Sept. Challenge

Ok, we have a nice long list of players this month (of course more are always welcome to join!) - they are listed below with a page count to date (NR means no report).

I've done 26 so far for the month but I'll report my counts just to keep everyone motivated! :sunny:

Disneygal027: NR
jennz: NR
ToDisney: 9
TN Traveler: 3
WDWgwen13: NR
wdwprincess_keli: NR
pjlla: 8
Alice28: 28 (Woohoo - she's in the lead!)
OurDogCisco: NR
wuvtigger: NR

10 more yesterday!!! I love having my parents here! Dad can kind of keep the boys occupied playing in their yard and stuff while I scrap, scrap, scrap! I am done with the Disneyland part of our trip...just need to work on Cal Adventure, some character meals, and then I have about 30 pictures or so when DH went away with the Army a few weeks ago...

So, as of today, I am at 38 for September! :Pinkbounc
Alice-------you amaze me!!! I only got 4 more done this weekend which gives me a total of 7. How in the world do you have time to scrap that much?! Between work, my kids, soccer, my farm and housekeeping, I don't have a chance to sit down until 10 at night!! 7 pages by 7th of Sept........that's pretty good for me!!
Happy scrapping!! :)

Well, I am the type of scrapper that once I sit down and *do* it, I am fast. I first crop ALL of my pictures so they are ready to go. I used to be a CM Consultant, so I know several so-called tricks of just picking an interesting border and color combos, and then just laying my pictures out, adhering them, journaling and adding stickers, embellishments, etc. I don't do fancy paper piecing and fancy paper layering, etc. I mat some photos, do some sort of border, either using my pre-cut short-cuts/Rick-rack from CM, or I cut some out with my 12 inch tool and my square or circle punches. Sometimes I do eyelets, but just occasionally.

I don't work anymore, well, outside the home anyway. My older son is almost 7 and he just started back at school and can keep himself pretty occupied. 3 year old is more of a challenge. I have to wait until he is playing with a neighbor, or is distracted with something or he likes to help me scrap. DH is gone in Texas with the military and just now am I feeling motivated to do ANYTHING, as I am getting over my depression of him being gone AND I'm getting over the 1st trimester barfs. (sorry to be so blunt) I feel like I am getting that 2nd trimester energy this weekend- I am scrapping like a mad woman and cleaning out my office and drawers, etc. I am so relieved...I really didn't want to be Miss Depressed this entire pregnancy.

:teeth: And that is how I am getting so much done!
Okay, I'm obviously NOT going to win this but I am motivated reading your posts!! :) I have 6 pages done! I'll be reading this post for more motivation!
Jennz........I'm w/you girlfriend! No way I can win this one but I'm happy for those that can get alot done! I'm either much slower or do more detail work than others. Maybe a combination of both!

You're located in Noblesville, IN? I have cousins, aunts, uncles etc in Kokomo. My mom was born and raised there. I have a cousin that lives in Noblesville too. She would be in her late 20s I think. Actually she's my cousin's daughter and I haven't seen her in YEARS.......a min of 10!! DH has an aunt and lots of cousins in
Greenwood and surrounding area. Not too far from you. One of my hubby's cousins is on the Indianapolis police dept but I'm not sure which district. Don't know his family very well. My DGF passed away 10 yrs this past April and haven't been to Kokomo since his funeral. Just too hard. I loved him dearly. He was my last living grandparent and I was very close to him. Miss him alot!

Have a super day!!
Karen aka......TN Traveler
Ok - here is some motivation (I hope!)

Alice28 is just in one of those spurts that we ALL get from time to time. Something spurs you on. And we all know (I think) that scrapping is a great way to focus on the positives when things in our lives need refocusing. A friend of mine says as expensive as scrapping can be it is MUCH cheaper than therapy.

So keep scrapping!

Feeling overwhelmed by everything? Take a break and go scrap! Even if you only have two pages done you'll have a feeling of release. Call it escapism if you want.

Give yourself the time to do something that is meaningful to you! Hey you can't take care of everyone else if you don't take care of yourself.

Obviously Alice has a goal she is trying to accomplish which is only in part getting a set of photos scrapped. And a goal is a great thing to have.

Back in April when I was sitting in the ICU waiting room day after day after day I was hauling heavy totes of scrapping stuff with me and managed to finish off a trip and catch up on several other books. I went back and counted and during that 2 week time period I ended up scrapping over 150 pages! Yes, I tended to stay a little simpler than I might have if I was working where everything is at hand. But my goal was to keep from dwelling on what might happen or eventually what was happening. It gave those wonderful friends who came to visit us more than mom something to talk about besides the situation. Ok - that was one sort of goal that had a positive result in terms of scrapping.

Another sort of goal is when you are bound and determined to complete a special book by a particular date. Look at all the folks who have said I "had" to get such and such book done for X occaison. They blow us away with the number of pages. This is part of why my page count for August was so high and July wasn't too far behind. DS had a major trip with Scouts that we needed to get into a book. They had a trek reunion coming up and I wanted the book done for that. Also he is a junior in high school and I know that I have a LOT to get done in time for his graduation open house which is now less than 2 years away! you have a situation like that to focus on? Do it! Just need to give yourself permission to do something for yourself? Do it!

Don't think you can win? So anyway! Bet you'll be surprised how much you accomplish.

Hmmm....I think the sleep deprivation that accompanies two long campus days in a row is catching up! I've been rather philosophical here.

Hey - stop reading and go scrap! :sunny:

How's this for motivation? DH told me about six months ago that we are not going back to WDW until both the 2002 and 2004 trips are completely scrapped!! I should have 2002 done possibly even this week!! I've been working on it for a full year! It is actually two books, since I do a book for DS and DD simultaneously. The pages are not the same however, so it is twice the work! But I am working on the final day of the vacation in both books, so there is light at the end of the tunnel!.......P
I did my all time best in July and AUgust. I was on vacation last week, so no scrapping. I'm doing a scrapping trip in October. Before that, I want to have the 38 pages in my Power Layouts box in my book and journaled and the rest of my WDW/DCL trip in February scrapped. That's got to be at least 60. That may not make me win, but sign me up anyway for the extra motivation! Oh, right now I'm at 0 and I probably won't be making progress for a few more days, but I should be able to start cranking soon! Yikes! I just realized that I need to add last week's vacation to my to-do list! Good thing my DH didn't make a no vacations until these get done rule!!!!
Yes, please don't take my crazy scrap rampage discourage anyone from participating in the swap. I participate almost every month, and usually only do 6-12 pages or so, sometimes more, sometime nothing. I just have felt so paralyzed lately about doing anything - scrapping, cleaning, whatever, and now that I am over the initial shock of DH being mobilized with the Guard and not feeling so crummy with the pregnancy, I just got this burst of energy. I think everyone gets it once in awhile. I just wanted to get this trip done....I'm kind of at a stall right now cause I need to go to the scrap store and get a certain die cut to complete this layout I want to do. And I am the type of scrapper where it's hard for me to move on when I have an unfinished layout sitting there.
5 more for a total of 14 so far. Just found the right font for another layout this morning... it came to me as I was drifting off to sleep last night... LOL!!
Good for you ToDisney...........Isn't it funny how things happen that way?? I'm still waiting for ideas to come to me in my sleep!! ;)
I want to play! I know I won't win but that is ok because it gives me a check in to get them done.

Over the weekend I finsished 14 pages and that is HUGE for me so YEA!!!!
8 more again today... for a total of 36. I'm working on a Disney ABC book... got to J and it was like hitting a brick wall... LOL!! I'll skip J tomorrow (have already done K and even P... don't ask)... so maybe I can work from L on tomorrow. My sister will also be emailing me her pictures from last Thanksgiving (we meet at Disney for Thanksgiving), so I hope to get started on an ABC book for her girls as well. (That should be fun since I only have boys... LOL!!)


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