Post your funniest story from a Disney Cruise!

I will join in :lmao:

In 2006 my siblings and I decided to do a Family Cruise. Dsis and her family / Dbro and his wife and my family - total group was 11 ppl.

Dbro has a slight drinking issue and most days he could be found stumbling around the deck looking for his beer. Dsis-in-law basically ignores him. It is a tad sad but that is their life and they accept it - so be it.

Anyway - during this cruise we experienced rough sea's. I did not mind since it was NOT overly bad - but one morning all of us Adults were sitting in the cove. DH was in the hot tub - Dsis was reading - Dsis-in-law was sitting on the other side of the pool sunning herself and I was sitting in the pool area - you know where you can wet your bottom but not the WHOLE body! It is about 10:00am and most of us are drinking coffee or juice. Many people are sitting on the ledge as well. Dbro see's me sitting and yells "LISA......LISA...Don't MOVE...I am on my way over to see you" he proceeds to climb INTO the pool area and start WALKING toward me - across the DANG POOL - so I yell "STOP - you are going to walk straight into the Pool" so he stops and walks around to where I am sitting. Many people sitting there are trying to stifle a laugh. He finally staggers over to me and flops down ( like a rag doll ) but does NOT spill a drop of the beer he is carrying !) and announces in a very VERY loud VOICE....

Him: I finally figured out what is wrong
Me: With what
Him: The boat
Me: there is a problem with the boat?
Him: Yes --- watch (and he points to the water in the pool)
Me: what am I supposed to be watching (by now everyone is watching)
Him: Here it comes - LOOOOOOOK and he points to the pool
Me: Is it an animal? or what?
Him: PAY ATTENTION !!! here it comes again
Me: hmmmm ok
Me: I DON'T SEE ANYTHING ( and neither does the 10 other people looking)
Him: ok just watch I will point it out to you
Me: OK
Him: HERE it comes - see - the boat is broken
Him: Want a beer?
Him: Ok since you are not seeing what I am seeing let me tell you what is wrong ---- the boat is broken---- before they put us in the water they should have LEVELED the Boat....
Him: Well after we all got on the boat - they should have made sure the boat was level and then we should have departed...
Me: I am totally lost with what you are saying - and so is your audience
( pointing to all the other people listening )
Him: Watch closely you will see that the boat is tipping side to side....
Me: ( finally catching on to what he is talking about ) YOU TOTAL IDIOT - the boat is rocking cus we are on the water and those are called WAVES that make the boat move !!!!!! ( I got up and shook my head and walked away ) the roar of hysterical people at the Adult cove was deafening!!!!

I have to say.. that is priceless.. My brother and I sorta had a convo like that but it was about the sun blinking when it was lightening..

These stories are hilarious, keep 'em coming
Okay, this isn't a Disney cruise story but it's so funny I can't help but share.

We strayed once and cruised NCL Pearl in November. It was a 5 night cruise and there was so much to do, so little time. On the last day we decided it just wouldn't be right to get off of this ship without trying out the rock climbing wall. My little sister, 11 years old, led the way. We knew it was on the end of the boat and up the steps but she went the wrong direction. When we got to the set of steps, she went up first and my mom followed behind.

She took one step on the deck, turned around and screamed, 'MY EYES! MY EYES!". She almost knocked my mother down the steps trying to get to the lower level. We were laughing so hard as she was describing the horrific site of a very hairy, adult chubby man sprawled out on his beach chair buck naked.

I guess that's a shock when you're expecting a ROCK CLIMBING WALL and get a fat naked man instead.
My son has been swimming since he was 4 (he's now 14), he was on swim teams etc. He really got used to wearing Speedo jammers (the lycra short style) and NOT the Speedo briefs. One afternoon while hanging out at the pool, he caught sight of a gentlemen who was not real thin and the Speedo brief he was wearing was barely visible. He looked at us immediately said he'd be back ran to the room changed into some "regular" shorts and has refused to wear Speedo's since. To us the look on his face was priceless and we laughed so hard when he came back because we had no idea why he left. He's been scarred for life!
My son has been swimming since he was 4 (he's now 14), he was on swim teams etc. He really got used to wearing Speedo jammers (the lycra short style) and NOT the Speedo briefs. One afternoon while hanging out at the pool, he caught sight of a gentlemen who was not real thin and the Speedo brief he was wearing was barely visible. He looked at us immediately said he'd be back ran to the room changed into some "regular" shorts and has refused to wear Speedo's since. To us the look on his face was priceless and we laughed so hard when he came back because we had no idea why he left. He's been scarred for life!

Ohhhh poor kid!! but imagine that! :scared1: :scared1:

Are u cruising the Tday 2009 cruise ?? we are too!!
well not my brother ehhehehe :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

if you have not found us on the cruise meets board - come on over :)

:hug: :hug:
Okay, this isn't a Disney cruise story but it's so funny I can't help but share.

We strayed once and cruised NCL Pearl in November. It was a 5 night cruise and there was so much to do, so little time. On the last day we decided it just wouldn't be right to get off of this ship without trying out the rock climbing wall. My little sister, 11 years old, led the way. We knew it was on the end of the boat and up the steps but she went the wrong direction. When we got to the set of steps, she went up first and my mom followed behind.

She took one step on the deck, turned around and screamed, 'MY EYES! MY EYES!". She almost knocked my mother down the steps trying to get to the lower level. We were laughing so hard as she was describing the horrific site of a very hairy, adult chubby man sprawled out on his beach chair buck naked.

I guess that's a shock when you're expecting a ROCK CLIMBING WALL and get a fat naked man instead.

OMG :lmao: :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl: Too Funny!
My Granddaughters were standing in line for icecream when my Granddaughter came running up to me for money because they were next in line. When I told her icecream was free she YELLS to her sister its free get me 2 scoops
While leisurely walking back to the ship in Nassau, we thought we had plenty of time to do some shopping on the way. But upon return to our stateroom, we were alarmed to see that our digital clock indicated we had just 40 minutes to get showered and ready for our Palo reservations, and also to drop off DS at Flounders. So we frantically get ourselves ready and everything DS will need, etc. and run to Flounders just a few mins late, to our surprise the door is closed and this is our first time there. So we knock on it thinking maybe the babies are sleeping and they don't want visitors just dropping in, but no answer. Keep in mind the door has no window and so we knock louder thinking they can't hear us, still no answer. We're beginning to wonder if we're at the back door and there's some other entrance we should be using instead! haha So then we pick up a phone in the hallway and call guest services to transfer us to FLounders, they don't answer the phone!!!! At this point we are quite certain that we're going to miss our Palo dinner and have no idea what we're supposed to do.

Thankfully a CM walks by (noticing our despair) and asks if they can help - we tell them Flounders won't let us in and we have ressies, blah blah blah. The CM tells us that FLounders doesn't open for another hour, which makes us think the whole schedule or Web site or something is messed up because they allowed us to reserve this time so we could have our dinner. After several more minutes of complete confusion, the CM tells us that it's only 5:15 PM, yet we "left" our stateroom at just after 6 PM...

Long story short, we believe that our stateroom host might have unplugged our clock to use the outlet and when he reset the time, he set it an HOUR FAST! So after rushing like crazy to get ready for dinner, we now had 45 minutes to kill! haha Thankfully Mickey and Minnie were in the atrium.
My funniest story involves a certain DISper - my dear friend (or DF for short) having a birthday, a certain character that is this person’s favorite character, and oh yea, Wendy….

Consider any typical 13 year old young man who is turning 14. Now consider how much this certain DF is enthralled by Jack Sparrow that he has his walk, his talk, and each mannerism down to an art. Now imagine this certain DF who would not even go get his picture taken with Jack Sparrow because he has a tux on (heaven forbid Jack see him this way)…. Well, Jack is over in the corner taking pictures, this certain DF is trying to sneak by without being seen, and lo and behold, Wendy appears…..

Now, Wendy just happens to remember how much this certain teenager is enthralled by Jack, ,and well, my DM (Dear Mom) is around and just happens to point in the direction of this certain teenager and whispers to Wendy that its his birthday….

Now, imagine Wendy turning to everyone who is within her hearing distance that it’s this certain teenager’s birthday…. And oh, yea, by the way, did I mention that Jack is within this distance?

Now, imagine Jack and Wendy singing happy birthday (along with a whole crowd of people now gathered around)…

Now, imagine a certain DF vowing that vengeance is his…..

And that would be my funniest story – and yes, we are still DF’s.

Triptakers Daughter

And who would this certain DF be?
Just last night my DH and DF (father), the two that I lovingly refer to as DOPEY and GRUMPY were having a discussion about next year's vacation. We decided to cruise in November 09. We cruised Disney in 03, 04, 05, 06, cruised NCL in 07, and Disney Wonder again in 3 weeks.

DH says, "Next year I am NOT taking another Disney cruise. We've cruised on Disney 5 times and want to try something new" (he wants to cruise Freedom of the Seas.)So DF says, "We did that last year, ________ (fill in the blank, it rhymes with pass-wall) .... and it wasn't as good, REMEMBER?"

You probably had to be there, but watching two grown men arguing over Disney horns and free sodas was hysterical. This was a non-magical heated discussion.... involving Mickey bars, pirates, and flow riders.
Just last night my DH and DF (father), the two that I lovingly refer to as DOPEY and GRUMPY were having a discussion about next year's vacation. We decided to cruise in November 09. We cruised Disney in 03, 04, 05, 06, cruised NCL in 07, and Disney Wonder again in 3 weeks.

DH says, "Next year I am NOT taking another Disney cruise. We've cruised on Disney 5 times and want to try something new" (he wants to cruise Freedom of the Seas.)So DF says, "We did that last year, ________ (fill in the blank, it rhymes with pass-wall) .... and it wasn't as good, REMEMBER?"

You probably had to be there, but watching two grown men arguing over Disney horns and free sodas was hysterical. This was a non-magical heated discussion.... involving Mickey bars, pirates, and flow riders.

Try the FlowRider....... you/he/they will love it! ;):hug:
Hi! New here.

We just got back from a 7 day Western Carribean Cruise on the Magic last week! I still have a mighty Disney hangover.

One of my funniest Disney experience last week involved a Cruise staff member named Luke. I hang out and do the kiddie stuff in the morning, since I can't help but enjoy them and since I'm 22, I do the adult stuff in the evening and straight over to Rockin' Bar D. After the Cabaret shows are the theme nights and I have fun watching the band and people dancing and enjoying themselves. Luke, has taken it upon himself to convince me every night to dance along with them but I always refused. Mostly because I got extremely shy as I developed the tiniest crush on him (so where the other women there by the way). Until, he decided to hold my ship-bought Stitch Doll for ransom and wouldn't give it up till I agreed to dance on the last night. It was so funny seeing polaroids of my Stitch doll tied-up being sent to our cabin. Then when I bumped into Luke during the day, he pretends as if he has no idea what I'm talking about. Then finally, on the last night, I joined the fun and danced as if I knew how to dance.

Oh, I got Stitch back safe and sound.
Hi! New here.

We just got back from a 7 day Western Carribean Cruise on the Magic last week! I still have a mighty Disney hangover.

One of my funniest Disney experience last week involved a Cruise staff member named Luke. I hang out and do the kiddie stuff in the morning, since I can't help but enjoy them and since I'm 22, I do the adult stuff in the evening and straight over to Rockin' Bar D. After the Cabaret shows are the theme nights and I have fun watching the band and people dancing and enjoying themselves. Luke, has taken it upon himself to convince me every night to dance along with them but I always refused. Mostly because I got extremely shy as I developed the tiniest crush on him (so where the other women there by the way). Until, he decided to hold my ship-bought Stitch Doll for ransom and wouldn't give it up till I agreed to dance on the last night. It was so funny seeing polaroids of my Stitch doll tied-up being sent to our cabin. Then when I bumped into Luke during the day, he pretends as if he has no idea what I'm talking about. Then finally, on the last night, I joined the fun and danced as if I knew how to dance.

Oh, I got Stitch back safe and sound.

:woohoo: :woohoo: :love: :lovestruc Welcome Princess...don't you love crushes?:cloud9:
Bump!! This thread is great! Although I cant contribute yet, I am sure I will have many stories when we get back in December.:thumbsup2
Bump!! This thread is great! Although I cant contribute yet, I am sure I will have many stories when we get back in December.:thumbsup2

Sdiamon1 - I noticed your ticker...we'll be on the same cruise on 12/4/08! I don't think I've seen you on our cruise meet thread. Here's the link if you want to join us on that thread:

OH WAIT!! Nevermind! You'll be on the cruise when we're arriving at WDW. My mistake! That's what I get for having two different for WDW and one for DCL. Sorry if I caused any confusion! Looks like *I'm* the one who's confused! LOL
we were standing in line to get back on the ship on Castaway Cay when Stitch came out! It was about 4:40, all aboard time was 5pm. Stitch was being his silly self and grabbed a bag full of merchandise out of a woman's hand that was a bit ahead of us. He was goofing around with it and dropped it. You could hear a loud crash like glass breaking! The dad got really mad and was like "you broke the cups". Stitch was visibly very embarrassed, he kept holding his hands to his face. A CM looked in the bag and indeed, mugs and glasses were broken inside. It was pretty funny for everyone standing around, but not so much to the family it happened to. I am not sure what happened with all of it, if the CM was able to run back to the store on CC to replace the broken things or not. I'm sure they did something to compensate. I felt bad for Stitch but it was still so funny!


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