So Caradana got married, got tan, and got happy. (pro pix, page 10.)

Dana-- So great to hear that things are going wonderfully.

I have to agree with that grandma of yours. Kids really do change things-- most of it is for the good, but it definitely tests your relationship.

We are celebrating our 10th Anniversary in March (with a cruise!), and it really does go by fast. Enjoy!

P.S. Those wedding pictures are just fabulous. I never tire of seeing them.
Happy to year that year one has gone so well! Thanks for sharing more photos. Princeton is beautiful and you were smart to choose it. Your photographs probably seem that much more special to you because of it!
Dana, so glad to hear that things are still going well for you. I admit our first year up until bad layoffs happened at my husband's job, it was easy as well. I think had he not lost his job right after we bought a house, we would've breezed through first year as well.

I love those pics, and the statues at Princeton with the guys are so cute! It somehow seems so fitting to have them stand next to them.

Great pictures!!! The sky it that one is amazing!!!!!!

Best wishes to you both as you start your new life together! :goodvibes
Yay, Dana posted!!! :woohoo:

I was just "talking" about you on Judi's thread last night! I have missed you!!:goodvibes

Please pop in more frequently!!

I agree with swilphil, your wedding photos are amazing!!!:thumbsup2
Your wedding pictures are so beautiful - they're like a magazine spread! Glad to see the update! This past year was our first year of marriage as well, and while it wasn't difficult for us within our relationship, there were a lot of outside factors that added stress to our situation. We muddled through it though, and look forward to another 50 years or so with each other.
I think perhaps the first year is only the hardest if you haven't been living together already. I didn't think ours was hard. I know it was so great to come home after work and he'd always be there.


Best wishes for your continued happiness, Dana! :cloud9:

Glad to hear all is going great...

I dont know how I missed this post back in January but just wanted to say those pictures are gorgeous!!! You make a beautiful bride and your hubby makes a handsome groom..
Dana - just looked at your pics again and forwarded to my sister..what was the type of photog again?
I agree with Grandma too. :) I always hear the first year of marriage is the hardest and cannot agree less. Our first year was probably the happiest year of my life. Everything was perfect! Then by the 2nd year DS came along and thats when life got tough, LOL!

Good luck! :goodvibes

Thanks for the new pics...theyre great too!


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