
Hey Paul!

What's new?

I'm heading to Disney World. Seriously. An absolute last minute trip. Heading down tomorrow night for the weekend. Work has been killing me. If I didn't do something now, I would not have a break til PCC 2.0. I think my little tirate at a meeting last week is what prompted my boss to suggest I get away for a few days.

Kathy, sent you a PM.
We're here too!

Just not as often as before. Something about working to pay off cruise habit.....yadda yadda yadda...whatever.

Hi Buddies!:grouphug:

Lori (the OTHER Bead Pirate) pirate:
I really need a lesson on how to do this please. :)

Have a great time. :hug:

Kathy has promised me lessons on how to "go Jersey on someone." Maybe she can do a two for one Kelly.
Hi Paul!

here too- but busy at work as well. seriously cuts into my DIS time! lol

just returned last night from 3.5 days at disneyland for my bday weekend! had a great time, but found my real love is still WDW. Had a great time with my sisters, mom and cousin though and saw Naveen Andrews while we were on our Walk in Walt's Footsteps tour. he had his own tour guide of course.

just counting down- about 80 days until our next trip! :goodvibes oh and saw the flag ceremony at moving (and it was the day after 9/11) and I can't wait to take DH to see it in WDW. There was this little old custodial cast member standing there and when they called out the air force, he marched over. It was fun seeing the cast members partake in it too.
I want to learn how to go Jersey on someone! Teach me to Kathy!

Doing ok here. Knee is still screwed up from the Wii incident in Indy. Have an MRI Thursday. Other than that great!!
Hi Paul!!

Work has been a little busy lately, still playing catch up from my Long Labor Day weekend trip to WDW. Gearing up for PCC 2.0, which will be here soon. :goodvibes

Happy Birthday Reid!!
Hi Paul!

Things are great here in the Great White North...although it is really green right now! :lmao: I've been busy with work, family, etc... but it's nice to connect with people here. BTW, how's your hand? I remember talking to you at Disapalooza about minding the physiotherapist...have you recovered? Sure hope so...
Hey Paul!

I have been reading as I can, but what I really miss is chat, which I have not had time for since about June! I am also falling behind in listening to my Podcasts but trying desperately to keep up. Work is totally and completely crazy, DH is still job hunting after 6 months and DS and DD are now back in the school routine.

On the plus side, DH and I just decided to do a little trip to Vegas for our 20th anniversary in November. Also, as soon as DH gets a new job, we hope to be planning for WDW for the summer of 2011. We will be at DL in May 2011 too with DD and her Marching Band. Just the carrots I needed to keep me going.
Good to hear some of you are still alive and kicking. Not many of the old posting crew post that often anymore. Me included. More of a lurker these days. Hope all is well with everybody. :goodvibes

Hiya, Paul. Yeah, I've been kinda reeling in it with my posting habits as of late.
I'm still posting here and there. It's been a weird day.
Not many of the old posting crew post that often anymore. Me included. More of a lurker these days. Hope all is well with everybody. :goodvibes

Good to see old faces mix with all of the new folks posting.:thumbsup2

Fresh voices, fresh ideas...and some of the lurkers are coming out, saying hello and joining the conversation.
Hi Paul! I'm still around, but not posting much either. I've been so busy at work that I don't have time for the DIS or FaceBook much anymore. I hope all is well with you and Alicia.
Hey Paul! :wave2:

LIFE SUCKS!!!! :headache::sick::mad:

But.....hey....I dont complain here. :littleangel:

But since you asked....

With all the other massive crud (and I'm being nice, trust me) that is happening in my life, I just spent over 9 hours fighting with my other computer. :surfweb:
"Blue screen of death" happened.
Needless to say, I couldnt save it.
Reloaded Windows XP, now have to reload everything else.
Lost everything.....
All my email addresses (those who know me send an email to say "HI!")
Recent videos and pictures (thank god for the SD cards, but all my editing is gone)
Programs (replaceable but a pain)
ISP says they are down until later this morning so can't update any Virus protection.

Other than that, life goes's a new day, right?

Can you tell I'm a little bitter?

Hope everyone else is having a MUCH better week than I am.




Have a Magical day....
Punch you in the face?
Life may suck.....but I'm not crazy.

I had backed up a lot of data on portable HD's, but my recent stuff had not been.
It's only hours and hours of editing, so no biggie.
All the other crud just makes it that much worse.
We'll talk......:)
Another one over here suffering from the "too much work" syndrome!!!
Counting down every day, no wait hour, minute, make that second until pcc 2.0

Really looking forward to it!
Can't wait!

Helllloooo everyone

See ya soon Paul, 90 odd days to go...

Happy birthday Reid!

Ps Becx is the postaholic in our family ;-)

Sorry to hear you lost a fair bit of data John mate.

I also back up the important stuff to external hdds, but haven't as yet done so online. My ISP offers it, but the bandwidth is only 70kb/s upload, so it'll take far too long for me to care enough :)

Punch you in the face?
Life may suck.....but I'm not crazy.

I had backed up a lot of data on portable HD's, but my recent stuff had not been.
It's only hours and hours of editing, so no biggie.
All the other crud just makes it that much worse.
We'll talk......:)


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