My Un-magical FP+ Experience...

Disney is a multi billion dollar corporation with deep pockets and a model designed well into the future to return huge annual profits to their investors..The "Parks" devision is a huge cash cow and a tiny fraction of the overall corporation. The changes they have made to date show an attitude of "who cares" about tradition, history, Walts vision, employees welfare etc..
And the suits..couldnt care less about you or me.
You may be right, but I know they will care about this:

Per DisUniversal
Universal Orlando's new Harry Potter land sent Comcast Corp.'s third-quarter theme-park revenue soaring 18.7 percent compared with the previous year, the company said in an earnings report today.

I would imagine the Disney suits are having kittens over this piece of news! :scared1:
All those exclamation points and adjectives add up to affection. Sorry. I should go back to college and brush up on my Thesaurus.
I just looked in a thesaurus and didn't see "!!!!!" mentioned under hate. Perhaps a "bushing up" for you is in order.
MK is the most visited theme park in the world by far. There will never be another 30,000 acres WDW build in the United Staes again. We love WDW for a reason. QUOTE]

Still true today but it may not be true in the future (say 10 years from now) if WDW continues to alienate their core customer who not only are repeat visitors but those who bring in more visitors (friends/family), who buy AP and buy into DVC, etc. Core customers spend a lot of money at Disney.

And Disney does rely a lot on loyal customers and have built their parks & resorts around those loyal customers. Right now they seem to not care and take that for granted but one more economic downfall and first time visitors will drop off drastically and who will support them then if the loyal customers have dwindled? Only time will tell.

This is the reason that I believe that those who have gone for years should get on these boards and post their experiences as well as contact Disney about them as I have. Because it does matter.

On a side note - we found it funny that at AK they done a park exit survey and one of the questions was bathroom cleanliness. We got the feeling with the nature of the questions that they are doing the survey to see what they can get away with and maintain guest happiness and not necessarily to improve. In the past Disney didn't have to do a survey on cleanliness. What a shame.
You may be right, but I know they will care about this:

Per DisUniversal
Universal Orlando's new Harry Potter land sent Comcast Corp.'s third-quarter theme-park revenue soaring 18.7 percent compared with the previous year, the company said in an earnings report today.

I would imagine the Disney suits are having kittens over this piece of news! :scared1:
I looked at Disney's most recent third-quarter earnings report. Parks and Resorts revenue went up 8%....less than half of that 18.7%.
I really hate the way FP+ is pretty much useless with hoppers.

Proof that the success or failure of fp+ is completely dependent on how you tour the parks.

We have always park hopped and fp+ finally made it easy and effective. Yet you say the opposite- how can that be?

Because we tour differently. It's as simple as that. So for those it doesn't work for the question is are they willing to change how they tour, continue to go and put up with it or stop going at all. Because if there's one thing I'd bet money on, it's that it's not going anywhere and even if I'm wrong- it's going to be a long time before it does.
My heart goes out most to the "off-site" stays. Without priority booking for ADRs and FP+, it's frustrating not having access to reservations to the popular rides and restaurants. Some posters have reported not being able to get "regular" FP+ (not just A&E and 7DMT). Heck, I'm even frustrated with our upcoming 5 day stay (not being able to get all the reservations we wanted, not complaining because we do have A&E and 7DMT). For everyone, it's hard to change these reservations because nothing else is available (we are going the 1st week of December, so not an overly crowed time).

My friend has a condo in Orlando that he rents for cheap. The value proposition is greatly reduced if you can't get reservations.

With that said, I'm leaning towards liking the new system. It's great to have a TSM, A&E, and 7DMT without having to get to the parks in the morning. I just wish they could increase capacity to allow more FP+ or put more limits on quantity of FP+ per individual (for example, only one A&E FP+ per person, per stay, I like the 3 per day limit). That way, the OP may have a different experience.

For those off site guests limited to booking 30 days in advance, how "likely" is it that they can get decent Fastpasses???? I would imagine that it is difficult getting fastpass 30 days in advance when SO MANY ON SITE guests have booked 60 days in advance? :confused3
You may be right, but I know they will care about this:

Per DisUniversal
Universal Orlando's new Harry Potter land sent Comcast Corp.'s third-quarter theme-park revenue soaring 18.7 percent compared with the previous year, the company said in an earnings report today.

I would imagine the Disney suits are having kittens over this piece of news! :scared1:
It just brings more people to Orlando and Disney stock is up up up up in two years…there was once a time when 3% was a good return…now its 30% and more…somebody gets the shaft for those kinds of profits…Lovers of the old world.
Disney is a multi billion dollar corporation with deep pockets and a model designed well into the future to return huge annual profits to their investors..The "Parks" devision is a huge cash cow and a tiny fraction of the overall corporation. The changes they have made to date show an attitude of "who cares" about tradition, history, Walts vision, employees welfare etc..
And the suits..couldnt care less about you or me.

This may be the first time that I have ever agreed with even a portion of one of your posts.

However if, as you say, the parks are such a huge cash cow, what happens if the cow drops milk production? What happens if there is blowback from all of these changes that are diminishing guests experiences? What if the loss of die hard fans is not compensated by a constant influx of newbies who become the new diehards? (And like a PP, I think that they will see s decline in repeat visitors) Will Disney then start listening to customer complaints? Time will tell. No corporation that consistently reduces quality and service and ignores its loyal customers is immune from failure.
Now you and I will calmly sit back until the " experts" come in and tell you everything you did wrong......;)

And why wouldn't we? Aren't we here to help people out? And I see a mistake. If one is touring land by land, then one should get up and get to Fantasyland and a portion of Tomorrowland (cars and rockets.) These become more difficult come Eleven or noon time when all the families with little kids come in with their battering rams, err um strollers. Next comes Frontierland. This puts the bottlenecks behind you when the park is at its fullest. Adventureland should be saved for later, or if you don't wake up and are walking in at noon. Changes in the system require some changes in strategy. But in the end, it's still the same game.

Originally Posted by ArwenMarie
It's funny....It's like Disney is requiring their customers to do more preplanning AND to be more flexible when things go wrong when you are actually there.
A great point. Even under the old system, I always suggested that people don't just go get a touring plan and try to do it. This is because I know a stray character or I have to go to the bathroom, or the like can derail a plan fast. You have to be able to adjust. Under the old system planning made it easier to adjust. FP+ makes it more difficult to adjust.

I know right! He was pretty devastated as you can clearly see:
He wasn't the one that had to do all the work planning. Nor is he old enough to know how much he gets in now vs how much he got in under the old system. He is probably not old enough to care.

Originally Posted by tim123
Oh come on..her opinion, expression and attitude is justified from her point of view. As is yours. As is mine. 43 years…and suddenly it is all ruined because of FP?…Pa leeeze...
It is not up to you to decide whether the OP had a good trip or not.
This may be the first time that I have ever agreed with even a portion of one of your posts.

However if, as you say, the parks are such a huge cash cow, what happens if the cow drops milk production? What happens if there is blowback from all of these changes that are diminishing guests experiences? What if the loss of die hard fans is not compensated by a constant influx of newbies who become the new diehards? (And like a PP, I think that they will see s decline in repeat visitors) Will Disney then start listening to customer complaints? Time will tell. No corporation that consistently reduces quality and service and ignores its loyal customers is immune from failure.
Eeeks I think I've written a few good loving posts about WDW and made films to share.. Surely you exaggerate about never agreeing with even a portion…for I have posted many similar to the one you say you agree with. Ouch…that hurts Minnie Mom.
This film is for you.

Since most of us on these boards are "Disney Addicts", we can talk about not going to WDW because we dislike the changes they've made. And yes, at some point, Disney will begin to miss the money from the AP clients, the Vacation Club people, off-site guests and other repeat customers. But I think we're forgetting about the people who are there for the first time or come only once or twice a decade. Will these people even know about FP+ before getting to the parks? I doubt it. Think about their experience now - longer SB lines in previously walk-on attractions, more people milling about making the parks seem much more crowded, and getting on fewer rides. AND IF they know about FP+, their first experience might be the long line at the FP+ kiosk. I don't think these people will become repeat customers either. I do believe that at some point in the future, Disney will see a decline in attendance.

Also, let's talk about word-of-mouth. Since I hated my last trip last year, when friends ask me how the trip was I tell them about the changes and what it's now like. I can honestly say that at least 10 or so families decided NOT to go because of what I told them (and they were repeat visitors-going about once a year). They decided they could get more of their money's worth going elsewhere - and besides, there isn't anything new to see.

When will this begin to affect Disney? Who knows, but I think it will soon.

I've had the exact opposite experience. 2 families I know recently came back from their first trip at Disney. They both stayed on site and therefore knew about FP+ from the mailers Disney sends. Both families thought it is the best thing ever. They don't know that the Pirates line is longer than it should be, or that waiting even 10 minutes for Figment is absurd. They got to take pictures of their kids with princesses and and go "into" their favorite movies. That's what they remember from the trip, not whether or not they "wasted" a FP+ on Buzz's Space Ranger Spin or passed up BTMRR because the line was longer than they wanted to wait. Both of them have already booked trips for next year.

Secondly, I've had a few friends and family members talk to me about a potential Disney trip. I'm honest in laying out what FP+ does and the gigantic time investment it involves, how you need to stalk MDE for the right times, get up at midnight and still miss out on things, etc, and also the realities of what they will face in the park if they try to get day of FP+s. All three are still going, and 2 have switched their plans from off-site to on-site to get the 60 day advantage.

I think that's a key piece of what a lot of the FP+ threads are missing... I think Disney is willing to sacrifice some of it's regulars (who probably don't spend as much as first time and potentially one time visitors) to have first timers and others "locked in" in advance. It does make it way more difficult to wake up and decide to go to HS instead of AK now, but it also makes it way more difficult for people to wake up and decide to go to Universal or SeaWorld instead of AK. And that, in turn, makes it easier for Disney to plan their staffing, park hours, etc, which means greater profit. Plus, now they are collecting all of this data on what people like, how people move around the park, how much and when they spend, etc. I'd bet my own paycheck that that data is going to mean money in the future.

We could debate all day about whether Disney having that data is beneficial for us, or whether FP+ is good for my family or your family, but I don't think there's any argument to be made that it's not good for Disney's business. And unfortunately, that's going to be what operational decisions are based on, not the experiences of individual families.
LoraJ said:
For my trip next week I have 4 non-expiry park hoppers. I really hate the way FP+ is pretty much useless with hoppers. Thinking about using just two of those tickets, another day come at 4pm for MNSSHP and then going to Universal the rest of the week saving the other 2 tickets for a time when this system goes away, if ever. I do not like that I cannot get FP's for Soarin' and Test Track. And at Epcot it keeps giving me rides lumped in with Test Track that I know are 20 min or less waits. Why waste a FP on that? And since I canceled those FP's and kept test track it won't let me add others. So I have just 1 FP reserved at Epcot. Will it let me book one more after I use my test Track one? Really do not like this system.

How did you cancel 2 fp? I cant figure it out. I have 2 i wont use..
No corporation that consistently reduces quality and service and ignores its loyal customers is immune from failure.[/QUOTE said:
Except Goldman Sax, Bank of America, Chase Manhattan bank and the United States government..or is that redundant.?
For those off site guests limited to booking 30 days in advance, how "likely" is it that they can get decent Fastpasses???? I would imagine that it is difficult getting fastpass 30 days in advance when SO MANY ON SITE guests have booked 60 days in advance? :confused3
Depends on what you consider decent, but looking at 20 days from now, most rides at MK are still available, including all the mountains. The only things I don't see available are 7DMT, Anna and Elsa, or Fast Passes for the parades or fireworks.

Now you and I will calmly sit back until the " experts" come in and tell you everything you did wrong......;)

Are those anything like the people who descend on the "I love the new system" posts to explain why they are obviously mistaken?

Both sides do it.
Except Goldman Sax, Bank of America, Chase Manhattan bank and the United States government..or is that redundant.?

So you think that the government would bail out Disney, do you? How much koolaid are you drinking on a daily basis?

I was not suggesting the failure of the entire corporation. Only that they would be forced to react to reduced profits from the Parks division.
Except Goldman Sax, Bank of America, Chase Manhattan bank and the United States government..or is that redundant.?

It's not redundant, but nor does it include any example of a company that is entirely dependent on discretionary spending.
45,000+ posts and you still don't get that since the implementation of FP+ this is arguably the rudest message board on the net?

You must not read any other message boards (not just Disney ones) if you believe this is the rudest one. :)

This is BY FAR the most tightly controlled, highly moderated board I've been a member of.


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