My Name is Chris and I am a Fort Wilderness Addict..Updated 12/16

While we were hooked up we decided to see what our overall length was, just for curiosity sake. Measured from the spare tire on the trailer to the nose of the truck was nearly 53 feet. We knew the trailer nose to bumper was 29ft 6 inches. So we need to make a grocery run, maybe a walmart trip, and that should be it.

Did you have them note that length on the reservation so they don't put you in a tiny site?
Did you have them note that length on the reservation so they don't put you in a tiny site?

The 30 foot on the trailer is not a problem, I can put the truck in overflow if it won't fit on the site. Biggest issue is how others are parked on their sites when one goes to back into the site.
Biggest issue is how others are parked on their sites when one goes to back into the site.
Yes, Yes, and Yes!

Now, this is not to say that I am an expert at backing our 27' TT, but it makes it more challenging when others "Overflow" their site into an already tight roadway.
I had a tight 90 site the last time I was down a the Fort. I got it in within 2 shots on 4 hours rest and 18 hours of drive time. Of course Disney likes to place those obstacles right were you need to turn. The rest of the loop got the easy to back into sites. LOL
Now, this is not to say that I am an expert at backing our 27' TT, but it makes it more challenging when others "Overflow" their site into an already tight roadway.

I agree with that. And I've seen in this week, I don't know if it's just but Disney use to be more strict about this. In the 300 loop vehicles are half way in the roadway, I remember our first trip I tried to park my truck out of the way, and it was on the grass by our camper, 30 minutes later I had a nice note saying please move your vehicle off the grass and do not park in roadway. I haven't seen any notes on cars this trip.
I agree with that. And I've seen in this week, I don't know if it's just but Disney use to be more strict about this. In the 300 loop vehicles are half way in the roadway, I remember our first trip I tried to park my truck out of the way, and it was on the grass by our camper, 30 minutes later I had a nice note saying please move your vehicle off the grass and do not park in roadway. I haven't seen any notes on cars this trip.
Have to look up TRS and have him whip them into shape on this. :)

I know I try to be uber-careful about making sure my TV doesn't go anywhere near the road and is fully on my site. Since my TT is only 27' it hasn't been an issue for me.
With the big 5er on the 300 loop I could have made the truck fit, but it made site access really tight. So I took it down to overflow, I did it again the next year. This year I am in a premium site so I expect to have lots of room. But if it clogs up the front of the site too much I will just take it to overflow again, much easier to deal with that way.
So today found me back in the freezing cold shoveling the driveway for the third day in a row. It has only been about an inch or two each time, but just a pain to have to shovel. From there moved in to the trailer and fired up the heat, after all the temps outside got to 13 today, windchill was about 8 below. I worked on loading up some of the dishes we had washed, put the electric skillet in it's place and helped the DW make the bed. Spent the evening cleaning camera lenses and filters, and making sure I had everything I need and that it is all packed, ready to go in the truck. So on Monday we will fill the propane tanks so they are full for the trip. Also watching the weather as they have mentioned a storm is possible for next week, as long as it is early we will be good. This time next week looking forward to being in Walterboro, SC.
So at 630 this morning, I was rudely awakened from my slumber, felt my CPAP machine shut down. So figured better check it out and low and behold, power was out. Great. It is -2 degrees outside and the sun is just coming up and no power. So I put on my snowsuit, gloves, and boots to take a walk out and start the generator. Great thing about diesel's, they hate the cold, so after like ten minutes of cranking it finally coughed sputtered and roared to life. Yea, now we have heat and limited power. So take a walk down the road, past the road closed sign and find that someone decided they didn't like the height of the power pole and decided to shorten it with their vehicle. That or they thought the streetlight at the top was too bright and they would darken the area by breaking said light on the roadway. Spoke to the nice man that worked for the power company and he said it would be about 5 hours or so. He was just about spot on. We have now restored power, I have to make a propane run, which I have said for days and we need to refuel the generator, in case something else happens.
There is just something about you and the "Cold" isn't there? I bet you are really looking forward to some warmer weather. :)
Pa, you keep reminding me why I am glad to live in a location that sees minimal snow (if any) and only short bursts of cold weather. Hoping you get out of the frozen tundra without any incidents.
Ah but the shoe goes on the other foot come summer time when the complaints about the heat/humidity start. Plus, those hurricanes don't really impact us in PA like they do in the gulf and southern coastal areas.

I guess it's the devil you know (and can deal with). :)
I guess it's the devil you know (and can deal with). :)
Good points Paul. And then you get St Louis. 0 degrees and snow storms in the winter. Hotter than Disney with the same humidity in the summer. And just to spice it up, a tornado or 2 in the spring and fall to keep you on your toes.

Give me Florida and the Fort any day.

The wind she is a howling, the windchimes are a banging and the light fluffy inch of snow we got last night is blowing all over. Looks like i have to go clear the driveway again, feeling like Bill Murray in Groundhog day with this nuisance snow. Have to really bundle up today as the temp is 6 and the winds so far at just 8 mph making it feel like -7 degrees outside.:cold: Go clear the driveway, and the vehicles off then get ready, have an interview this afternoon for a job.
Yesterday made our walmart run, we got our propane tanks filled, and we are another day closer to arrival :squirrel: at the Fort.:mickeybar
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First off: Good luck on the interview


Don't drive angry...don't drive angry!

First off: Good luck on the interview


Don't drive angry...don't drive angry!

Well thank you interview went well. Now have something to think about while on the road and in Disney. And well never drive angry, driving to Disney is always happy. Temperatures still doing great at -3 and windchill of -20.
Yeah the weather is ugh here in NJ. The last time I checked it was right at 0°F at 9PM. they are talking -6 or lower over night. Then it will be 50 on Tuesday! Go figure.
Hope you can get out of Dodge, PaHunter, when the time comes. :scared:

Bama Ed


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