The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 5

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Clare -- I had to come back on here and say GOOD MORNING to you. :sunny:

There was no Claire this morning! (I don't know if I should be worried or grateful that I didn't have 5 more pages to go through!!! :lmao: )

I can't see Tammi's pumpkin either. :teeth: But I did see the proof! But as of 7:01 this morning, there's still no pumpkin. :teeth:

Jo - Congrats on selling the house! I'm glad you got more than you paid for it! The painting really paid off! :cheer2:

Elin - Safe travels this week. I'll be thinking of you and your family.

Kate - Thanks again for all the designs. You're name kind of dominates my schedule. :lmao: I still have more designs to decide if I want to make them. My next stage is to start buying t-shirts for me and Bob to wear. I already have the transfer paper, and even bought glow in the dark for MNSSHP. :cheer2:

Mommykds - Boy, I hope I got that screen name right, I wasn't taking notes. I completely understand how odd family is. Have you thought that maybe it's time to do just have you're own family time for the holidays? Try it one year and see. I do this at least once for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. It gives me a break from the almost in laws, driving three or six hours on a holiday, and it refreshes me for my next "visit" with them. Just a suggestion.

Way back when, I was trying to find a bag for Disney. I decided on this one because my purse broke a few days ago. The zipper is shot. I'm so :furious: because this was my favorite purse! I should have bought more than one when I saw it at the store... This bag's strap is short enough to make into a "purse" but long enough to sling over my shoulders at Disney, with room for camera, water bottle and looks easy to get onto the rides. It's being delivered today! I'm so excited! :banana:

Thanks to all you night owls, us morning DDAers will be reaching another milestone today! Shouldn't take too long to get us to 23,000 on the Monster Family and Friends Thread!
weluvdisney said:
HI Everybody;

We're back from our marathon day!!

Dawn-I can't tell you how excited I am for you!!! It is So nice to have one of both!!! Little girls are So much fun, especially to dress up!!! Congratulations!!!!

Denise- I will keep Rees in my prayers that everything goes as smoothly as possible, and can be done as simply as possible!!!! Your family is always in our prayers, I really admire you and I think that you have a truly amazing family!!!!

Unfortunately, I really don't have any great news to report as far as Cody goes. The tumor was much bigger than they originally thought, and it was wrapped around some nerves. It was a very invasive surgery, and he bled a lot. He has a 7 inch long 5 inch wide and 4 inch deep incision with 3 layers of stitches. They also think that his bowel may be affected since it was SO near there, he may now have some incontinence problems because of the surgery, we should see through the week. The Vet did not sound optimistic, but we have to wait about a week for the report to see what it was and if it had spread. Dave is headed up to the Vet now to decide if we should bring him home tonight, the Vet said that it was up to us to decide, he can stay overnight or go home w/ a lot of pain and meds. If we do not bring him home tonight it will be sometime tomorrow. The surgery was also a lot more expensive than we thought it would be unfortunately. I am really sad about this and I am dreading having him come home because I know when I see him I will be even more upset. If you all could keep up your continued prayers we would very much appreciate it!!!

Sorry to be such a downer on such a happy day...



Julie, I am so sorry to hear this. My prayers and best wishes for your family and Cody.

Good Morning, all! I'm still trying to catch up, but I probably won't finish before I have to leave.

:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: Hope that's how everyone's day looks!

Glynis said:
I need someone to congratulate me and Alan is away, so I'm turning to my family for back pats. I made my goal today of finishing one of my final projects for the semester!!!! It's not even due until May 5, but it's done and submitted to the Professor's email. Hooray! It's such a load off my chest. Now I have to create a web page for a library with a link to a blog, take one final exam (ick) and I'll be done until September! Hooray for me! I made it through this semester! :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana:

I know this isn't a big deal to everyone, but it's HUGE to me! Thanks for letting me cheer!

WTG Glynis!!! If it's a big deal to one of our "family", it is a big deal to us. Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music. :cheer2: :rockband: :charac2: party:
babytrees said:
I actually used to call (and still do) mental health days as a mom.
Jim knows that if I don't get time to myself every 2-3 months I go berserk. It would be nice if it was once a month but with my girls schedules it isn't happening.

So call a mental health day.....tell hubby Dr. babytrees prescribed it!! :rotfl2:

I had one yesterday! I really needed it. I did keep up with work e-mail and talked to a couple of my staff but otherwise, took the day off.
Good morning Beth! :wave2:

Elin, WTG on your progress!!! You have done a great job! Travel safe today.

Glynis, That's a horrible story! I hope he rots.

Marti, Glad to hear you are feeling better.

Jo, Congrats on the house! Great news!

Chanon, Yep you got my screen name right :teeth: We have stayed home a a few times thru the years but can't avoid it all together. Unfortunately my mom is alone & 70...I am her only living relative so I feel guilty about leaving her alone on Christmas or any big holidays. I can't win here, I know that..just grin & bear it & beg my DH to go to Disney for Christmas! Well I know that won't happen since we are going in August but hey I can try right?

DH left for work early this am. My neighbor who works asked me to watch her 10 year old DD (who is friends with my 10 year old) because the kids have off from school this week. So I have some crafts for them to do & of course they want to watch High School Musical.
PNO4TE said:
While we are waiting for Tammi I will let you all know that I have now lost 37 pounds!

That is fantastic news!!!!! Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music!!!!! WTG Elin! party: :charac2: :rockband:
babytrees said:
Makes me wanna hold onto my babies until I realize they are huge brats if woken up at night!!

Makes me cry every time I hear an Amber alert.

When Jessica fell down the well, I went in & woke up my baby to hold her!!!! Tears were streaming down my face! It upset me so bad, I can still remember it even though it was 15+ years ago.
Cinderumbrella said:
On sex in the city when Charlotte told Tray she wanted to get married, that was his response....

I do remember that! Also, didn't Jim Carey say it?

ETA: Sorry -- should have known this was answered many times last night!
Good morning guys!
just popping in while i going to get my hair done today before i leave for vacation saturday..but hopefully i can check in later!
Amy and Jennifer --

Jen -- I passed a truck this morning while driving to work that said Kaufman Overhead Doors and thought about you.

Amy -- I saw a commercial last night with people dressed up as termites singing "Ain't nothing but a termite" to the Elvis Presley tune and thought of you.

I love it when I see things that remind me of my DDA family. I know some of you better without ever having seen you face-to-face than I know some of my other friends.
UP Disney said:
That is fantastic news!!!!! Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music!!!!! WTG Elin! party: :charac2: :rockband:

I'm jumpin, more than dancin' :yay:

Thanks to Anne Marie and Vicki for the good wishes.
Good morning! It is so nice to wake up and only have 1 page to read!
Glynis said:
I need someone to congratulate me and Alan is away, so I'm turning to my family for back pats. I made my goal today of finishing one of my final projects for the semester!!!! It's not even due until May 5, but it's done and submitted to the Professor's email. Hooray! It's such a load off my chest. Now I have to create a web page for a library with a link to a blog, take one final exam (ick) and I'll be done until September! Hooray for me! I made it through this semester! :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana:

I know this isn't a big deal to everyone, but it's HUGE to me! Thanks for letting me cheer!

I think it is HUGE! WTG Glynis! :thumbsup2
Brendita said:
Great News to pass along!! :woohoo:

All my hard work has paid off.
We excepted an offer on the house.
$89,000.00 more than we paid for it, less than 3 years ago.
Passed inspection with flying colors.
All is set for a May 15 closing date.
I have an apartment @ work ready for move in May 1.
School isn't out till middle of June.
Then I start looking fo a transfer.
This means I will have to move 2x's instead of 1.
I think my scanity is worth it though.

I can't tell you all how much you have helped me get through this.

Thank you.
Thank all of you.

Jo, this is fantastic news!!! You definitely deserve a celebration. May 1 will be a wonderful day for you! :rockband: :charac2: :dancer: party: :jumping3:
UP Disney said:
Tammi67 said:
Originally Posted by Tammi67
Are you trying to make us think we are nuts?!?! I don't see a number 6 either!!
There is no number 6!!!!!!

I cannot believe that her ticker is still not right! No 06 and no pumpkin.
Tammi67 said:
Good morning! It is so nice to wake up and only have 1 page to read!

But since we are approaching another milestone I fear it will be hard to keep up today again :rolleyes:
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