Pirates of The Caribbean - It's What's on Your Mind

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I don't know why I took a shower now,but I feel wide awake.

I should take early showers all the time.
I should be building my new bed, but my dad's out shopping for food... Reminds me, I need to get something for my mum's birthday. I have no idea what to get her though...

It's an adorable blob of joy. My sister has called it Pudge-Pudge.
I did! :goodvibes

It was so much fun,and much darker woo!
That was my first time on ToT.

I was actually in WDW right before Summer Nighttastic began. I think it began like two weeks after I was there. I remember looking at the advertisements for it after I left and I was thinking "Why didn't we go just a bit later?"
Bleh. I woke up about 15 minutes ago.

That's what I get for staying up until 6:00am.
When I watched the parade,all the cast members look bored.

It reminds me of the Halftime show in San Diego. We stood there playing music while the cheerleaders danced around. We all looked bored on the DVD,lol.
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