone. I have to plan running routes around convenience stores to buy water because we don't have outdoor fountains up here, but a lot of times I'll put Dunkin Donuts at the appropriate spot that I need a new water, and I can use my Apple Pay with my phone for that. I do have the emergency contact stuff set up in my phone (the built in Apple thing, not just an ICE entry in the contacts).

I have an Otterbox wallet case. I just leave my license and insurance card in it. That way, I'm never without it.


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Hi Everyone, I've been lurking since January since I don't have any Disney races in the near future, but had to share this: I ran my 30th (in a row) Peachtree Road Race 10k this morning!

I set a course PR: 50:30, which was 2 seconds better than last year. The heat was brutal. I've seen no official claims of this, but it certainly felt like the hottest Peachtree in the last 30 years.

I need to pop back out of lurking at some point to tell you what happens when you promise not to run any more marathons but then get bored...
Please come back out of lurker status @OldSlowGoofyGuy! 30 in a row is pretty incredible, congrats
@Waiting2goback It was nice to see you and Matt on the route again. Congrats to you and your daughters, that's quite a accomplishment for those young ladies :)
I finished at 1:15:42, which is worse than my BAA 10k last weekend. I'm OK with that given the hilly course. That was really fun running into the stadium, definitely on my 'to do' for next year.

It was nice to see you as well. Thank you, they were very excited and are already asking to do it again next year. They actually wanted to do more this year but clearly I can't. Was this the first time you ran this course? It is very hilly so not surprising the time was slower than BAA, which is very flat. Both are equally crowded. I hope to do it next year as well.

My husband makes fun of me for my mileage. I run exactly the mileage in my plan. No more. No less. If I'm not quite to my house, I'll stop and walk the rest of the way. If I haven't hit my miles, I'll do some loops in front of my driveway. He will tack on a little more or come up a little short (typically less than .2 of a mile).

So who's the weirdo? Me or him?

Us runners, we are all weird so who are we to judge if you or your husband is weirder? I do some very weird things for sure.

I ran my first ever 10K this morning, the Revolutionary Run in Washington Crossing, PA. It was my longest run to date but I think I did pretty well. 6.5 miles in 1:23:16. Now that I know I can complete this, I'm on to the Rock n Roll Half! Woop woop!! :cool1: Happy 4th of July everyone!

Congrats on the new distance and a really good time at that. Keep up the good work and you will most likely have similar results at your 1/2.

Those girls look born to run! Great job by all of you

Thanks. Marisa (12) is more of a dancer but she is fast, so maybe she could become a runner. She's not much for pain so when it gets tough she might bail. Kara (8), she is my little freak of nature. I will sound like a bragging father here but this girl can do anything she wants physically. I have so much of it on video to prove it, otherwise people wouldn't believe it. Before her first birthday she used to do chin-ups on the kitchen table. When she did gymnastics at age 4-5, she could go from a headstand and push herself straight up unto a handstand.

I am just glad they had so much fun. I don't want to force this on them but if they love it and become runners it can only make them better people I would imagine, it has worked for me. I watched some of the video footage I took today and they were laughing most of the time, it's great.

Hi Everyone, I've been lurking since January since I don't have any Disney races in the near future, but had to share this: I ran my 30th (in a row) Peachtree Road Race 10k this morning!

I set a course PR: 50:30, which was 2 seconds better than last year. The heat was brutal. I've seen no official claims of this, but it certainly felt like the hottest Peachtree in the last 30 years.

I need to pop back out of lurking at some point to tell you what happens when you promise not to run any more marathons but then get bored...

Weren't you on the 2016 Marathon thread, your name looks familiar? Your name is OldSlowGoofyGuy and you ran a 50:30 10K in brutal heat? That isn't slow at all. Congrats on the PR.

I got hurt over a year ago and I'm still not back where I was before that. I think it's highly unlikely I'll do it again.

Who knows, maybe I will smarten up too.
Here is my mini race review.

I was hoping to leave my house by 3pm so we could arrive at the event at 4pm. This would give us enough time to eat, digest, and then be ready for the 5K at 6pm. My wife decided to go shopping earlier in the day and didn't make it home until 3:30. This through off all my plans. We ended up being able to eat but it was rushed and it lead to other issues, which I will discuss in a bit.

When we arrived the weather was perfect, but the sun was hot. Virtually no humidity, which is rare around here in July. It's a tough race to sign up for because it could be like FL, 90's with high humidity. I want to say it was about 80' when we got there but there was a slight breeze. We ate and while we were waiting for the food to cook I ran to the car to get some stuff I needed for the race, like my water bottle and the GoPro as I knew the girls would be thirsty during the race and I didn't want to depend on the water stations for their first race. I wanted them as comfortable as possible. I made it back and slid the keys to my wife (this is an important piece of info). We finished and rushed down to the starting line. It was packed. The corrals were overflowing onto the sidewalks. We got the before pictures and we got ready to go. I gave the girls some quick etiquette lessons and we started. By this time it was getting cooler, the breeze was nice, the sun was going down, making it hard to see in some spots. Overall, I was glad I made it to this race and was able to run it.

I had never run a 5K before and I am glad. This race was very frustrating for me. I am all for whatever it takes for people to get off the couch but there were so many walkers, who don't follow any etiquette at all, that it slowed us down. The girls finished in 36:49, which is a pace of 11:51 but there is no doubt we could have gone much faster had people not blocked us on the congested parts of the course. I also don't like 5K's because the first 3 miles are the worst for me of any run. I don't warm up until after 3-4 miles. I don't see myself doing many 5K's by myself in the future. I would obviously do more with them.

I had to try and push them a little during the race as I had to finish and then make it back to the car to switch bibs, get my water belt (last year I didn't have it and wished I did), etc... This course, as opposed to the 10K, about half the mileage is in the stadium, so that was cool. I don't know the official number but I believe there is at least 5000 runners for the 5K and there was 10,000 for the 10K.

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This is the view from the corral toward the starting line.

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This is the view toward the back of the pack.

Overall it was a fun race and I got a nice picture of us all in the stadium. I don't normally take selfies and the sun was in my eyes so I look a little goofy but it still came out pretty good considering it was mid run.

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This was almost at the end. We just needed to make our way down the ramps and then onto the field. They called Kara's name at the finish, so she was all excited because they were hoping they would hear their names. We made our way over to the rest of the family and got our pics taken, that you saw yesterday. Then I said to my wife, "I need the keys so I can go get my stuff." She says, "I don't have the keys, you do" She had left the keys and her sunglasses on the table at the restaurant. Meanwhile I had about 20 minutes to be ready for the 10K. She was in the stands and told me I would get them faster than her. So I told the girls that we needed to run back to the restaurant and try and get the keys. No big deal except the restaurant is at the top of a HUGE set of stairs.


As you can see I am not at the top of the stairs in this picture as the guy on the right is starting to climb more in the pic. We had to come from the field, in the distance, fly up these stairs, get the keys (which they had thankfully), fly back down the stairs to run to the car so I could switch bibs and stuff. Then I had to find my wife to take the girls. Thankfully we parked close to the starting line. I made it to Matt (we ran this one together too) as they were signing the national anthem. I don't have as many prerace pics for the 10K for obvious reasons. I essentially never stopped running between the races. I probably did a 1/2 marathon.

The 10K was fun, it was more uneventful for sure. The sun was down, the weather was perfect. This is a hilly course as Sue mentioned. Last year I did this course in 54:31. This year was 1:09:05. I wasn't even disappointed. I was in pain toward the end and this race, and I have been in pain all day today. I am glad I didn't push it. I wanted to enjoy my last race of the year and I did. The course is hilly but it didn't seem as bad this year, maybe because I knew what to expect. If I got enough good footage for a video I will post it later on.


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Ran the Lake County Captains Grand Slam 5K today and despite being a little warmer and sunnier than ideal I managed a 26:01 for a new PR.

I didn't report the race for the front page because I wasn't sure if it was going to be chip-timed or a certified course and wasn't sure how hard I was going to run it. Turned out to be both so I decided to try and go as quickly as possible. It was pretty congested for the first half mile, but I was pretty happy with how my race went.

I did that race as well. I had done an Akron Rubber Ducks race in April so I wanted to do both local minor league runs. Getting to meet Carlos Baerga and get my bib signed was a nice added bonus. I was a big Indians fan during his tenure here. Congratulations on a PR. I did three races this weekend, a 5K Friday night, the Captains Run Sunday, and a 5 Miler yesterday. I felt the previous two races in my legs yesterday and it cost me about a minute over the distance.

I was curious if anyone uses the Road ID bands?

I don't run super far (yet!) but looking at their website, it made me think, I go out running without any ID.

If I pass out/get hit by a car/etc no one will know who I am to contact my loved ones.

If you do have one, do you know what type you got (any pros or cons to any of them? I know its just a wristband... but if its constricting or rubs... I'll be uncomfortable)

Both my wife and I have the wrist ID Elite. I don't carry anything else with me when I run, not a wallet or phone or keys or anything, so I like having it on me.

My husband makes fun of me for my mileage. I run exactly the mileage in my plan. No more. No less. If I'm not quite to my house, I'll stop and walk the rest of the way. If I haven't hit my miles, I'll do some loops in front of my driveway. He will tack on a little more or come up a little short (typically less than .2 of a mile).

So who's the weirdo? Me or him?

I never stop short but I've gone past the house or car and back to get to my mileage if I miscalculated my route. I can't say I do loops but I've added an additional out and back to get up to the next full mile or to whatever distance goal I set myself. I usually run for distance in training, not time.
Good morning folks. Hope everyone had a good weekend. I am a bit behind on the thread, so I hope I did not miss anything when I start to update the OP. My little 5k this weekend turned more into a "fun run" as the two days prior included hanging out by the pool, BBQ, and cold beers. Race morning before the sun was up it was already 80 with a heat index of 92! Ended up with a 23:07. First half split was @ a 6:56 pace and the second half 7:59. Overall it was a good weekend despite the not so great effort on the 5k.
Weren't you on the 2016 Marathon thread, your name looks familiar? Your name is OldSlowGoofyGuy and you ran a 50:30 10K in brutal heat? That isn't slow at all. Congrats on the PR.

That's me. I did the half in 2016. I was on an accidental alternating Goofy-Disney Half plan.

The slowness kicks in at longer distances! The Old is always there. When I look at my Athlinks page, which shows overall (non-age group) percentiles for each distance, I have this:

5k - 14.9%
10k - 29.2%
Half - 44.0%
Full - 73.9%

I would be interested is seeing what others show for that. Maybe just the spread from highest to lowest if you don't want to give actual percentiles. So I have a 59% spread between my highest and lowest.
The slowness kicks in at longer distances! The Old is always there. When I look at my Athlinks page, which shows overall (non-age group) percentiles for each distance, I have this:

5k - 14.9%
10k - 29.2%
Half - 44.0%
Full - 73.9%

I would be interested is seeing what others show for that. Maybe just the spread from highest to lowest if you don't want to give actual percentiles. So I have a 59% spread between my highest and lowest.

I've never been able to make sense of those Athlinks percentiles. For example, my marathon states 54.7%, but for the marathon time listed, I was 14% in the actual race. Go figure. You should look at one of the equivalency calculators to see how your short vs. long distance PRs fair relative to one another.

Jack Daniels:
Runner's World:
Congratulations on your finish!

Congrats on your accomplishment! I actually almost signed up to do this...or was interested or something (was there a 5k option? that might have been it. I'm not ready for a 10k yet!) because I love history and always wanted to see where Washington crossed the delaware...and I live in Philly so it isn't too far!

Congrats on the new distance and a really good time at that. Keep up the good work and you will most likely have similar results at your 1/2.

Thanks everyone! It definitely felt good to accomplish something I've been working hard for.

DoctorintheTARDIS, Yes, there was a 5k, 10k, and 1 mile fun run option. It was my first time running this course and I would definitely do it again. I shot right up 95 and it took me about a half hour from Philly, not too bad at all. I've always wanted to see the reenactment of the crossing on Christmas but I typically end up forgetting. One year, I'll get there.
I had an age grade % on my last 5k which I think was first time I've had one show up on results. I was going to ask about it but then totally forgot.
I was in the top 14% of my age division for that specific race but it had me at 46.44 % for age grade. So does that mean compared to people my age nationally or something? It was not my best race but I think due to the high heat it was no one's best race that day :)

If I'm at 46.44 for all women my age...I'm down with that :)
Ok, so googling to understand this age grade thing. And I was close but not totally right. This chart shows what it is about.
  • 100% = Approximate World Record Level
  • 90-99% = World Class
  • 80-89% = National Class
  • 70-79% = Regional Class
  • 60-69% = Local Class
So if my age grade in that particular race was 46.44% it means that for someone my age compared to an ideal finish time...I've still got work to do. Luckily for me I'm not trying to win any races, even the "local class" ones. The funny thing is that I finish in the top 15-30% give or take for almost all my races so it just shows how small the pool of "local class" and above are.
You should look at one of the equivalency calculators to see how your short vs. long distance PRs fair relative to one another.

Plugging in my recent 5k PR predicts a marathon of an hour+ less than my marathon PR (also recent). I've done 50 miles weeks (Hanson Brothers Advanced) in marathon training, with speed and tempo work, so I don't think lack of training is the issue. So not sure if this is a mental or physical thing (or most likely a combo). Anyone else out there with a big disconnect between your short and long race performances?


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