Team Donald – Biggest Loser “No Excuses” 2012 Challenge

Organized or disorganized? Disorganized

Red or pink? Red. Not big on pink...

Summer or winter? Winter. Hate the heat.

Musicals or plays? The only plays I've ever liked were Shakespeare, so I'll have to go with musicals.

Talker or listener? Listener

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? I try to be a planner, but I usually fly by the seat of my pants.

Twizzlers or Red Vines? Twizzlers

Cream cheese or peanut butter? PEANUT BUTTER!!!

Beach or mountains? Mountains

Traveler or home-body? Traveler all the way!

Running/walking or Spinning? Never tried spinning (would like to though) so I'll have to say running/walking

Team player or independent worker? A little bit of both

Survivor or Big Brother? Neither. My latest fav is 'Sherlock'

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? Real books!

Oatmeal or eggs? Eggs. Can't stand oatmeal...

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!

Braces or no braces? No braces. I've never even had a cavity. :goodvibes


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

I won't miss the old Toontown by any means and I am excited about all that's coming. But I'm more worried about how much more crowded it will be...

Happy Wednesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD:

Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

BONUS QOTD: If you have time for only one ride at the Magic Kindgom, what would you ride and why??

1. To not worry about my blood pressure being higher than my parents.
2. To wear shorts at Disney and not be embarrassed.
3. To be confident in a bathing suit.
4. To be more happy with myself.
5. To be more energetic

BONUS QOTD: The Haunted Mansion! It's always been my favorite ride at MK, especially for the memories of my dad doing the 'Goofy Scream' in the stretch room. I'll have to try to find that recording I have of him doing that. :rotfl:
Happy Tuesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD: (feel free to answer any or all)

Organized or disorganized? Organized

Red or pink? Pink

Summer or winter? bits of each!!

Musicals or plays? Musicals

Talker or listener? Depends on the situation

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? Total planner

Twizzlers or Red Vines? Twizzlers

Cream cheese or peanut butter? Peanut butter

Beach or mountains? Beach (but I love the mountains too)

Traveler or home-body? traveler

Running/walking or Spinning? walk/jog

Team player or independent worker? Enjoy both

Survivor or Big Brother? Neither anymore

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? Real

Oatmeal or eggs? depends on my mood

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? CHOCOLATE

Braces or no braces?
None, but should :)


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

I will miss Mickey and Minnie's houses but am really looking forward to the new stuff.
I know this is yesterday's question, but my kids are on spring break this week so they've been keeping me busy and all off schedule!!
Happy Wednesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD:
Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

BONUS QOTD: If you have time for only one ride at the Magic Kindgom, what would you ride and why??

Hmmm...ok let's see.
1. I hate feeling disgusted with myself
2. I want to buy cute clothes AND FEEL cute in them!!
3. I need to be a better example for my kids :lovestruc
4. Now that I'm over 40, I need to be more healthy. Just need to!
5. I want to have more energy so I can be up and running and playing, not just sitting on the sidelines always tired.

Bonus: I would choose to ride Haunted Mansion. I just love everything about it. :thumbsup2
Jill I hope your son is feeling better soon.

Thanks. He is feeling better and not coughing yet in bed, so I'm hoping for a good sleep tonight!

Happy Wednesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD:

Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

BONUS QOTD: If you have time for only one ride at the Magic Kindgom, what would you ride and why??

BB in a minute to chat..............P

1. I want to live longer.
2. I want to set a good example for my kids.
3. I want to have more energy to keep up with my family.
4. I want to buy a bathing suit that I actually love.
5. I want to look at family pictures and be happy with how I look!

This is a tough bonus question. I would probably pick Haunted Mansion. It's just a classic and I've loved it since my dad took me on it at 5 years old.

Hi Donalds!

I am excited to say that I am doing much better. It took me awhile to fall asleep last night, but I slept through the night! I woke up after an appropriate amount of sleep. This was the first night in too long that I didn't need 10+ hours of sleep! Things have calmed down a lot. The major drama from Sunday has passed and I am feeling better emotionally. I have been playing around with my meds (with my doctor's approval) and think that I have found a better plan. He works in the afternoon today, so I will call later and leave a message with his secretary. She is not the friendliest person, but I met one that is even worse so I am trying to take her with a grain of salt. What ticks me off is that I have spoken to both of these doctors about their secretaries upsetting me. I'm not calling to schedule a yearly gyno appt; I'm calling because I'm dehydrated from diarhhea or exhausted from vertigo. :headache: For some reason they don't think those are of concern. :confused3

I did a little shopping yesterday at Target. There are some great items in their Dollar Spot. I think it is Jill who mentioned starting to scrap. They have some scrapbooking items for $1. There are also a few Disney items. I got my sister magnets of the Disney Princesses. Those will go in her Easter basket. We really don't do Easter baskets anymore, but she and my BIL will get little items like that that I pick up cheap. I scored a few good deals at CVS so my BIL is getting a new (of the same kind) razor and a package of blades.

Target also has a bunch of bug/insect stuff. I started thinking of how I could use some of the $1 items for a language lesson. And, I know some teachers who have a stash of "special" pencils for when a student doesn't have one. You know, the ones that are not yellow so that the student will definitely want to return it to you when class ends. :rotfl: Target had a couple of options for those as well.

Kathy: Hope DS outgrows his seizures! He is such a trooper.

There will be Healthy Habits this week and I have a surprise planned. Here's a hint: If you get any sales ads in print, don't recycle them yet.

Glad you're doing better! Thanks for the heads up about the Target deals! I may have to head there this weekend.

I haven't checked in for a couple of weeks. I had my hysterectomy exactly 3 weeks ago today. I have 3 weeks more of healing, then I'm hoping to be able to get the okay to exercise again.

I haven't weighed in for a couple of weeks, either. Today I decided to get on the scale, and I've lost a total of 14 pounds since the beginning of the year. I guess it's better than no loss at all. My original goal total by March 31 was 30 pounds. I won't make that, but I'm hoping to be at 20 pounds gone by 3/31. I'm hoping...

Glad everything went well with your surgery. And 14 pounds is pretty awesome! Hope you have a speedy 3 more weeks!

Seems I accidentally deleted your message about your son's cough/illness. Just wanted to say that I hope he is feeling better soon and that you all get some sleep!

Thanks! I'm hoping for sleep also! DS is feeling better and told me he will be able to go to school tomorrow.

Oh No! I hope DS is feeling better today! And I hope you got some sleep too!

I LOVE Target!! I always go in for ONE thing and come out with an entire cart! I love the dollar bins but I am always on the lookout for the clearance stuff! I check the endcaps in the beauty section to find my best deals...I once got Philosophy bath gel for $8 a bottle...when they retail for $16! You never know what you can find!

I am on the deck with my coffee and it is just heavenly :cloud9:

I better get another cup of coffee and prepare for my next call! I did pretty well with Boston College so I hope I do the same with Boston University, Fairfield University, American University, and Emory!

Great OP day to all!!

Thanks Karen. DS is feeling better.

I love Target also. I swear we go for a couple things and spend $200 every time! DSs laugh at me becasue I check every end cap or red clearance sticker I see.

I cannot wait to sit on my porch or deck and drink coffee in the mornings. Maybe this weekend!

Good luck with your calls!

Hope you are all have a fabulous day. Tomorrow should be a pretty free day so I can finally get caught up on all these posts! I don't know how I'm going to do it when we merge! :rotfl2:

Forgot the Bonus. I rode Haunted Mansion for the 1st time in 2010 and I LOVED it. So I think I'm going to have to go with that. :)

Enjoy the free day! Sounds wonderful!


Great news! I hit my goal for opening my Vera box! Whoohoo! After I weighed myself Tuesday morning, I ran downstairs and tore that box open!!

I've had a busy day. DS is better and the 70 degrees here is wonderful. So, DSis and I took my dog for an hour long walk at the park. It was so nice to get some fresh air and chit chat with my sister. I cannot wait to get back into running outside, but it was more important to get my dog walking today. The poor thing is in her crate all day, so this walk wore her out. The problem? I ate too much sugar today. I lost it on a donut and a couple cookies. Oh well, back on track tomorrow.

Hope everyone is enjoying this great weather! I know in western PA we are loving it! Enjoy it while it lasts. Who knows what'll happen next week!

Good Thursday morning everyone

It was beautiful day here yesterday. I am sorry that I never got out. It has been so busy around here. We are trying to get a report done. I hadn't started it but found out this week that is due by the end of the week next week. All we are supposed to do is change some things from last year's report except we found out that our principal never submitted our report last year. Only in our school.

Happy Wednesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD:

Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

1. I want to be able to walk into a store and buy something without thinking (I know that will never happen since manufacturers all don't use the same measurements.)

2. I would like my knees and ankles to not hurt as much.

3. I want to set a good example for my sons and husband

4. I don't want to end up on any more medication. I am on bp medication but it is also for my irregular heartbeat so I will never be over that. I am also on cholestrol medication and both my parents have problems with it so I will never be off that. BUT I would rather not be on medication for diabetes.

5. I want a strong body to match my strong mind.

Irish Soda Bread made and ds2 will start the corned beef this afternoon. I have yoga tonight and then I have to meet up with some sewing moms to make sure costumes are set for tomorrow night.

Tomorrow I have to go to a wake/funeral for my friend's mom. She has been sick for a while but took a turn for the worse 2 weeks ago.

Off to get dressed.

Have a happy and healthy day.

BONUS QOTD: If you have time for only one ride at the Magic Kindgom, what would you ride and why??
Too hard to pick just one. HM

BB in a minute to chat..............P
Happy Wednesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD:

Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

BONUS QOTD: If you have time for only one ride at the Magic Kindgom, what would you ride and why??

BB in a minute to chat..............P
1. I want to feel healthy and energised and know that I'm doing the best I can now for my long-term health!
2. I want to enjoy shopping for clothes and be able to buy things I like rather than things that fit!
3. I want to be able to run around with my youngest aged 5 in the same way that I ran around with the older kids aged 14 and 22!
4. I want to live a long and healthy life to see my kids grow up and hopefully my future grandkids (and maybe even great-grandkids)!
5. I want to catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and instead of cringing think I look good!

I haven't checked in for a couple of weeks. I had my hysterectomy exactly 3 weeks ago today. I have 3 weeks more of healing, then I'm hoping to be able to get the okay to exercise again.

I haven't weighed in for a couple of weeks, either. Today I decided to get on the scale, and I've lost a total of 14 pounds since the beginning of the year. I guess it's better than no loss at all. My original goal total by March 31 was 30 pounds. I won't make that, but I'm hoping to be at 20 pounds gone by 3/31. I'm hoping...

You,re doing amazing! 14 lbs is great you should be proud of yourself:thumbsup2 20 lbs is my goal for this first stage of the challenge and I'm a wee bit further off than I'd hoped but I know I can do it and you can too:)

Great QOTD Pamela! I am going to go ahead and answer it because I finally have an answer that isn't "my mother."

1. I do not want to struggle to walk up stairs anymore.
2. I do not like the clothing options I have. I don't like to spend 30 minutes trying to figure out what to wear to go to the grocery store because nothing fits. I also don't like shopping for clothes because I don't like the options and nothing fits.
3. I have had comprehensive blood work done multiple times in the last 7 years and my fasting blood sugar has been rising. It is still under 100, but I do not want it to reach that critical number.
4. I will feel better about myself emotionally. This happens when I exercise so even if I don't lose 60+ pounds, this will still happen.
5. Eating healthy food fuels my body properly and I feel well physically.

Have a great day Donalds!

Love these reasons. We can do this if we stick with it:cool1:

Do you actually celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Ireland, or is one of those strictly American holidays?
Yip we celebrate St Patrick's Day but you probably do it better:rotfl: My neighbours went to New York last year and had a blast. My favourite thing about St Patricks day growing up was that we got a "day off" lent which meant we ate sweets all day (well when my mum wasnt looking-we were meant to just eat them after dinner but:rolleyes1

Saw your comment about visiting NH and if you ever make it here, you had better let me know! I'm born and raised in Massachusetts, but been here in NH for all of my married life and it is really a very pretty state. Love to show it off to you!

I will definitely look you up if I ever make it to NH. It would be great craic to meet up and be shown around by a local and I bet we'd get along great:cool1:

Well.... decided to bag the homemade juice idea today and stick with coffee (not sure how that will feel in the tummy) and a homemade lowfat pumpkin scone leftover from the weekend. Scone was yummy.... not so sure about the coffee yet.................P

Hope your feeling better today. Loved all your answers for Qotd too:)

Some of these I shared when I joined but they are definitiely still a reason to keep me motivated.

1 Both my parents have been diagnosed with diabetes in the last 10 years. My mom's has progressed to needing insulin 4 times a day and my dad just seems to ignore the fact that losing weight would be beneficial to his health. I don't want this in my future.

2 I have had 2 colleagues in the last 9 months who have had to have hip and/or knee surgery due to being overweight all there life. I don't want that.

3 I want to be able to buy clothes in the stores here in Switzerland. Larger sizes are not as readily available in the stores here as they are in the USA.

4 I want to be able to fly on an airplane comfortably without having to ask for a seat belt extension and see people in a seat next to me role their eyes when they see that they will have to sit next to me in fear I might impede their space.

5 I want to be able to ride roller coasters with my partner this summer instead of waiting like I did last year. Disney is good about building ride vehicles to accomodate more sizes of people but this is not the same case with other parks.


If I had time for only one attraction at MK, it would definitely be Haunted Mansion. I have always loved this attraction and feel the recent enhancements both inside and out are marvelous. I was also fortunate to work as a butler there when I worked for WDW.


Hope all are well. It has gotten really quiet on the boards lately. Hopefully people are just busy and are still OP and have not given up the challenge.

Happy hump day!!!!

Love your reasons for losing weight and improving your health. You're doing an amazing job so far. Keep up the good work:thumbsup2
Hmmm...ok let's see.
1. I hate feeling disgusted with myself
2. I want to buy cute clothes AND FEEL cute in them!!
3. I need to be a better example for my kids :lovestruc
4. Now that I'm over 40, I need to be more healthy. Just need to!
5. I want to have more energy so I can be up and running and playing, not just sitting on the sidelines always tired.

You could be me speaking. Great reasons:)
Bonus: I would choose to ride Haunted Mansion. I just love everything about it. :thumbsup2

Thanks. He is feeling better and not coughing yet in bed, so I'm hoping for a good sleep tonight!

Glad your little guy is feeling better.

1. I want to live longer.
2. I want to set a good example for my kids.
3. I want to have more energy to keep up with my family.
4. I want to buy a bathing suit that I actually love.
5. I want to look at family pictures and be happy with how I look!

Great answers!

Great news! I hit my goal for opening my Vera box! Whoohoo! After I weighed myself Tuesday morning, I ran downstairs and tore that box open!!

:banana::banana:Yay for opening the Vera box:banana::banana: You guys are bad for my budget I had no idea about Vera bags until I came on here:lmao:

I've had a busy day. DS is better and the 70 degrees here is wonderful. So, DSis and I took my dog for an hour long walk at the park. It was so nice to get some fresh air and chit chat with my sister. I cannot wait to get back into running outside, but it was more important to get my dog walking today. The poor thing is in her crate all day, so this walk wore her out. The problem? I ate too much sugar today. I lost it on a donut and a couple cookies. Oh well, back on track tomorrow.

Hope everyone is enjoying this great weather! I know in western PA we are loving it! Enjoy it while it lasts. Who knows what'll happen next week!


Glad everything is looking better:thumbsup2

Love everyones reasons for losing weight. So many of us have similar goals its great to be part of a like-minded team. Just wanted to say thanks for all the support you give me here:)

Bonus QOTD
Almost forgot to answer this. For me it would have to be Peter Pans Flight:love: I love everything about this ride but especially the whole "flying over London scene!
Good Morning! Here is today's QOTD:

You've been given a time machine!! It is a one-time-use machine and it is stuck in REVERSE, so you can only go BACK in time (You get one trip there and then back to real life). What time period would you go to and why? Who would you like to meet or what event in history would you like to witness? You CANNOT change history in any way (like you can't prevent the sinking of the Titanic or prevent Pearl Harbor), but you can interact with people in history.

BONUS QOTD: Name your favorite UNDER-RATED Disney character...... someone who doesn't get the attention they deserve!

BBL to chat....................P
I am SO happy to see that you are feeling much better! I was really concerned about you.

Excited to see our next HH!!

Thanks Pamela! I had a really good day yesterday and while I did not sleep very well last night, I am do not feel tired, so I am calling it a win. :)

CC, Hang in there! :hug:
I LOVE Target!! I always go in for ONE thing and come out with an entire cart! I love the dollar bins but I am always on the lookout for the clearance stuff! I check the endcaps in the beauty section to find my best deals...I once got Philosophy bath gel for $8 a bottle...when they retail for $16! You never know what you can find!

Your reply inspired me to make my own weight loss journey bulletin board. I'm going to go back to Target today and pick up some of the items I saw and make up some type of inspiration board. I have a space near my bedroom door that would be perfect for something like this. I'll see it whenever I leave my room and can easily check things off when I go back in to change out of my workout clothes. ;)

Glad you're doing better! Thanks for the heads up about the Target deals! I may have to head there this weekend.

Thanks! Congrats on reaching your goal! :cool1:

The bug stuff really appealed to me. :confused3 I have an 18 month-old I buy for and I kept debating if he would be old enough for it. In the end, I decided on a Sesame Street book about completing a triathalon. :rotfl2:

4. I want to live a long and healthy life to see my kids grow up and hopefully my future grandkids (and maybe even great-grandkids)!

I read the obituaries for a variety of reasons. One of which is that I wouldn't have found out things like the priest at one of the Catholic parishes in town passed away. :confused3 Anyway, in today's paper, there was an obituary for a woman who passed away at age 88 and had 2 great-great grandchildren.

Love these reasons. We can do this if we stick with it:cool1:

Definitely! :cool1:

What do you call one's great-great grandmother? ;) Honestly, as surprised as I was to read that today, people are living much later into life. And, honestly, I think I'd want to be called Nona like I called my father's grandmother.

Good Morning! Here is today's QOTD:

You've been given a time machine!! It is a one-time-use machine and it is stuck in REVERSE, so you can only go BACK in time (You get one trip there and then back to real life). What time period would you go to and why? Who would you like to meet or what event in history would you like to witness? You CANNOT change history in any way (like you can't prevent the sinking of the Titanic or prevent Pearl Harbor), but you can interact with people in history.

BONUS QOTD: Name your favorite UNDER-RATED Disney character...... someone who doesn't get the attention they deserve!

BBL to chat....................P

I only get to go back once! I had a lot of teacher's in school who had us study women in history. I did a report on Mary Fairfax Greig Somerville for 6th grade math. She is famous for her work with algebra during the early 1800s. (I had to look up the date, but otherwise I remembered what I wrote about 16 years ago and how surprised I was to learn about her.)

At church (just the location, not religious), we were discussing how some people alive today have lived through World War II, the assanitations of the 1960s, and 9/11. As much as I would prefer not to witness someone's death, I cannot empathazie with these people and I do ponder what they think about things have lived through so many acts of violence. I feel that being able to empathize with people is one of the strongest characteristics a person can have and so this did really get me thinking.

I am off to eat breakfast. My laptop needs to charge and then I'll be back to post Healthy Habits. I want you have some extra time this week.
Some of these I shared when I joined but they are definitiely still a reason to keep me motivated.

1 Both my parents have been diagnosed with diabetes in the last 10 years. My mom's has progressed to needing insulin 4 times a day and my dad just seems to ignore the fact that losing weight would be beneficial to his health. I don't want this in my future.

2 I have had 2 colleagues in the last 9 months who have had to have hip and/or knee surgery due to being overweight all there life. I don't want that.

3 I want to be able to buy clothes in the stores here in Switzerland. Larger sizes are not as readily available in the stores here as they are in the USA.

4 I want to be able to fly on an airplane comfortably without having to ask for a seat belt extension and see people in a seat next to me role their eyes when they see that they will have to sit next to me in fear I might impede their space.

5 I want to be able to ride roller coasters with my partner this summer instead of waiting like I did last year. Disney is good about building ride vehicles to accomodate more sizes of people but this is not the same case with other parks.

SO many great reasons!


If I had time for only one attraction at MK, it would definitely be Haunted Mansion. I have always loved this attraction and feel the recent enhancements both inside and out are marvelous. I was also fortunate to work as a butler there when I worked for WDW.


Hope all are well. It has gotten really quiet on the boards lately. Hopefully people are just busy and are still OP and have not given up the challenge.

Happy hump day!!!!


Yup, things are definitely quieter. But they will pick up again as we merge!

I have decided to lose weight because...

1. I want to be healthy and feel full of energy!
2. I want to stop shopping in the PLUS size area where everything looks like a mumu and nothing looks good
3. I want to feel confident about my body in a bathing suit and not feel like I have to hide at the beach.
4. My grandfather was diabetic and my father is pre-diabetic and I do not want to be in that position early in life.
5. I want to be the best Yaya for my nephew and be there for him as he grows up.

Don't forget, he'll love his Yaya no matter what.... but being slim and healthy and able to run around with him will be great!

Good Morning DOnalds!

I am on the deck with my coffee and it is just heavenly :cloud9: I already had my first phone call of the day (I have to call colleges to see if they are taking my students or not) so I only have four more to go! (10am, 11am, 1pm, and 3pm) I'm going to try to get in a walk/jog after my 11am call and some lunch too! AFter my 3pm call I am going to pick up my mom...they returned from their 2 months in Florida on Saturday... and head to Ikea. I love Ikea stuff but they do not last very long. I have 5 lamps from there and while I love the bases, the shades need to be replaced. The unfortunate part is that Ikea lamps can only use Ikea lampshades!! So, I have a feeling I will be buying more than lampshades.....just love their cool stuff for outdoor decor!

I better get another cup of coffee and prepare for my next call! I did pretty well with Boston College so I hope I do the same with Boston University, Fairfield University, American University, and Emory!

Great OP day to all!!

Hope you enjoyed your deck day! I had a sunny warm morning here at home and got outside to at least sweep the birdseed remains from the deck..... but the kids and I ran into town later in the afternoon and it was dark and grey and much cooler! :confused3

Thanks for all the encouragement! I'm feeling better about it today. I figure it's already an accomplishment actually running at all! I'm ahead of so many other people. Plus, I'm already almost running a 5k on every run! :cool1:

That is a great accomplishment, to be able to do 5k on every run!

1. To get in shape for Disney so I can have the best time possible. I don't want to run around feeling out of shape, feeling bad about my weight while I'm suppose to be in my happy place! I want to be able to run around the parks all day, and still look good.

2. To do what others can't. Run half marathons, marathons, to be able to lift more weights than others.

3. To be healthy for life!

4. To influence my friends and family to become healthier and set a good example.

5. To feel better about myself and to have more energy. To be able to wear all the cute clothes I want. :banana:

Such great reasons to want success on this journey! Especially #1.... ;)
Hope you are all have a fabulous day. Tomorrow should be a pretty free day so I can finally get caught up on all these posts! I don't know how I'm going to do it when we merge! :rotfl2:

Forgot the Bonus. I rode Haunted Mansion for the 1st time in 2010 and I LOVED it. So I think I'm going to have to go with that. :)

Don't worry about getting caught up!

My top 5 most of these are from my original list and I've conquered many already

1. I didn't want my kids to be embarassed to be seen with me
2. I wanted to be able to keep up with them
3. I hated how I looked in the mirror
4. I wanted to shop in the normal sizes
5. I wanted to continue having good health

The ironic thing is that my health was awesome until I took this job and since then I've been in the worst health ever. Nothing at all to do with my weight.

Sorry to hear this about your health. I knew you had been struggling as of late. But I'm SUPER impressed that you continue to try to stay true to this healthy lifestyle change. I'm sure it has been difficult, given all of your stressors lately. :hug:

1. To not worry about my blood pressure being higher than my parents.
2. To wear shorts at Disney and not be embarrassed.
3. To be confident in a bathing suit.
4. To be more happy with myself.
5. To be more energetic

BONUS QOTD: The Haunted Mansion! It's always been my favorite ride at MK, especially for the memories of my dad doing the 'Goofy Scream' in the stretch room. I'll have to try to find that recording I have of him doing that. :rotfl:

Loving #4 especially so!

Hmmm...ok let's see.
1. I hate feeling disgusted with myself
2. I want to buy cute clothes AND FEEL cute in them!!
3. I need to be a better example for my kids :lovestruc
4. Now that I'm over 40, I need to be more healthy. Just need to!
5. I want to have more energy so I can be up and running and playing, not just sitting on the sidelines always tired.

Bonus: I would choose to ride Haunted Mansion. I just love everything about it. :thumbsup2

Another vote for HM! I'm a bit surprised..... but probably because I"m not a big HM fan. My second vote would have been for Soarin', but I think I specified MK in the QOTD.

Thanks. He is feeling better and not coughing yet in bed, so I'm hoping for a good sleep tonight!

Hope the sleep was good and long and uninterrupted and restorative!

1. I want to live longer.


2. I want to set a good example for my kids.

Something great to strive for!!

3. I want to have more energy to keep up with my family.
4. I want to buy a bathing suit that I actually love.
5. I want to look at family pictures and be happy with how I look!


This is a tough bonus question. I would probably pick Haunted Mansion. It's just a classic and I've loved it since my dad took me on it at 5 years old.

And yet ANOTHER vote for HM!

Great news! I hit my goal for opening my Vera box! Whoohoo! After I weighed myself Tuesday morning, I ran downstairs and tore that box open!!

Were they everything you dreamed they'd be??

I've had a busy day. DS is better and the 70 degrees here is wonderful. So, DSis and I took my dog for an hour long walk at the park. It was so nice to get some fresh air and chit chat with my sister. I cannot wait to get back into running outside, but it was more important to get my dog walking today. The poor thing is in her crate all day, so this walk wore her out. The problem? I ate too much sugar today. I lost it on a donut and a couple cookies. Oh well, back on track tomorrow.

Hope everyone is enjoying this great weather! I know in western PA we are loving it! Enjoy it while it lasts. Who knows what'll happen next week!


Maybe the long puppy walk helped with the sugar hit. Wish I were in western PA with you! I'm always so jealous that my brother and his family in southern PA get spring at least 3-4 weeks before we do!!

Good Thursday morning everyone

It was beautiful day here yesterday. I am sorry that I never got out. It has been so busy around here. We are trying to get a report done. I hadn't started it but found out this week that is due by the end of the week next week. All we are supposed to do is change some things from last year's report except we found out that our principal never submitted our report last year. Only in our school.

Good luck with your report.

Great job wanting a strong body to match your strong mind! I'm so intimidated by your math brain!!

1. I want to feel healthy and energised and know that I'm doing the best I can now for my long-term health!
2. I want to enjoy shopping for clothes and be able to buy things I like rather than things that fit!
3. I want to be able to run around with my youngest aged 5 in the same way that I ran around with the older kids aged 14 and 22!

Didn't realize your kids were so spread out!

4. I want to live a long and healthy life to see my kids grow up and hopefully my future grandkids (and maybe even great-grandkids)!
5. I want to catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and instead of cringing think I look good!

Bonus QOTD
Almost forgot to answer this. For me it would have to be Peter Pans Flight:love: I love everything about this ride but especially the whole "flying over London scene![/COLOR]

I think I've only ridden that one once.

Good Morning! Here is today's QOTD:

You've been given a time machine!! It is a one-time-use machine and it is stuck in REVERSE, so you can only go BACK in time (You get one trip there and then back to real life). What time period would you go to and why? Who would you like to meet or what event in history would you like to witness? You CANNOT change history in any way (like you can't prevent the sinking of the Titanic or prevent Pearl Harbor), but you can interact with people in history.

Easy one for me (maybe that's why I asked it??;) ). I would want to meet Laura Ingalls Wilder. Not sure at exactly what point in her life.... but probably her older years so she could reflect back on her growing-up years. I've been fascinated with her life since about 2nd grade. I've read every one of her books many, many more times than I could count. And I've read everything ABOUT her that I could find. In fact, DD is named for her.

Second choice, if I couldn't meet Laura, would be to meet my maternal grandmother. She died when my Dad was in his teen years. I think it would give me so much insight into my Dad and his personality. Maybe I'm like her?? I've also always wished that I could see the homestead that my Dad was brought up in. It was a well-established actual "homestead", but the house and land were taken by eminent domain and the house was leveled in the 1950's for flood control.

BONUS QOTD: Name your favorite UNDER-RATED Disney character...... someone who doesn't get the attention they deserve!

For now I'm going to say ..... um...... Jiminy Cricket. (Not my first thought though.) He is hard to meet. I've tried on nearly every trip and finally met him in 2010 with some real PLANNING. He is smart and clever and a CLASSIC! He appears in parades and such, but not in person enough.


BBL to chat....................P
Good Morning! Here is today's QOTD:

You've been given a time machine!! It is a one-time-use machine and it is stuck in REVERSE, so you can only go BACK in time (You get one trip there and then back to real life). What time period would you go to and why? Who would you like to meet or what event in history would you like to witness? You CANNOT change history in any way (like you can't prevent the sinking of the Titanic or prevent Pearl Harbor), but you can interact with people in history.

BONUS QOTD: Name your favorite UNDER-RATED Disney character...... someone who doesn't get the attention they deserve!

BBL to chat....................P
I would travel back to 1946. The 2nd world war would have ended and while rationing would still be in place here in Ireland people would (from what I've read and what my parents have told me) have a renewed enthusiasm for life. I'd like to visit this time because both my grandmothers would be alive and I'd love to meet them! I never knew either of my Grannies , my paternal grandmother died when my dad was 12 and my mothers mum died 6weeks before I was born so I'd love to get the chance to chat with them and hear from their perspective what my parents were like as kids:)

I dont have 1 particular character in mind but I'd love to see disney add some character meals aimed at boys! I'd love to be able to dine with the toy story characters or maybe the pirates:)
Good Morning! Here is today's QOTD:

You've been given a time machine!! It is a one-time-use machine and it is stuck in REVERSE, so you can only go BACK in time (You get one trip there and then back to real life). What time period would you go to and why? Who would you like to meet or what event in history would you like to witness? You CANNOT change history in any way (like you can't prevent the sinking of the Titanic or prevent Pearl Harbor), but you can interact with people in history.

BONUS QOTD: Name your favorite UNDER-RATED Disney character...... someone who doesn't get the attention they deserve!

BBL to chat....................P

Wow this a tough question......I guess I would want to go back to the roaring 20's in Hollywood and be a part of the golden age of cinema and the early years of Disney Animation. I love the fashion, the music, the romance.....ahhhhh!

Bonus Question.... Well I am not sure how you did it Pamela but you just set up my whole week of questions for next week.You must be psychic. I thought it would be fun to focus on some of the minor or even bit characters from Disney animation and gleem what kind of lesson we can learn from them. So I will withhold more details on 7 that I have identified until my coaching begins tomorrow. But I will say that one of my favorite Under-rated characters in Yzma from Emporer's New Groove. Granted she is a villian but she is just a classic example of Disney comedy in a villianous manner.


Hello all you Donalds. I can not believe that we are already finishing out week 11 of the challenge and that we wil be merging with the Mickey's after only another week as the Donalds.

I have had a pretty steady week and think I will see progress on the scale though i wish my food journal and exercise journal were more completed and reflected my week better. I always learn more when I have it to reflect upon at the end of the week and see the number on the scale.

Beginning to seriously worry about my cruises coming up and the temptations I will be facing. Worried that my plan will be just that, a plan.. I need to turn it into action during that time. gott a get my head on for that.

I hope you all have a great day. Will try to pop back by later.

Pamela-jusst wanted to say you look amazing in your jiminy cricket photo-definitely the fit look we're all aiming for:cool1:

BTW yip my kids are spread out just a wee bit:rotfl2: 1 in each decade from my 20s-not planning to add one in the 50s decade:scared1:
Same husband, no he didnt work away alot:rotfl:just the way our family turned out and we love it even thought it wasnt exactly planned thatway;)
Healthy Habits Week 12: We're Going Deluxe![/COLOR]

This we are going resort hopping at the Deluxe Resorts.

For all 7 days:

1. The Contemporary: It is a monarail resort and home to Chef Mickey, The Wave, Contempo Cafe, and California Grill. Best of all? After you indulge in the wonderful food offered here, there is a walking path back to the Magic Kingdom. Exercise each day. The length of time is your decision.

2. The Polynesian: I don't drink alcohol, but I'm guessing you should follow a Lapu Lapu with at least as much water! Drink 64 oz. or more of water each day. In the spirit of Kona coffee, you can count up to 16 oz. of coffee or tea toward your water total this week.

3. The Beach Club and the Yacht Club: I would absolutely love to live in one of these resorts! Why? Stormalong Bay! I could spend hours just looking at it. I can only imgine the calorie burn I'd get from swimming in it. Well, since I don't have a water park in my back yard, I better stick to counting calories. Each day, journal/record what you ate and its portion size as well as one nutriona aspect of it.

4. The Grand Floridian: Wouldn't it be wonderful to dine at Victoria & Albert's or to have High Tea? I would love to meet the Mad Hatter and the Wicked Stepsisters! Why? It's fun! Each day, do something for you. It can be fun, relaxing, short, long, etc., but it has to be something you chose to do.


1. Wilderness Lodge and Animal Kingdom Lodge: Can you say theming? If it wasn't 90+ degrees and so humid, I could have fallen asleep under the beautiful trees at the Wilderness Lodge and been in vacation heaven. Experience your surroundings. It does not have to be with nature, but you have to be present. Yoga and medititation are great choices.

2. The Boardwalk: I don't know much about this resort, other than that it is on Disney's Boardwalk. However, I do know that as with most general boardwalks, there are shopping opportunities. But, we are going Deluxe and have already spent our budget on our resort room. Alas! There is a solution! The PIN! Use at least 1 coupon this week when you do your grocery shopping.

When you submit your points for the week, include how much you saved using coupons on groceries only. This week, there will be 2 prize winners: 1 from the team with the most participants and 1 from the team who saves the most money!

Please feel free to ask any questions! Have a great week!
Morning Dolands hope you are having a healthy day!

Good Morning! Here is today's QOTD:

You've been given a time machine!! It is a one-time-use machine and it is stuck in REVERSE, so you can only go BACK in time (You get one trip there and then back to real life). What time period would you go to and why? Who would you like to meet or what event in history would you like to witness? You CANNOT change history in any way (like you can't prevent the sinking of the Titanic or prevent Pearl Harbor), but you can interact with people in history.

BONUS QOTD: Name your favorite UNDER-RATED Disney character...... someone who doesn't get the attention they deserve!

BBL to chat....................P
This is a tough one. You watch movies and read books that are set in the past and it seems neat, but most of them gloss over a lot of the realities. Life was hard in the past, especially for women. There are times that seem interesting but I honesty wouldn't want to live then. I can live a couple of weeks with out running water, and electricity but I really appreciate returning to modern conveniences.

Thanks Pamela!

Originally Posted by luvpoohandcompany
4. I want to live a long and healthy life to see my kids grow up and hopefully my future grandkids (and maybe even great-grandkids)!

I read the obituaries for a variety of reasons. One of which is that I wouldn't have found out things like the priest at one of the Catholic parishes in town passed away. Anyway, in today's paper, there was an obituary for a woman who passed away at age 88 and had 2 great-great grandchildren.

What do you call one's great-great grandmother? ;) Honestly, as surprised as I was to read that today, people are living much later into life. And, honestly, I think I'd want to be called Nona like I called my father's grandmother.
My grandmother has 2 great-great-granddaughters. They are 2 and 3 years old right now (and total cuties). They just call her grandma. My grandma is 84 this year. It helps if everyone has kids young. My grandma has 13 great grandkids (ranging in age from 22 to 1) but I don't think any of the others will be ready to have kids any time soon!

Hello all you Donalds. I can not believe that we are already finishing out week 11 of the challenge and that we wil be merging with the Mickey's after only another week as the Donalds.

I have had a pretty steady week and think I will see progress on the scale though i wish my food journal and exercise journal were more completed and reflected my week better. I always learn more when I have it to reflect upon at the end of the week and see the number on the scale.

Beginning to seriously worry about my cruises coming up and the temptations I will be facing. Worried that my plan will be just that, a plan.. I need to turn it into action during that time. gott a get my head on for that.

I hope you all have a great day. Will try to pop back by later.

A plan and some determination and you will do wounderful on your cruises! Just remeber to take advatage of the opertunities for exersize.:cheer2:
CC love the healthy habits this week. Very excited to take part-you had me day dreaming about all the wonderful resorts I've yet to explore as well as a wee trip down memory lane to some of the ones I've visited:)
Good Morning! Here is today's QOTD:

You've been given a time machine!! It is a one-time-use machine and it is stuck in REVERSE, so you can only go BACK in time (You get one trip there and then back to real life). What time period would you go to and why? Who would you like to meet or what event in history would you like to witness? You CANNOT change history in any way (like you can't prevent the sinking of the Titanic or prevent Pearl Harbor), but you can interact with people in history.

BONUS QOTD: Name your favorite UNDER-RATED Disney character...... someone who doesn't get the attention they deserve!

BBL to chat....................P

I would love to go back to the 80's when you had to be really really wealthy to have a cell phone and there were only tvs and not many computers. Of course I would miss all of you but there are somedays I just feel like technology has gotten out of hand and I wish things were more "simple".

Healthy Habits Week 12: We're Going Deluxe![/COLOR]

This we are going resort hopping at the Deluxe Resorts.

For all 7 days:

1. The Contemporary: It is a monarail resort and home to Chef Mickey, The Wave, Contempo Cafe, and California Grill. Best of all? After you indulge in the wonderful food offered here, there is a walking path back to the Magic Kingdom. Exercise each day. The length of time is your decision.

2. The Polynesian: I don't drink alcohol, but I'm guessing you should follow a Lapu Lapu with at least as much water! Drink 64 oz. or more of water each day. In the spirit of Kona coffee, you can count up to 16 oz. of coffee or tea toward your water total this week.

3. The Beach Club and the Yacht Club: I would absolutely love to live in one of these resorts! Why? Stormalong Bay! I could spend hours just looking at it. I can only imgine the calorie burn I'd get from swimming in it. Well, since I don't have a water park in my back yard, I better stick to counting calories. Each day, journal/record what you ate and its portion size as well as one nutriona aspect of it.

4. The Grand Floridian: Wouldn't it be wonderful to dine at Victoria & Albert's or to have High Tea? I would love to meet the Mad Hatter and the Wicked Stepsisters! Why? It's fun! Each day, do something for you. It can be fun, relaxing, short, long, etc., but it has to be something you chose to do.


1. Wilderness Lodge and Animal Kingdom Lodge: Can you say theming? If it wasn't 90+ degrees and so humid, I could have fallen asleep under the beautiful trees at the Wilderness Lodge and been in vacation heaven. Experience your surroundings. It does not have to be with nature, but you have to be present. Yoga and medititation are great choices.

2. The Boardwalk: I don't know much about this resort, other than that it is on Disney's Boardwalk. However, I do know that as with most general boardwalks, there are shopping opportunities. But, we are going Deluxe and have already spent our budget on our resort room. Alas! There is a solution! The PIN! Use at least 1 coupon this week when you do your grocery shopping.

When you submit your points for the week, include how much you saved using coupons on groceries only. This week, there will be 2 prize winners: 1 from the team with the most participants and 1 from the team who saves the most money!

Please feel free to ask any questions! Have a great week!

Love these CC!!!!!


Hi Friends! I have been busy enjoying the beautiful weather we are having. I have kept very active and am getting in my runs. Eating on the other hand is not so good. So I have been a maintainer the past few weeks. Its not what I want to be doing but at least I am not gaining each week. I need to make a Plan because that is what I have been lacking.

This wkend we have a St Patrick's Day 5K we are running. It is right before the Parade. The forecast is 68 and sunny so I am crossing my fingers that stays that way so we can have a nice day.

Hope all of you are doing great! Keep up the good work.
Reasons I'm losing weight
1. I don't want to die.
2. I am a flutist, and it will help my lung capacity.
3. My senior recital is next semester and I have to find a formal dress.
4. I want to go to the Disney water parks!
5. I want to eventually do the Goofy marathon.
Bonus QOTD: Splash Mountain! I love the smell and sound of Disney water, it was the first thing I ever rode at WDW, and it just screams Disney.

Thurs QOTD:
I'd go back to the days of the great Baroque composers and talk to them about how they changed the make up of music and developed theory that has lasted for hundreds of years.
Good Morning! Here is today's QOTD:

You've been given a time machine!! It is a one-time-use machine and it is stuck in REVERSE, so you can only go BACK in time (You get one trip there and then back to real life). What time period would you go to and why? Who would you like to meet or what event in history would you like to witness? You CANNOT change history in any way (like you can't prevent the sinking of the Titanic or prevent Pearl Harbor), but you can interact with people in history.

BONUS QOTD: Name your favorite UNDER-RATED Disney character...... someone who doesn't get the attention they deserve!

Ooh! Interesting question! Very Doctor Who-like. :3dglasses

I actually have two. One of my ancestors was actually on the Titanic when he was about 4 years old and the Titanic has always intrigued me (in part because of the movie...) so I'd want to sail on the Titanic and jump back to present day as soon as someone said 'Iceberg!'

And for the second one: I've always been fascinated with Henry VIII, his 6 wives and the house of Tudor; plus I love the Elizabethan clothes. So I'd want to go back to that time and find out the full story.

Bonus QOTD: Probably Meeko from Pocahontas. Every scene he was in made me smile. :goodvibes
Oops! I forgot today's bonus QOTD! I grew up a huge fan of the Rescuers, and I would love to see any of those characters (especially the Madame) used more. I might have to watch that this weekend...

Off topic, luvpoohandcompany do you listen to Duke Special? I've always wondered how popular he is over there. (I hope I'm remembering it right that you are in Ireland).
1. I want to feel healthy and energised and know that I'm doing the best I can now for my long-term health!
2. I want to enjoy shopping for clothes and be able to buy things I like rather than things that fit!
3. I want to be able to run around with my youngest aged 5 in the same way that I ran around with the older kids aged 14 and 22!
4. I want to live a long and healthy life to see my kids grow up and hopefully my future grandkids (and maybe even great-grandkids)!
5. I want to catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and instead of cringing think I look good!

Bonus QOTD
Almost forgot to answer this. For me it would have to be Peter Pans Flight:love: I love everything about this ride but especially the whole "flying over London scene![/COLOR]

Those are great reasons!

Oh, I love Peter Pan's Flight. Isn't there a part where Captain Hook shoots a cannon? I remember on some ride that even though I knew it was coming I still jumped.

Good Morning! Here is today's QOTD:

You've been given a time machine!! It is a one-time-use machine and it is stuck in REVERSE, so you can only go BACK in time (You get one trip there and then back to real life). What time period would you go to and why? Who would you like to meet or what event in history would you like to witness? You CANNOT change history in any way (like you can't prevent the sinking of the Titanic or prevent Pearl Harbor), but you can interact with people in history.

BONUS QOTD: Name your favorite UNDER-RATED Disney character...... someone who doesn't get the attention they deserve!

BBL to chat....................P

Hm. Well I would love to go back and work with Walt Disney when he was at Laugh-O-Gram Studios just to see the beginning. Also at the opening day of Disneyland!

Newsies is one of my favorite movies and in high school I was in journalism. I wrote a paper over Pulitzer & Hearst for my English class. I think it would be interesting to go back to the Newsboys Strike of 1899 just to see how it all went down!

Bonus: Oh, hmm. Possibly Milo from Atlantis or Oliver from Oliver & Company!

Thanks Pamela! I had a really good day yesterday and while I did not sleep very well last night, I am do not feel tired, so I am calling it a win. :)

Your reply inspired me to make my own weight loss journey bulletin board. I'm going to go back to Target today and pick up some of the items I saw and make up some type of inspiration board. I have a space near my bedroom door that would be perfect for something like this. I'll see it whenever I leave my room and can easily check things off when I go back in to change out of my workout clothes. ;)

I am off to eat breakfast. My laptop needs to charge and then I'll be back to post Healthy Habits. I want you have some extra time this week.

A weight loss bulletin board is a great idea! I have a pinterest and have a fitness board on there so that keeps me motivated.

Ooh! Interesting question! Very Doctor Who-like. :3dglasses

I actually have two. One of my ancestors was actually on the Titanic when he was about 4 years old and the Titanic has always intrigued me (in part because of the movie...) so I'd want to sail on the Titanic and jump back to present day as soon as someone said 'Iceberg!'

And for the second one: I've always been fascinated with Henry VIII, his 6 wives and the house of Tudor; plus I love the Elizabethan clothes. So I'd want to go back to that time and find out the full story.

Bonus QOTD: Probably Meeko from Pocahontas. Every scene he was in made me smile. :goodvibes

Titanic would be extremely interesting! I went to one of the Titanic Museums and it was so interesting. Sad, but fascinating. I love the movie and the history of it.

Whew, finally got caught up reading everyone's post!

I started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred yesterday. It was tough! I'll only be doing it on my off days, but still a good workout.

I ran 5k outside today! I am so proud of myself. It took me about 50 minutes, but I am just glad I finished it. My legs are killing me between that and Jillian.

Hoping to see some good results on the scale tomorrow and finally hit the 140s!! :banana:

Have a fabulous and healthy day!:goodvibes


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