Team Donald – Biggest Loser “No Excuses” 2012 Challenge

Just popping in. I decided it was really nice out that I'd run outside and try to do 4 miles. What was I thinking!? I cannot believe how much harder it was outside rather than on the treadmill and for a couple minutes I was really really terrified and thought signing up for the half marathon was a big mistake. I ran .250 and was already sweating and came in to get some water. My mom encouraged me to finish at least a mile, so I did. After a bit I started to get into a little rhythm and slowed down some and made it the rest of the way with a short walk included. I am dripping sweat and it's only a mile!! It took about 15 minutes.

Pumped myself up and went out and did another mile in about the same amount of time. Doing another mile made me feel better about it and I was less tired! I have about 68 days until the half marathon and I am so scared!

I guess I'll just have to push myself and hope for the best!

Good job on not giving up and going for another mile!
I've heard that because training on the treadmill is easer than runing outside that you should put the incline on the treadmill to 1% to compensate. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm thinking I should.
Good luck on your marathon trainning!:dance3:
Organized or disorganized? I'd like to be organized but I'm really disorganized

Red or pink?Pink

Summer or winter?Fall!

Musicals or plays?Either

Talker or listener?Listener

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"?Totaly flying by the seat of my pants most of the time:rotfl:

Twizzlers or Red Vines? i don't know what red vines are
Cream cheese or peanut butter?Anything but peanut butter, ugh

Beach or mountains?Mountains

Traveler or home-body?Traveler

Running/walking or Spinning?Running/walking

Team player or independent worker?I'm rather independent

Survivor or Big Brother?Neither

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)?Both, I have a kindle but like having physical books, epecialy magazines and coffee table books with pictures

Oatmeal or eggs?eggs:rolleyes:

Cheesecake or chocolate cake?Chocolate!

Braces or no braces?I had braces?
Happy Tuesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD: (feel free to answer any or all)

Organized or disorganized? Organized

Red or pink? Really?

Summer or winter? Summer

Musicals or plays? Musicals

Talker or listener? talker

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"?Obsessive Planner

Twizzlers or Red Vines? Chocolate
Cream cheese or peanut butter? Peanut butter

Beach or mountains? Beach
Traveler or home-body?

Running/walking or Spinning? Walking

Team player or independent worker?both

Survivor or Big Brother?Survivor is Amazing Race isn't an option

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)?Real All the Way

Oatmeal or eggs? Both

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? both

Braces or no braces?


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?
I want to see and do it all

BBL to chat, but I'm at work today so it will be sporatic!.........P
Now give me the occasional slice of Peanut Butter Chocolate Cream Cheese Cake and we are really talkin'!!!:lmao:
I'll have a slice too, biggest loser friendly please.;)

Just popping in. I decided it was really nice out that I'd run outside and try to do 4 miles. What was I thinking!? I cannot believe how much harder it was outside rather than on the treadmill and for a couple minutes I was really really terrified and thought signing up for the half marathon was a big mistake. I ran .250 and was already sweating and came in to get some water. My mom encouraged me to finish at least a mile, so I did. After a bit I started to get into a little rhythm and slowed down some and made it the rest of the way with a short walk included. I am dripping sweat and it's only a mile!! It took about 15 minutes.

Pumped myself up and went out and did another mile in about the same amount of time. Doing another mile made me feel better about it and I was less tired! I have about 68 days until the half marathon and I am so scared!

I guess I'll just have to push myself and hope for the best!
I'm thinking you are having one of those moments everyone has before their first half. And you will probably have a few more like it, even during the race, but when you cross that finishline, you are going to be so happy, strong and proud of how far you have come. You can do this. :thumbsup2

II'm spending the rest of the afternoon cleaning off the deck and taking out the deck furniture!!! If the weather holds I will be drinking coffee and DISing from my deck tomorrow morning! Happy Spring Break to meeee!!!
Whoo hoo!! Can't believe it is deck weather already. Today was just amazing. I think it will be cooler tomorrow but then warming up again for the weekend. Sounds like a wonderful weekend with your nephew. :love:

Happy Tuesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD: (feel free to answer any or all)

Organized or disorganized?disorganized

Red or pink?Pink

Summer or winter?Summer

Musicals or plays? plays

Talker or listener?Listener

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? somewhere in the middle

Twizzlers or Red Vines? twizzlers

Cream cheese or peanut butter?peanut butter

Beach or mountains?beach

Traveler or home-body?traveler turning homebody since we got the dog

Running/walking or Spinning? run/walking

Team player or independent worker? team player

Survivor or Big Brother? survivor but only because it's on before criminal minds.

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? real books

Oatmeal or eggs? eggs

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? cheesecake

Braces or no braces?
no braces, but need them too. A friend from work had them in her 50s after her dd's had finished college, so that is my goal too.


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

BBL to chat, but I'm at work today so it will be sporatic!.........P
I'll enjoy the new things. I think it's great that fantasyland will be so much bigger, and I may not have to wait as long in the hot dumbo line. :thumbsup2

And I measured my run and it was 4.6 miles! Since I haven't been running with any consistency for about a year, I'm always surprised when I can actually get some mileage in. I did the 4.6 in 52 (ish) minutes and that was with a half mile warm-up walk, a short walk up two hills, and a short stop to chat with a friend who pulled over. It is so much easier to run with NO EXPECTATIONS! I told myself how far I was going (to the end of a particular neighborhood and back) figuring it would take about an hour with a run/walk combo. I give myself permission to run when I want and walk when I want. No pressure to run the whole thing. But I did run the entire return trip, as it has no big uphills.
:cool1:Pamela, that is just awesome!! You are really getting out there and running again. Are you loving it? Do I see a race in your future????? It would be fun. And you are pretty fast in my book.:thumbsup2

But the rate I spent money this weekend - forget any trips. My son plays lacrosse - he starts Spring Meltdown conditioning camp tomorrow. So he got all his pads, etc out from last spring. Nothing fit - accept the helmet. And I think I would have buttered his ears to get it on. :laughing: So I wrote a check for $260 to play lacrosse, $115 for Meltdown. $60 for cleats, $60 for running shoes, Gloves - $70, Pads - $40. We are lucky that his grandfather bought him a new stick for Christmas. Oh and I should mention - all the prices are on sale. Can you imagine $70 for gloves??? Originally $99.99!!!!

The whole time I was thinking - no Signature Dining this trip!!!! Then we went to Home Depot to look at gas grills. Our's blew off our deck and smashed a couple of months ago. After we priced up new burners etc, we decided it would be better to buy a new one. I told DH to get a Weber if he wanted one. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!!! But he helped cook on one at a cook out last year, and realized that a $300 grill works just as well as a $800 grill. So we bought another CharBroil with infra-red technology. It was one of Consumer Reports Best Buys. You can't see the flames - so no flare ups. I will need to get used to it. But I cooked chicken, pork tenderloin, turkey tenderloin on it tonight. All came out very juicy. I am so happy to have my grill back.

Have a great week everyone - and thank you to all that are helping with the QOTD this week. Can you believe that the merge is only about 10 days away???

It is crazy how much sports can cost. I'm also thinking as ds gets older, our trips will be fewer and farther between also. I can't help but look at big costs in terms of disney trips.
Wow, the merge is 10days away!! Whoo hoo!! I'm excited to catch up with all our team Mickey friends!!

Today's QOTD:

Identify one or two high risk scenarios..... occasions, activities, or places in which you are in danger of eating more than you should or eating the wrong foods. Now create an "escape plan." What will you do to help yourself in this/these situation(s)??

(Thanks to Flat Belly Diet book for the inspiration for today's question.)

BONUS QOTD: I just found out that Snow White's Scary Adventure (at the MK) is closing. Will this make you sad? Happy? Don't care? Never heard of this ride before?

I'd say family gatherings at my brothers house are toughest. If it's potluck i"ll bring a healthy dish, and otherwise, I"ll try and downstairs when the food is upstairs, and vice versa. I do try to keep track and have small amounts of the foods I really like.

I like snow white, but will be ok with it gone. Peter Pan on the other hand would send me over the edge.:laughing:

I have had a crazy morning so far (same girl getting restrained since 7 am on and off), so I am behind on my actual work. I'll have to check in during lunch (hopefully).
:hug:Hope your day got better. A big thank you for all you do for your students. It's got to be so draining, yet so rewarding.

Oh I always fancied visiting New England-add it to my dream trip:wizard:
We have a friend from ireland an one fourth of july some of her family was here, and our neighborhood is wild with Independance day celebrations and some neighbor teens over the fence were chanting U-S-A and her 12 yo nephew who was visiting tried to out do them chanting IRELAND! It was so funny.

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 10?

The WISH Biggest Loser Spring Challenge Team Donald Week 10 Superstars!!
#10 - 0.24% - EDuke98080
#9 - TIE - 0.34% - D73 & quasar4legs
#8 - TIE - 0.49% - Jujubee727 & Leitadala
#7 - 0.59% - GoofyPredsFan
#6 - 0.73% - liesel
#5 - 0.74% - areas2102
#4 - 1.06% - ::Snow White::
#3 - 1.15% - happysummer
#2 - 1.47% - Heather.Mohler

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Team Donald Spring Challenge Week 10 Biggest Loser is:
#1 - 1.52% - DisNorth

:cool1: Congratulation everyone! Especially DisNorth!!

We have been through the same thing with my brother. He started having seizures when he was around 14. Absence seizures (I don't know if I spelled it right, but it was where he kind of blacked out for a few seconds, but was still functioning instead of passing out). He had a gran mal seizure one morning and we spent the next year and a half trying to get his medication just right. But it we finally found it and he doesn't have a seizure under normal circumstances. I know it is rough, but it will get better. And kudos to you for evening thinking about eating right while going through all that! :worship:
Thanks for sharing about your brother. Glad he is doing well. It's hard not to worry, and most of the time I'm positive and sure he will outgrow it and it will all be ok.

Our middle son had a GM seizure about 2 1/2 years ago. Turns out he had been having PM seizures for years and he had been misdiagnosed with hypoglycemia. In his case it was a brain tumor. I remember how scary it was seeing him have the GM seizure and wondering if he was brain dead :headache: The entire experience, diagnosis, surgery was almost surreal. I'm happy to share as little or as much as anyone would care to learn about our experience if it can help anyone deal with what they are going through. Hunter is 100% fine now and we are very blessed and very thankful.
Thanks Deb. I'm so glad Hunter is doing so well. I can't even imagine going through all you've been through.:hug:

Sunday March 11 Qotd

What is one thing you have not done in disney that you look forward to doing one day
The festival of the Lion king show in AK. It's been on my to-do list the past 2 trips, yet we haven't done it yet. One of these days.

Shots were better this week, did not hurt as much, although I am having some residual pain. I am hoping most of that will disappear with this weeks series, and I can get out and do some walking and getting my legs ready for the parks. Just three more weeks!

Gained weight this week...expected I would. I wasn't as OP as I should have been with all the craziness, working through lunch, etc. Plus that hugh loss was due to some gastrointestinal something (haven't figured out if a virus or something I ate). So gained it all back...:sad2:

Glad the shots are going well. And whoo hoo for some size 10s. :thumbsup2 Sizes do run so strangely though don't they. Lucky you tried them all on rather than having to exchange.

We love going to water parks and I am annoyed every year at how I look but it is a ton of fun and usually once I am there I forget about how I look, well until I see the pictures......
That's why you need to hold the camera. Or in group pictures make sure the kids are standing in front of you. And it is not easy to pull off a pic in a floaty tube.
Congrats on the long run!! And skating!!

Good evening everyone!

We had a beautiful day here, and Poko and I got lots of exercise in. I had the day off, so we walked probably a total of 2.5 hours, and am going to head out for another short walk. I also did some furniture shopping and bought a new couch and loveseat. Got my moneys worth out of my 21 year old couch. I got them cheap about $400 each and figure with ds and the dog they will take a beating, but my goal will be for them to last 8 years and I can get new furniture for ds's hs graduation. Maybe I am a planner after all. :rotfl2:
I've been eating pretty well, but not tracking so I need to start doing that again.

We just got verizon fiios for the tv, and ds is thrilled to have more channels again, and we have dvr, and it's much cheaper than what I was paying for comcast. With the on demand and better channels, maybe we don't need netflix anymore. I'll have to think on that. We had barebones cable before, so ds got his nick and disney shows on netflix, but now he can get recent stuff on demand.

Just thinking out loud here.

That's all that's happening here. Hope you all are having a nice evening!! Or sleeping tightly over there in Europe!!:)
Organized or disorganized? I try very hard but it doesn't always work out.

Red or pink? Red

Summer or winter? Winter!

Musicals or plays? Musicals - I'm playing in one next month!

Talker or listener? Listener

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? I love to plan like crazy, but as soon as we leave we pretty much forget it.

Twizzlers or Red Vines? Twirlers - better consistency.

Cream cheese or peanut butter? Cream cheese - preferrably strawberry.

Beach or mountains? 50/50

Traveler or home-body? Traveler

Running/walking or Spinning? Walking, but I can't wait till I can run!

Team player or independent worker? Independent

Survivor or Big Brother? Neither. I'm a Criminal Minds kind of girl.

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? Real.

Oatmeal or eggs? Usually eggs

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? Usually cheesecake.

Braces or no braces? Unfortunately I never had them.
This week's winning team with 17.34% is Team Donald!!

Team Mickey weighed-in losing 14.79% for the week!

Additional stats for the week!!!!

aamomma won for Team Mickey with 2.34% this week and was the overall Biggest Loser!!

Congrats to DisNorth who was Donald's Team winner with 1.52%!

Team Donald lost 11.6 pounds this week
Team Mickey lost 28.2 pounds this week

Team Donald leads the Total Weight Loss with 467.1 pounds and Team Mickey's total weight loss to date is 393.4!!!
Both teams together have lost 860.5 pounds!!!! Amazing!

Keep reading, keep posting and most of all keep losing and continue learning!!!!

Have an OP week :goodvibes

Yay Team Donald!

Mary•Poppins;44306017 said:

I am so sorry to hear about your demanding student. That combined with state testing ...... boy are you in for a good week. Wishing you the best with your kids and testing.

You have no idea! I had a kid fake (yes we are absolutely sure he faked) a seizure during testing...2 times! It was hilarious. I know I shouldn't say that, but trust me...this kid has done this before. Who knows what will happen tomorrow?!?!

Happy Tuesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD: (feel free to answer any or all)

Organized or disorganized? Organized

Red or pink? neither, but pink if I'd had to chose

Summer or winter? summer

Musicals or plays? musicals

Talker or listener? talker

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? extreme planner

Twizzlers or Red Vines? twizzlers

Cream cheese or peanut butter? cream cheese

Beach or mountains? both

Traveler or home-body? traveler

Running/walking or Spinning? love both

Team player or independent worker? both

Survivor or Big Brother? neither

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? real

Oatmeal or eggs? eggs

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? cheesecake

Braces or no braces?


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

I'm pretty excited for new things and the pictures look great. I am also excited for the new Be Our Guest restaurant. I love Belle, so I want to eat here next year.

BBL to chat, but I'm at work today so it will be sporatic!.........P

Just an update.... I DID make my bed....:rolleyes: Just couldn't work with it sitting there unmade.....but I skipped making the kids' beds!

And I measured my run and it was 4.6 miles! Since I haven't been running with any consistency for about a year, I'm always surprised when I can actually get some mileage in. I did the 4.6 in 52 (ish) minutes and that was with a half mile warm-up walk, a short walk up two hills, and a short stop to chat with a friend who pulled over. It is so much easier to run with NO EXPECTATIONS! I told myself how far I was going (to the end of a particular neighborhood and back) figuring it would take about an hour with a run/walk combo. I give myself permission to run when I want and walk when I want. No pressure to run the whole thing. But I did run the entire return trip, as it has no big uphills.

Made some good progress at the scrapping table too! I got ALL of the photos I've order in the past week or so sorted and organized and got the layouts planned! Now to pick the papers and get down to work!

Good job on that run!

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? CHOCOLATE CHEESECAKE PLEASE


I wanted to tell you I got The Dukan Diet book from the library and read it. Man, it's really restrictive! Good for you for doing it. I don't think I am going to, but I am going to incorporate some of the ideas.

Now give me the occasional slice of Peanut Butter Chocolate Cream Cheese Cake and we are really talkin'!!!:lmao:

Well now you're just killing me!

Just popping in. I decided it was really nice out that I'd run outside and try to do 4 miles. What was I thinking!? I cannot believe how much harder it was outside rather than on the treadmill and for a couple minutes I was really really terrified and thought signing up for the half marathon was a big mistake. I ran .250 and was already sweating and came in to get some water. My mom encouraged me to finish at least a mile, so I did. After a bit I started to get into a little rhythm and slowed down some and made it the rest of the way with a short walk included. I am dripping sweat and it's only a mile!! It took about 15 minutes.

Pumped myself up and went out and did another mile in about the same amount of time. Doing another mile made me feel better about it and I was less tired! I have about 68 days until the half marathon and I am so scared!

I guess I'll just have to push myself and hope for the best!

Good job sticking with it. I actually prefer running outside instead of on the treadmill. I like the fresh air and scenery. Keep up the good work. That 1/2 marathon will feel like a breeze!

Please excuse my MIA over the weekend! I spent all day yesterday with my favorite (and nephew in the world!! He is almost 5 and just sees the world soooo differently. We spent time playing outside (football, soccer, baseball) and inside (Chutes and Ladders, UNO, memory games.) I drove home today absolutely exhausted!!

I'm spending the rest of the afternoon cleaning off the deck and taking out the deck furniture!!! If the weather holds I will be drinking coffee and DISing from my deck tomorrow morning! Happy Spring Break to meeee!

Bad eating yesterday and Sunday has derailed me...and I admit to not weighing in this week due to Aunt Flo and an unfortunate incident with a bag of jelly beans...:rolleyes1

I'm with Kathy back on the wagon!!!
Congrats to all those amazing losers this week!! AND to our multiple coaches for stepping in and saving the day!:thumbsup2

Have a great evening Donalds!!!

5 year olds crack me up. DS5 makes me laugh daily. Who know where they get their energy or their thoughts lol. Glad you had a good time!


It's late (for me) and I'm tired. DS5 is sick with a horrible cough and a fever. We saw the doctor around 7 pm and they are treating him for croup (with steroids). The poor thing was up all night coughing (Delsym did not help at all), so we were too. I'm exhausted. So, I'm heading to bed and hoping he sleeps better tonight and feels better tomorrow. I will try to make more time to post tomorrow. Sorry :(

Good Wednesday morning everyone.

Pretty quiet for me here this week. I have to decide if we are doing corned beef tonight or tomorrow night. THen we will have left overs on Sat. Ds2 is going back to college on Sat so he won't be home for dinner and I know that he loves corned beef. I have to make Irish Soda bread for school tomorrow morning

Congrats DIsNorth and all the losers this week.

Jill I hope your son is feeling better soon.

Hi to everyone else who has been hanging there. It has gotten quieter on this thread. A week and a half and we merge with Team Mickey.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Happy Wednesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD:

Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

BONUS QOTD: If you have time for only one ride at the Magic Kindgom, what would you ride and why??

BB in a minute to chat..............P
Hi Donalds!

I am excited to say that I am doing much better. It took me awhile to fall asleep last night, but I slept through the night! I woke up after an appropriate amount of sleep. This was the first night in too long that I didn't need 10+ hours of sleep! Things have calmed down a lot. The major drama from Sunday has passed and I am feeling better emotionally. I have been playing around with my meds (with my doctor's approval) and think that I have found a better plan. He works in the afternoon today, so I will call later and leave a message with his secretary. She is not the friendliest person, but I met one that is even worse so I am trying to take her with a grain of salt. What ticks me off is that I have spoken to both of these doctors about their secretaries upsetting me. I'm not calling to schedule a yearly gyno appt; I'm calling because I'm dehydrated from diarhhea or exhausted from vertigo. :headache: For some reason they don't think those are of concern. :confused3

I did a little shopping yesterday at Target. There are some great items in their Dollar Spot. I think it is Jill who mentioned starting to scrap. They have some scrapbooking items for $1. There are also a few Disney items. I got my sister magnets of the Disney Princesses. Those will go in her Easter basket. We really don't do Easter baskets anymore, but she and my BIL will get little items like that that I pick up cheap. I scored a few good deals at CVS so my BIL is getting a new (of the same kind) razor and a package of blades.

Target also has a bunch of bug/insect stuff. I started thinking of how I could use some of the $1 items for a language lesson. And, I know some teachers who have a stash of "special" pencils for when a student doesn't have one. You know, the ones that are not yellow so that the student will definitely want to return it to you when class ends. :rotfl: Target had a couple of options for those as well.

Kathy: Hope DS outgrows his seizures! He is such a trooper.

There will be Healthy Habits this week and I have a surprise planned. Here's a hint: If you get any sales ads in print, don't recycle them yet.
Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

Great QOTD Pamela! I am going to go ahead and answer it because I finally have an answer that isn't "my mother."

1. I do not want to struggle to walk up stairs anymore.
2. I do not like the clothing options I have. I don't like to spend 30 minutes trying to figure out what to wear to go to the grocery store because nothing fits. I also don't like shopping for clothes because I don't like the options and nothing fits.
3. I have had comprehensive blood work done multiple times in the last 7 years and my fasting blood sugar has been rising. It is still under 100, but I do not want it to reach that critical number.
4. I will feel better about myself emotionally. This happens when I exercise so even if I don't lose 60+ pounds, this will still happen.
5. Eating healthy food fuels my body properly and I feel well physically.

Have a great day Donalds!
I haven't checked in for a couple of weeks. I had my hysterectomy exactly 3 weeks ago today. I have 3 weeks more of healing, then I'm hoping to be able to get the okay to exercise again.

I haven't weighed in for a couple of weeks, either. Today I decided to get on the scale, and I've lost a total of 14 pounds since the beginning of the year. I guess it's better than no loss at all. My original goal total by March 31 was 30 pounds. I won't make that, but I'm hoping to be at 20 pounds gone by 3/31. I'm hoping...
The thing is....I AM AMERICAN. :rotfl2: It is just that I have been surrounded by British Speakers and British telly for so long now that I have to think twice about some things.

Now give me the occasional slice of Peanut Butter Chocolate Cream Cheese Cake and we are really talkin'!!!:lmao:

That sounds delightful!

Just popping in. I decided it was really nice out that I'd run outside and try to do 4 miles. What was I thinking!? I cannot believe how much harder it was outside rather than on the treadmill and for a couple minutes I was really really terrified and thought signing up for the half marathon was a big mistake. I ran .250 and was already sweating and came in to get some water. My mom encouraged me to finish at least a mile, so I did. After a bit I started to get into a little rhythm and slowed down some and made it the rest of the way with a short walk included. I am dripping sweat and it's only a mile!! It took about 15 minutes.

Pumped myself up and went out and did another mile in about the same amount of time. Doing another mile made me feel better about it and I was less tired! I have about 68 days until the half marathon and I am so scared!

I guess I'll just have to push myself and hope for the best!

You should be proud of yourself that you kept going!

I checked out all the Youtube videos of the opening!!! Love the Dumbo with fountain and changing colors at night!!! So excited for the B&B part to open and the new Dwarf Coaster!

I need to do that!

Please excuse my MIA over the weekend! I spent all day yesterday with my favorite (and nephew in the world!! He is almost 5 and just sees the world soooo differently. We spent time playing outside (football, soccer, baseball) and inside (Chutes and Ladders, UNO, memory games.) I drove home today absolutely exhausted!!

I'm spending the rest of the afternoon cleaning off the deck and taking out the deck furniture!!! If the weather holds I will be drinking coffee and DISing from my deck tomorrow morning! Happy Spring Break to meeee!

Bad eating yesterday and Sunday has derailed me...and I admit to not weighing in this week due to Aunt Flo and an unfortunate incident with a bag of jelly beans...:rolleyes1

I'm with Kathy back on the wagon!!!
Congrats to all those amazing losers this week!! AND to our multiple coaches for stepping in and saving the day!:thumbsup2

Have a great evening Donalds!!!

Sounds like you had a fantastic time and made some great memories!

Glad you found us again and made it back in the wagon!

HAve a happy and healthy day

Happy Tuesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD: (feel free to answer any or all)

Organized or disorganized? Organized

Red or pink? Really? Okay.... I KNEW what you were going to say..... and I almost made a special "PURPLE" choice just for you!!:laughing:

Summer or winter? Summer

Musicals or plays? Musicals

Talker or listener? talker

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"?Obsessive Planner

Twizzlers or Red Vines? Chocolate

Cream cheese or peanut butter? Peanut butter

Beach or mountains? Beach

Traveler or home-body?

Running/walking or Spinning?

Team player or independent worker?both

Survivor or Big Brother?Survivor is Amazing Race isn't an option

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)?Real All the Way

Oatmeal or eggs? Both

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? both

Braces or no braces?


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?
I want to see and do it all

BBL to chat, but I'm at work today so it will be sporatic!.........P

I'm thinking you are having one of those moments everyone has before their first half. And you will probably have a few more like it, even during the race, but when you cross that finishline, you are going to be so happy, strong and proud of how far you have come. You can do this. :thumbsup2

Voice of experience talking here!!

:cool1:Pamela, that is just awesome!! You are really getting out there and running again. Are you loving it? Do I see a race in your future????? It would be fun. And you are pretty fast in my book.:thumbsup2

NO RACES! Too much pressure. And I am NOT enjoying the running really, but appreciating the feeling of accomplishment. Today will be a TM day unless the weather clears. Woke to fog and a bit of mist this morning.

It is crazy how much sports can cost. I'm also thinking as ds gets older, our trips will be fewer and farther between also. I can't help but look at big costs in terms of disney trips.
Wow, the merge is 10days away!! Whoo hoo!! I'm excited to catch up with all our team Mickey friends!!


We had a beautiful day here, and Poko and I got lots of exercise in. I had the day off, so we walked probably a total of 2.5 hours, and am going to head out for another short walk. I also did some furniture shopping and bought a new couch and loveseat. Got my moneys worth out of my 21 year old couch. I got them cheap about $400 each and figure with ds and the dog they will take a beating, but my goal will be for them to last 8 years and I can get new furniture for ds's hs graduation. Maybe I am a planner after all. :rotfl2:
I've been eating pretty well, but not tracking so I need to start doing that again.

We just got verizon fiios for the tv, and ds is thrilled to have more channels again, and we have dvr, and it's much cheaper than what I was paying for comcast. With the on demand and better channels, maybe we don't need netflix anymore. I'll have to think on that. We had barebones cable before, so ds got his nick and disney shows on netflix, but now he can get recent stuff on demand.

Just thinking out loud here.

That's all that's happening here. Hope you all are having a nice evening!! Or sleeping tightly over there in Europe!!:)

Congrats on the new furniture. I can NEVER seem to get it all together. We got new furniture about 7 years ago, but never got the new carpeting until now....just about when the furniture needs replacing! :rotfl: I LOVE my sofa and chair and would pick the fabric design again in a heartbeat, but the fabric itself hasn't worn well at all.... it is very faded and worn. But with DD heading to college, I just don't see a furniture purchase in my future. Did you go to Jordan's?

WOOHOO on the new tv. We have been very happy with our DISH Network for years, but wish we could buy channels ala carte. We have SO MANY channels that no one watches!

I wanted to tell you I got The Dukan Diet book from the library and read it. Man, it's really restrictive! Good for you for doing it. I don't think I am going to, but I am going to incorporate some of the ideas.

That's a good idea. I get new ideas for my eating plan with every book I read.... even if I KNOW I wouldn't do the specific diet that the book is promoting. It's all an ongoing learning process.

Seems I accidentally deleted your message about your son's cough/illness. Just wanted to say that I hope he is feeling better soon and that you all get some sleep!

Good Wednesday morning everyone.

Pretty quiet for me here this week. I have to decide if we are doing corned beef tonight or tomorrow night. THen we will have left overs on Sat. Ds2 is going back to college on Sat so he won't be home for dinner and I know that he loves corned beef. I have to make Irish Soda bread for school tomorrow morning

Mmmm.... corned beef! I don't make it because I'm the only one here who likes it.... but I would love to have a big hunk of corned beef with cabbage and onions and carrots this weekend! You're a good mom!

Hi to everyone else who has been hanging there. It has gotten quieter on this thread. A week and a half and we merge with Team Mickey.

Have a happy and healthy day.

WOOHOO for the merge!


Morning friends! Teacher workshop day here today, so I gave myself permission to sleep in until at least 7am... but ended up laying there dozing off and on until almost 8am!!

My belly was feeling kind of icky last night and I thought it would pass during the night, but still feeling a bit funky. I'm making some homemade juice this morning and hoping it doesn't aggravate things further. Scheduled to hit the TM today, but won't kill myself to do it if my stomach is upset.

TTYL after breakfast!......................P
Your question about the Twizzlers and Red Vines didn't show up here because it was a quote, but I wondered as I posted it if it was going to be a regional thing. They are both a type of junk food/candy in the form of red licorice. I know that Twizzlers come in a few flavors, but I've only had the strawberry. The rest smell nasty! I'm pretty sure that Red Vines are also strawberry flavored, but I've never had them. I think that they are more of a West Coast thing..... but they are both classic movie candies. Guess they don't have them in the UK?? How about Swedish Fish?

We have strawberry laces here (skinny spaghetti like things which might be the saame as your red vines)? Dont have the swedish fish but do have lots of jelly type shaped sweets some of which are fish shapes:rotfl: At the movies here they usually have a huge wall of "pick n mix" which lets you pick a bag and fill it with whatever combination of sweets you choose-jelly/choc/fudge etc. We have popcorn_salted/sweetor toffee but NO BUTTER TOPPING -ANYWHERE:scared1: We love your buttery (very tasty even if very bad:rotfl2:)popcorn! Yum

Okay friends.... I made it through the first part of the morning. Morning meeting, reading groups, read aloud, and snack. The kids are off to library time.... then we will do math (ick) and then it will be time for lunch and recess! The rain is gone and the sun is shining, so recess should be fun today (although I'm not sure if I have lunch duty or recess duty). Then quiet time and a planet packet and we will be pretty much done!

I am done by 3pm, but both of my kids have afterschool activities that will keep them busy until 4pm, so I'll pop into the library, return my audiobook and get another one or two and read a few magazines. It takes nearly 20 minutes to get home, so no sense in heading home until I have my kids.

I don't see a workout in my future today. I will admit I could have had an early morning workout, but I washed my hair last night before my meeting and didn't want to do it again this morning before work, so no early workout was on the agenda. I MUST run two errands tonight while DD is swimming, so no time then either. The only option would be a quick workout sometime between 4:30 (when I will arrive home) and 5:15 (when I will depart again with DD) and in that time I have to finish dinner and eat.... we'll see what happens. If I had known this rain would clear, I might have brought my walking stuff along and gone for a walk/run while waiting for my kids! Grrr.....:headache: Looks like today might be a good rest day!:thumbsup2

Okay..... now I'm just rambling. Off to check out the scrapping board!.......P
Looks like your day is busy enough to count as a workout;)
Organized or disorganized? YES

Red or pink? RED

Summer or winter? SUMMER

Musicals or plays? MUSICALS

Talker or listener? LISTENER

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? PLANNER

Twizzlers or Red Vines? BLACK LICORICE PLEASE



Traveler or home-body? TRAVELER

Running/walking or Spinning? WALKING

Team player or independent worker? YES

Survivor or Big Brother? BOTH

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? MIGRATING TO IBOOK ON IPAD

Oatmeal or eggs? EGGS

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? CHOCOLATE CHEESECAKE PLEASE
Now thats just cheating:rotfl::rotfl:

Braces or no braces? NO BRACES.....though I almost answered, I wear a belt..... since braces in British English are American suspenders
:rotfl2:We say braces or train tracks for the teeth things here:rotfl2:

The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

Looking forward to it. I think it will be great to see some new FANTASY in the MK

Just popping in. I decided it was really nice out that I'd run outside and try to do 4 miles. What was I thinking!? I cannot believe how much harder it was outside rather than on the treadmill and for a couple minutes I was really really terrified and thought signing up for the half marathon was a big mistake. I ran .250 and was already sweating and came in to get some water. My mom encouraged me to finish at least a mile, so I did. After a bit I started to get into a little rhythm and slowed down some and made it the rest of the way with a short walk included. I am dripping sweat and it's only a mile!! It took about 15 minutes.

Pumped myself up and went out and did another mile in about the same amount of time. Doing another mile made me feel better about it and I was less tired! I have about 68 days until the half marathon and I am so scared!

I guess I'll just have to push myself and hope for the best!
Well done for not giving up:thumbsup2You can definitely do it:)

I checked out all the Youtube videos of the opening!!! Love the Dumbo with fountain and changing colors at night!!! So excited for the B&B part to open and the new Dwarf Coaster!

Woo Hoo!! You GO productive girl today!!! Gotta love this weather!

Wow! DOuble whammy!! I hope things get back on track soon! YAY...for spring break!!

Hang in there P!!

Nice job continuing the run!! I found that outside run/walk does not compare to the TM stuff. I'm so winded when I come home from an outdoor run even if I did the same run on the TM. The pollen count is also a factor for me!!

Keep going KAYLA!!! You can do it!!!


Please excuse my MIA over the weekend! I spent all day yesterday with my favorite (and nephew in the world!! He is almost 5 and just sees the world soooo differently. We spent time playing outside (football, soccer, baseball) and inside (Chutes and Ladders, UNO, memory games.) I drove home today absolutely exhausted!!
My youngest is 5-so funny, so much fun and def sooo tiring;)
I'm spending the rest of the afternoon cleaning off the deck and taking out the deck furniture!!! If the weather holds I will be drinking coffee and DISing from my deck tomorrow morning! Happy Spring Break to meeee!

Bad eating yesterday and Sunday has derailed me...and I admit to not weighing in this week due to Aunt Flo and an unfortunate incident with a bag of jelly beans...:rolleyes1

I'm with Kathy back on the wagon!!!
Congrats to all those amazing losers this week!! AND to our multiple coaches for stepping in and saving the day!:thumbsup2

Have a great evening Donalds!!!
Glad you're sticking with it and getting back OP:thumbsup2
We have a friend from ireland an one fourth of july some of her family was here, and our neighborhood is wild with Independance day celebrations and some neighbor teens over the fence were chanting U-S-A and her 12 yo nephew who was visiting tried to out do them chanting IRELAND! It was so funny.
We've been to WDW on the 4th July but I would love to see it celebrated where "real people!" live! B et your friends love that memory too:) New Hampshire looks so beautiful (from what I've seen in mags and The West Wing:thumbsup2) Will definitely have to start saving so I can visit all these places!
We had a beautiful day here, and Poko and I got lots of exercise in. I had the day off, so we walked probably a total of 2.5 hours, and am going to head out for another short walk. I also did some furniture shopping and bought a new couch and loveseat. Got my moneys worth out of my 21 year old couch. I got them cheap about $400 each and figure with ds and the dog they will take a beating, but my goal will be for them to last 8 years and I can get new furniture for ds's hs graduation. Maybe I am a planner after all. :rotfl2:
I've been eating pretty well, but not tracking so I need to start doing that again.
Keep up the good work:thumbsup2
That's all that's happening here. Hope you all are having a nice evening!! Or sleeping tightly over there in Europe!!:)

You have no idea! I had a kid fake (yes we are absolutely sure he faked) a seizure during testing...2 times! It was hilarious. I know I shouldn't say that, but trust me...this kid has done this before. Who knows what will happen tomorrow?!?!

OMG thats crazy:scared1:

Good job sticking with it. I actually prefer running outside instead of on the treadmill. I like the fresh air and scenery. Keep up the good work. That 1/2 marathon will feel like a breeze!

I prefer running outside too-that way I cant see myself in the horribly cruel mirrors at the gym:rotfl2:

It's late (for me) and I'm tired. DS5 is sick with a horrible cough and a fever. We saw the doctor around 7 pm and they are treating him for croup (with steroids). The poor thing was up all night coughing (Delsym did not help at all), so we were too. I'm exhausted. So, I'm heading to bed and hoping he sleeps better tonight and feels better tomorrow. I will try to make more time to post tomorrow. Sorry :(
Hope your son feels better soon!


Good Wednesday morning everyone.

Pretty quiet for me here this week. I have to decide if we are doing corned beef tonight or tomorrow night. THen we will have left overs on Sat. Ds2 is going back to college on Sat so he won't be home for dinner and I know that he loves corned beef. I have to make Irish Soda bread for school tomorrow morning
Hi to everyone else who has been hanging there. It has gotten quieter on this thread. A week and a half and we merge with Team Mickey.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Are you making the soda bread for St Patricks Day celebrations? Love me some soda bread yum!
Happy Wednesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD:

Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

1. I wanted to set a healthy example for my children. My biggest struggle in my life has been my weight and I do NOT want my children to have to go through this.

2. I didn't want to be an embarrassment to my kids. Growing up and being a teen is hard enough without being embarrassed about your parents.

3. I wanted to be able to look back at vacation photos (mostly Disney) and remember the great vacation.....not just lament at how terrible I look in the photos.

4. I hated just looking at myself.... and dressing up for anything was a nightmare. I wanted to look CUTE!

5. Because I'm worth it!!

BONUS QOTD: If you have time for only one ride at the Magic Kindgom, what would you ride and why??

BB in a minute to chat..............P

I'm going out on a limb and I'm gonna say the WDW Railroad.... cause I would get to see almost everything and it lasts longer than most rides at WDW. I could take in all of the sights and sounds and smells that make it so magical!

Hi Donalds!

I am excited to say that I am doing much better. It took me awhile to fall asleep last night, but I slept through the night! I woke up after an appropriate amount of sleep. This was the first night in too long that I didn't need 10+ hours of sleep! Things have calmed down a lot. The major drama from Sunday has passed and I am feeling better emotionally. I have been playing around with my meds (with my doctor's approval) and think that I have found a better plan. He works in the afternoon today, so I will call later and leave a message with his secretary. She is not the friendliest person, but I met one that is even worse so I am trying to take her with a grain of salt. What ticks me off is that I have spoken to both of these doctors about their secretaries upsetting me. I'm not calling to schedule a yearly gyno appt; I'm calling because I'm dehydrated from diarhhea or exhausted from vertigo. :headache: For some reason they don't think those are of concern. :confused3

I did a little shopping yesterday at Target. There are some great items in their Dollar Spot. I think it is Jill who mentioned starting to scrap. They have some scrapbooking items for $1. There are also a few Disney items. I got my sister magnets of the Disney Princesses. Those will go in her Easter basket. We really don't do Easter baskets anymore, but she and my BIL will get little items like that that I pick up cheap. I scored a few good deals at CVS so my BIL is getting a new (of the same kind) razor and a package of blades.

Target also has a bunch of bug/insect stuff. I started thinking of how I could use some of the $1 items for a language lesson. And, I know some teachers who have a stash of "special" pencils for when a student doesn't have one. You know, the ones that are not yellow so that the student will definitely want to return it to you when class ends. :rotfl: Target had a couple of options for those as well.

Kathy: Hope DS outgrows his seizures! He is such a trooper.

There will be Healthy Habits this week and I have a surprise planned. Here's a hint: If you get any sales ads in print, don't recycle them yet.

I am SO happy to see that you are feeling much better! I was really concerned about you.

Excited to see our next HH!!

I haven't checked in for a couple of weeks. I had my hysterectomy exactly 3 weeks ago today. I have 3 weeks more of healing, then I'm hoping to be able to get the okay to exercise again.

I haven't weighed in for a couple of weeks, either. Today I decided to get on the scale, and I've lost a total of 14 pounds since the beginning of the year. I guess it's better than no loss at all. My original goal total by March 31 was 30 pounds. I won't make that, but I'm hoping to be at 20 pounds gone by 3/31. I'm hoping...

Glad you are recovering well. That is what you should be concentrating on.... the weight loss can come after the full recovery.

Great QOTD Pamela! I am going to go ahead and answer it because I finally have an answer that isn't "my mother."

1. I do not want to struggle to walk up stairs anymore.
2. I do not like the clothing options I have. I don't like to spend 30 minutes trying to figure out what to wear to go to the grocery store because nothing fits. I also don't like shopping for clothes because I don't like the options and nothing fits.
3. I have had comprehensive blood work done multiple times in the last 7 years and my fasting blood sugar has been rising. It is still under 100, but I do not want it to reach that critical number.
4. I will feel better about myself emotionally. This happens when I exercise so even if I don't lose 60+ pounds, this will still happen.
5. Eating healthy food fuels my body properly and I feel well physically.

Have a great day Donalds!

Great answers CC!

Off to have breakfast.........................P
Are you making the soda bread for St Patricks Day celebrations? Love me some soda bread yum!

Do you actually celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Ireland, or is one of those strictly American holidays?

Saw your comment about visiting NH and if you ever make it here, you had better let me know! I'm born and raised in Massachusetts, but been here in NH for all of my married life and it is really a very pretty state. Love to show it off to you!


Well.... decided to bag the homemade juice idea today and stick with coffee (not sure how that will feel in the tummy) and a homemade lowfat pumpkin scone leftover from the weekend. Scone was yummy.... not so sure about the coffee yet.................P
Happy Wednesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD:

Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

BONUS QOTD: If you have time for only one ride at the Magic Kindgom, what would you ride and why??

BB in a minute to chat..............P

Some of these I shared when I joined but they are definitiely still a reason to keep me motivated.

1 Both my parents have been diagnosed with diabetes in the last 10 years. My mom's has progressed to needing insulin 4 times a day and my dad just seems to ignore the fact that losing weight would be beneficial to his health. I don't want this in my future.

2 I have had 2 colleagues in the last 9 months who have had to have hip and/or knee surgery due to being overweight all there life. I don't want that.

3 I want to be able to buy clothes in the stores here in Switzerland. Larger sizes are not as readily available in the stores here as they are in the USA.

4 I want to be able to fly on an airplane comfortably without having to ask for a seat belt extension and see people in a seat next to me role their eyes when they see that they will have to sit next to me in fear I might impede their space.

5 I want to be able to ride roller coasters with my partner this summer instead of waiting like I did last year. Disney is good about building ride vehicles to accomodate more sizes of people but this is not the same case with other parks.


If I had time for only one attraction at MK, it would definitely be Haunted Mansion. I have always loved this attraction and feel the recent enhancements both inside and out are marvelous. I was also fortunate to work as a butler there when I worked for WDW.


Hope all are well. It has gotten really quiet on the boards lately. Hopefully people are just busy and are still OP and have not given up the challenge.

Happy hump day!!!!

Whoo hoo!! Can't believe it is deck weather already. Today was just amazing. I think it will be cooler tomorrow but then warming up again for the weekend. Sounds like a wonderful weekend with your nephew. :love:

I am on the deck (in a fleece) with my coffee and my phone (working from home today!)....up to 70 again!! SO excited!

We had a beautiful day here, and Poko and I got lots of exercise in. I had the day off, so we walked probably a total of 2.5 hours, and am going to head out for another short walk. I also did some furniture shopping and bought a new couch and loveseat. Got my moneys worth out of my 21 year old couch. I got them cheap about $400 each and figure with ds and the dog they will take a beating, but my goal will be for them to last 8 years and I can get new furniture for ds's hs graduation. Maybe I am a planner after all. :rotfl2:
I've been eating pretty well, but not tracking so I need to start doing that again.

We just got verizon fiios for the tv, and ds is thrilled to have more channels again, and we have dvr, and it's much cheaper than what I was paying for comcast. With the on demand and better channels, maybe we don't need netflix anymore. I'll have to think on that. We had barebones cable before, so ds got his nick and disney shows on netflix, but now he can get recent stuff on demand.

Just thinking out loud here.

That's all that's happening here. Hope you all are having a nice evening!! Or sleeping tightly over there in Europe!!:)
So glad you got to walk with the puppy! I'm dying for Fios but they are not available in my area least in condo complexes. All I need is the Hallmark Channel and I am set :)


It's late (for me) and I'm tired. DS5 is sick with a horrible cough and a fever. We saw the doctor around 7 pm and they are treating him for croup (with steroids). The poor thing was up all night coughing (Delsym did not help at all), so we were too. I'm exhausted. So, I'm heading to bed and hoping he sleeps better tonight and feels better tomorrow. I will try to make more time to post tomorrow. Sorry :(

Oh No! I hope DS is feeling better today! And I hope you got some sleep too!

Happy Wednesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD:

Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

BONUS QOTD: If you have time for only one ride at the Magic Kindgom, what would you ride and why??

BB in a minute to chat..............P
I have decided to lose weight because...

1. I want to be healthy and feel full of energy!
2. I want to stop shopping in the PLUS size area where everything looks like a mumu and nothing looks good
3. I want to feel confident about my body in a bathing suit and not feel like I have to hide at the beach.
4. My grandfather was diabetic and my father is pre-diabetic and I do not want to be in that position early in life.
5. I want to be the best Yaya for my nephew and be there for him as he grows up.

Only ONE ride??? Decisions!!! I have to say Buzz Lightyear....I just love zapping those aliens!!! Space Mountain is a close second!

Hi Donalds!

I am excited to say that I am doing much better. It took me awhile to fall asleep last night, but I slept through the night! I woke up after an appropriate amount of sleep. This was the first night in too long that I didn't need 10+ hours of sleep! Things have calmed down a lot. The major drama from Sunday has passed and I am feeling better emotionally. I have been playing around with my meds (with my doctor's approval) and think that I have found a better plan. He works in the afternoon today, so I will call later and leave a message with his secretary. She is not the friendliest person, but I met one that is even worse so I am trying to take her with a grain of salt. What ticks me off is that I have spoken to both of these doctors about their secretaries upsetting me. I'm not calling to schedule a yearly gyno appt; I'm calling because I'm dehydrated from diarhhea or exhausted from vertigo. :headache: For some reason they don't think those are of concern. :confused3

I did a little shopping yesterday at Target. There are some great items in their Dollar Spot. I think it is Jill who mentioned starting to scrap. They have some scrapbooking items for $1. There are also a few Disney items. I got my sister magnets of the Disney Princesses. Those will go in her Easter basket. We really don't do Easter baskets anymore, but she and my BIL will get little items like that that I pick up cheap. I scored a few good deals at CVS so my BIL is getting a new (of the same kind) razor and a package of blades.

Target also has a bunch of bug/insect stuff. I started thinking of how I could use some of the $1 items for a language lesson. And, I know some teachers who have a stash of "special" pencils for when a student doesn't have one. You know, the ones that are not yellow so that the student will definitely want to return it to you when class ends. :rotfl: Target had a couple of options for those as well.

Kathy: Hope DS outgrows his seizures! He is such a trooper.

There will be Healthy Habits this week and I have a surprise planned. Here's a hint: If you get any sales ads in print, don't recycle them yet.
CC, Hang in there! :hug:
I LOVE Target!! I always go in for ONE thing and come out with an entire cart! I love the dollar bins but I am always on the lookout for the clearance stuff! I check the endcaps in the beauty section to find my best deals...I once got Philosophy bath gel for $8 a bottle...when they retail for $16! You never know what you can find!

I haven't checked in for a couple of weeks. I had my hysterectomy exactly 3 weeks ago today. I have 3 weeks more of healing, then I'm hoping to be able to get the okay to exercise again.

I haven't weighed in for a couple of weeks, either. Today I decided to get on the scale, and I've lost a total of 14 pounds since the beginning of the year. I guess it's better than no loss at all. My original goal total by March 31 was 30 pounds. I won't make that, but I'm hoping to be at 20 pounds gone by 3/31. I'm hoping...
Sooooo glad you are on the mend!!! Wow! I'm just hitting 10 pounds myself so I am in awe of your 14! AND you had surgery!! Nice job!


Morning friends! Teacher workshop day here today, so I gave myself permission to sleep in until at least 7am... but ended up laying there dozing off and on until almost 8am!!

My belly was feeling kind of icky last night and I thought it would pass during the night, but still feeling a bit funky. I'm making some homemade juice this morning and hoping it doesn't aggravate things further. Scheduled to hit the TM today, but won't kill myself to do it if my stomach is upset.

TTYL after breakfast!......................P
Hope your tummy is feeling better!!

Are you making the soda bread for St Patricks Day celebrations? Love me some soda bread yum!
YUM! I'm with you on the soda bread...unfortunately I have yet to find a gluten free recipe that doesn't taste like cardboard :confused:


Good Morning DOnalds!

I am on the deck with my coffee and it is just heavenly :cloud9: I already had my first phone call of the day (I have to call colleges to see if they are taking my students or not) so I only have four more to go! (10am, 11am, 1pm, and 3pm) I'm going to try to get in a walk/jog after my 11am call and some lunch too! AFter my 3pm call I am going to pick up my mom...they returned from their 2 months in Florida on Saturday... and head to Ikea. I love Ikea stuff but they do not last very long. I have 5 lamps from there and while I love the bases, the shades need to be replaced. The unfortunate part is that Ikea lamps can only use Ikea lampshades!! So, I have a feeling I will be buying more than lampshades.....just love their cool stuff for outdoor decor!

I better get another cup of coffee and prepare for my next call! I did pretty well with Boston College so I hope I do the same with Boston University, Fairfield University, American University, and Emory!

Great OP day to all!!
Thanks for all the encouragement! I'm feeling better about it today. I figure it's already an accomplishment actually running at all! I'm ahead of so many other people. Plus, I'm already almost running a 5k on every run! :cool1:

Happy Wednesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD:

Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

BONUS QOTD: If you have time for only one ride at the Magic Kindgom, what would you ride and why??

BB in a minute to chat..............P

1. To get in shape for Disney so I can have the best time possible. I don't want to run around feeling out of shape, feeling bad about my weight while I'm suppose to be in my happy place! I want to be able to run around the parks all day, and still look good.

2. To do what others can't. Run half marathons, marathons, to be able to lift more weights than others.

3. To be healthy for life!

4. To influence my friends and family to become healthier and set a good example.

5. To feel better about myself and to have more energy. To be able to wear all the cute clothes I want. :banana:

Hope you are all have a fabulous day. Tomorrow should be a pretty free day so I can finally get caught up on all these posts! I don't know how I'm going to do it when we merge! :rotfl2:

Forgot the Bonus. I rode Haunted Mansion for the 1st time in 2010 and I LOVED it. So I think I'm going to have to go with that. :)
Happy Wednesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD:

Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

BONUS QOTD: If you have time for only one ride at the Magic Kindgom, what would you ride and why??

BB in a minute to chat..............P

My top 5 most of these are from my original list and I've conquered many already

1. I didn't want my kids to be embarassed to be seen with me
2. I wanted to be able to keep up with them
3. I hated how I looked in the mirror
4. I wanted to shop in the normal sizes
5. I wanted to continue having good health

The ironic thing is that my health was awesome until I took this job and since then I've been in the worst health ever. Nothing at all to do with my weight.


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