MOOvers on the MOOve Again

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merry christmas moovers!!!!!!! :santa::santa::santa:

We had to wake the kids at 8:00 this morning. :eek: All was opened in ALOT less time than it took me to wrap it last night. :rotfl2:

Hope everyone has a blessed day with their family! :grouphug:
Lexi, thanks for checking in. Wish you around more :hug:

My poor hubby overdid it last night on the bowle (strawberry/champagen/wine punch) and is suffering today. No snacking on leftovers for him today, he's still in bed. :sad2: I got the house halfway picked up of boxes and various dishes/cup/glasses/boxes/paper, but I need to empty the dishwasher from last night and reload, then we should be back to a decent looking house. Which I need to have since my nephew from Germany and 2 of his friends can drop by at any time over the next few days. :eek:

Hope everyone is having a lovely day!
What a crazy time we've had the past two days! Can't wait to just chill tomorrow. I'm liking that tomorrow is Saturday.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Nice to see everyone checking in.

Have a great night.
hope everyone christmas...wishes..came with....pixiedust:

we had a really special one. mostly because ...i was able to find.. midge doll....for my wife. she :love: it. & i got these old type

letterman we will be a matched ~couple next year

..@ blt. :hug:

here's comes..the new year. made me think....where iam @... today.

would have never guess.[the last 10 years....were supposed to have
been quiet, getting ready for retirement..instead....we were doing things..,
...all over the world. ] it's like what we "thought"..was successful...totally
beyond what we could had imagined. isn't that odd? alot of it, because
this lil' baby girl decided to crash our party.

... the other day, she counseled her older brothers..." it's tough becoming
a woman"....i just about burst :lmao:

we didn't planned for her either...funny how she worked out. as for

life,..surprises are the sweetest things on earth. then in time, some
bad things..can turn out good....if you keep your faith. amazing
how one misdirection can cross roads with destiny. i met this lady
this summer...& she sure had an interesting secret. her grandparents
were close friends..with walt disney, & they even took cruises
together...needless to say, their family pictures are pretty pixiedust:

sooo are you all preparing for some year? :rolleyes1
Why is the DIs so dang slow today? not that I tried to post earlier, LOL.

Poor hubby overindulged last night (after the party, while opening presents) and spent Xmas day in bed suffering a hangover (he rarely drinks anymore, so I guess that caught up with him, but the Bowle was too tempting), but managed to get up at 2 AM to go to work.

I really really really need to get my nails done. Why is it so dreary every weekend? I never want to go out then. But I waited WAYYY too long, my nails are a mess.I'm trying to get my energy up to call and see how busy the are and then go, my guess is thats its pretty slow.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I am sooooooooo glad it's over.
But my annual party is tradition. My niece, 43 now, said that day, we have been doing this at Uncle Mickey's house all my life, it's tradition! Well, not quite all her life, LOL, I would have been 14 when she was born. But at least my house gets a good cleaning once a year, even though my nerves get shot,

OK, enough procrastinating, gotta get my butt in gear and suffer for 1 1/2 hours of nail torture.

NAB, YAY for the batphone! Can you steel it from DH?

Pumba, I remember the days of this pesky Mod popping in, LOL. Glad you stuck around!

DS opened his heavenly soft, winter blue, winter weight pajamas I sent him and declared the GAY!:eek:
:wave: Moovers -

Remember me? Thanks so much for the Christmas cards! :goodvibes I have my cards, and stamps - just didnt make it to the post office - hope y'all dont mind New Year cards!! (I'm determined to get them in the mail!)

I have sporadic computer time - but I hope to be around A LOT more often - when I return from Disney that is!! ;)

Christmas was a joy - DS#1 and his DW and her sister (17) joined us Christmas Eve, spent the night - with their 2 dogs, and our new puppy - what a lively time we had!! DS#2 and his gf joined us Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day - it was a day filled with love (one bump in the road - dd refused to join us for dinner - "not hungry" RIDICULOUS )

DS#2 and DH had a cinnamon roll contest - we got to eat the results!! :rotfl2: YUM!!

I am suffering from Trochanteric Bursitis ( a HUGE pain in the hip) and I am not walking well at all. The pain just keeps me awake at night, keeps me from training for that Half Marathon in 12 days :faint: I am having nightmares, and crying jags.

DH got a job!! :yay: it doesnt start till Jan 24 :cry: so we're still crossing our fingers!


today everyone is catching up on sleep - this puppy, Zues, is so perfect! BEST present! DH takes care of him, unlike the last dogs I adopted! I'm very thankful!

Anyone enjoy beer?

There is this GREAT German Restaurant in Chicago that has this 2L boot - DS got it for Christmas, DH got the beer! (note in the back the case of Jamisons :rotfl: that is just a box - but when I looked at this picture it cracked me up!!)

So we really enjoyed our Christmas!!
Darn I unsubscribed to our thread using his phone !

Moo-- don't know how you do this....

We are out and about because mil was sick yesterday so we are going tommorrow for our second Christmas .
Hello my friends! I have been trying to get over here for 3 days to thank y'all for the lovely Christmas cards!

Cel, I absolutely LOVED pretty! And so sweet of you to take the time to make cards! Brava!

Allie and NAB, I got your cards just this afternoon! Thanks so very much!

Unfortunately, I never found the time to get cards done this year. First time in about 18 years! However, my Christmas Eve and Christmas Day parties were a smashing success, and Boris and Natasha had exactly the kind of holiday I'd hoped for! Couldn't ask for a better Christmas......two joyous days filled with love and family. :goodvibes

I'm so glad that the kids are on break from school until January 4. It's such a nice reprieve for them to be able to lounge and play and enjoy some downtime after the craziness of the holidays.
We just finished our family Christmas party here .......I am plum tuckered out, COOKING all day and cleaning and more cooking. We had the "bestest" time as our youngest Granddaughter said....She is 3.....The kids got papa and I a Wii and some stuff that goes with it.....I was so excited that I could hardly contain myself.......Also going to enjoy Barnes and Noble gift cards for my favorite past time......Reading...
I am stuffed and tired. I didnt sleep well last night as I went over my time table of cooking for today...Pies had to be made (hubby made the giant pie) and I made a blueberry pie...
Megara is snoring on the floor...she is plum tuckered out too.....

Thanks Marita for telling me that.......means alot I can tell you that.

And Cel did an outstanding job on the cards.......thanks to the rest of you great people for your Christmas wishes you all...
Sandy! thanks for finally checking in. :hug:

I was so worried about you, I left you some pm's here and on FB.

Sorry about the hip pain, YIKES.

, loved your newsletter. Nab and Allie, thanks for the cards and great pics!

NAB, you unsubscribed? :scared1:

Lynette, your parties were a great success? Who'd have thunk!! :rotfl:

The "Year in Review" shows finally started. Love 'em! Except the one on CNN that is supposed to be on right now got preempted by the terrorist attempt on the plane today, GRRR!!!!!!!!!

MOO, please note, this is PAGE 249
Sandy! thanks for finally checking in. :hug:

I was so worried about you, I left you some pm's here and on FB.

Sorry about the hip pain, YIKES.

, loved your newsletter. Nab and Allie, thanks for the cards and great pics!

NAB, you unsubscribed? :scared1:

Lynette, your parties were a great success? Who'd have thunk!! :rotfl:

The "Year in Review" shows finally started. Love 'em! Except the one on CNN that is supposed to be on right now got preempted by the terrorist attempt on the plane today, GRRR!!!!!!!!!

MOO, please note, this is PAGE 249
Lynette, your parties were a great success? Who'd have thunk!! :rotfl:

The "Year in Review" shows finally started. Love 'em! Except the one on CNN that is supposed to be on right now got preempted by the terrorist attempt on the plane today, GRRR!!!!!!!!!

MOO, please note, this is PAGE 249

Awwww, thanks Marita. I think I'll take that as a compliment, if you don't mind!

I like the "Year in Review" shows too. I think it's a good idea to take this time of year to reflect on what this year meant to us. Sometimes those shows can put things into perspective, KWIM? 249 already?!?!
Cel, I absolutely LOVED pretty! And so sweet of you to take the time to make cards! Brava!
What? That old thing? It's just something I threw together.
I'm glad you all liked them. I had a ton of fun making them.

One more Christmas party tomorrow. I'm making a second chocolate, cream cheese peppermint icing cake.
Marita is trying to get us to page 250 faster by posting twice. :lmao:

Yes I unsubscribed but posting put me back on the list. The text is so small instead of hitting last page I hit that instead. Then of course hubby shows me how to make the scene get bigger...duh. Learning curve.

We went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks tonight. Cute movie. Thought it would be packed since it was the first weekend but I guess everyone was out at the mall getting bargins. :confused3

Glad you all like your cards. Allie no shovel needed now for my card to get here, we have had rain and wicked wind for the last two days. All we see grass now.
What? That old thing? It's just something I threw together.
I'm glad you all liked them. I had a ton of fun making them.

One more Christmas party tomorrow. I'm making a second chocolate, cream cheese peppermint icing cake.

Thank you for taking the time!! I truly appreciate it!!

(and I'm sure they have New Year Cards!!! :wizard:)

Marita I havent checked in on FB - I hear there is a nasty virus going around!!

:rotfl2: posting twice!!

sure reminds me of the "good ole days" of posting, turning pages...

Nab - Congrats on the new present

Pumba - it is exhausting, but so worth it, the cooking all day!! I made dozens of cookies for Christmas Day dessert - and I had to remake them - THREE TIMES!! roflol
how many posts before the page turns???

What are you doing New Year's Eve?
Nice to see you, Sandy! I had also been wondering how you were doing :grouphug: I'm so happy to heat that your hubby got another job :thumbsup2

Marita - I will start another thread in the morning!
Hi all. Sorry I've been MIA, I keep up with everyone who is on Facebook, but I just hadn't made it here. No good excuse. :(

But I had to post a picture of Ellie in her Christmas dress. :) I promise to come back now too.


At their 4 month check ups, Ellie was longer and weighed more than Mercedes. Finally! She is getting so big and chunky. She is sooooooooooooo sweet.

What's going on around here?
Hi, wb MP, missed you around here. SO we got 2 lost sheep back in a day, YAY!

I was on the phone with my 3 new best friends from India last night until after 4am, when my phone battery died in the middle of upgrading my speed, grrrrrr!
My entire PC was wiped clean to factory fresh status, so I had to find here, FB and work again. And it's still slow as molasses, and im getting error messages, so I need to call them back. On top of that, my nephew from Germany just called, he's in Sarasota and looking for me to book him and his 2 buddies a hotel room at Disney :eek: Sure hope they dont want to come by my house today, last thing I need. I'm stressed enough already!

ok, i better go look for a room , danggitt!
Morning folks........can you believe it.......another 250 page of posting goodness.......We could do a year of the posts review right here.....and it would all be wonderful...
As far as seeing some of the MIA's.....its like family.....we get to see them and then enjoy our time together getting together .....with my friends and family at home and then our friends and "family" right here ....

NYE I think papa and I settle down for a long winters nap....or maybe we will have family come over to visit.....and then New Years Day...we are doing the perpetual Christmas again......YES it is one of those is coming to celebrate with us ......I do love it.....but this time I am ordering finger rolls and salads and mini pastries.....I am done with the cooking and the baking ....well at least for a week or so.....SO yes I may cook again......I love to feed the troops......
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