Something About Nothing ... #12

MonyK.....thanks for the explanation.....never heard that before........

Sue, glad your bbq went can make such a difference......many times we’ve started off outside and retreated to the kitchen and dining still tastes as good....... ::yes:: I love Cherry Pie, haven’t had any for ages.

Lynne.....enjoy Spider-Man....... and enjoy that get together.......hope it’s all nice......sometimes people bring weird things....

mac.....Five Guys isn’t my favourite either......we did like the fries, but not somewhere I’d rush back to in a hurry.....hope the store isn’t too busy for you today....and it’s a quick visit! I hate grocery stores......

Robo......I agree......Night after night is a bit much......wears thin after a while. We are going to try ST again......just started watching a tv series just now called Killing’s different, and very good! Once we’re done with that we’ll get into ST, good to hear it’s kept the quality. And glad the shoes worked out for you......

Charade nice balloon pics.......although not for me either!

Dull and cool today grilling. Brought out some Sea Bass for dinner tonight......Shouldn’t be able to mess that up!

Off out to drop in a friends birthday present......hope she likes what we got her.

Have a great Sunday.......
Robo, how fun and cute shoes. I’d be mad if my neighbor hood had those fireworks so many nights and so late. When I was young, fireworks were legal to buy. Then for years, not legal. But this past year, they became legal to buy. I have not bought any, have no desire to do so, and yeah, reports of accidents with them occur every year. We did have some random ones on Friday night and I think I heard one or two last night. I hope your nights start to be quiet tonight.

Mac, heck all are invited. That side of the family always seems to get a bit bigger, with new, oh THAT is how you are related, as many did not know kid of him or her, that was revealed these last couple of years. And the family tree is so large, I would not recognize many of my cousins. But some I do. For example, twice, in school, little one and another kid, with different last names, was asked by that kid, what’s your mom’s name? Yep, related. Each one was a kid of two different families of my numerous second cousins.

Ah, the sun is streaming in the window. Birds are chirping and the laundry is almost done. Woke up at 5am and could not get back to sleep. So, started the laundry and baked brownies. My assigned food is a dessert, cheese and tomatoes. Tomatoes are cut up, and I will stop at the deli on the way up, and buy cheese. Am glad the weather will be nice, and the local park we rent has a covered area, where you can set up tables and chairs. So shaded chow time.

With that, will be waking kids around 9. At 11:30 last night I told the kids time for bed. Little one snorted, why did you pick such an early movie time. Well, because then we have time to relax before dinner, and cheaper matinee time. Sigh. Either way, tonight will be earlier, it is the back to routine work tomorrow.

Super, serene Sunday to all the homies.

And enjoy seeing those great balloons, Charade. Sorry the weather did not let you do all. Yeah, little one and I drive back from the mall about 15 miles from us. There were times it was hard to see the road, and many, including us, had our flashers on part of the highway, as even with the car lights on, it was hard to see other vehicles. That was a scary enough ride for me. On the bright side, my car went through rain washing several times these last two days, and the messy bird poop on my one car door is finally no more.

Ooh, fish dinner for Schumi, and so nice to drop a present off to a friend. I am sure it will be well liked, and I am sure your dinner will be lush. Every great cook has a miss or two. You always have lush food. And yeah, little one likes 5 Guys, I am not fond of eating there, but yeah the fries are good.
Good morning. I slept in until almost 11:00. I think I am the only one awake so far.

Sue - Yeah, I didn’t get to sleep until after 1:00. We left the festival at 9:00, but it took 45 minutes to get out of the parking lot. The drive home was nearly 2 hours due to the storm, and also because we took the long way home (interstate) rather than the short way (across the mountains on very curvy roads). We also stopped at Waffle House before going home.
Your bbq sounded very enjoyable. I love cherry pie.

Schumi and Sue - You will notice that I said DH and B wanted to have a balloon ride, but didn’t include myself. I am terrified of heights. Dh and B have been hang gliding at 3000 feet, so a tethered balloon ride is nothing to them. I am more than happy to stay on the ground and take pictures.

Lynne - My family is similar. I actually don’t think I would recognize any of my cousins. I didn’t grow up near any of them and there are so many. My mom is the oldest of 10 children. I don’t even know how many cousins I have on her side of the family.
Add me to the group that doesn’t care much about 5 Guys. It’s okay, but not my first choice for a burger.

Still waiting for people to wake up. I’m ready for lunch.
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Well.....hope everyone’s having a lovely quiet on here....hope Lynne’s enjoying her time at the family gathering.......

Charade, yes heights aren’t my favourite thing either.....I always laugh when folks say they are scared of heights but can go up in the balloon at Disney Springs.......yep, that’s not someone who’s afraid of heights....glad you had a good day though.

Yes, I have a lot of cousins too.......and so many in the U.K. I haven’t seen in many years. I see my cousins in New York more often than ones within a few hours away.

Had a lovely day.......visited my friend and gave her birthday gifts.....she loved them, especially the bag I ordered for her. And she lit up when she saw the Bath and Body goodies as filler presents.......I told her I didn’t bring any extra back so she was surprised......she made us some lunch which was nice.....told her not to bother as it was her birthday, but they had no plans for eating out so it was nice,

Sea Bass was lovely........very simple dinner but very nice.

Tomorrow going to a new farm shop we haven’t been to before.......butcher and deli so will give it a try.

Not long till bedtime here.......hope your Sunday is a good one........

And hope Keisha made it home safely this morning.........:wave2:
Hot humid lazy day for me so never did get to the grocery store today


Ordering pizza for dinner
Sending Mr Mac to pick it up

Anyone watching Fear the Dead series?
I’ll be in front of the tube for it tonight

Not that it is a great show but after investing the past years watching it, I need to know how it ends (eventually)
Hi Happy Sunday :goodvibes

Thank you, everyone, for the nice thoughts on my trip windshield we had so many bugs hit it on the way home.

Yesterday Brian washed the cars. It was so nice to be able to see through my

It is clear and warm here today. Yesterday we had showers and it was muggy. The teens worked last night so we went to a sea food restaurant I like. They have daily specials and last night was clam strip dinner for $9.95. I got 4 dinners, took two home for the teens. Brian and I ate ours there. I finished up unpacking and caught up on laundry. I mentioned we had some unexpected bills including needing a washer before we left. We ordered the new one on Wednesday then yesterday we notice the fridge leaking. Now it is two new appliances Ugh!! Just trying to figure out how to pay for it.

The realtor we talked with has started sending us house listings. I told him we won't be able to do anything til after the first of the year or later. Wouldn't you know the perfect house we were looking for is up for a short sale. I was so sad to see that. I think I am going to stay away from looking right now, window shopping can be painful. LOL!!

Today was doing some small things around the house. Going to make zucchini and pasta for us and Charlie and Liv likes peas and pasta. Their best friend Alex is staying over tonight. We are going to go to our 6 flags tomorrow and it is easier leaving early with everyone here.

Real that is a beautiful bear to have as a memory of your mum. I know I have special things that I have done for my mom's memory. The trip sounds lovely and I hope you can have a good time. I know how hard it is to be worrying about your dad.

Monykalyn Beautiful lake pics, looks like your having fun. If you get the chance I would recommend Discovery Cove. It can be expensive but using the tickets to the other parks saved us money. It was nice to see something new. However, we did all talk about missing Universal. I hope you had a good trip home.

Mac I hope you had a nice weekend in between the heat. I hope it gets cooler for you to head out tomorrow. We don't go to many burger places for dinner I find myself cooking them on the grill often. I have tried 5 guys and they are okay. I like to make my own bbq sauce for stuff, never hurts to have it in the house. I hope you, Mr. Mac and the kitties are good. I use to watch fear of the walking dead, but we lost interest in it. I do like to find out what is going on every now and then. I can totally understand why you keep watching it. I hope it is good tonight.

Robo Sorry to hear about the constant fireworks, that is so annoying. Some of our cats are scared of them so we hold our breath till it's over. Glad that you have some room in the shoes, better than being tight. Enjoy stranger things and hope you are well.

Charade the balloon festival looks fun. I hear you, I would not be going up in one of them. I don't mind heights but I like to feel secure. I don't mind high coasters all strapped in. Sounds like you had fun despite the storms. I hope DH and B get to ride one another time. Yikes, hang gliding I wouldn't be able to do that.

Keisha I just realized you were at AKL when I left. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. I hope you are having a safe travel home.

Sue Glad that you enjoyed your burgers and sides. I love cherries but never have been a fan of cherry pie. Anything from a farm market is good. I understand about wondering if you are going to sleep well. I have had sleeping problems for a long time and it really can affect your health. I hope your weather stays nice for you.

Lynne I love matinee movies, in fact, we just started going to the earliest morning times they have. Everyone is bright eyed and bushy tail, I hope it was good. It sounds like it will be a nice family get together, and brownies are great and you can do so much with them. Your mention of cheese and tomatoes reminds me of our fresh mozzarella and tomato salad with fresh basil. I hope everything comes together and you have fun.

Schumi I am glad that your visit to your friends was nice and she enjoyed her gifts. For me there is nothing better than to see someone happy with a gift that you got them. That was very nice that you got to have lunch with them too, I am sure it made her birthday more special. Sea bass sounds nice I have never made that type. Enjoy your new farm shop tomorrow.

I am off to make dinner I hope everyone has a great night and a good morning tomorrow. :)

I will leave you with a couple of pics from the trip:)


Aviary at Discovery Cove
charbribird.jpgmebird (2).jpglivbird1.jpg
Mac I’m about to watch now. I wonder if more info will unfold about helicopter people. Getting interesting. Also Handmaids Tale is tonight. I didn’t read the book but loving the tv series.

Bobbie great pics! We’ve had so many unexpected expenses this year, with house things but happy with what we put in. I guess with you moving you don’t have to put in any high end things.
Very exciting looking at houses and I’m sure when it’s time you’ll find the perfect one. Just make sure there’s plenty of room for us!

Charade glad to hear you got a good sleep in! I woke at 5:30am but this afternoon had a nap!

Lynne good to hear the family day went well. I’m learning to view upside down pics lol!

Schumi I have an odd fear of heights I guess. I can’t go up a ladder, even the 3 step ones and won’t do the balloons either. But if I’m securely strapped in a ride I seem to be ok, like a coaster or Dr Doom.

Today was a quiet day, church then quiet day at home. Leftovers for dinner. Drizzling and cool out.
I know, I always see the pictures on my device that's posting it from, right side up, and somehow, it gets posted upside down, or sometimes even sideways. Glad everyone can still view, not matter how it's oriented as posted. Sorry about that Sue, but glad you could view.


:umbrella: Oh yes, a balmy, and another rainy, Monday is here. When that alarm went off, um, moving a little slower. Seems at 11:30 last night, my bedroom light went on, and little one was asking me questions, as she is doing her college orientation today and tomorrow. After she left, I heard older one still online gaming with his friends. A nice holler down, and I think there was quiet by midnight. Did wake up around 4, as heard the rain, but then went back to sleep until the alarm went off a half hour later. So just gray and dark out. And puddles on wet streets was the commute. 74 out now, and a high that may not even see 80, 79 will be the high that will be felt by late afternoon. And weather guy said, a lovely evening will commence, as the rain and clouds should start to depart around dinner time, so maybe see some golden sunset tonight. That would be nice. And the heat will return tomorrow. 90 and full sun. I will make sure the hair tie and hat are in my bag, as tomorrow's lunch time walk will need them. Today, sigh, the umbrella may still have to be used. We will see. Weather guy also said afternoon will not be rainy, just cloudy. Guess, either way, fitting for a Monday, after a holiday weekend.

So, time for second cup of tea. Hope all have the most happy Monday, and hope Keisha has returned with some fun stories to tell, and Bobbie, glad to hear you had a great time, and enjoyed looking at your pictures. Mac, hope your Fear watching saw a good episode, and pizza was yum. Sue, hope whatever left overs were eaten, were lush. No left overs for me, and both kids did a BK run around 10 last night. Seems the 5:30 dinner was not sufficient food, as mostly it was little one that did not find most that she would eat, and well, older one is always up for a late night snack.

Ah, I do need tea. :coffee:

:wave2:Later homies.
415319 he he, but really, 415320 er, maybe not, but yes, 415321 ::yes::

You know how sometimes life grabs hold and it feels like all you can do is buckle up and hang on? Yeah, that.

The past few weeks have felt like a constant ride of RRR. It started out the Saturday before a conference we (the non-profit I work with) had for 175 teachers. I came *this close* to being thrown into the hospital with a raging UTI. I got through the conference with a smile on my face.

My sister-in-laws father had been very ill and passed last week. My brother and sil have two small children so I've been helping with them and running back and forth every time I turn around. The children are in the foster care system moving to adoption (YAY!) so there's always something that has to be done.

We did manage to get away over the 4th for our quick get away to the mountains of western NC. It was a much needed slow down from the pace at which we'd been running.

I tried my best to catch up on everything and everyone. :-)

Glad to be back at a normal pace of least for now.

137 days.....because I'm counting! LOL!
Pooh you are a good homie to help out your brother and sis in law with the kidlettes during that time
I hope the adoption comes around quickly for them
Oh Pooh, you do have a lot on your plate. Hope you are feeling better, and the adoption goes perfectly. Nice you were able to hopefully unwind this away weekend. And sending sympathy to your son's family, in the loss of his FIL.

Still gray and looks wet. Oh well, still will be doing that lunchtime walk, and just to make sure we feel the new chiller, it's almost a too cold office. Tea day for sure. And a what for dinner tonight.
Nice pictures of your trip bobbie…...your daughter looks so much like you!!! New appliances are never fun to buy!!!

Sue, I`m exactly the same....fine on all rides, no matter how high, but, anything else....not fun!!!

Lynne you have a real mix of weather today!!! you'll be glad to see it brighten up later.........

mac...….I never got into that show at all.....I wish I had as a lot of my friends like it......but I know you do......Has The Walking Dead been cancelled or is it still ongoing? We kind lost that one too...….

pooh......oh my goodness. Life is certainly taking over right isn't it!! Best wishes the adoptions go through sooner rather than later.....very stressful I imagine...….but glad you got away for a break....everyone needs a break!!!! Yep, focus on the countdown!!!!

Well, new farm shop was lovely.....much smaller and much more local to the area it`s in. You could practically have asked each bit of beef`s original name!!! I liked that…...very expensive though, but we bought a few bits....filet steaks for tonight for Kyle and I and Tom got rump as he prefers that. Got a selection of sausages, burgers and their own cured bacon. Different flavour scotch eggs and some olives. So far so good.

Will get the grill out tonight for the steaks...….beautiful day, not overly warm, but nice enough to grill out.

Have a great Monday...…..
Good afternoon. It's a beautiful sunny day in the 80's. I am at six flags water park with the 3 teens. The water is a little cold so I am relaxing on a chair by a wave pool. The teens are trying to get me in. I will if it warms a bit. Brian works about 20 minutes away so he will meet us after work. We have an unlimited dining plan so no cooking and the plan has had paid for itself.


Pooh sorry to hear about your family having some ups and downs. They are lucky to have you, so nice to hear family helping family. I understand how the foster care to adopting can go. I hope it goes fast and smooth.

Schumi glad you enjoyed your new market. There is nothing like fresh food like that. A steak on the grill is the best. We love olives and enjoy a good olive nest. Hope your weather continues. Thank you for the compliment of my pics. I like that she looks like me. I am happy you see it too.

Lynne enjoy your walk hope the weather holds. Enjoy your tea and good luck with dinner choice.

Mac I hope you enjoyed the dead last night and it cooled down for you. Have a great day!!!!

It is getting warm time for a dip. !!!
Nice to be able to be in the water park, Bobbie. Yep, we bought the season pass food and drink package and think we almost made out okay so far.

Not really a good water park day for us. Though it is getting brighter, and only a very light rain falling for lunch walk. Think they finally turned down the chiller.
Good afternoon everyone. I hated going back to work this morning, but got a lot done since I was the only one there most of the morning.

Saturday night when we got back from the balloon show we decided to stop at Waffle House. Just as we got there 2 police cars pulled in. I thought the officers were there to eat, but they just stood outside the restaurant looking into the parking lot. They left just before we did. We thought it was a bit strange. Well, around 1:00 this morning that Waffle House plus 2 others in town were robbed. No suspects have been caught yet. Thankfully no one in any of the restaurants were harmed.

Charade, yes heights aren’t my favourite thing either.....I always laugh when folks say they are scared of heights but can go up in the balloon at Disney Springs.......yep, that’s not someone who’s afraid of heights....glad you had a good day though.
I won’t be going up in that balloon either. I did manage to take a short helicopter ride once. I was scared, but managed to get through it since it was the only wat to get to a certain activity and I really, really wanted to do that activity.

Bobbie - Great pictures. I’s the aviary new? I don’t remember seeing it when I was at Discovery Cove, but that was several years ago ..
I haven’t been to a Six Flags in decades. I spent many summers at Six flags Over GA.

I have an odd fear of heights I guess. I can’t go up a ladder, even the 3 step ones and won’t do the balloons either. But if I’m securely strapped in a ride I seem to be ok, like a coaster or Dr Doom.
I hate ladders too. I can handle mild coasters, but not the really intense ones. I’m also okay with something like Tower of Terror that’s mostly enclosed, but can’t ride a ride where I can see how high up I’m going.

Lynne - This picture thing is driving me nuts. I’m trying to see if there is some sort of pattern. So far it seems like the pictures I take in landscape are ok, but the portrait ones are the ones that end up sideways.
Pooh - So sorry to hear of all of the challenges you are face in right now. Congrats to your brother and SIL. Hope the adoption goes smoothly.

The winds are starting to pick up. I think we are due for more storms tonight.

Since we have been discussing fear of heights, I will leave you with this picture of B from 4 years ago. My crazy child.

@Charade67 B looks like a dear child....but that's NUTS!! LOL!

Of the many things I miss about being in Newport News, Busch Gardens and Water Country is right up there on the list. Corey and I used to love to go to Water Country after I'd quit work for the day.....we'd practically have the place to ourselves.


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