The "Boo to Us" Weight Loss Challenge

Today, brought mixed results.

DH is away for work, meaning that I'm responsible for DS school drop off all week.
Given that I usually bolt out the door and am at my desk by 8 am in the morning, getting in at close on 10 am is practically losing all morning's work time for me.
But it does mean that I can have breakfast at home and control the portion size PLUS not do the impulse buy thing.

This morning, I started out with a bowl of fruit and a spoonful of yoghurt. I also had 1 slice of toast with honey. I counted 5 points for breakfast.

Lunch consisted of a spicy thai beef salad. There would have been all of 3 points in this serve, if that.

Afternoon tea was a mandarin and a cookie. 3 points.

Dinner was 1 baked jacket potato, cheese, baked beans, coleslaw and avocado. There's about 4 points in this meal.

It was after dinner that things started to go a little off-track. I was starting to prepare DS' morning tea and lunch for tomorrow and decided to make some muffins (blueberry) for his morning tea.
Naturally I indulged in one when it came out of the oven. I think I just ate another 3 points right there! :headache:

MMMM Blueberry muffins! Who can pass that up? Especially fresh from the oven?? I would have caved too!

Yesterday I did pretty well, I had a roast beef sandwich, pineapple, and a 65 cal bag of Pirates Booty for lunch. I did eventually manage to get us out on a walk yesterday, to the park, despite the heat. I know it's not that hot, but after the beautiful fall weather we had been having, 87 seems painful! For dinner I didn't eat healthy, but I also didn't eat much. My uncle sent some ribs home with my mom for us. This is going to make me sound silly, but I am not a "meat on the bone eater" meaning I can't just gnaw on ribs/drumsticks etc. I have to pull the meat off the bone first. Plus I despise fat in meat. When we have steak, the first thing I do is cut off all the fat I can find, and usually it takes a hefty chunk of actual steak with it. So even though I had ribs for dinner, once you add up the itty bitty pieces I was able to find, I probably had a total of maybe 3. Plus a leftover twice baked potato.

Today will be a different story... I am having canteloupe for breakfast again, and then lunch with my mom at Nordtstom Cafe ( we love that place) where I will probably have a salad. But dinner... will be at a Brazlilian steakhouse, Fogo de Chao. They are running an end of summer special and our friend who is home from Afghanistan has been really looking forward to it. I am going to do my best to control potion size, but I know it's going to be a bad meal for me. The only saving grace is I have to be home to relieve the babysitter by 8pm so I can only have one delicious (strong) Brazilian beverage, called a caiparinia (spelling may not be accurate :rolleyes1) They are my favorite drink in the world, the strawberry ones. So I will be proactive and take a walk today BEFORE indulging. The good news is, after this there are no more eating events between now and my trip in 46 days :goodvibes
I know what you mean about fresh out of the oven. I had one of those last night. And Steph, Brazilian steakhouse!! That is definitely a tempting "eating event"! I love Capiranias!

Yesterday I did real good, until a certain point. For breakfast I had an Aidell's chicken, feta & spinach sausage with a scrambled egg. That held me over for quite some time. Mid afternoon I had a sugar free hello and a glass of V8.

For dinner I had a stuffed bell pepper. It was stuffed mostly with ground beef, some onion and the tops of the pepper chopped up. There was very little rice. On top was tomato soup and some cheddar cheese.

My downfall was the peaches we bought last week. Fran wanted me to turn them into cobbler. I had a serving of that with a small scoop of lowest vanilla ice cream.

Tomorrow I'll weigh myself and find out if I'm still stuck in my plateau or gone up.
Today I had a smart one Quesadilla eggs, cheese, ham. It is good and filling. Of course I have my coffee. I used to use Splenda and then Truvia came on the scene and I love it as it comes from a plant and not man made. I havent used the sugar in my cupboard for quite a while. I broke down and made oatmeal cookies. They are good and just a few will satisfy my craving, that and a diet dr pepper.

I had a piece of steak for lunch. I will finish that off for my dinner with one piece of garlic bread. I only weigh in once a month so it wont be until Oct 7th

Go Alison I know how you feel when everyone else is eating something and you cant. So try to find a medium ground and use it for your sweet. Thats how my dr pepper helps.

Lets get a good month everyone. YEAH FOR US !!!:cheer2::cheer2:
I did pretty good today. So far all I've had is a glass of V8, bowl of cereal and a bowl of cottage cheese. We'll probably stop at McFood on the way to band and I'll have peach cobbler when I get home, so we'll see how that goes.!
I hadn't forgotten.....I did great yesterday; just been bad today.

Breakfast was a toasted cheese sandwich, with a skinny latte. 5 points.
Lunch was an Australian meat pie, with some dutch poffertjes!!! Let's just say that there were so many points in today's lunch that it was just ridiculous!
Dinner was a small bowl of gnocchi in marinara sauce. 5 points.
Dessert was 1/2 punnet of strawberries with 1 scoop of icecream (hey if I was going to be bad...I might as well make it worth it!)


Things have been busy here lately, but I haven't been too bad. I went to Fogo and didn't do too bad. I had to leave pretty quickly, so I managed to eat enough, but not too much!

Yesterday I was not feeling well at all, and we had pizza for dinner... and then I had pizza for breakfast today... But Jack and I got a good walk in Wednesday, so exercise is back on my radar... Tonight I am getting my nails done, so no walking, but tomorrow night (if it's not raining) I will definitely get to it! We might go to the zoo on Monday if the weather is good, so I will get plenty of walking in there!
hope you're feeling better steph!

Saturday morning over here and it's a beautiful be doing chores! :sad2:

I'll check back in later.
So I've been sticking to the meat and vegetables, pretty religiously. I haven't eaten any pasta, bread, rice or other carbs (except a bowl of cereal the other day). I have not eaten any fruit, however I can't seem to do the no dairy thing. However, I seem to be doing pretty OK. My weight continues to go down, however, I have yet to go below where I was a week or two ago after my spike back up.

I have a feeling that coincided with my trip to DL where we had a wonderful eating experience and I ate pasta like there was no tomorrow! :rotfl2:

It appears that I am losing some inches or something as my body seems to look thinner. We call in Tuesday for the Oktoberfest and once we figure out our party and size that we are able to get in, I will try the dress on Wednesday. That gives me five more days to see if I lose any more inches!

My next eating event is a week from tonight. My parents, Fran and I are going to Napa Rose and sitting at the Chef's counter. The good news is that Andrew Sutton actually cooks slightly healthy for a 5-star chef, so it's not like I'm going to a French restaurant with heavy cream laden sauces. The only problem is that two nights later, we're going out for Shabu Shabu and while it is pretty healthy, I can't resist the Udon noodles! So even if I fit in the dress Wednesday I have two opportunities to pack on the pounds. :rotfl2:

Well I'm so far so good and my menus for the next five days are pretty good, so we'll see how I weigh in. I do it every other day since we have this crazy apartment switching routine and I only have a scale in one apartment. So next weigh in is Sunday morning. Let's hope I have good news!
Life for me has been hard work this week. DH has been in San Francisco all week and I've been doing the single parent thing.

I have no idea how the weight loss is going this week. I suspect I'll be lucky to breakeven; but I'm persevering with the eating plan.

Today, breakfast was 2 slices of toast with honey. I figure about 5 points.
Lunch was the Costco wonton idea how many points. Shall we call this 7?
Dinner - DS and I split a piece of steak. We had steamed mixed vegies and potato dauphinoise for the sides. Roughly 8 points.


I also made a banana cake for the school lunch box next week. I had a slice of that. I've counted the points in this cake before. I ate about 3 points for dessert.


DH comes home tomorrow. I doubt I'll be good. We've got plans to go to the Taste of Melbourne festival. :rolleyes:

I haven't checked in here for a couple of days. That's because I have been B-A-D. I even have objective evidence of how bad I've been but posting it here would defeat the purpose.

On a more positive note, I'm back on the bandwagon today and will be taking the next two weeks off, starting from Friday night.

I'm doing a home. It is school holidays here and I'll be hanging out with DS.

My aim for the two weeks:
  • Ride to the local park morning and night with DS. Once there, run at least 3 laps round the football oval.
  • Eat modestly; and keeping portion sizes to modest WW expectations.
  • Tummy and leg exercises from home every night.

Ideally, I'd be able to love to check in here at the end of the two week period having lost 5 - 8 lbs. But I'd just be happy if I stuck with the schedule of bike riding and running morning and evening every day!!!

Yesterday was very bad! We went out to DL for shopping and we had lunch at Cafe Orleans, Monte Cristo, pomme frites, and Mac n cheese. Plus we bought some sweet goodies. This scale said I was about half a pound heavier.

I have been good today for the most part. We'll see what the scale says Friday morning, and if I can get the dress on tomorrow. :rolleyes1
So tomorrow morning was going to be the day to try on the Dirndl, however we have a 10:30AM appt and want to go recycling so I decided that I better try on the dress tonight. Good news/Bad news

The good news! I was able to get the dress on and zip the zipper. Bad news. There is no way that I could wear it for 6 hours or ride the Matterhorn wearing it!


If you can't tell, this dress is completely restricting my breathing. When I got it there was no way it was going to zip up over my bo*bs. Today Fran held the front and I was able to get it closed and tie up the front, but there is no way I would be comfortable at an eating and drinking event in a dress like this so maybe next year.

It was sized at European 52, so I must be 54 or 56. It came from Turkey. The event comes up every year, so let's hope that next year, it fits me loosely. So I'll just wear something comfortable and layered. The event is outside and it's mostly warm here, but it may get cold, however, since i'll be drinking beer and wine, I'm sure I'll be plenty warm. We have a 1 br Villa so we are so stoked for this night! I'm OK regardless of clothing!
So tomorrow morning was going to be the day to try on the Dirndl, however we have a 10:30AM appt and want to go recycling so I decided that I better try on the dress tonight. Good news/Bad news

The good news! I was able to get the dress on and zip the zipper. Bad news. There is no way that I could wear it for 6 hours or ride the Matterhorn wearing it!


If you can't tell, this dress is completely restricting my breathing. When I got it there was no way it was going to zip up over my bo*bs. Today Fran held the front and I was able to get it closed and tie up the front, but there is no way I would be comfortable at an eating and drinking event in a dress like this so maybe next year.

It was sized at European 52, so I must be 54 or 56. It came from Turkey. The event comes up every year, so let's hope that next year, it fits me loosely. So I'll just wear something comfortable and layered. The event is outside and it's mostly warm here, but it may get cold, however, since i'll be drinking beer and wine, I'm sure I'll be plenty warm. We have a 1 br Villa so we are so stoked for this night! I'm OK regardless of clothing!

That sucks that it doesn't fit :( You look adorable in it, though!
That sucks that it doesn't fit :( You look adorable in it, though!

Thanks! I don't think I'll really ever be able to wear it though. Looking at the picture and how it felt on me, its for some *ahem* less endowed than myself. But I'll wear something comfortable and we'll have a good time. Awesome food, a quirky band, hopefully an hour of all we can ride on the Matterhorn and all the beer and German food we can eat. We have a party of 7 going, so that should be a lot of fun!
AWWW Alison! You look great in the dress....what a shame you can't not move for 6 or 8 hours.

I hope you find something else and post a picture.

:yay: for the 1 bedroom.
The dress is great, too bad it's so uncomfortable. Have you considered an undergarment that might help? I have had a Spanx body suit I have used on occasion, and as a person with similar upper body (b**b) problems, it has really helped. I don't find it uncomfortable, it's a bit restrictive, but not painful or anything. The only downside is the $$, they are pretty pricey.

I have not been good. But I also haven't eaten much. Of course what I have eaten has been bad. Yesterday until dinner all I had consumed was 2 cups of coffee with creamer and about 20 little pieces of candy (like snickers minis, baby ruth minis, etc- minis, not funsize, they are 1 bite each :rolleyes1)
For dinner I had pork roast, potatoes, broccoli and applesauce. I am aiming to be better today. I am going on a *date* this afternoon so we will see. I am so annoyed that none of my jeans fit and I only have 37 days to make them fit, lol. I have been working on walking, and tomorrow begins my mile a day push. It's actually a mile and a half, and it's more for Jack's stamina than my exercise, but it's better than nothing. We shall see...
Today is the start of my staycation and it's just about 7 am this morning right now.

I'm posting here to keep me motivated....I'm about to change and get on my bike. Will head to the local park, cycle a bit and then try to run 3 laps around the football oval. I don't think I'll get to run all 3 laps...but I'm going to make sure that I do make 3 laps whether its a combination of walking or running.

Wish me luck....



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