SDFP: CHANGES COMING!! Beware the 7th of June?!

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About reassigning tickets question I asked earlier I ended up calling Disney and they said I can reassign to anyone on my MDE but I can't just delete the ticket once I link it. He said they r not transferable but then he said if I called they could do it on the phone so Im thinking that means it I buy a ticket for NBFP I can't just delete it off my app and sell it easily :(
I'm a "glutton for punishment"'s my latest experiment:

Yesterday, I set-up 3 days of FP's on phantoms that I don't care about/need. I reassigned the tickets I had associated with them that were used to make the FP's, back to my main profiles. I then reassigned our upcoming MNSSHP tickets from our main profiles to the the phantoms have 3 days of FP's and an active party ticket (which is obviously good for only 1 day/party and for a different date). I'm curious if I will get the warning e-mail (and when and if I do, what will happen (FP's deleted? How long until deleted? Account...locked?)...

So far, approx. 24 hours later, everything is still okay...

Update #??? My FP's appear to be still good 6 days later.

In addition, I did add 2 more days of FP's to my original 3 days. In order to this, I had to reassign my AP's from my main profiles to the phantoms, book the 2 additional days of FP's and then reassign the AP's back to my main's. I did this about 48 hours ago. So now I have 5 days of FP's on my phantoms and they still only have a MNSSHP ticket linked to them.

My below thoughts are just guesses and come tomorrow, could all be a waste of space!

Any active ticket will allow you to make FP's in advance (and depending upon the ticket, will allow how many days of FP's you can reserve in advance, which we already know), and any active ticket (or maybe not?) will hold those FP's for you on the phantoms regardless of the number of days on the active ticket. So as a result, you could have a profile linked to a 1-day ticket, but 7 days of FP's associated with it (because you used a 7-day ticket to originally make the FP reservations). And like what ScrapYap mentioned in an earlier post...anything that potentially raises a flag about your account (like reassigning AP's multiple times in a short time span or possibly having FP's associated with ticketless profiles), will have Disney then check to make sure everything is in order.

I don't think the system currently automatically checks, you need to do something out of the norm that triggers it to check...and then if there is something not right with your account/profiles, Disney will send out the warning e-mail, potentially lock your account, send you to a locked room with Judge Frollo for 10 minutes, etc.

Also, thanks to all in advance who will be in the parks over the next few days trying out all of these different scenarios! :worship:
Correct...I used AP's to make 3 days worth of FP's on the phantoms, then reassigned the AP's back to my main profiles (so the phantoms where now ticketless), and then transferred MNSSHP tix to the phantoms.

I just wanted to confirm-you are allowed to reassign APs? Here is my scenario: I have an AP, my sister as 8-day PH. We also have MNSSHP tickets, which we will be using Day 3.

For planning Days 1 & 2:
Setup-We have AP assigned to me, PH assigned to sister, and MNSSHP assigned to phantoms.
First-we book our desired FPs on our primary account. We also book FPs prior to MNSSHP (for me I can just use my AP, for my sister we would need to book under the phantom? Or do we start with the party tickets assigned to main accounts, book the FPs, then reassign party tickets and CPFP to the phantom?)
Second-we reassign the AP and/or PH to the phantoms.
Third-we book our secondary FPs for the phantoms.
Fourth-We reassign AP and PH back to me and my sister.
Then when we are in the parks on Days 1 & 2 we use CPFP to shift the secondary FPs one by one to our accounts after we have used our primary FPs.

The night of Day 2, we reassign the party tickets back to our main accounts.
Probably wouldn't bother with additional FPs on Day 3, because we will only have a few hours before the party.

Night of Day 3 (in theory)
-I reassign my AP to phantom 1, book FPs for day 4.
-Reassign AP to phantom 2, book same FPs, or at least overlapping times.
-Reassign AP back to main account
-Get warning email, but ignore it.
-Repeat each night when NBFPs are desired the following day?

Does this make sense to anyone?

If we cannot reassign APs, I would do for Days 1 & 2, just only reassigning my sister's ticket to each phantom individually... And wouldn't be able to do NBFPs.
I just wanted to confirm-you are allowed to reassign APs? Here is my scenario: I have an AP, my sister as 8-day PH. We also have MNSSHP tickets, which we will be using Day 3.

For planning Days 1 & 2:
Setup-We have AP assigned to me, PH assigned to sister, and MNSSHP assigned to phantoms.
First-we book our desired FPs on our primary account. We also book FPs prior to MNSSHP (for me I can just use my AP, for my sister we would need to book under the phantom? Or do we start with the party tickets assigned to main accounts, book the FPs, then reassign party tickets and CPFP to the phantom?)
Second-we reassign the AP and/or PH to the phantoms.
Third-we book our secondary FPs for the phantoms.
Fourth-We reassign AP and PH back to me and my sister.
Then when we are in the parks on Days 1 & 2 we use CPFP to shift the secondary FPs one by one to our accounts after we have used our primary FPs.

The night of Day 2, we reassign the party tickets back to our main accounts.
Probably wouldn't bother with additional FPs on Day 3, because we will only have a few hours before the party.

Night of Day 3 (in theory)
-I reassign my AP to phantom 1, book FPs for day 4.
-Reassign AP to phantom 2, book same FPs, or at least overlapping times.
-Reassign AP back to main account
-Get warning email, but ignore it.
-Repeat each night when NBFPs are desired the following day?

Does this make sense to anyone?

If we cannot reassign APs, I would do for Days 1 & 2, just only reassigning my sister's ticket to each phantom individually... And wouldn't be able to do NBFPs.

You can't reassign tickets ONCE they have been used...

This is how I would do it and if my experiment above actually works (that's a big IF!) and the upcoming changes don't effect this...

Start with all of the tickets on the two phantoms and when your 30 (or 60) day window opens your FP's on the phantoms. This will allow you to book 7 days of FP's for the phantom with the AP and 8 days of FP's with the PH (some one please correct my if I am off on the days). Then reassign your AP and PH back to your main profiles and book your FP's for those. Make sure you plan accordingly with the times of the FP's, such that your main profile FP's are early in the day and the times for you phantom FP's are after all three of your FP's on your mains. Once you reassign your tickets away from the phantoms, you will not be able to modify those FP's, but you should still be able to transfer them over (using the Change Party option on MDE) when needed. The idea/hope is that the MNSSHP ticket will keep the 7/8 days of FP's "safe." On the day of, use your first 3 FP's on the mains and then transfer over (using the Change Party option on MDE) one FP at a time from your phantoms to your mains.

If the above ends up not working, then the other option will be to use your MNSSHP tickets to book FP's the night before (NBFP) for each of the first 3/4 days and then like above, on the day of use CP to transfer over to the mains. Once you use your MNSSHP tickets, they will no longer be able to get you FP's in advance. But, if they stay assigned to the phantoms, the hope is that you will still be able to use those phantoms to get FP's on the day of, using a kiosk, and then do CP.

You can't reassign tickets ONCE they have been used...

This is how I would do it and if my experiment above actually works (that's a big IF!) and the upcoming changes don't effect this...

Start with all of the tickets on the two phantoms and when your 30 (or 60) day window opens your FP's on the phantoms. This will allow you to book 7 days of FP's for the phantom with the AP and 8 days of FP's with the PH (some one please correct my if I am off on the days). Then reassign your AP and PH back to your main profiles and book your FP's for those. Make sure you plan accordingly with the times of the FP's, such that your main profile FP's are early in the day and the times for you phantom FP's are after all three of your FP's on your mains. Once you reassign your tickets away from the phantoms, you will not be able to modify those FP's, but you should still be able to transfer them over (using the Change Party option on MDE) when needed. The idea/hope is that the MNSSHP ticket will keep the 7/8 days of FP's "safe." On the day of, use your first 3 FP's on the mains and then transfer over (using the Change Party option on MDE) one FP at a time from your phantoms to your mains.

If the above ends up not working, then the other option will be to use your MNSSHP tickets to book FP's the night before (NBFP) for each of the first 3/4 days and then like above, on the day of use CP to transfer over to the mains. Once you use your MNSSHP tickets, they will no longer be able to get you FP's in advance. But, if they stay assigned to the phantoms, the hope is that you will still be able to use those phantoms to get FP's on the day of, using a kiosk, and then do CP.

Ok, thanks for the input! I'll cross my fingers the software update tonight doesn't mess up all of my complicated plans!
So, I was messing with my AP-it's sort of wonky because it's a Premier pass which has been activated already for DLR but not for WDW (have the option to reassign and can't order MB yet). I accidentally reassigned it to the wrong phantom.

So now Disney thinks my sister's cat is a 2-yr old child with a Premier AP!

But don't worry, the system knew that user was underage so it kept it under my name too. I was calling Disney on an unrelated issue and reached a good CM with an awesome attitude so I checked it wouldn't cause issues. And he said no, it's fine. And I can still book FPs using my username and AP so seems everything is good!
OK ... I'm about ready to try CPFPs with temporarily ticketed phantoms ala @otterpop. My DD's boyfriend will be joining us so we have a fresh new 6-day PH to use.

Before I go forward, I do want to verify one thing. Can we park hop to use the phantom CPFPs? I'd like to start in one park in the morning and use our regular FPs and when all 3 are used I would want to "change person" the phantom FP's from another park for the evening.
If the above ends up not working, then the other option will be to use your MNSSHP tickets to book FP's the night before (NBFP) for each of the first 3/4 days and then like above, on the day of use CP to transfer over to the mains. Once you use your MNSSHP tickets, they will no longer be able to get you FP's in advance. But, if they stay assigned to the phantoms, the hope is that you will still be able to use those phantoms to get FP's on the day of, using a kiosk, and then do CP.

I know you experimented (with booking FP using a regular ticket but then moving the reg ticket and holding onto them using a MNSSHP ticket) but I don't think what you are suggesting will work regarding NBFP. Unless something has changed this year to my recollection MDE will only allow a MNSSHP ticket to book advance FP for the day of the actual party (the other days are greyed out). If you try to book for a different day it will say "not so fast" and that the person still needs a ticket to make FP
I haven't bought my MNSSHP tickets yet this year so I can't personally try to see if MDE will allow advance FP to be booked with just that ticket (for a different day than the party) this year.
I know you experimented (with booking FP using a regular ticket but then moving the reg ticket and holding onto them using a MNSSHP ticket) but I don't think what you are suggesting will work regarding NBFP. Unless something has changed this year to my recollection MDE will only allow a MNSSHP ticket to book advance FP for the day of the actual party (the other days are greyed out). If you try to book for a different day it will say "not so fast" and that the person still needs a ticket to make FP
I haven't bought my MNSSHP tickets yet this year so I can't personally try to see if MDE will allow advance FP to be booked with just that ticket (for a different day than the party) this year.

You are correct...that's why I used my AP's to book the FP's for the phantoms. I'm using the MNSSHP (because I don't have any other tickets available) linked to the phantoms to make Disney think that I have an active ticket associated with those profiles in an attempt to not set off any red flags. It just happens to be that the tickets are MNSSHP...

But, I could see a possible scenario of using a 1-day park ticket (a $100 investment up front with the intentions of never actually using the ticket, but using it just to hold your phantom FP's). You use your normal tickets for a given trip to book FP's for both your main profiles and your phantoms at your 60-day or 30-day window, and the 1-day ticket "protects" your FP's on the phantoms. The overall potential is that instead making your FP's the night before (NBFP) and doing it every night, this way (if it works and is within or not against the Disney TOS) all of your FP's have been reserved 60- 30-days in advance and then you just do a CP the day of, like you would going the NBFP route. In addition, it might alleviate getting the potentially Disney warning e-mail as well...

This is all based on what the Master FPer's (ScrapYap, Hero, Marciemi and others) have mentioned about if you have FP's linked to a profile that doesn't have an active ticket associated, you will get the warning e-mail from Disney; I have not tested that aspect to verify/confirm, meaning is it you will always get the warning e-mail, is it after 1 day, is it after 2 days, is it random...????

I'm sure for what these "tour guide" make they just buy tickets and link them to phantom accounts so when they get booked they can do FP+ for the rides a family tells them they want to ride. So they aren't doing it same day but still those tickets aren't being used to enter.
This may have something to do with the recent change that made you have to activate a ticket within 18 months (as opposed to the old deadline of "activate by 2030").
But, I could see a possible scenario of using a 1-day park ticket (a $100 investment up front with the intentions of never actually using the ticket, but using it just to hold your phantom FP's). You use your normal tickets for a given trip to book FP's for both your main profiles and your phantoms at your 60-day or 30-day window, and the 1-day ticket "protects" your FP's on the phantoms. The overall potential is that instead making your FP's the night before (NBFP) and doing it every night, this way (if it works and is within or not against the Disney TOS) all of your FP's have been reserved 60- 30-days in advance and then you just do a CP the day of, like you would going the NBFP route. In addition, it might alleviate getting the potentially Disney warning e-mail as well...

You might already know this, but for others sakes, keep in mind that any ticket bought after the first two weeks of February has an expiration date on it. Up to 18 months.
You might already know this, but for others sakes, keep in mind that any ticket bought after the first two weeks of February has an expiration date on it. Up to 18 months.
I think I remember reading somewhere that if that ticket goes unused, you can receive a credit towards the purchase of a new ticket at the new (probably slightly higher) price.
I think you're right that you'll have to link your 2 MDEs together (and hope they don't MERGE) to be able to do the CPFP process. Hopefully, you created them other MDX with with fake names too.

As I understand it we can make SDFP with the fake MBs but we need to wait to use all 3 of our real FPs so that our AP MBs are enabled to make/accept new FPs. That means that the days of entering one park for rope drop, SDFP for the late morning/early afternoon and then hopping to another park for our AP FPs is gone :(.

Will miss it. Was hoping we can still hit a park for am EMH + fp thru am. PH over and transfer over for lesser attractions (MK?)

I hope you are not right! I greatly prefer staying offsite and would hate having to stay onsite just to get the same amount of fastpasses as someone el
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