Team Donald – Biggest Loser “No Excuses” 2012 Challenge

I'd want to go to the UK for a month and sightsee. Besides, that's where they do Doctor Who so I'd have to get my fill of it while I'm there. Plus I'd want to see some shows in the West End.

Apparently I need to get Dr Who (on netflix hopefully) and see what it's all about. Actually, maybe I'll wait until summer when I actually have the time to watch tv.

I am getting halogen (sp?). It is a lubricant and last longer than cortizone. It does not relieve the pain, it relieves the reason for the pain. Not sure how it works, but I have had it before and it was great. The shots are made directly into the bone, into the joint itself (or maybe the disc in between?) which is why it is so painful. This last week was not as bad as the first week, which helped, but still limp some the days I get it done. I should start feeling the effects after next week shots, and at the end of 5 weeks (two shots a week, one in each kness on different days), I should be ready to run around the parks. Only problem is I am not getting much exercise leading up to it to get myself ready. Plan to start a little again next week to get my legs at least a little up to the task.

I was looking forward to shopping at IKEA this weekend, fun place to go and browse and good exercise between that and Potomac Mills, which is a huge outlet mall here in Virginia. Couldn't walk as much as I would have like, knees hurt some, but it was fun.

I think our drive between where we live in Northern Virginia and Omaha (where DMiL lives) is about 19 - 21 hours - 1,100 miles. We usually drive it in two very long days. We have no problem with car time though. DS has been a good traveler since he was young, and DH and I share the driving - soon DS will be able to do some of it as well :scared1:. We overnight when we get tired, carry a Hampton Inn catalog with us and decide as we are driving and call ahead to reserve a room. We used to do it straight through, with one of us taking a nap, but that ended when DS was born, since it was hard to nap well with a baby to tend to.


Ouch! Those shots sound like they hurt. I'm glad they'll help you enjoy your trip, though.

I just love walking around Ikea, too. But, then I get all these redecorating ideas and DH gets mad lol.

DSs are good travelers. We've taken a lot of driving vacations (but never 21 hours). I'm a teacher and don't work in the summer and my sister is a SAHM, so we are in no rush to get anywhere lol. Oh, and the fact that DS5 has a bladder issue and may need to use the bathroom every half hour will make our trip that much longer!! I think we are going to try to plan our stops ahead of time so we can plan things to do/see along the way. Oh, and did I mention that DSis is a horrible passenger, so she is refusing to let me drive at all. I'm not complaining, though!

It does work, but I think it is hard on your body. I think it is tough for your body to digest so much meat.

DH did it hard-core many years ago and lost about 60 pounds.... but didn't keep any of it off. Like ANY diet plan, it you don't stick with it, it doesn't work. And there isn't much "wiggle" room on Atkins. If you start eating carbs, you fall out of ketosis (like Deb mentioned) and you stop losing. And I think that the most unfortunate part of Atkins is that it teaches NO PORTION CONTROL. As long as you are avoiding carbs, you can eat vast portions of very fatty foods.... cheese, bacon, nuts, etc. It can create some really bad habits. Sadly, when DH fell off the Atkins wagon, he added back the carbs, but also continued to want to eat 3 egg omelets with cheese and bacon.... plus toast! Big handfuls of nuts.... and a triple serving of popcorn with butter! It wasn't a good thing!

I think diets like WW provide much more wiggle room. I can splurge on a piece of cake or a handful of pretzels.... and as long as I am counting them properly, they don't throw things all off whack. And you are "rewarded" in choosing lower fat, higher fiber foods (like fruits and veggies).

DH is doing a modified Atkins again now (since after his accident/recovery in early 2011) and is down a grand total of about 80 pounds. I still worry about him falling into the same problem he had before, but he is definitely making better choices now. He does eat SOME complex carbs.... apples, berries, carrots, the occasional low carb/high fiber pita or wrap. And he seems to be thinking more and planning ahead for splurges, like I do. And so far, he seems to be able to have a splurge and then get right back on plan the next day! That is a HUGE step towards success. But the exercise thing hasn't happened for him yet. He will hit the TM at the hotel occasionally when he travels, but doesn't do anything here at home. Not sure why.

Last thing..... I started doing a modified South Beach/WW diet last spring in an attempt to lose my last few pounds and it worked well. But I pretty much had to eliminate ALL carbs for a few weeks. I need to lose those same pounds again now.....:rolleyes:, but not sure I am willing to take that drastic step again. I was eating virtually NO carbs PLUS counting my WW points. It was a tough month or so! But if you would like to talk more about it, I'd be happy to chat.

Best of luck.

Wow...thanks for all the advice and the offer. I am just reading the info right now. I am also looking at the Dukan Diet just to see what it's about. I told DH that maybe I need a jump start to get me past this plateau. Maybe a week or 2 of no/low carb would get me past this and then I could go back to calorie counting. I'm doing great at maintaining, but I want to get past that hump!! I like the idea of the wiggle room in the weight watchers plan. If I want a reese cup, I want a reese cup! :lmao:

We have completed our 2nd “measure-in” for the WIN! Challenge.

I know that some people were feeling a little discouraged at their numbers, but really, any progress is GREAT! Feel free to join at any time, whether it is a WIN week or not. Our next WIN! measure-in will be April 1.

Please remember to send in the TOTAL of your measurements rather than the five individual measurements. Thank you!

Our Top five for Team Donald

#5 - luvpoohandcompany 1.5%
#4 - GoofyPredsFan 4.0%
#3 - virataMama4 4.0%
#2 - ougrad86 4.7%

and the winner for Team Donald is.............................

klmrph with 7.8% lost!!!!!!! :banana:____________________________________________

Our Top Four for Team Mickey -

#4 - glss1/2fll 1.8%
#3 - Sunshineminnie 3.8%
#2 - myweegirls 5%

and the winner for Team Mickey is.............................

KDIPIAZZ with 6% lost!!!!! :banana:

Great job all you WINners!

High School lacrosse. For each sport played - you pay a $260 fee -with a cap of $780 for the year. The school supplies the uniform shorts and shirt, that's it.


Oh my...I better start saving now for high school! Luckily, DS8 isn't really into sports. He does want to get into archery (and hunting), but I'm having a hard time finding a place around here that has youth lessons. DS5 on the other hand, wants to play every sport. We are trying t-ball this spring (instead of soccer). I hope he narrows it down by the time he's a little older :lmao:

Lacrosse sounds fun. We have no lacrosse teams in western PA. I have no idea why?


Well, team Donald is a little slow with posts today. DH and I are watching Moneyball (finally~we've had it from Netflix for about a month), so I am going to head off.

This week's winning team with 17.34% is Team Donald!!

Team Mickey weighed-in losing 14.79% for the week!

Additional stats for the week!!!!

aamomma won for Team Mickey with 2.34% this week and was the overall Biggest Loser!!

Congrats to DisNorth who was Donald's Team winner with 1.52%!

Team Donald lost 11.6 pounds this week
Team Mickey lost 28.2 pounds this week

Team Donald leads the Total Weight Loss with 467.1 pounds and Team Mickey's total weight loss to date is 393.4!!!
Both teams together have lost 860.5 pounds!!!! Amazing!

Keep reading, keep posting and most of all keep losing and continue learning!!!!

Have an OP week :goodvibes
Congrats DisNorth!

QOTD - Unfortunately, my danger zone is at school. It is so easy to just hit a drive thru or walk next door to one of the 4 restaurants (+ the food court and the cafeteria) than to wrestle with cold packs and lunch coolers. But my fix is just to suck it up, basically. I bought a Tupperware container that holds an ice pack and two smaller containers in one larger container so I don't have to mess with those blue plastic cold packs. It also helps to leave my money at home. My problem now is what to pack. I usually take uncrustables or lunch meat and hummus with tomatoes or pita, but that can get old. But it's better than the alternative!

As for Snow White, I am a bit upset, but it is more because I'm not getting to ride it again before it's gone. I've only ridden it once and don't remember all that much about it. But that's progress, I guess!
Believe me when I say I understand the stress of the program for a show too. For the last 4 years I have moved my students and some local theater performances to an electronic program. I do a PowerPoint and include pictures, biographies, plot and scene synopsis, even advertisements. Then it scrolls on the screen that is lowered in front of the curtain as well as shown in the lobby on multiple Macs before the show and again in the lobby during intermission. Then it is placed on the website for people to print out a copy if they want it for sentimental purposes.

It cuts down on wasted paper. (I was tired of throwing away more copies that were left behind than were actually taken). And it means I can make edits right up until show time....and believe me there have been last minute changes necessary on more than one occasion. Something to consider for the future.


That sounds really nice Christopher. Moving paperless does sound better and ... the program could be easily modified if there was a mistake.

I am really hoping our producer can find someone for it next year. The woman who did if for 7 years before me (I still can't believe she did it for that long) said it is like giving childbirth ... oh so painful when you are going through it, but you forget about it until you are going through it again. :lmao:

Morning friends! I believe I am your fill-in coach for the next few days.

Today's QOTD:

Identify one or two high risk scenarios..... occasions, activities, or places in which you are in danger of eating more than you should or eating the wrong foods. Now create an "escape plan." What will you do to help yourself in this/these situation(s)??

(Thanks to Flat Belly Diet book for the inspiration for today's question.)

BONUS QOTD: I just found out that Snow White's Scary Adventure (at the MK) is closing. Will this make you sad? Happy? Don't care? Never heard of this ride before?


My plan is to always put ice water in front of me. If I have something to drink, I will keep drinking it. This cuts down on my urge to eat.

As for Snow White .... I kind of think it is time that ride to retire. (Sorry if this is someone's favorite.)

We are starting tomorrow, also. I don't think any kid would want to start off their Monday morning with the PSSA.

I have had a crazy morning so far (same girl getting restrained since 7 am on and off), so I am behind on my actual work. I'll have to check in during lunch (hopefully).

Have a healthy day!


I am so sorry to hear about your demanding student. That combined with state testing ...... boy are you in for a good week. Wishing you the best with your kids and testing.

We have completed our 2nd “measure-in” for the WIN! Challenge.

I know that some people were feeling a little discouraged at their numbers, but really, any progress is GREAT! Feel free to join at any time, whether it is a WIN week or not. Our next WIN! measure-in will be April 1.

Please remember to send in the TOTAL of your measurements rather than the five individual measurements. Thank you!

Our Top five for Team Donald

#5 - luvpoohandcompany 1.5%
#4 - GoofyPredsFan 4.0%
#3 - virataMama4 4.0%
#2 - ougrad86 4.7%

and the winner for Team Donald is.............................

klmrph with 7.8% lost!!!!!!! :banana:____________________________________________

Our Top Four for Team Mickey -

#4 - glss1/2fll 1.8%
#3 - Sunshineminnie 3.8%
#2 - myweegirls 5%

and the winner for Team Mickey is.............................

KDIPIAZZ with 6% lost!!!!! :banana:

Congrats everyone!!! Keep up the good work!
The WISH Biggest Loser Spring Challenge Team Donald Week 10 Superstars!!
#10 - 0.24% - EDuke98080
#9 - TIE - 0.34% - D73 & quasar4legs
#8 - TIE - 0.49% - Jujubee727 & Leitadala
#7 - 0.59% - GoofyPredsFan
#6 - 0.73% - liesel
#5 - 0.74% - areas2102
#4 - 1.06% - ::Snow White::
#3 - 1.15% - happysummer
#2 - 1.47% - Heather.Mohler

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Team Donald Spring Challenge Week 10 Biggest Loser is:
#1 - 1.52% - DisNorth

Congratulations to all of our losers this week! I am shocked to find my name there again. But I will accept it.:rotfl:


Tuesday Tuesday.....hope everyone's week started well and that it continues through today.

Will be back later to see what's going on!!!

We have completed our 2nd “measure-in” for the WIN! Challenge.

I know that some people were feeling a little discouraged at their numbers, but really, any progress is GREAT! Feel free to join at any time, whether it is a WIN week or not. Our next WIN! measure-in will be April 1.

Please remember to send in the TOTAL of your measurements rather than the five individual measurements. Thank you!

Our Top five for Team Donald

#5 - luvpoohandcompany 1.5%
#4 - GoofyPredsFan 4.0%
#3 - virataMama4 4.0%
#2 - ougrad86 4.7%

and the winner for Team Donald is.............................

klmrph with 7.8% lost!!!!!!! :banana:____________________________________________

Our Top Four for Team Mickey -

#4 - glss1/2fll 1.8%
#3 - Sunshineminnie 3.8%
#2 - myweegirls 5%

and the winner for Team Mickey is.............................

KDIPIAZZ with 6% lost!!!!! :banana:

Well done to everyone. I'm delighted to see I lost an inch or two this last month even when I wasnt losing the lbs-somehow it makes me feel like at least I'm making progress somewhere;)

Well done to all those who made it onto the BL weightloss list too and to the rest of us for not giving up:thumbsup2
Happy Tuesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD: (feel free to answer any or all)

Organized or disorganized?

Red or pink?

Summer or winter?

Musicals or plays?

Talker or listener?

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"?

Twizzlers or Red Vines?

Cream cheese or peanut butter?

Beach or mountains?

Traveler or home-body?

Running/walking or Spinning?

Team player or independent worker?

Survivor or Big Brother?

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)?

Oatmeal or eggs?

Cheesecake or chocolate cake?

Braces or no braces?


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

BBL to chat, but I'm at work today so it will be sporatic!.........P
Happy Tuesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD: (feel free to answer any or all)

Organized or disorganized?-mostly organized;)

Red or pink?Red

Summer or winter?Summer

Musicals or plays?Love both but if I have to choose-plays

Talker or listener?Talker

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"?Neither-bit of both

Twizzlers or Red Vines?Dont know what these are:confused3?

Cream cheese or peanut butter?Peanut butter

Beach or mountains?Beach (though love the Mourne mountains which "flow down to the sea" as the song says:cool1:

Traveler or home-body?Traveler

Running/walking or Spinning?Running/walking

Team player or independent worker?Independant worker

Survivor or Big Brother?Neither

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)?Real books

Oatmeal or eggs?Toasted oats

Cheesecake or chocolate cake?ooh love chocolate cake but Baileys cheesecake is my favourite;)

Braces or no braces?
No braces (not against them or anything just didnt need them)


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

BBL to chat, but I'm at work today so it will be sporatic!.........P

Cant wait to see all the new things but I loved toontown and I'm glad I got to experience it before it was closed:)
Everybody is having a busy Monday morning I see!

My run went well.... and other than my warm-up walk and two hills, I was able to run the entire distance..... not exactly sure but I'm thinking about 4 miles.

Two loads of laundry hanging out in the sunshine, another load in the washer. Didn't make the beds and might not bother today.....I'm such a bad a**!!:rotfl:
Off to enjoy my reward of SCRAPPING TIME!


Just an update.... I DID make my bed....:rolleyes: Just couldn't work with it sitting there unmade.....but I skipped making the kids' beds!

And I measured my run and it was 4.6 miles! Since I haven't been running with any consistency for about a year, I'm always surprised when I can actually get some mileage in. I did the 4.6 in 52 (ish) minutes and that was with a half mile warm-up walk, a short walk up two hills, and a short stop to chat with a friend who pulled over. It is so much easier to run with NO EXPECTATIONS! I told myself how far I was going (to the end of a particular neighborhood and back) figuring it would take about an hour with a run/walk combo. I give myself permission to run when I want and walk when I want. No pressure to run the whole thing. But I did run the entire return trip, as it has no big uphills.

Made some good progress at the scrapping table too! I got ALL of the photos I've order in the past week or so sorted and organized and got the layouts planned! Now to pick the papers and get down to work!

We have completed our 2nd “measure-in” for the WIN! Challenge.

I know that some people were feeling a little discouraged at their numbers, but really, any progress is GREAT! Feel free to join at any time, whether it is a WIN week or not. Our next WIN! measure-in will be April 1.

Please remember to send in the TOTAL of your measurements rather than the five individual measurements. Thank you!

Our Top five for Team Donald

#5 - luvpoohandcompany 1.5%
#4 - GoofyPredsFan 4.0%
#3 - virataMama4 4.0%
#2 - ougrad86 4.7%

and the winner for Team Donald is.............................

klmrph with 7.8% lost!!!!!!! :banana:____________________________________________

Our Top Four for Team Mickey -

#4 - glss1/2fll 1.8%
#3 - Sunshineminnie 3.8%
#2 - myweegirls 5%

and the winner for Team Mickey is.............................

KDIPIAZZ with 6% lost!!!!! :banana:

Great job to EVERYONE who participates in the WIN! And congrats to our winners!

The WISH Biggest Loser Spring Challenge Team Donald Week 10 Superstars!!
#10 - 0.24% - EDuke98080
#9 - TIE - 0.34% - D73 & quasar4legs
#8 - TIE - 0.49% - Jujubee727 & Leitadala
#7 - 0.59% - GoofyPredsFan
#6 - 0.73% - liesel
#5 - 0.74% - areas2102
#4 - 1.06% - ::Snow White::
#3 - 1.15% - happysummer
#2 - 1.47% - Heather.Mohler

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Team Donald Spring Challenge Week 10 Biggest Loser is:
#1 - 1.52% - DisNorth

Quote from Dare2Dream: How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a healthy day!
Congratulations DisNorth!!!

Wow...thanks for all the advice and the offer. I am just reading the info right now. I am also looking at the Dukan Diet just to see what it's about. I told DH that maybe I need a jump start to get me past this plateau. Maybe a week or 2 of no/low carb would get me past this and then I could go back to calorie counting. I'm doing great at maintaining, but I want to get past that hump!! I like the idea of the wiggle room in the weight watchers plan. If I want a reese cup, I want a reese cup! :lmao:

You're welcome! I did the "low carb" thing for about a month trying to get to my goal weight. It pretty much worked, but it was tough.... mostly because I was ALSO counting my WW points. So no random snacking on bacon or nuts! :lmao:

Oh my...I better start saving now for high school! Luckily, DS8 isn't really into sports. He does want to get into archery (and hunting), but I'm having a hard time finding a place around here that has youth lessons. DS5 on the other hand, wants to play every sport. We are trying t-ball this spring (instead of soccer). I hope he narrows it down by the time he's a little older :lmao:

EVERYTHING that kids want to do in high school is expensive, not just sports...... robotics, show choir...... EVERYTHING! Be prepared!

Check out your local YMCA for archery classes. DS wanted me to sign him up this upcoming session, but I wasn't sure he would have time, so I told him maybe the later spring session.

Well, team Donald is a little slow with posts today. DH and I are watching Moneyball (finally~we've had it from Netflix for about a month), so I am going to head off.


This week's winning team with 17.34% is Team Donald!!

Team Mickey weighed-in losing 14.79% for the week!

Additional stats for the week!!!!

aamomma won for Team Mickey with 2.34% this week and was the overall Biggest Loser!!

Congrats to DisNorth who was Donald's Team winner with 1.52%!

Team Donald lost 11.6 pounds this week
Team Mickey lost 28.2 pounds this week

Team Donald leads the Total Weight Loss with 467.1 pounds and Team Mickey's total weight loss to date is 393.4!!!
Both teams together have lost 860.5 pounds!!!! Amazing!

Keep reading, keep posting and most of all keep losing and continue learning!!!!

Have an OP week :goodvibes

Great job to all ofo ur participants! And WOOHOO to Team Donald!!

Congrats DisNorth!

QOTD - Unfortunately, my danger zone is at school. It is so easy to just hit a drive thru or walk next door to one of the 4 restaurants (+ the food court and the cafeteria) than to wrestle with cold packs and lunch coolers. But my fix is just to suck it up, basically. I bought a Tupperware container that holds an ice pack and two smaller containers in one larger container so I don't have to mess with those blue plastic cold packs. It also helps to leave my money at home. My problem now is what to pack. I usually take uncrustables or lunch meat and hummus with tomatoes or pita, but that can get old. But it's better than the alternative!

PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! That is the only thing that is going to make it easier to bring your lunch and keep it from getting boring. I go back and forth between leftovers, salads, and other things. Leftovers are good because it is easy and keeps the fridge from overflowing. Salad is yummy, but takes time to make and to eat (and I usually only get a 20 minute lunch), other stuff is so random and what I usually end up with if I am time crunched. My usual assortment of "other" includes cereal and milk (usually Fiberone and almond milk), cottage cheese and fruit (today's lunch;) ), hardboiled egg whites, baby bel cheese, fruit, and nuts, oatmeal, sandwiches, veggies and hummus..... things like that. I try to always have SOMETHING that I can grab quickly for those mornings when things get crazy. A packet (or two) of instant oatmeal, cheese stick and an apple isn't exactly a champion lunch, but it fits the bill (as long as you can get some hot water). It is built in portion control, has carbs, protein, fiber, and fat (as long as the cheese isn't fat free).

As for Snow White, I am a bit upset, but it is more because I'm not getting to ride it again before it's gone. I've only ridden it once and don't remember all that much about it. But that's progress, I guess!

And Walt was ALL ABOUT progress!.................P
Organized or disorganized? Very organized in most things.

Red or pink? Always PINK!

Summer or winter? Spring, summer, AND fall, but never winter!!

Musicals or plays? Musicals

Talker or listener? Usually talker, but can be a listener if needed.

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? ANAL PLANNER!

Twizzlers or Red Vines? Never had a Red Vine, so I'll say Twizzlers

Cream cheese or peanut butter? Peanut butter

Beach or mountains? Both!

Traveler or home-body? Wanna-be traveler!

Running/walking or Spinning? Running/Walking!

Team player or independent worker? Independent worker.... cause you know no one else can do it right!!;)

Survivor or Big Brother? Survivor all the way!

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? Just getting used to reading on my Ipad, so for now I'll say REAL!

Oatmeal or eggs? Usually eggs.

Cheesecake or chocolate cake?Cheesecake!!

Braces or no braces? Never had braces, but had other appliances. Need braces now, but too cheap to get them!


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

I'll miss Toontown but I'm excited to see all of the new things!!

Well, at least I got caught up before I had students coming in! But they are on their way, so I'll say TTFN! ..................P
Sunday's QOTD:
Disneyland! OR any of the deluxe resorts. There are many things I'd love to do. I have never done Carousel of Progress and I know some people don't like it but I'm excited for it on our next trip!

Happy Tuesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD: (feel free to answer any or all)

Organized or disorganized? Organized

Red or pink? Pink!

Summer or winter? Summer

Musicals or plays? Musicals

Talker or listener? Both, equally

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? Planner ahead of time, fly by when I'm actually there doing something

Twizzlers or Red Vines? Twizzlers

Cream cheese or peanut butter? Peanut Butter

Beach or mountains? Beach

Traveler or home-body? Traveler

Running/walking or Spinning? Running

Team player or independent worker? Independent

Survivor or Big Brother? Big Brother

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? Books

Oatmeal or eggs? Oatmeal

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? Chocolate Cake

Braces or no braces? No braces!


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

I'm glad and excited for the new things. I'll miss Toontown but with all the new stuff coming I'm glad!

BBL to chat, but I'm at work today so it will be sporatic!.........P

Morning friends! I believe I am your fill-in coach for the next few days.

Today's QOTD:

Identify one or two high risk scenarios..... occasions, activities, or places in which you are in danger of eating more than you should or eating the wrong foods. Now create an "escape plan." What will you do to help yourself in this/these situation(s)??

(Thanks to Flat Belly Diet book for the inspiration for today's question.)

BONUS QOTD: I just found out that Snow White's Scary Adventure (at the MK) is closing. Will this make you sad? Happy? Don't care? Never heard of this ride before?


Any kind of celebrations. I feel bad if I dont' have a piece of cake or sweet when having a party. These things are usually planned so I add the extra calories in in the morning so I can eat accordingly throughout the day. Also eating out with friends. That seems like our big thing when we are together we go out to eat. Luckily I can usually find at least some cooked vegetables if I'm not sure what to get. If I am going somewhere that I know will have food, I'll have a big meal before I go with veggies so I'm not hungry and less tempted to eat.

Bonus: Luckily I will get to ride it a few times on our trip before it closes. I'm sad, even though I used to close my eyes because I was so scared! I'm excited for the new things.

Hope you all have been having a wonderful week.

My car and phone died yesterday at school 5 minutes before I had a final at a building I drive to. I had to ask a random girl if she'd give me a ride! :scared1: Luckily she was extremely nice and I made it to class right on time, aced my test, and then tried to get it started with a friend. Couldn't get it to work, long story short we finally did get it to start working.

Can't wait until Spring Break next week! :woohoo:
Congrats DisNorth!

Just an update.... I DID make my bed....:rolleyes: Just couldn't work with it sitting there unmade.....but I skipped making the kids' beds!

And I measured my run and it was 4.6 miles! Since I haven't been running with any consistency for about a year, I'm always surprised when I can actually get some mileage in. I did the 4.6 in 52 (ish) minutes and that was with a half mile warm-up walk, a short walk up two hills, and a short stop to chat with a friend who pulled over. It is so much easier to run with NO EXPECTATIONS! I told myself how far I was going (to the end of a particular neighborhood and back) figuring it would take about an hour with a run/walk combo. I give myself permission to run when I want and walk when I want. No pressure to run the whole thing. But I did run the entire return trip, as it has no big uphills.

Made some good progress at the scrapping table too! I got ALL of the photos I've order in the past week or so sorted and organized and got the layouts planned! Now to pick the papers and get down to work!

Great job to EVERYONE who participates in the WIN! And congrats to our winners!

Great job to all ofo ur participants! And WOOHOO to Team Donald!!

And Walt was ALL ABOUT progress!.................P
Way to go on your run, that it fabulous!:cool1:
Happy Tuesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD: (feel free to answer any or all)

Organized or disorganized? organized!

Red or pink? pink - my favorite color

Summer or winter? - summer - I am a teacher :thumbsup2

Musicals or plays? musicals

Talker or listener? talker!

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? anal planner

Twizzlers or Red Vines? twizzlers!

Cream cheese or peanut butter? cream cheese

Beach or mountains? beach, but I love the Smoky mountains too

Traveler or home-body? traveler

Running/walking or Spinning? running

Team player or independent worker? independent work

Survivor or Big Brother? survivor

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? love my magazines and Kindle

Oatmeal or eggs? oatmeal

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? chocolate cake

Braces or no braces?

The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

BBL to chat, but I'm at work today so it will be sporatic!.........P

We are heading to WDW in less than 2 weeks for spring break, and I am looking forward to seeing the new Dumbo, and I know my ODS is going to be excited about the Barnstormer being back open. Our next trip will be in October 2013, so I can't wait to see it all finished!
Cant wait to see all the new things but I loved toontown and I'm glad I got to experience it before it was closed:)

Your question about the Twizzlers and Red Vines didn't show up here because it was a quote, but I wondered as I posted it if it was going to be a regional thing. They are both a type of junk food/candy in the form of red licorice. I know that Twizzlers come in a few flavors, but I've only had the strawberry. The rest smell nasty! I'm pretty sure that Red Vines are also strawberry flavored, but I've never had them. I think that they are more of a West Coast thing..... but they are both classic movie candies. Guess they don't have them in the UK?? How about Swedish Fish?

Sunday's QOTD:
Disneyland! OR any of the deluxe resorts. There are many things I'd love to do. I have never done Carousel of Progress and I know some people don't like it but I'm excited for it on our next trip!

Kids and I love COP for some silly reason. We always go at least twice per trip.... and DS choose it to the the "last ride" during our Mother/Son weekend in 2010. It is cool and dark and relaxing, there is NEVER a line and the song is catchy. And of course, since it has been a part of our trips for a while now, to us it is just "classic" Disney.

Hope you all have been having a wonderful week.

My car and phone died yesterday at school 5 minutes before I had a final at a building I drive to. I had to ask a random girl if she'd give me a ride! :scared1: Luckily she was extremely nice and I made it to class right on time, aced my test, and then tried to get it started with a friend. Couldn't get it to work, long story short we finally did get it to start working.

Can't wait until Spring Break next week! :woohoo:

Glad your car is up and running again. What a panic moment you must have had! Thank goodness for the kindness of strangers!!

We are heading to WDW in less than 2 weeks for spring break, and I am looking forward to seeing the new Dumbo, and I know my ODS is going to be excited about the Barnstormer being back open. Our next trip will be in October 2013, so I can't wait to see it all finished!

Can't wait to hear a mini trip report about all of the new stuf f you see!


Okay friends.... I made it through the first part of the morning. Morning meeting, reading groups, read aloud, and snack. The kids are off to library time.... then we will do math (ick) and then it will be time for lunch and recess! The rain is gone and the sun is shining, so recess should be fun today (although I'm not sure if I have lunch duty or recess duty). Then quiet time and a planet packet and we will be pretty much done!

I am done by 3pm, but both of my kids have afterschool activities that will keep them busy until 4pm, so I'll pop into the library, return my audiobook and get another one or two and read a few magazines. It takes nearly 20 minutes to get home, so no sense in heading home until I have my kids.

I don't see a workout in my future today. I will admit I could have had an early morning workout, but I washed my hair last night before my meeting and didn't want to do it again this morning before work, so no early workout was on the agenda. I MUST run two errands tonight while DD is swimming, so no time then either. The only option would be a quick workout sometime between 4:30 (when I will arrive home) and 5:15 (when I will depart again with DD) and in that time I have to finish dinner and eat.... we'll see what happens. If I had known this rain would clear, I might have brought my walking stuff along and gone for a walk/run while waiting for my kids! Grrr.....:headache: Looks like today might be a good rest day!:thumbsup2

Okay..... now I'm just rambling. Off to check out the scrapping board!.......P
Organized or disorganized? YES

Red or pink? RED

Summer or winter? SUMMER

Musicals or plays? MUSICALS

Talker or listener? LISTENER

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? PLANNER

Twizzlers or Red Vines? BLACK LICORICE PLEASE



Traveler or home-body? TRAVELER

Running/walking or Spinning? WALKING

Team player or independent worker? YES

Survivor or Big Brother? BOTH

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? MIGRATING TO IBOOK ON IPAD

Oatmeal or eggs? EGGS

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? CHOCOLATE CHEESECAKE PLEASE

Braces or no braces? NO BRACES.....though I almost answered, I wear a belt..... since braces in British English are American suspenders


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

Looking forward to it. I think it will be great to see some new FANTASY in the MK
Organized or disorganized? YES

Red or pink? RED

Summer or winter? SUMMER

Musicals or plays? MUSICALS

Talker or listener? LISTENER

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? PLANNER

Twizzlers or Red Vines? BLACK LICORICE PLEASE



Traveler or home-body? TRAVELER

Running/walking or Spinning? WALKING

Team player or independent worker? YES

Survivor or Big Brother? BOTH

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? MIGRATING TO IBOOK ON IPAD

Oatmeal or eggs? EGGS

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? CHOCOLATE CHEESECAKE PLEASE

Braces or no braces? NO BRACES.....though I almost answered, I wear a belt..... since braces in British English are American suspenders


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

Looking forward to it. I think it will be great to see some new FANTASY in the MK

I had forgotten about the whole braces/suspenders thing! Sorry! Glad you figured it out.

I myself enjoy a piece of black licorice once in a while. I think I downed an entire pound in about 2 days when I was PG with DD and having a wicked craving! :eek:

While I am a cheesecake fan, I'd rather have a regular cheesecake with perhaps a chocolate swirl or crust. Our little local bakery does a chocolate cheesecake cupcake with chocolate mousse topping. It is DS's favorite!


Wow.... we are a quiet bunch today! Are you all gonna make me to read the Team Mickey thread to keep myself from being bored?? ...................P
I had forgotten about the whole braces/suspenders thing! Sorry! Glad you figured it out.

The thing is....I AM AMERICAN. :rotfl2: It is just that I have been surrounded by British Speakers and British telly for so long now that I have to think twice about some things.

Now give me the occasional slice of Peanut Butter Chocolate Cream Cheese Cake and we are really talkin'!!!:lmao:
Just popping in. I decided it was really nice out that I'd run outside and try to do 4 miles. What was I thinking!? I cannot believe how much harder it was outside rather than on the treadmill and for a couple minutes I was really really terrified and thought signing up for the half marathon was a big mistake. I ran .250 and was already sweating and came in to get some water. My mom encouraged me to finish at least a mile, so I did. After a bit I started to get into a little rhythm and slowed down some and made it the rest of the way with a short walk included. I am dripping sweat and it's only a mile!! It took about 15 minutes.

Pumped myself up and went out and did another mile in about the same amount of time. Doing another mile made me feel better about it and I was less tired! I have about 68 days until the half marathon and I am so scared!

I guess I'll just have to push myself and hope for the best!
Happy Tuesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD: (feel free to answer any or all)

Organized or disorganized?

Red or pink? Pink!

Summer or winter?Summer

Musicals or plays?musicals

Talker or listener?listener

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? Type A planner

Twizzlers or Red Vines? Neither....skittles :)

Cream cheese or peanut butter? Neither at the moment...too many points!!

Beach or mountains? Beach, did I say beach, oh and the beach!!

Traveler or home-body? Depends on my mood...Both really!

Running/walking or Spinning? Spinning!!!!!!!!!

Team player or independent worker? Both...depends on the task

Survivor or Big Brother?Neither...Amazing Race

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? Nook Color

Oatmeal or eggs? Eggs

Cheesecake or chocolate cake? chocolate cake....GF please!

Braces or no braces?
I had braces for a year in HS


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

BBL to chat, but I'm at work today so it will be sporatic!.........P
I checked out all the Youtube videos of the opening!!! Love the Dumbo with fountain and changing colors at night!!! So excited for the B&B part to open and the new Dwarf Coaster!

Just an update.... I DID make my bed....:rolleyes: Just couldn't work with it sitting there unmade.....but I skipped making the kids' beds!

And I measured my run and it was 4.6 miles! Since I haven't been running with any consistency for about a year, I'm always surprised when I can actually get some mileage in. I did the 4.6 in 52 (ish) minutes and that was with a half mile warm-up walk, a short walk up two hills, and a short stop to chat with a friend who pulled over. It is so much easier to run with NO EXPECTATIONS! I told myself how far I was going (to the end of a particular neighborhood and back) figuring it would take about an hour with a run/walk combo. I give myself permission to run when I want and walk when I want. No pressure to run the whole thing. But I did run the entire return trip, as it has no big uphills.

Made some good progress at the scrapping table too! I got ALL of the photos I've order in the past week or so sorted and organized and got the layouts planned! Now to pick the papers and get down to work!

Great job to EVERYONE who participates in the WIN! And congrats to our winners!
Great job to all ofo ur participants! And WOOHOO to Team Donald!!
And Walt was ALL ABOUT progress!.................P
Woo Hoo!! You GO productive girl today!!! Gotta love this weather!

Sunday's QOTD:

Hope you all have been having a wonderful week.

My car and phone died yesterday at school 5 minutes before I had a final at a building I drive to. I had to ask a random girl if she'd give me a ride! :scared1: Luckily she was extremely nice and I made it to class right on time, aced my test, and then tried to get it started with a friend. Couldn't get it to work, long story short we finally did get it to start working.

Can't wait until Spring Break next week! :woohoo:
Wow! DOuble whammy!! I hope things get back on track soon! YAY...for spring break!!

Okay friends.... I made it through the first part of the morning. Morning meeting, reading groups, read aloud, and snack. The kids are off to library time.... then we will do math (ick) and then it will be time for lunch and recess! The rain is gone and the sun is shining, so recess should be fun today (although I'm not sure if I have lunch duty or recess duty). Then quiet time and a planet packet and we will be pretty much done!

I am done by 3pm, but both of my kids have afterschool activities that will keep them busy until 4pm, so I'll pop into the library, return my audiobook and get another one or two and read a few magazines. It takes nearly 20 minutes to get home, so no sense in heading home until I have my kids.

I don't see a workout in my future today. I will admit I could have had an early morning workout, but I washed my hair last night before my meeting and didn't want to do it again this morning before work, so no early workout was on the agenda. I MUST run two errands tonight while DD is swimming, so no time then either. The only option would be a quick workout sometime between 4:30 (when I will arrive home) and 5:15 (when I will depart again with DD) and in that time I have to finish dinner and eat.... we'll see what happens. If I had known this rain would clear, I might have brought my walking stuff along and gone for a walk/run while waiting for my kids! Grrr.....:headache: Looks like today might be a good rest day!:thumbsup2

Okay..... now I'm just rambling. Off to check out the scrapping board!.......P
Hang in there P!!

Just popping in. I decided it was really nice out that I'd run outside and try to do 4 miles. What was I thinking!? I cannot believe how much harder it was outside rather than on the treadmill and for a couple minutes I was really really terrified and thought signing up for the half marathon was a big mistake. I ran .250 and was already sweating and came in to get some water. My mom encouraged me to finish at least a mile, so I did. After a bit I started to get into a little rhythm and slowed down some and made it the rest of the way with a short walk included. I am dripping sweat and it's only a mile!! It took about 15 minutes.

Pumped myself up and went out and did another mile in about the same amount of time. Doing another mile made me feel better about it and I was less tired! I have about 68 days until the half marathon and I am so scared!

I guess I'll just have to push myself and hope for the best!
Nice job continuing the run!! I found that outside run/walk does not compare to the TM stuff. I'm so winded when I come home from an outdoor run even if I did the same run on the TM. The pollen count is also a factor for me!!

Keep going KAYLA!!! You can do it!!!


Please excuse my MIA over the weekend! I spent all day yesterday with my favorite (and nephew in the world!! He is almost 5 and just sees the world soooo differently. We spent time playing outside (football, soccer, baseball) and inside (Chutes and Ladders, UNO, memory games.) I drove home today absolutely exhausted!!

I'm spending the rest of the afternoon cleaning off the deck and taking out the deck furniture!!! If the weather holds I will be drinking coffee and DISing from my deck tomorrow morning! Happy Spring Break to meeee!

Bad eating yesterday and Sunday has derailed me...and I admit to not weighing in this week due to Aunt Flo and an unfortunate incident with a bag of jelly beans...:rolleyes1

I'm with Kathy back on the wagon!!!
Congrats to all those amazing losers this week!! AND to our multiple coaches for stepping in and saving the day!:thumbsup2

Have a great evening Donalds!!!
Happy Tuesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD: (feel free to answer any or all)

Organized or disorganized?disorganized but would love to be organized.

Red or pink?pink

Summer or winter? summer

Musicals or plays?musicals

Talker or listener?l[COLOR="blue"]istener

Anal planner or "fly by the seat of your pants"? a little of both

Twizzlers or Red Vines? What ate red vines? Twizzlers but only in red

Cream cheese or peanut butter? both

Beach or mountains?both

Traveler or home-body? home-body

Running/walking or Spinning? walking

Team player or independent worker? independent worker

Survivor or Big Brother? neither

Real books/ magazines or electronic (Kindle type)? Both I love my nook but also love a good book

Oatmeal or eggs? both

Cheesecake or chocolate cake?Chocolat mousse cheesecake from Jr's in Time Square

Braces or no braces? no braces[/COLOR]


The new Storybook Faire portion of the MK/Fantasyland expansion had a soft opening yesterday. Are you looking forward to all of the new things? Or would you prefer that WDW leave well enough alone and you'll miss the old Toontown?

I think that change could be good. I can't wait to see the new Dumbo. I am not a bid Princess person but there are a couple of cool things planned. I do miss Mr. Toad's WIld ride but love to bounce on honey pots. I don't think I will miss Snow White.

HAve a happy and healthy day


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