The Running Thread - 2016

I was curious if anyone uses the Road ID bands?

I don't run super far (yet!) but looking at their website, it made me think, I don't go out running with any ID.

If I pass out/get hit by a car/etc no one will know who I am to contact my loved ones.

If you do have one, do you know what type you got (any pros or cons to any of them? I know its just a wristband... but if its constricting or rubs... I'll be uncomfortable)
I mentioned this before, but I bought a roadID. I really loved it. It was bright pink, and along with my ID info it had a Walt Disney quote! ;) Anyway, when I fitted it to my wrist I cut it down too far and now it is too uncomfortable to wear. So learn form my mistake, and be very careful when cutting it down!
@bellrae Congrats on your PR! Especially gritting through the new pain. Hope it's not too bad but be careful getting back to quick if it is your IT band.

@Waiting2goback Congrats to you and your daughters on your race!

@doctorintheTARDIS I have an ankle road ID. I prefer it to having something on my wrist. When I remember to wear it, which is rarely, I don't even notice that it is there.
@Waiting2goback It was nice to see you and Matt on the route again. Congrats to you and your daughters, that's quite a accomplishment for those young ladies :)
I finished at 1:15:42, which is worse than my BAA 10k last weekend. I'm OK with that given the hilly course. That was really fun running into the stadium, definitely on my 'to do' for next year.
My husband makes fun of me for my mileage. I run exactly the mileage in my plan. No more. No less. If I'm not quite to my house, I'll stop and walk the rest of the way. If I haven't hit my miles, I'll do some loops in front of my driveway. He will tack on a little more or come up a little short (typically less than .2 of a mile).

So who's the weirdo? Me or him?
My husband makes fun of me for my mileage. I run exactly the mileage in my plan. No more. No less. If I'm not quite to my house, I'll stop and walk the rest of the way. If I haven't hit my miles, I'll do some loops in front of my driveway. He will tack on a little more or come up a little short (typically less than .2 of a mile).

So who's the weirdo? Me or him?

He is weird. I make sure I make my mileage as well, so it's 2-1 in favor of you and me so far. I will also stop early if I've made my mileage and walk the rest of the way.
I was curious if anyone uses the Road ID bands?

I don't run super far (yet!) but looking at their website, it made me think, I don't go out running with any ID.

If I pass out/get hit by a car/etc no one will know who I am to contact my loved ones.

If you do have one, do you know what type you got (any pros or cons to any of them? I know its just a wristband... but if its constricting or rubs... I'll be uncomfortable)

I have the Elite (with the watch band type clasp) and won't run without it. I like the Elite because the clasp make it much easier to get on and off versus the "Live Strong" type rubber loop bands.

I just wear my Garmin on one wrist and the Road ID on the other and don't even notice it.
My husband makes fun of me for my mileage. I run exactly the mileage in my plan. No more. No less. If I'm not quite to my house, I'll stop and walk the rest of the way. If I haven't hit my miles, I'll do some loops in front of my driveway. He will tack on a little more or come up a little short (typically less than .2 of a mile).

So who's the weirdo? Me or him?

I'll go with both! :)

You for stopping in the middle of a perfectly good run and him for not making it the full distance!

I won't ever stop short, adding extra laps through the neighborhood if need be and if I run a little long it's just bonus mileage/calories burned.
I do my mileage if it means I stop and walk the rest of the way home, but if I'm a tiny bit short when I get home, I am good with that. ;)
I need to revise my goal for this Saturday's half... I'm just hoping for sub 3:00:00 right now. :) I also have a few races to add:

24 - Miranda - York Days 5K - (34:00 / N/A)

09 - Miranda - Great Island 5K - (34:00 / N/A)
23 - Miranda - New England Half Marathon - (sub 2:45:00 / N/A)
29 - Miranda - Great Bay 5K - (33:00 / N/A)

13 - Miranda - Seacoast Half Marathon - (sub 2:45:00 / N/A)
Ran our local Four in the Fourth this morning. Four miler which you don't see very often. Lot of people out in their patriotic gear. A friend asked me to join their four person coed team and we were able to win first place with our combined times(there were only three teams ). I finished in 25:34 which I was very happy with since I had a long run yesterday and wasn't sure how the legs would react. Rainy morning but I'll take some wet shoes over 90 degrees. Have a great rest of the Fourth everyone!
I wasn't sure I was going to run the New England HM, but there was a 20% discount today (that ended up being $20? not sure how that happened) so I pulled the trigger. So, even though I think that 11/13 is still my goal fall race, I'm looking to do well at this one, too.

So, I guess I better figure out a training plan pretty soon! My "loosely follow Higdon's plan transitioning into just wing it" did not work out so well for the spring.
I didn't post last night because I had my races. They were night races and we got home late. I will do a review later as this was more hectic than last week having 2 races with start times only an hour apart. I brought the GoPro so if the footage came out decent, which I haven't checked yet, I may put together a video. While I am not a fan of posting pics of myself anywhere for public to see them I do have to post these because I am so proud of my girls.

They did an awesome job in their first race.
Those girls look born to run! Great job by all of you

I was curious if anyone uses the Road ID bands?

I don't run super far (yet!) but looking at their website, it made me think, I go out running without any ID.

If I pass out/get hit by a car/etc no one will know who I am to contact my loved ones.

If you do have one, do you know what type you got (any pros or cons to any of them? I know its just a wristband... but if its constricting or rubs... I'll be uncomfortable)
I have the Road ID Slim...I wear it all the time, whether I'm running, biking, swimming or just sitting at my desk at work. Needless to say it does not bother me in the slightest. Certainly a good idea to have something, you never know what could happen on the road/trail/lake.
I was curious if anyone uses the Road ID bands?

I have the Slim version also. I got out of the habit of wearing it for awhile when I got my Fitbit. Now I wear it on my right wrist with my Fitbit and my Garmin on my left. I've also been using the Road ID App that lets family or friends track me in real time while I'm out at o'dark-thirty in the morning. It sends a notification to your selected contacts when you start your activity and another when you've finished. Afterwards, you can choose to post your run to Facebook. I like how it's helping to keep me accountable. Along with this thread of course!
I ran my first ever 10K this morning, the Revolutionary Run in Washington Crossing, PA. It was my longest run to date but I think I did pretty well. 6.5 miles in 1:23:16. Now that I know I can complete this, I'm on to the Rock n Roll Half! Woop woop!! :cool1: Happy 4th of July everyone!

Congratulations on your finish!
There will be no avenging of my horrific Fourth of July 5K from 2015. At least not today. Race was called early this morning as (yet another) brutal storm passed through - full of lightning, thunder and rain where there is NO room for rain to go any more.

A view from the start-finish line this morning, mid-storm, this morning (sent via the Race Director). The trail is on a lower part of the river and features one of the lower dam crossings (if you follow my on Insta, you'll see where I run). Oh well.

Hi Everyone, I've been lurking since January since I don't have any Disney races in the near future, but had to share this: I ran my 30th (in a row) Peachtree Road Race 10k this morning!

I set a course PR: 50:30, which was 2 seconds better than last year. The heat was brutal. I've seen no official claims of this, but it certainly felt like the hottest Peachtree in the last 30 years.

I need to pop back out of lurking at some point to tell you what happens when you promise not to run any more marathons but then get bored...
I'm not even going to pretend I won't ever do it again. I am sure I will. I am stubborn so if I get a pain I will most likely run through it until the point I can't handle it anymore. Plantar fasciitis took me about 4 months to get checked out. A torn tendon took me 5 months. So, unless I actually break a bone and it's obvious to me, I will most likely do it again in the future.

I got hurt over a year ago and I'm still not back where I was before that. I think it's highly unlikely I'll do it again.

I was curious if anyone uses the Road ID bands?

I don't run super far (yet!) but looking at their website, it made me think, I go out running without any ID.

If I pass out/get hit by a car/etc no one will know who I am to contact my loved ones.

If you do have one, do you know what type you got (any pros or cons to any of them? I know its just a wristband... but if its constricting or rubs... I'll be uncomfortable)

I have the slim. It doesn't bother me at all and I'm really really sensitive to things bothering me when I run.

I use the shoe RoadID (, so there is nothing on my wrist or ankle. The only possible downside is that it might be overlooked by emergency responders.

You can also lose a shoe in an accident. That's what a lot of people told me when I was trying to decide.

I have the Slim version also. I got out of the habit of wearing it for awhile when I got my Fitbit. Now I wear it on my right wrist with my Fitbit and my Garmin on my left. I've also been using the Road ID App that lets family or friends track me in real time while I'm out at o'dark-thirty in the morning. It sends a notification to your selected contacts when you start your activity and another when you've finished. Afterwards, you can choose to post your run to Facebook. I like how it's helping to keep me accountable. Along with this thread of course!

You can actually get one that fits right onto your Fitbit. I don't have one, since I got RoadID before the Fitbit.
I was curious if anyone uses the Road ID bands?

ME! I wear them when running or biking. I have a slim and five different bands, but I prefer the Sport (I have two of those bands). My dogs also have the Scout IDs on their collars instead of traditional tags. I'm a HUGE fan of this company and I love what they do - they also help smaller run groups with resources they need for organized races, so I love knowing that the money I pay for these great items goes to help others in the running community.


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