Nasty School Letter

NotUrsula said:
In many cases you can disarm this whole argument completely by offering to pay the school for the days your child misses.

In a lot of districts, some of the school's funding is tied directly to daily attendance; they lose X dollars for every child for every absent day, usually about $20-30 per child per day. If you offer to make up the lost funds, many schools suddenly become much more tolerant about the days off (provided you're not asking for extra favors otherwise, and if your child is a good student who will not fall seriously behind due to the absence.)

In Kentucky you can not pay a school money to make up for your child's absence.

I have seen this debate carry on very far in other threads. As a teacher, I understand the importance of a child receiving an education that goes way beyond what is learned in the classroom. My son is in the AP program in his school as well, and I can tell you that when he missed a few days of school instruction (including hands-on activities that could not be made up) he missed a lot. If you child is capable of making up the work, and you know he will be successful then go ahead and go away, and you child should be fine. I had this one student who was not a rocket scientist to begin with, and she missed two weeks of school! She went on vacation. When she got back her mother wanted to know why her grades weren't so great on her exam :earseek:

I was able to go to school on correspondence when I went away with my mother. Maybe a private school would be a better option since public schools do not have the same rules.
Personally I cannot see taking a child out of school for more than 2 or 3 days, but then again that is my opinion and my values. School is only 180 days a year there are plenty of other times for vacation( they may not be the perfect option because of heat, cost, etc.. but it is available)
I do belive that at times there are extreme circumstances- military deployments, illnesses, once in a lifetime trip, etc.., but if it is just to go on vacation during the school year to avoid heat, crowds, cost then I don't see it as necessary) JMO- not trying to debate this-just how I feel- so please don't feel the need to bash- everyone has their own opinion this is mine
I posted earlier about my son's absense but I wanted to add that I would not take my child out of school for more than 1-2 days for a vacation.
I must have bad values

BRING ON DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jumping1:
Before you bash the schools, stop and think about who is making these rules. Here in Kentucky, these aren't just rules...they are laws (due to KERA). As a public school administrator, I am deeply offended and worried by this thread. Believe me, it's not your local educators who have put these restrictions in place. Do a little research and educate yourself before you bash others!

On a positive note, if you work with the teachers and principals in my school district, we have ways to get these days approved (NOT excused). However, you do have to notify the school well ahead of your trip and develop a plan to make the trip educational. Believe me, this is not difficult to accomplish.
Our situation is a little different-I have a 7 yo DD who has many learning issues-CAPD, ADHD, etc. She attends a private school during the school year and this year was recommended for summer school. We live in a different schooll district during the summer and after much to do they agreed to contract her summer services to the local BOCES. We had a planned Disney vacation and she ended up missing 3 days of summer school.We brought a reading specialist with us to tudor my daughter for a few hours each day of vacation. The home school distrct gave us TONS of grief about her missing the 3 days and how my husband and I were guilty of not taking her education seriously enough.(Blah Blah) Now, the school year has started and to date my daughters 1:1 special ed teacher has missed 33% of the school days so far!!!!! No sub has been provided so she goes it alone in her mainstream class room those days. It is so frustrating!!!
on a positive note, if you work with the teachers and principals in my school district, we have ways to get these days approved (NOT excused). However, you do have to notify the school well ahead of your trip and develop a plan to make the trip educational. Believe me, this is not difficult to accomplish.

I spoke to the 2 teachers and they have no problem with missing a week of school. My 9yo is bringing all her missed work with her and her teacher will get a little disney magic when we get back for taking the time to put a packet together as he did not have to do that. :teacher:
SqueakyMouse said:
Before you bash the schools, stop and think about who is making these rules. Here in Kentucky, these aren't just rules...they are laws (due to KERA). As a public school administrator, I am deeply offended and worried by this thread. Believe me, it's not your local educators who have put these restrictions in place. Do a little research and educate yourself before you bash others!

On a positive note, if you work with the teachers and principals in my school district, we have ways to get these days approved (NOT excused). However, you do have to notify the school well ahead of your trip and develop a plan to make the trip educational. Believe me, this is not difficult to accomplish.

Fining parents or threatening to haul them off to jail for spending time with the family is inexcusable abuse of school board power. It IS NOT the same as letting your kids cut class to smoke or drink or just mess around.

As you can see by this thread, there is a wide variance in how school boards choose to enforce state law. Look at North poster says it's no big deal, another is being THREATENED FOR SPENDING TIME WITH HER CHILDREN!

Why any parent would negotiate with this people, begging for permission to parent as they see fit, is beyond me. I can totally see just saying your kid is sick. Or pulling them out of school for private school

The system is broken folks, and Big Brother is watching you...and taking attendance.

That's a mischaracterization of what's going on. I worry when I read such hyperbole.

Again: The school board is elected. If you don't get involved, it cannot possibly reflect your values. If you try to get involved and are thwarted, then face it: the community doesn't share your values.

The system is limited, not broken. It's a shame it isn't perfect, but that's life.
My daughter at the age of 16 than

She was at a big softball game and she was third base, well before the big game she and the team had practice throwing back and forth to each other well you know high school softball, boy those girls can throw, anyway she got hit in the side of the head and was rushed to the trama center with a bleeding blood clot on the brain...

She had a craniatomy and missed 3 weeks of school...
At that time she was in a private school and she couldnt get toturing because she was in a private school, well thank god I worked for our county school system because I got the tutoring and the time off for her.

I guess it really depends on the school.


If I had to I would pull my kids and say I intended to homeschool them and then after my vacation I would say it didn't work for me and I would re enroll them.
I was wondering about that -- is adopting homeschooling that simple (logistically/administratively)?
bicker said:

That's a mischaracterization of what's going on. I worry when I read such hyperbole.

Again: The school board is elected. If you don't get involved, it cannot possibly reflect your values. If you try to get involved and are thwarted, then face it: the community doesn't share your values.

The system is limited, not broken. It's a shame it isn't perfect, but that's life.

How is it hyperbole? The poster wants to go on a vacation with her kids, and is told it is ILLEGAL! That's nuts.

Like many people here have tried to explain, their work schedules don't allow time off during the precious school schedule, which is also jerked around. You can't possibly plan a year out, because they haven't finalized the schedule.

We are being held hostage by the "No Child Left Behind" law, and school adminstrators knee jerks reactions to it.
as some of you mentioned above its this "No Child Left Behind" that President Bush has Signed into action. Yes he has signed this bill in but nothing is specifically written Nationally.. as what I am saying is the school boards are interpreting the guidlines how they see fit. (my husband is taking special ed classes and told me about this) They were discussing just that in his class saying that Bush needed to be more specific about what exactly he ment the law talks about extream special ed children and putting them mainstream. But does not say alot about attendance.

My point is like the two people in NC that is why there so different school districts interpreted this law different. i to am in Lower Nc and see how schools are dealing with the NCLB.
I am sorry some principls are giving you a hard time. If i were in your shoes i would just take my children to disney as thier is a lot of learning to be done while you have fun
How is it hyperbole?
It is hyperbole because it is not what the administrator actually warned, but rather something far more outrageous, and therefore easier to argue against.

That's nuts.
If it were actually nuts, then the community wouldn't put up with it.
I think that the orginial idea of excused/unexcused absences and the number you are allowed so that you can be promoted regardless of grades is a good idea. I do think it is geared towards those children who for whatever reason are not going to school. These kids get promoted year after year and then get into 10th grade with a 3rd grade education and quit. I do agree that President Bush could make the law more specific. Right now it is so broad that even the same state we have different rules for our kids. What happens if we move to another district? Though I personally have not known anyone who has been cited under the truancy part, I am sure that there are some out there. I am going to take the kids out for their 2 default I had no idea a hurricane would come and they would schedule extra days into the christmas break. Will the teachers work with me? Don't know but I sure hope so. I started with one teacher who was not so willing maybe the others will be. Just my thoughts.

ThreeMusketeers said:
I am completley outraged!!! Are these State Laws that the school has to impose..or are these rules brought out by the school alone???

:earseek: :smooth:

Our is KY state law. We actually have to endure commercials with our family court judge telling us we can be jailed or fined. I work in the court system and I still believe this is outragous. If my dds miss 6 unexcused, I can be jailed or fined! CRAZY!!!! :earseek:
Well, I've just been celebrating my youngest child's 21st birthday, so this is not really an issue for me anymore, but I have to say I am certainly glad that the laws were more lenient when my children were younger. I homeschooled my children until my marriage broke up, and then when they were in school I frequently took them out for a week or two for vacations. As a single parent, taking vacations when it was less expensive was very important.

As well, I had a policy that they could stay home from school any time they wanted to. They didn't have to fake being sick or make something up - if they wanted a "mental health" day, they could have it.

Despite having frequent absences, all four graduated with excellent grades and went on to university. One is an industrial electrician, one is a computer programmer (with a university degree in computers), one is currently doing her Masters, and the fourth is in university and getting excellent grades.

So why is attending class such a big deal?

If it were actually nuts, then the community wouldn't put up with it.

The community hasn't had time to rally against it, I would imagine. All these outrageous attendance laws are new.

Also, the OP receieved a nasty letter threatening her for taking a vacation with her children. So, not hyperbole at all.

You are defending the indefensible.


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