The Port Report: Frumpin Around the World with the Bathrobe Princesses :) COMPLETE

I've always wanted to try making the Strawberry Soup from 1900 Park Fare at home. I've finally found the recipe, now I just have to find the time to make it. Hope it turns out as tasty-looking as your Bread Pudding!
Hi girls!

OHMYGOSH, I have so much to catch up on. First of all, your bread pudding looks delicious. That stuff is like heaven in a bowl. Since yours turned out so well, I think I'll have to try my hand at making it sometime. Maybe next month when I'm home suffering from Post-Disney Depression. :thumbsup2

Secondly, I'm glad you were able to fit so much into your last day. Heading over to Epcot for lunch was an excellent idea! Strawberry Red Bean ice cream sounds delicious. All of your Yacht Club pictures are beautiful. That place looks absolutely gorgeous.

Lastly, your videos! OMG. Jess, you did an excellent job putting them together. Vickie fangirling over the princesses was absolutely adorable. Kristen, you're frequent quoting of Stacey :-)worship:) made me smile. I'm the same way. I literally walk around the parks quoting her. Basically, I just want to be Stacey. Hire me, Disney! Please! I'm quite funny and witty! I'll wear weird outfits with sleeves that aren't attached to the shirt if you ask me to! I'd be perfect.
Yeah I like used to use regular Movie Maker, but now that I updated my computer it's LIVE Movie Maker so the effects are newer. I hated it at first because it's laid out differently than the old movie maker, but not I actually love it and think it works really well! It just gets slow sometimes.. that's why some of my clips are so short!
And aww thank you so much! Yeah once I finish up this one, I have the February Trip and I am going to start up my Mother Daughter trip report about the trip I took with my Mom in April! And then that'll probably take me till Christmas, and then I'll start up that one :thumbsup2 So lots of fun stories to come!​

Ohhhh... it's called Live Movie Maker. I just have the Windows Movie Maker. I probably can update it to Live sometime so I can make my slideshows cooler :-) Wow! You've taken A LOT of trips this year. I've only taken two so far in my life and I'm in the process of planning a third (which I thought wouldn't happen...). I can't wait to read more! :goodvibes
I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't had Bread Pudding with Banana Foster Sauce. I may be the only one who hasn't been to the 'Ohana's either. And now seeing your little experiment I want to try since it looks very good and I love when bananas and bread are mixed together :-) :thumbsup2 to Kristen for wearing the Monorail shirt! And I must say... after reading this TR, she makes the most recognizable deer face LOL
Thank you for sharing this fantastic TR!

I only get the chance to stop in once in a while and read a TR. I randomly chose yours and it was great!

I am so glad you had a great time!

Very ambitious! It looks so good! I will have to try this recipe soon! :thumbsup2
Thanks for sharing it.
You make me want to try out that recipe ... and I'm not a huge bread pudding fan!

It looked wonderful!:thumbsup2
I can't believe that Alicia went over to your house to eat this wonderful looking dessert and she didn't tell me about it!! I think we need to have another Disney party this summer and make it again ;)

hahaha she probably didn't recognize the significance of 'Ohana bread pudding :laughing: but she definitely enjoyed it!
And I agree!! I love disney parties :mickeybar

Cooking Bread Pudding from O'hana is a great way to spend the evening! :thumbsup2 Looks like you had a lot of fun making it and it looks delish! Makes me want to have a cake or something sweet now! :laughing:

Oh yes it is! It was so so so delicious and lots of fun to make! And I understand... so do I. :rotfl:

mmmm... that looks SO yummy. Great idea to get a taste of Disney at home. I'll definitely have to check out that cookbook on my next trip:thumbsup2 Do you live at the beach? I thought I spied water behind Kristen in one of the pictures. looks pretty!

It was! You should definitely get that cookbook, there are SO many great recipes in there and they're pretty easy! I have looked through all of the cookbooks that they sell at WDW and this one's my favorite!
And yes I actually do live at the beach :) Good observation! You'll see lots of outdoors pictures when I post the prom update!

I've always wanted to try making the Strawberry Soup from 1900 Park Fare at home. I've finally found the recipe, now I just have to find the time to make it. Hope it turns out as tasty-looking as your Bread Pudding!

That recipie is in my cookbook too! I need to make it! We actually almost made it that night but decided we wanted a bigger dessert :rotfl: If you make it let me know how it is!

Hi girls!

OHMYGOSH, I have so much to catch up on. First of all, your bread pudding looks delicious. That stuff is like heaven in a bowl. Since yours turned out so well, I think I'll have to try my hand at making it sometime. Maybe next month when I'm home suffering from Post-Disney Depression. :thumbsup2

Secondly, I'm glad you were able to fit so much into your last day. Heading over to Epcot for lunch was an excellent idea! Strawberry Red Bean ice cream sounds delicious. All of your Yacht Club pictures are beautiful. That place looks absolutely gorgeous.

Lastly, your videos! OMG. Jess, you did an excellent job putting them together. Vickie fangirling over the princesses was absolutely adorable. Kristen, you're frequent quoting of Stacey :-)worship:) made me smile. I'm the same way. I literally walk around the parks quoting her. Basically, I just want to be Stacey. Hire me, Disney! Please! I'm quite funny and witty! I'll wear weird outfits with sleeves that aren't attached to the shirt if you ask me to! I'd be perfect.

Hello! We've missed you!
I hope you make it because it is DELICIOUS! It's just not possible to live without that stuff for a year, you know?
And thank you! We had a great last morning!
And aww thank you so much! Hahaha I loved all of our crazy antics.. and I'm glad you recognized all of the Stacy Quotes! Kristen wants to be Stacy too - talk about a dream job for any of us dis-er's! And HAHAHA i know exactly what outfit you're talking about :lmao: I love disboards. We all just understand.

Ohhhh... it's called Live Movie Maker. I just have the Windows Movie Maker. I probably can update it to Live sometime so I can make my slideshows cooler :-) Wow! You've taken A LOT of trips this year. I've only taken two so far in my life and I'm in the process of planning a third (which I thought wouldn't happen...). I can't wait to read more! :goodvibes

Yeah I have Windows 7 now, and that's the version it came with! It has more enhanced graphics so a lot of computers get slowed down by it (aka mine) but it works really well!
And yeah I have gone SO many times now... it's probably unhealthy popcorn:: But we have vacation club as well as a disney addiction, so we just keep going back again and again! And AWW YAY I'm glad you're going again! Hooray!

I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't had Bread Pudding with Banana Foster Sauce. I may be the only one who hasn't been to the 'Ohana's either. And now seeing your little experiment I want to try since it looks very good and I love when bananas and bread are mixed together :-) :thumbsup2 to Kristen for wearing the Monorail shirt! And I must say... after reading this TR, she makes the most recognizable deer face LOL

Make sure you try and get a reservation for your next trip! You would LOVE it! And haha oh yes she does. She really should patent the deer face :rotfl:

Thank you for sharing this fantastic TR!

I only get the chance to stop in once in a while and read a TR. I randomly chose yours and it was great!

I am so glad you had a great time!


You're welcome!
And oh my gosh that's so sweet! I'm so glad you found us :)
Thank you!

Same and I'm so glad it was yours Jess!
I just read through every page and absolutely love it! About to hop over to your other TR. :goodvibes

Aww :) yay I'm so so glad! Thank you so much for reading!
I hope you enjoy the other one as well!

Very ambitious! It looks so good! I will have to try this recipe soon! :thumbsup2
Thanks for sharing it.

You definitely should! It's very very yummy!

You make me want to try out that recipe ... and I'm not a huge bread pudding fan!

It looked wonderful!:thumbsup2

Haha I didn't even know I liked bread pudding until I had it at 'Ohana! It was delicious - I'm sure you would like it!​
Real Life Update #4 - Prom #2: The Frumps Go Glamorous!
June 10th, 2011

The prom for our school was last night, June 10th, 2011. It was a fantastic night and I have a lot more pictures to share with you!

Okay, so let's start at the beginning. Back in April (actually I think it was the day after we made our bread pudding!) my friend Alicia and I went prom dress shopping! Kristen tagged along with us because she had slept over the night before, but at the time she couldn't even go to prom because she was a sophomore. It stunk because she is one of our best friends and it would be much more fun if she was there!

So, that night Alicia and I felt really bad because we wanted Kristen to come! Since Alicia wasn't bringing a date, we figured, why the heck can't we bring Kristen!? If we buy a ticket, it shouldn't even matter!

So we officially decided to invite her! She was ecstatic and we were all really happy that we had a plan!

Of course, we didn't really ask. And our school is sometimes weird about that kind of stuff since it's so small and everything. Everyone would notice that she's a sophomore at the Junior/Senior prom!

So we weren't going to say anything, but then we devised up a plan to ask the teacher who was in charge of prom. She is on the younger side, and can sometimes be really cool but sometimes be sort of strict. So we didn't know how she'd react.

Two days before prom, we went to ask this teacher after our exam. We were really nervous she'd give us a hard time. So Alicia told her "I have a dilemma about prom... My date cancelled on me." And she was like "Well, why don't you just ask a friend and scrounge up a dress from last year and bring her?" So we were like.... OKAY! That was WAYY easier than we thought!

YAYYY! Kristen got to come to prom! And she actually wore the dress I wore last year! (but we decided that before our teacher even recommended it lol)

So yes! Yesterday morning we woke up and went into school for my last day as a student EVER. ): Wahh. I had a Yearbook Exam and a Health exam to take. And then we were free!

I didn't even have time to be sad because we had prom preparations to take care of!

We went over to Alicia's house and then headed over to the hair salon to get our hair and nails done!

We all got french manicures on our fingers and toes! As far as our hair, none of us knew exactly what we wanted, but here are the results!


(This is our "before" prom picture.)

Mine was more "classic" I guess you could say.. and Kristen's was a little crazy! But she definitely worked it! The girl who did her hair was pretty eccentric, and she teased her hair to the max! So Kristen basically ended up being Kim Kardashian for the night. But hey, that's totally fine.

Everyone finally started showing up to my house at 4 and the picture taking began!

Here I am all ready to go!


This is my date for this prom... John!


I've been friends with him since sophomore year! And even though he's in college now, he still came to prom with me! I took him last year as well and he's a fantastic date!


Here's me with the family:


And Kristen, Me, and our Mothers (who are best friends, too!):


Our Classic Hug Picture:


"Let's take a cat picture!"


Here's the whole crew! DEUCES!:




Alicia, Me, and Kristen:




Here's me and my dad :-) This is one of my favorite pictures of the entire night!


Soon enough the limo arrived! We hopped in and headed to prom!


We got there and it was beautiful outside! We took a bunch of pictures!


Here's the Frump!


DEUCES (again!)


We love prom!


We love photoshoots! If you don't know what Kristen's doing... she's taking an LOL picture! haha


Prom was fantastic! The theme was "One Sweet Night" so there were cupcakes everywhere you looked! And they were delicious! There was also a candy bar that you were welcome to visit at any point of the night!

For dinner they served steak AND chicken! As well as mashed potatoes and vegetables! YUM!

Our table consisted of the people in our limo.. which was lots of fun!


We looked at all of the people's dresses and decided whose we liked. This one girl was wearing a blue and green dress and John was like "THAT GIRL LOOKS LIKE THE OCEAN!" hahaha we all thought that was hilarious.

After our meal, we went out on the dance floor! WOOHOO! The best songs of the night, I have to say, were "Party Rock Anthem," (LMFAO) "Give Me Everything," (Pitbull/Ne-Yo) and "Baby." (Justin Beiber) During "Party Rock Anthem," one of the girls got our English Teacher/Play Director to come out on the dance floor! It was so funny! She was really adorable. We just went crazy and danced, danced, danced! It was so much fun!

The dancing part always goes by SO fast... and before we knew it, it was time to leave! We were some of the last people there because we didn't want the night to end! However, it was time to go!

We piled into the limo and went to one of my favorite restaurants of all time... THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY!

And because I'm a good diser, here is the food picture of my meal:



It's honestly one of the best desserts on this planet and I HIGHLY recommend getting it if you ever go to the Cheesecake Factory!

After that sweet ending to the night, we headed back to my house! We were all tired but we had a great time!


And once again we had a bonfire before we said goodbye! We sat around, told hilarious stories, and just had fun for ourselves at 3 in the morning!


It was a fantastic last prom for me, and a wonderful first prom for Kristen! I'm so glad we all got to get together one last time before graduation!

Continued in Next Post
Yeah I have Windows 7 now, and that's the version it came with! It has more enhanced graphics so a lot of computers get slowed down by it (aka mine) but it works really well!
And yeah I have gone SO many times now... it's probably unhealthy popcorn:: But we have vacation club as well as a disney addiction, so we just keep going back again and again! And AWW YAY I'm glad you're going again! Hooray!​

Oh that's cool! I have Windows Vista and I just found out I was able to update to that so now I have the Live Version. I don't think it has the same effects as with Windows 7. I wish it did since then my slideshow would be a lot cooler. :/

DVC is always a good reason to go back. I know the person who lent us their DVC points for our first trip goes like every other month. And my mom is talking to her to help with my next trip, so happy I'm going back :cool1:

Make sure you try and get a reservation for your next trip! You would LOVE it! And haha oh yes she does. She really should patent the deer face :rotfl:

Probably will. I'm hoping to stay at the Poly so that would be a good ADR if I stay there :thumbsup2 Yeah, she totally should, just go to the patent office put on the Deer Face and go "Yeah, all mine!" LOL
Two proms! So much fun! I wore a short dress to my senior prom. I was apparently a rebel.

Random question of the day: do you happen to know who did the candy bar? Did the committee put it up or did they hire someone?
Sounds like you had a fun prom! :-) I think this is the latest prom I've seen yet. I don't mean that in a bad way, but I know the prom for my school was like a month ago. I do think it is better though they are during the time when school is going out for the summer. The Deer Face photo is pretty awesome, the cat photo as well, though the deer face one isn't as funny as the ones at Disney where you are being total goof-offs.... Oops, I mean Frumps ;) And that cheesecake looks so good! I hate how whenever I'm near a Cheesecake Factory I never actually go check it out. Looking at your cheesecake, I must go NOW! LOL
You girls all looked beautiful :hug: I'm so glad I got to come and see you both. Plus I got to stay a little longer and hung out with your Mother and Kristen's Mother ;) They're precious!
Sounds like sooooo much fun! I love the theme, sooooo cute! Also so funny that you guys have your prom right after finals, my high school had theirs right around now 2! loved both you and kristen's hair 2!
Prom seemed like so much fun! I love all your dresses. For junior prom I had my hair done a lot like yours. I didn't go to senior prom for various reasons, so instead, my older friends and I went to see "UP" and then the Cheesecake Factory. I also went there after graduation, it's like the place to go after big events! I haven't been there since...almost two years. :sad2:
This is just totally random, but I was just going through your TR again, since I tend to read TRs more than once for some odd reason and noticed I missed one of your real life updates. It was the one for you and Kristen's surprise birthday party and I saw that our birthdays are a day apart from each other. I always have to tell someone when I discover this, since I know like nobody in real life with the same birthday month as me. Mine's May 9th by the way. I just had to say this, just because LOL :confused3
Yay on Kristen getting to come to the prom as well!! Am glad the teacher suggested it.

Love all the pics and it sounds like you all had a great time. I love all your dresses.

Mmm that cheesecake looks gorgeous! :cloud9:


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