The "Boo to Us" Weight Loss Challenge

Another Monday and another weigh in.

:dance3: I lost another 0.5 kg for the last week (another 1 lb), bringing my total to 2.9 kg. :dance3:
Another Monday and another weigh in.

:dance3: I lost another 0.5 kg for the last week (another 1 lb), bringing my total to 2.9 kg. :dance3:

Good for you! Is that like six pounds now?

Tomorrow I'll see if I lost any of my water weight that I gained over the past week. Let's hope some of those pounds were just bloating and not actual weight gain!

Its over 6 lbs. 2.2 lbs per kilo.

I was targetting 4 - 5 kgs before I went away. I'm hoping to lose at least another 2 kgs in the next 5 or 6 weeks.

When I get back, I'd like to lose another 3 - 5 kgs before the end of June. :thumbsup2

Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow.
This week I've been a little bit lax on my WW points. I've managed to stay within the 26 points per day for about 2 or 3 days. On the others....not so good. I've tried not to use the extra points allowance since I've started on WW but this week has been impossible. I'm still within the plan allowances but I'm really not sure how I'm gonna go on the scales on Monday. :sad2:

I sure how I see a loss...even if it is small that I keep some momentum going.
With this cold, I haven't had much of an appetite, it seems that my body has shut down and gone into starvation mode because now it's holding on to anything it can get a hold of, my weight is creeping up. I don't know what to do because I don't have any appetite. :sad2:

The WW concept is to eat small meals so that the body doesn't feel like it is starving. What about having small snacks during the day?
Just nothing sounds good, it's hard enough for me to find something to eat at all. Today I had a mug of Chocolate Milk heated in the micro for 1 1/2 minutes, and half a turkey salad sandwich.

Dinner will be a Turkey thigh, some leftover mac n cheese and creamed spinach. I don't know what Fran is going to have, she may have ham instead.
Just completed the weigh in.

The good news is I lost weight. The bad news is it was only 0.1g. But a loss is a loss and is much better than a gain!

My scales were right. No change!
Tomorrow is weigh in day again. Another week comes and goes so fast. I have no idea how it's going to work out tomorrow. My home scales have been on an elastic band this week. It seems to yoyo a great deal.

I guess the only scales that count are the ones at the WW clinic. I find out tomorrow. *sigh*
Tomorrow is weigh in day again. Another week comes and goes so fast. I have no idea how it's going to work out tomorrow. My home scales have been on an elastic band this week. It seems to yoyo a great deal.

I guess the only scales that count are the ones at the WW clinic. I find out tomorrow. *sigh*

Good luck! My home scale seems to be stuck on the same weight regardless! I wonder it doesn't go lower than that! was a big number but not in the direction I hoped for. Seems like I gained 0.7 kg this week. Like I said..the only scale that counts is the WW one.

I don't know how that happened given that I've nearly stuck to eating program this week. The only meal that didn't conform to the WW plan for dinner last night. We went out to a concert and ended up at a pub. I had a chicken fillet stuffed with a creamy lobster sauce with fries/chips. Yes, I know all of which are outside the WW system....but it was just the one meal and I am allowed to dip into those 49 weekly special points for such an occassion.

Oh's to next week!
It's definitely NOT another Monday, but there was a weigh-in today (Sunday). Monday is a public holiday here and I have other plans which meant that I weighed in early this week.

Looks like I lost that 0.7 that I gained last week, which is great news. But it also means that I haven't gained or loss anything for the last 2 weeks now.

Here's to the next weigh-in on Monday week!

Another Monday and another weigh-in.

I lost another 0.6 kg today (a little over a lb). I'm up to a loss of 3.6 kgs, nearly 8 lbs.

There's two more weigh-ins between now and when I go on vacay. Hoping to lose another kilo or about 2 lbs between now and then. :thumbsup2
Another monday and another weigh-in.

I was really bloated this morning and was not surprised to see that the WW scales showed that I had gained 1 kg. :headache:

Let's see how I go on the Saturday morning weigh-in; but I won't be able to update this thread with that weight.

I fly out on Saturday! :banana: :banana:
Well if I had updated yesterday I could have said that I was down 9 lbs since the weight I remember trying to lose from, however today I was five lbs heavier than that weight. Must have been that lunch I served yesterday! :lmao:

We'll see how things go this week with the audit! :eek:

I'm not doing anything outside of the WW guidelines and am tracking all my food intake. My WW contact person has told me to eat "boring" this that she means....go get some of the WW frozen meals and have that for dinner.

But I forgot that a friend of DS has asked us over for dinner tomorrow night. He's Italian and I have no idea what he's gonna dish up. Guess I'm going to have to watch my portion sizes tomorrow night and hope that I don't get anything heavily loaded with carbs. :sad1:
I can't believe I am updating this while eating chocolate, but that's how life has been these days. Work is CRAZY my partner here and best friend/work husband took a job at another hotel, which has left me working 50 hours a week. I actually lost some weight recently, not sure how I did it, but it works for me! I have been walking more, but honestly between all the overtime and the slight depression at his leaving, I haven't been trying that hard. And we have Easter tomorrow, followed by Jack's 4th birthday Wednesday, my dad's 50th birthday party Saturday, Jack's party Sunday and then a weekend trip to DC the following weekend, it's just not shaping up to be a healthy month. But, I will keep trying, especially since I bought season passes to a water park for Jack's birthday so I will be in a bathing suit more than I would like :lmao: Hope everyone is having a good holiday weekend. Oz I hope you are having/had a great trip! Heading over to your PTR to catch up!
Well....I'm back from Hong Kong but home with bronchitis.

I haven't weighed in for the last 3 Mondays because I was away (for two of them) and was supposed to hop back on today. Unfortunately, I'm in bed....resting.

My next appointment will be next monday. Hopefully, it will show that I was good whilst away. :rolleyes1

So it's another Monday.

I didn't get a chance to update you all on the weigh in before I left. But it was good news. I pretty much nearly lost that 1 kg I gained.

After today's weigh in I've lost a total of 3.9 kg since I started back on WW.

I'm hoping to lose another 3 kg by the end of June.


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