Something About Nothing ... #12

Bored at work today. Sometimes if I get too bored I start to clean and organize. I just did a thorough cleaning of the sink in the employee bathroom. Therapist 1’s husband is supposed to clean the bathrooms, but I don’t think he has touched the sink in months. Therapist 1 keeps hair supplies and cosmetics around the sink. She has a small tray filled with various lipsticks. One has been open for who knows how long. There was dark pink lipstick on everything. The counter, the wall, even on the other lipstick tubes. I just scrubbed everything down and moved the lipsticks from the tray to a small basket. Let’s see how long it stays clean.
Almost time for lunch.
Hey all, home bound today since the roofers are doing their thing. Fingers crossed they don’t have to replace too much wood & that ICE doesn’t show up :rolleyes1
Morning all. Early morning catch up with your news! Mr Real, me and Louie the Cav are joining my daughter on a sponsored walk today for the school where she is working during her University course. She was disappointed it’s a day the grandchildren are with their father as everyone else going as family so we said we’d happily go. It’s in a nice area we know around a lake so will be good.
Yesterday I went to collect a memory bear that I’ve had made from some of Mum’s favourite clothes - we all love it and a surprising thing the lady found 2 pins on a collar of the dress that I bought for Mum but hadn’t seen them on it! I was thrilled as they were so appropriate for Mum.View attachment 414660
Only two weeks until we go to Wales so need to start organising food etc to take. I am worried about leaving Dad for a week but hoping my brother will call in a few times for company.
Take care all x

Have seen similar quilts but never a bear, that is precious!

I want pancakes

No pancakes in my diet...soggy, nasty messes lol.

Yum to 5 guys, everyone sez they stole ‘my burger recipe’. Hadn’t been then in a minute, stopped a few weeks ago to grab dinner. Seems as thou they took a healthy bump in pricing.
Hope we hear from Keisha........I’m sure she had a lovely vacation and now getting back to normality again........

Thanks :). Normal is over-rated, I’d be bored outta my gourd :)
We bought a small camper real cheap that we can tow to Florida when we move. Brian is going to gut it and set up special cat areas for them. It was the easiest, safest and quickest way we could think of to get them down there. He has been spending lots of time drawing plans and can't wait to start demolishing the inside.

That is smart idea indeed.
It’s pretty hot here today 92 and high humidity. Had dentist appointment and a couple stores to stop at today.

We’ve been hotter here than MCO since we’ve been home...go figure. I thought we’d be escaping it. Only 90 today, glad i’m Not a roofer

hoping this will get Keisha's attention. LOL)

I thought i felt a disturbance in the force :). Camels, capt Jack and orlando bloom :cloud9:? That is a lovely trifecta!
Couple of vacation pics

Guess who was ‘mayor of the day’ at the plaza, our last day? Check out the monthly shake, we shared...well, i snagged the donut.
Woody’s roundup fest at the Contemporary. If i knew it was open bar would’ve taken the bus :) Stitch!
Yes, i requested mine be Thor :)
Up close & personal @ Hoop De Doo
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Yum, sharing donut...... yeah, you were nice, Keisha. And yep, thought ol' Jack would certainly snag ya to check the SANS. Great pictures and how fun, to be the mayor. I have yet to eat at the Plaza for some reason. Kids never asked to go there, and well, pasta is not our want to eat when eating out most of the time. Hope your roofing bill is not too much. And now you had me thinking. We put a new roof on our house a few years after buying, and a few years after that, new AC and heater. Well, now the AC and heater have been replaced this year. Sigh. Money pit house.

Schumi, that friend's new bathroom sounds awesome. I'd love to redo mine, it was made in the late 80's, but ya know, it still works, and we did replace one of the sinks the other day. Maybe one of these years. I'd love a huge soaking tub and big rain shower.

Charade, I wish I was bored enough to clean my office well. It will be cleaned out completely by the end of the year though, as new building is said to be ready by October, but no one believes it will be done that soon, as last update said summer. Eh, they even admitted that summertime opening was not going to happen, and gave that October update.

Walk was nice at lunch, and almost too hot. Clouds were blocking the sun, most of the time, but still wore my shades. Is bright enough out. Co-worker remarked how smartly I crossed the crazy intersection right outside our entrance. Hey, this chicken knows how to cross that road without getting hit. Seems our city drivers generally see a red light, and speed up through it. Every time I leave, I have to push the drivers ahead of me to stop those bully left turners, when we have the green light to go straight. Joys of rush hour commuting. Still, the time of year a wee bit earlier arrival, as no school zone left over still working blinkers, and rarely spotted school buses.

Little one came home tired last night. Promptly made her chicken nuggets and fries, and stopped at the Starbucks for some coffee on the way home from the train station. She was so thirsty. Then around 8, she decided she needed a darker color of foundation, as oh so tan now, so off to the cosmetic place I had coupon for. Well, she decided, since we were more than half way to the closest Taco Bell, yep, at 9:30pm, fries with cheese sauce, and mom, why don't you try that chip box meal. Okay, I said, as i was eating that, little one scarfed down her fries, and ate most of my chips. Any one that had some re-fried beans, had another chip used to scrape it off, and both were eaten. Had to use a fork as there was barely any chips to scoop up the rest of the stuff left that she did not want to eat. I guess it was good I wanted something hot to eat too, but at least it was enough for me, and we were nice, as ordered some dollar things to bring home to older one. I think he ate them as his late night snack. By 11, turn that stuff off! The joys of having adult kids that only need 4 or 5 hours sleep.

I so need tea. Later homies. Be good.
Two of the roofers are screaming at eachother in in off & on for over an hour.I caught just enough of it to figure out they are arguing over soccer. As long as they finish the roof and don’t spill any blood on my new shingles, i’m good at this point.o_O
Hey all, home bound today since the roofers are doing their thing. Fingers crossed they don’t have to replace too much wood & that ICE doesn’t show up :rolleyes1

Have seen similar quilts but never a bear, that is precious!

Thanks :). Normal is over-rated, I’d be bored outta my gourd :)

We’ve been hotter here than MCO since we’ve been home...go figure. I thought we’d be escaping it. Only 90 today, glad i’m Not a roofer

Welcome home Keisha...…....

Normality...….I agree...…..

Related image

Glad you had such a fabulous trip!!! You certainly had the heat!!!

And congrats to GD on being Mayor.....her little face!!!! Pictures are fabulous!!!

Nice to have you back...….and good luck with the roofing issues......

We put a new roof on our house a few years after buying, and a few years after that, new AC and heater. Well, now the AC and heater have been replaced this year. Sigh. Money pit house.

Schumi, that friend's new bathroom sounds awesome. I'd love to redo mine, it was made in the late 80's, but ya know, it still works, and we did replace one of the sinks the other day. Maybe one of these years. I'd love a huge soaking tub and big rain shower.

Walk was nice at lunch, and almost too hot. Clouds were blocking the sun, most of the time, but still wore my shades. Is bright enough out.

I so need tea. Later homies. Be good.

It`s not fun when things need doing like expensive. We reroofed a few years ago and were so glad we did as the following winter we had massive storms and so many lost roofs...ours was fine thankfully.

My friends bathroom is stunning...I did tell her she copied the shower from the Presidential suite.… is gorgeous. She has an old manor house so she has more rooms than she knows what to do with......I can`t wait to see what they do with their kitchen!!!

Sounds like a nice day for your walk.....cloudy and hot sounds good!!!

Oh Keisha bet you wish you could speak Spanish...……

After a morning of rain, the sun came blistering out this afternoon....gorgeous, but clouds are building again...….

And the boy came home tonight with a certificate for distinction from his employers for everything he has done recently......few other things too, but that was the one he was most proud`s nice when employers recognise their staff!!!
Sometimes life is absurd beyond description. My sister-in-laws mother passed away at about 1am this morning. As of right now kidney failure is suspected. After having just lost her father within the last week, my poor sister-in-law is somewhere between shock and disbelief. She has two sisters who are just not pleasant people and wouldn't know how to think of anyone other than themselves if their existence depended on it. My heart breaks.

Here's to Thursday.
Sending you hugs Pooh!
Prayers for your SIL

Schumi it is wonderful that Kyle is being recognized for his outstanding achievements at his job

It is well deserved

So we had dinner out tonight and the last 2 nights
I’ll be cooking the next 3 days
Think I can handle that

Sweet dreams to all the homies !
See you all in the morning
Sometimes life is absurd beyond description. My sister-in-laws mother passed away at about 1am this morning. As of right now kidney failure is suspected. After having just lost her father within the last week, my poor sister-in-law is somewhere between shock and disbelief. She has two sisters who are just not pleasant people and wouldn't know how to think of anyone other than themselves if their existence depended on it. My heart breaks.

Here's to Thursday.

Hugs to you pooh and your SiL......sometimes life doesn't quit does it!! Glad your SiL has you to help...even if it`s just to chat I`m sure she`ll appreciate you.

Sending you hugs Pooh!
Prayers for your SIL

Schumi it is wonderful that Kyle is being recognized for his outstanding achievements at his job

It is well deserved

So we had dinner out tonight and the last 2 nights
I’ll be cooking the next 3 days
Think I can handle that

Sweet dreams to all the homies !
See you all in the morning

Thanks know how burstingly proud we are of our boy all the time it`s lovely to see this from work.

Nice to have dinner out so often.....quite right too...…

We have a downpour this morning.....supposed to dry up later, but it`s so dark right now......not cold though, we have to get around low 70`s today.

Grocery shopping this morning......ordered some charcuterie from the deli, so will pick that up last....and all the usual stuff...….

Hope your Thursday is a good one...….
Keisha, hope the roof gets done quickly, before all this rain. And oh my, over soccer. Yeah, once and awhile we watch the Mexican league games, and enjoy listening to the commentary.

A big yay, for Kyle, so nice to hear he is appreciated at his work, Schumi. He should be proud, you too.

Pooh, sending lots of sympathy to you, and your SIL. Hugs. So sad news.

Well, at 5:20 this morning, the weather guy said it was clear and comfy. Looked at the sky, there's no stars, no moon, just a gray sky. Oh, I guess he meant clear, as all the rain to come today was not falling at the moment. Golden horizon now, and agree it was a comfy 72 commute. Dare I say, almost cool? Well, the humidity builds as the day starts, and downpours, thunderstorms, and periods of rain is the forecast. In other words, a wet day. Umbrella at the ready.

And maybe so fitting. Thirsty Thursday. But, how our ground wants to be soaked with rain once more, is beyond me. For the last couple of years, we have had a wet summer, and our ground water levels are more than full. Oooh, that sun is bright.

With that, tea is on my third cup, almost cool inside, and quiet. Ahhhh.

416292 and 416293 HeHe, but drink up today. Throw back your drink of choice, and stay hydrated.

And a bit of a yay,

416294 and all, 416295 and tomorow will be a casual dress day for me. Office clean up and saw a sign up to bring in food, as you know, treats as we clean up.

Ah, what a day.
I think soccer is the one sport Tony doesn't watch.....although I won't be pointing that out anytime soon. :-)

Morning, homies! Already have the bottle of wine picked out that we'll enjoy this evening. Thirsty Thursday, indeed!

How wonderful that Kyle was recognized at work! Isn't it such a great feeling to see adult children thriving and succeeding so well in their endeavors?

One out of two isn't bad. Our temps are supposed to be much much lower mid 70's lower. I'll take it! Unfortunately, it's also supposed to be another wet day with the rain moving back in sometime late this afternoon. At this point, I'm ready for winter to move back in....if it's going to be perpetually wet it might as well be snow.

Going to be a day of laundry and general household work. I think dinner is going to be a nice grilled pork chop with sautéed squash and zucchini....maybe some fresh corn on from the farmers market.

I'd been trying to work out timing to squeeze in a quick trip down for HHN and it's worked out itself. It looks like my brother and I are going to tag team driving down Mom and Dad's car after they move back down for the winter. I'll hang out with Mom and Dad for a few days before I fly back home and work in time for HHN. Perfect!

Oh, and the bright spot to all the tragedy my brother and sis-in-law have been through in the past couple of weeks....they were notified this week by social services that their adoption should be finalized by November. :-)
Thanks Lynne......yes, very proud! Sounds like a very wet day for you all round!! Yes, our ground is well saturated this year too.....above average rainfall...….and it`s bouncing down right now...….

Pooh.......thank you, yes, even as adults we love to see him achieve above and beyond!!

Nice dinner plans.....and nice trip plans too......HHN is just around the corner now......and good news on the adoption going through.....that will lift their spirits.

No going out this afternoon...….did plan a walk on the beach with a friend and her beautiful dog......but not now. Bit of housework and laundry too pooh......

We have a complete cloudburst right now!!!

Time for tea...….and some tv I think.....housework can wait...….::yes::
Always nice to hear some good news with the so sad news. Nice the adoption is almost finalized, Pooh.

:umbrella: And yeah, ark may be made one of these days. Only saving for us, is that so far, they are saying the chances of rain on the week-end are getting lower and lower. Fine with me. Rain on week days, full sun on week-end. My love of summer. :-)

Oh, and housework should always be a wait for it. :laughing: LOL
Morning Sans family :wave2:



Well woke up with a barn burner of a headache this morning at 5:15 so got up and took something for it. I think it stems from all the jaw opening and tooth drilling/ work done on Tuesday. Don’t remember other crown process being so difficult.

It’s been smoking hot here past number of days. Been in the 90’s with high humidity which makes it feel much worse. Mosquitos have shown up in force past couple of days. Must be from all the rain we have had. Fireworks finally stopped. Thankful for that for sure.

Hubby and I went out for dinner at Red lobster yesterday and the best part of the meal was the cocktail and the cheddar biscuits. Actually should have skipped the meal and just had more cocktails. They were yummy.

HHN coffee mug full this morning and enjoying every drop.

Guess who was ‘mayor of the day’ at the plaza, our last day? Check out the monthly shake, we shared...well, i snagged the donut.

What great pics of the cute honorary mayor of the day. Looks like you all had a great time.

. Then around 8, she decided she needed a darker color of foundation, as oh so tan now, so off to the cosmetic place I had coupon for. Well, she decided, since we were more than half way to the closest Taco Bell, yep, at 9:30pm, fries with cheese sauce, and mom, why don't you try that chip box meal. Okay, I said, as i was eating that, little one scarfed down her fries, and ate most of my chips.

Lynne you are a sweet mom to take your daughter out make up shopping after a long day at work.

We will need to have a Starbucks pow wow if our dates coincide during HHN.

I caught just enough of it to figure out they are arguing over soccer. As long as they finish the roof and don’t spill any blood on my new shingles, i’m good at this point.o_O

It’s a good thing they were arguing over soccer and not something worse......extreme heated disagreements with roofing nail gun in hand are not good.

And the boy came home tonight with a certificate for distinction from his employers for everything he has done recently......few other things too, but that was the one he was most proud`s nice when employers recognise their staff!!!

Congratulations to your son Schumi. I know you and Tom are proud of him. From all you have shared with us about Kyle he is an intelligent, hard working fellow who deserves to be recognized for his contributions to his company.

Sometimes life is absurd beyond description. My sister-in-laws mother passed away at about 1am this morning. As of right now kidney failure is suspected. After having just lost her father within the last week, my poor sister-in-law is somewhere between shock and disbelief. She has two sisters who are just not pleasant people and wouldn't know how to think of anyone other than themselves if their existence depended on it. My heart breaks.

Poohls, I’am so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law losing both her parents. I will be praying for her and you as you help her through the grieving of her parents. She is lucky to have you to stand by her :hug:

Let me know what you think of the water flossers....I`m curious

So far so good on the Waterpik tooth flosser. I did some research and we got the Waterpik Ultra.....I’am going to buy the Waterpik travel size for trips. I figure anything that helps promote healthy gums and the ability to retain the fangs is worth it.

I'd been trying to work out timing to squeeze in a quick trip down for HHN and it's worked out itself. It looks like my brother and I are going to tag team driving down Mom and Dad's car after they move back down for the winter. I'll hang out with Mom and Dad for a few days before I fly back home and work in time for HHN. Perfect!

Great news on the HHN trip.

they were notified this week by social services that their adoption should be finalized by November. :-)

Yeah!!!! to the adoption news.

Lynne hope the tea is hot and plentiful this morning.

I need to get my keister moving this morning. Going to go by Sam’s and get some more peaches and cherries. They have been delicious. Maybe a stop by Starbucks’s. Maybe the extra caffeine will cure the headache.

Have a great Thursday everyone.
Oh Robo, hope that headache goes away, pronto. Nice to be drinking that coffee, and yes, anytime we can share some coffee talk, I'm up for it. Will be very nice if we can get together this Fall.

Sun was out so bright, but now cloudy. Phone says currently 80, the high will be 86, and thunderstorm today, and chances start at 11 am. Er, my lunchtime walk may or may not be wet. Time to roll the dice. LOL
Camel day...Thursday

Means getting closer to the weekend

Having typical Georgia weather this year
Hot and humid during the day and thunderstorms during the night

My lawn service dude really racks up the money quickly with this type of weather
I think we are on the way in making him a millionaire........jk

Tonight I’m making a winner winner chicken

Mr Mac favors chicken and/or red meat

Looking forward to hhn this season
It will be my 21st year of it
Never gets old for me

I booked a private tour for Friday October 4
Right now I have 3 openings left
If any of you homies or those reading along want to join in, send me a Pm
I hope to have a full group by late August

If you are new to the RIP HHN private tours, it’s a great way to do the event with limited waits for houses, scare zones, shows

No long line waits for anything
Free food, water, soda at LaBamba during the event period

It’s a full evening event as it starts at 6pm and is over Saturday October 5 at 2am

Looks like I will be joining team Keisha when it is the subject of roofs
Heavy rain and storms at midnight and found a drip-drip- drip from the kitchen ceiling during the night

Hope all the homies have a great day
So close to the weekend!


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