My Un-magical FP+ Experience...


Have a Disney Day !!!
Oct 26, 2003
I do understand that "newbies" might like the "new/improved"(??) FP+ system..since we know: you dont miss what you never had!!

I just returned from 12 days of the WORST, UNMAGICAL WDW TRIP I'VE EVER HAD!!!

For 43 YRS.., "EVERY YEAR", we have been to WDW.,
riding ALL the rides (E ticket/Tier 1) we wanted, starting at Adventure Land and going around finishing at Tomorrow Land, (the suggested route because of the lay of the land..high to low) ALL morning then finishing by early afternoon, then relaxing at the pool in the afternoon...out at night.

I AM ON VACATION and YOU want me to plan 60 days out .....3 attractions & where I will be for 1 hour on a certain day????????

AND ......I CAN'T pick ALL the rides I want??? ...YOU PICK 2 RIDES????? RIDICULOUS !!!!!! AND..... hope they don't conflict with my lunch/dinner ressies.

Disney TELLS me what 2 rides I can do or swap around...then has me running
through the park...from 1 END to another END to arrive at a FP ressie????. OH...change your FP+ while in the parks...NOT for TIER 1 rides!!

I have blown off most 2nd/3rd many
guests, with children, COULD NOT get those times because they were reserved for my party???? Forget about having the kids/family rest in the afternoon.

Why would I now get a "Park Hopper"...I'm spending 3/4 of a day in 1 park???
Went to Fantasmic & the stand-by line was out in the street & when they entered..only the "far left" section was available for seating.
If I choose "Fantasmic" as a FP+......I can't get anything I want ALL DAY (NOW..Tier 1--HA-HA!!) ???

What idiot designed this system???? Have them call me !!!!!
Oh yes..."Balance out the rides"....ABSURD !!!!
Balance this: At the end of the day..The same # of people are on each ride, each day..and if some rides have low attendance maybe a re-hab is in order rather than PUNISHING the guests!!

I want the team/developer of the "new & improved"(HA-HA) FP+ to:

"Bring his/her family to WDW", use FP+ like the common folk.....then tell me how wonderful it was...dragging kids back & forth through the parks from 1 end to the other....and ...take note of ALL the rides he/she and family DIDN'T GET ON!!!!!!!!

Why would I think that Disney would ask the "Dedicated Disney Veterans" what works...BEFORE this horrendous system was implemented. OK...Keep the new method..but...let people "spontaneously" choose rides like the old paper system!!

AGAIN....HELLO....I AM ON V V A A C C A A T T I I O O N N ????



The next step is to "PAY" for extra FP's or something similar.

Sorry Walt....The "Magic" is dead !!!!:faint

Now you and I will calmly sit back until the " experts" come in and tell you everything you did wrong......;)
Amen! Now let us wait for the flaming. I leave next week and am nervous with all the recent vacation reviews. I love Disney. Loved the old fast pass and hate having to try and figure out a whole trip 6 months in advance..first for dining then 60 days for rides....PITA and damn stressful
I'd like to see the whole post put on a bronze plate and hung up right on the entrance to MK
I'm so sorry you had a terrible experience!

What did you mean about Disney picking 2 of your rides? You said they TELL you what rides and when. . . Maybe you had no availability for the ones you most preferred or maybe you're referring just to the tiered parks and you consider all the tier 2 rides something you wouldn't FP (legitimate complaints!) but otherwise you choose all your rides - Disney doesn't assign them to you. Likewise with times - if you had no availability for times you actually wanted, I agree that stinks and can wreck a touring plan, but it sounds a little bit like you didn't try to change them to a time that works for you.

I am sorry your experience was lousy, there are many complaints to be had about FP+, but with your description of running around, using Disney's choices of rides and times, it sounds like you didn't fully understand how to make your FP selections?
I'm very sorry you had such a horrible time, but everyone is different. Just because it doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it won't work for someone else. I also don't understand how Disney picked two rides FOR you? I'm guessing maybe the ones you wanted weren't available? That's the only time the website will "pick for you" that's I've noticed.
My children's fast passes appear wiped out on MDE and they have 0 listed. Has anyone seen this? We leave tomorrow.
I went in to print everything off and 2 of my children are greyed out?
I do understand that "newbies" might like the "new/improved"(??) FP+ system..since we know: you dont miss what you never had!!

I just returned from 12 days of the WORST, UNMAGICAL WDW TRIP I'VE EVER HAD!!!

For 43 YRS.., "EVERY YEAR", we have been to WDW.,
riding ALL the rides (E ticket/Tier 1) we wanted, starting at Adventure Land and going around finishing at Tomorrow Land, (the suggested route because of the lay of the land..high to low) ALL morning then finishing by early afternoon, then relaxing at the pool in the afternoon...out at night.

I AM ON VACATION and YOU want me to plan 60 days out .....3 attractions & where I will be for 1 hour on a certain day????????

AND ......I CAN'T pick ALL the rides I want??? ...YOU PICK 2 RIDES????? RIDICULOUS !!!!!! AND..... hope they don't conflict with my lunch/dinner ressies.

Disney TELLS me what 2 rides I can do or swap around...then has me running
through the park...from 1 END to another END to arrive at a FP ressie????. OH...change your FP+ while in the parks...NOT for TIER 1 rides!!

I have blown off most 2nd/3rd many
guests, with children, COULD NOT get those times because they were reserved for my party???? Forget about having the kids/family rest in the afternoon.

Why would I now get a "Park Hopper"...I'm spending 3/4 of a day in 1 park???
Went to Fantasmic & the stand-by line was out in the street & when they entered..only the "far left" section was available for seating.
If I choose "Fantasmic" as a FP+......I can't get anything I want ALL DAY (NOW..Tier 1--HA-HA!!) ???

What idiot designed this system???? Have them call me !!!!!
Oh yes..."Balance out the rides"....ABSURD !!!!
Balance this: At the end of the day..The same # of people are on each ride, each day..and if some rides have low attendance maybe a re-hab is in order rather than PUNISHING the guests!!

I want the team/developer of the "new & improved"(HA-HA) FP+ to:

"Bring his/her family to WDW", use FP+ like the common folk.....then tell me how wonderful it was...dragging kids back & forth through the parks from 1 end to the other....and ...take note of ALL the rides he/she and family DIDN'T GET ON!!!!!!!!

Why would I think that Disney would ask the "Dedicated Disney Veterans" what works...BEFORE this horrendous system was implemented. OK...Keep the new method..but...let people "spontaneously" choose rides like the old paper system!!

AGAIN....HELLO....I AM ON V V A A C C A A T T I I O O N N ????



The next step is to "PAY" for extra FP's or something similar.

Sorry Walt....The "Magic" is dead !!!!:faint

I wish I got to go to WDW every year for 43 years. You would think by now you would figure out whens the best time to go.
Funny I just came back and was there last October too. FP+ was a non issue. Never needed them. And when I did it was great to show up and walk on whatever. I did everything I wanted. Some people just love to gripe and turn the energy negative. Another family could have been there when you were and gone home happy as clams. Wonder why? 43 years huh? Maybe its time to take a break from the place you hate? No?
OP: I said many of the same things--possibly all the same things, just worded differently--in a survey I did for WDW after I got home from our trip in January. But apparently they're not listening to me.

One thing that was really annoying to me was how there are now long lines for rides that never had long lines, and I'm pretty sure these lines were created by FP+.

I kind of don't understand how it benefits Disney for more guests to visit the less popular attractions. It's not like they make a specific amount of money for the number of guests on each ride. Is it?

And, WDW, if you're listening--please hold back a certain number of FP+ for that day. Don't book them all 60 days out! Or even 5 days out.
My children's fast passes appear wiped out on MDE and they have 0 listed. Has anyone seen this? We leave tomorrow.
I went in to print everything off and 2 of my children are greyed out?

I haven't personally seen this since February. Other people report Fastpasses disappearing all the time. The system goes down from time to time...

I suggest changing browsers and/or resetting cache and restarting your browser, to begin with.

If all else fails call website support: (407) 939-4357.
tim123 said:
Don't buy into fear. Go. Come back. Then share how it went for you ok?

Share how it went?? Why would they do that knowing snarky replies like the one you gave the OP were waiting for them?
After 32 years of going to Disney (ON OUR TERMS for the most part), we probably had our last trip the first week of May. And we were annual pass holders for over 5 years and lived practically next door to the Disney area.
That said, I would expect most of the replies and opinions will be people telling you how wonderful it was/is/could be if only you knew how to plan. I won't say anything like that. We knew how to plan. When I first heard of the prospective plans, I wasn't a happy camper. Figured it was a good thing we were moving back up north and I wouldn't be down there to frustrate myself and DH.
And THAT said, I felt sorry for the ones who would never know how it was to do Disney without planning every blessed thing you do.
And I was taken aback by the list of rides/attractions that needed (?) fast pass. Things I'd never waited in line for, things I WOULDN'T have waited in line for, etc. The Tier 1 -- if they're still doing it that way -- would mostly have been things we did, but not all of them.
Anyway, I agree with you for the most part. I never planned beyond what the weather would be like or maybe what park we'd go to.
I enjoyed being organized and doing things that we always enjoyed and trying new things when they looked interesting enough. The first time I heard that Living with the Land would be a fast pass attraction, I figured I'd lived too long. Loved Disney and loved it for years. Spent a ton of money there and in the last 18 years always stayed on site.
I'm glad it's a plus for some people, but I totally get that it isn't a plus for us. And apparently a few others too.


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